We'll meet someday far away

Love from distances

Hopeful: I can't believe you found me. But I think I maded it clear.

Angel: You once wrote that we met when we were younger. I do remember a girl said she liked me. She was my best friend.I remember saying that and all of a sudden she left. I felt really sad. I forgot about you when I entered middle school. Sorry. I should have came sooner or visted at least.

 Hopeful: It's okay. I told you I was a no named girl. Besides You were like any other kids. But you were the first to asked me to play with you. I knew you were kind. I found out I was sick only 4 years ago. On the day I met you I fell for you all over again. < coughs>

 Angel: Hey, I....  um If its not too late may I date you for the time being. We can have a small date here if you can't leave the bed.

 Hopeful: No, I don't want you to feel obligated to date me besides, it's only 3 months. They said that I would be better.

 For the first time Angel forced a smile. During the next 3 months were the most amazing cherrished monments of Hopeful's life.  They had special times to get back but Angel had took her to the mall, shopping and small nice dinners. He either paid himself or cooked. He spent most of his time with her. He did liked her. But He knew better. Her family were told that she will not make it pass the next year.

 He found her though one of his friends. Angel was never the type to believed in rumors. He head there was a girl that went here and she was back to school. Fated on her was a rare uncurable disease that starts in the blood. Slowly speading. It would take some time but the person would never live pass 18. The girl was in and out of the hospital frequently durring the pass year. Angel slowly put the pieces of the puzzle in his mind. The reason the girl wanted to talk to him now was because she was running out time. Now only he could give her something that would make the pain faded a bit.

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angel102live #1
any thought? good or bad? changes??????