Love from distances


broken heart      I wanted to tell you how I feel but never have the face to break a good friendship to tell you face to face again. I shed tears for you before. I thought I was done with my heartaches for you but fate won't tell me do so. Therefore this was created. A girl give letters for the guy she likes. Magicly he answers her back. Friendship is a start. This is based on the love letters I want to write you and things I want to say to you but never reached you. A letter from my heart to you. heart



It might shed some trears. I know I will crying Comment if you want.


Dear Angel

I know you get many letters like this one but I hope you take time to read what I have to say. I have been heads for heels for you since you walked into my world. I haven't notice the day or time since you been around.My heart is filled with you so much now that I just had to let you know I simply love you. No you don't need a name for I have none when you are besides me. I can see your smiles are never faked and masked on. Your eyes light up when you laugh from your heart. I fear if I get to close you will melt my ice stone soul. Since you can't see me I know you  dont hold expections of me. You are in no olbligation to reply, regardless I will await your reply. Until then I send my feelings to you though the wnd.                                                                                          




 Dear Hopeful,


Your feelings can get get lost though the wind. I am glad you like me but I find it odd that I don't even know who you are.... But I guess it doesn't matter cuz right now I am not with anyone.I hope you are not one of those stalker type. (They are not cute and very creepy). How long have you liked me? I want you to know since I can;t see you and I just met you that if I seem insencetive then you should say that I am being insencetive. I would like to know nore about you if possible. In case you haven't notice I am curruntly looking for my ideal girl that I can be with for this life time. I hold my own standard for the that's with me. I would tell you but I don't want you to use them and end up being different. I don't want fanstanys, or to be on the next Bachleor. How did you like me anyway? Did we meet and I don't remeber? I appologized if I can't remember names very well either.




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angel102live #1
any thought? good or bad? changes??????