Chapter 3

Kyungsoo and Jongin (with friends)

Sorry for the long time it took to update, I forgot I had actually started the chapter, but no worries the next chapter willl be out soon!

Gif irrelevent to story, but relevent to life.


Kyungsoo pounds on the door a few times as Chan Yeol points and laughs at him through the window. He really can't believe he fell for such a simple trick. Chan Yeol walks away, still laughing, and leaves Kyungsoo to slink to the floor with a loud cry for help. Jongin stands tot he side surprised at the elder’s sudden acts of despair. He his lips and begins to muse up a plan when Kyungsoo suddenly looks up and his solemn eyes begin to bore into his face. Jongin doesn't remember his mouth being this dry before.


“H-hey,now, it’s going to be okay, hyung. They left us water, chips, and even banana milk.” Jongin begins nervous but by the end of his sentence his eyes are shining and he's smiling brightly like a kid at an amusement park. Kyungsoo looks towards the stage and there are indeed boxes of snacks, refreshments and yes, even banana milk. Just how long where his friends planning to keep him locked in the auditorium?


“Jongin, how exactly did they get you to come to the auditorium?” Kyungsoo gets up and wipes his hands on his jeans before walking towards the stage, Jongin quietly follows behind Kyungsoo his shoes barely making any noise against the wooden floor.

"They just asked me to come here during seventh period." Jongins practically glowing as he answers.

“I’ll take inventory of what food we have, you should search for other exits and see if there locked too.” Kyungsoo orders. Jongin stops smiling and the dazed look gets replaced by a confused stare.


“Hyung, why are you treating this like it’s a mission for survival? They'll let us out by the end of the period.” Jongin looks uneasy as his eyes take a peek at the clock, they’ve only been locked in for a little over ten minutes but Kyungsoo looks so sure that he doesn't know what to believe. Kyungsoo recalls the time that Chan Yeol and Baek Hyun had locked Jongdae in the janitors closet in the morning, and had had to recruit a small team to sneak in after hours to retrieve him.


“Knowing Chan Yeol, he’ll forget we’re here ‘till school ends or worse tomorrow. This is a mission for survival.”




__ __



 6 hours till school ends


"Oh my god hyung, you were right, they're never gonna come for us were gonna die in here. They forgot about us. I'm gonna die and I haven't even had my first kiss yet and-"

"Shut up." Kyungsoo yells from on the stage. Jongins quieted down but he's still pacing back and forth in panic. His shoes have already made scuff marks on the floor. Jongins stops and looks up towards Kyungsoo his hands are trembling.

"We've been here for an hour, hyung. An hour. Do you know what that means? They left us to die."

Kyungsoo rubs the sleep out of his eyes and sits up to take a look at the clock, and Jongins right they've been locked in the room for a little over an hour. He turns his eyes back towards Jongin who has resumed pacing again. How can he resume sleeping with this kid making so much noise panicking?

“Jongin come over here.” Kyungsoo beckons Jongin towards the stage. Jongin hesitates but after a few seconds hastily makes his way and climbs up the stage standing awkwardly as close to the edge as he possibly can.

“Come over here.” Kyungsoo repeats patting the space next to him. Jongin sits down but keeps arms lengths distance away from Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo sighs half-heartedly before sliding his rolled up blazer towards Jongin.

“Here. Lay down and go to sleep.” Jongin complies easlily enough but his hands don’t stop shaking till he’s out cold, sprawled out like a starfish. Kyungsoo decides it’s time to finish what he started and puts his head on his arm before resuming his nap.


_ _

4 hours and 30 minutes till school ends


“Hyung wake up!”


Kyungsoo stands immediately startled and frightened all at once. Jongin is smearing his face back and forth on the hard wood, pounding both his fists into the floor and Kyungsoo is pretty sure he’s crying.


“W-what’s wrong?” Kyungsoo eyes Jongin warily but makes no move to get any closer; he can’t really think straight himself. His eyes are still blurry and he might be shaking from anxiety.


“They-they….”  Jongin quickly trails off and begins pounding the floor again with his already bruised hands. Kyungsoo is no longer full of hesitation as he goes over to Jongin and forcefully shakes his shoulders. Did school already end? Did I sleep that long? Kyungsoo questions himself as he shakes Jongin with purpose.




