You watching from afar

Love from distances

Dear Hopeful,

I see that you have a wonderful furture ahead of you. I remeber that that day, it was 4 years ago. The weather wasn't bad, that day my heart was hurting because the girl I though I had love was going to marry my brother. I held that girl because she needed a hug and comfort as much as I did. So why did you want to tell me now? What cause the change in you to want to tell me now? I understand some girls just keep it to themselfs, while others would tell the person right way. But I believe you do are the type to rather not say. I know you don't lack respect,but courage to face me yourself. You dont have the confedence to face me yourself.


Dear Angel,

I know I lack the courage to face you. But I....... we have met before when we were  younger. I know you don't remember me. I told you I liked you once before and............... You said that that you don't like me, it's a mistake. You also told me to never talk to you again. I had to move with my move that year.  So I didn't talk to you again. I........................................................................................................................................


Dear Hopeful

 Im sorry. But why did you wait until now to talk to talk to me again? what difference does it make from then and now? Please answer soon.      - Angel



 One month had passed by, since Angel last reveived a letter. Angel finaly found the secret girl behind the letters.




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angel102live #1
any thought? good or bad? changes??????