Between the both of us.

Love from distances

Dear Angel

 I guess what I should say is that being like this is enough for me. Besides I dont think you would accept me. You are the ideal of every girl on campus and I'm a no-name girl from some town. Not to mention every single girl you have been dating has been harrassed by your so called fan club. They may look innonce but their jealousy is deeper and darker then any black bottomless pit. I don't think you can handle being the prince charming and knight 'n armor to protect every maiden that falls into your arms. Yes I have fallen for you. You own my heart, mind and soul, but believe me I am no damzal 'n distress. I haven't lost commen sense to you. I am no stalker.We met at a theme park. You and your friends were out.  There was this little girl who seprated from her mom. She was alone,terrifried,and upset. You were the only one who approached her and bringed her comfort, stayed with her until evrything was going to be okay. You didn't have you, but you did. Your friends laughed about it and tesed you a bit, spreading rooms that you only did that because of a sinlge hot mom but I knew better. You didn't sow the little girl that you were lusting. You......Showed her the safety she needed. That day I saw a persn who was ideal to me. ............... My father had left me when I was six. And my mother single-handledly supported me. I never thought about having a men in my life..... until that day.  I couldn't trust a guy enough to be in my live. I  don't need two men in my life to walk away from me when I need them the most.  When you held that girl I saw...... I felt as if you were the one to not let go once you held a precious being and will treasure that gift.  


Dear Hopeful

 I understand the way you feel now. I am more curious about you. Are you sure that you are in love? If so how would/ could you be so sure about it? You may be confusing these feeling with admiring. I would have notice a girl to be staring at me. Anyway I also wanted you let you know, I do admire the way you write your letters.  It shows that you went to school amd that your mother raised you well. ( Not that your mother needed to be told that.) I see you hold much in your heart as you do in the action and words you speak. I don't mind being your friend. I want to hear more about you. Along the way I will share my own life.(Maybe.) Am I really this closed to to you and not know you didn't even knew your exsitents? Oh and Im sorry abut the men that wasn;t there to care for you. My family seems perfect to you I guess.  We have Satdays dinner. I rarely see my mother but she is in my life. My father is not home otfen for the week but his weekends are for family. I have a younger brother. I want to be married at around 25. And be around my family often. I hate baseball and prefer scoccer.


Dear Angel

 Thanks for sharing. I.... I should ask what do you want to know. Im not cinderella but I can cook,clean, and I have a part time job. I try to make a beeter furture for myself. I am afraid to be be left. I like to over acheive in everthing I do. I hate to give up the most. One thing I expect from every one is respect. I dislike others who judge and dont give an effect to understand. I want you  to understand that I don't expect you to love me like the way I love you. I know what love is and this is it. Or it's fate being very hurtful. I liked you for two years,and I wanted to say that I admire you but not true either. I feel an attraction to you that is growing stronger. I can stand rejections. I hope you just don't send wrong singals or I may read them wrong. 



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angel102live #1
any thought? good or bad? changes??????