“Spit it out!”


“They didn’t give us enough banana milk!” Jongin wails. Tears are running down his face as he wails even harder. Kyungsoo blink once, then twice, then three times, the surprise becoming more prominent on his face each time. This kid will be the death of him.


“You mean to tell me, not only did you wake me up by almost giving me a heart attack, but you drank all of the banana milk. More or less twenty ing cartons of it.”  Kyungsoo doesn’t yell, no, it’s too ridiculous to yell at.


“If you don’t stop crying by the time I count down from five I’m going to smack you.” Kyungsoo threatens.


“But hyung-“




“Hyung I really ca-“




“OKAY HYUNG. Just like, let me finish.” Jongin yells back before wiping at his face with the back of his bruised hands. He’s pouting and staring at Kyungsoo expectantly once he’s done wiping his face.


“Fine.” Kyungsoo sighs walking over to his bag and pulling out a carton of banana milk. Jongins whole face lights up and the only remnants of him ever crying are the tear streaks staining his face. Kyungsoo tosses it over and Jongin catches it, opens it and begins to gulp it down. Kyungsoo rubs the weariness out of his before glancing at the clock and groaning. It hasn’t even been two hours.


“Thank you, hyung. You’re a life saver.”  Jongins still grinning as he sits down at the edge of the stage and begins to swing his legs back forth. This is the first time Kyungsoo has ever seen some one practically glowing over the prospect of drinking banana milk, but this isn’t the first time Kyungsoo hands have become clammy and it also isn’t the first time Kyungsoo feels a strange, almost nauseating warmth travel up his spine and settle on his chest, so he pushes it down clears his throat and tell Jongin to go back to sleep before laying down and closing his eyes again.



4 Hours till school ends.



“Hyung, oh my god, I really have to pee.” Jongin belts squeezing and twisting his legs tightly together. Kyungsoo sighs for the umpth time and gets up to knock at the locked auditorium doors. He jiggles the handle one more time before looking at the window. The halls are empty, almost like a ghost town. Usually students are bustling around the hallways trying to get to their next class or trying to stay away from them, either way the halls are never dead empty.


“Jongin, why are the halls empty?” Kyungsoo gestures towards the window mildly flabbergasted.


“You didn’t hear? There’s a big rally going on in the gym for a fundraiser. It was announced over the loud speaker this morning. Were you sleeping?” Jongins face puckered oddly at an attempt to keep him from peeing on himself and Kyungsoos glad he’s so distracted with that, um, personal problem, so he won’t notice Kyungsoo flush embarrassedly.


“What time is it supposed to end?” Kyungsoo ignores Jongins question in favor of jiggling the handle a few more times, then slides down the door to his knees and rests his face on the floor.


“I don’t know I fell asleep, Se Hun had told me about it.”




3 hours till school ends.


Kyungsoo has taken to banging his head repeatedly on the door shouting for some one, any one, to help. Jongin is no help as he is in the fetal position in the corner rocking himself.


2 hours till school ends.


“Hyung if nobody comes to help us I’m going to end up being in the corner. I can’t take this anymore, my bladder is going to explode any second now!” Jongin is pulling at his hair and pacing again. Kyungsoo stands up when he looks over and sees Jongin about to un-do his zipper.


“KIM JONGIN DON’T YOU DARE!” Kyungsoo runs over and pulls Jongin to the floor before anything can be soiled.


“You just need a distraction.”  Kyungsoo wipes his hands on his jeans before his gestures for Jongin to begin speaking.


“Hyung I know this is the wrong time to say this, but why didn’t you want to hang out with me? I’m a cool guy.” Jongin says the sentence as though he had memorized it, no confidence or bite behind his words. Kyungsoo pats his knee sympathetically, rejection is never easy to handle.


“I have a lot of things on my plate, the only times I do hang out is when my friends force me to.” Kyungsoo tries to smile reassuringly but he’s pretty sure it looks more like a grimace; he’s lying through his teeth. He shakes off the dirty feeling lying comes with and stands back up to walk away from Jongin, he’s pouting, but looks reassured.



1 hour till school ends.



“I can’t stay here all day I have to feed my children.” Jongin is back in to panic mode leaving Kyungsoo to digest what he had just said.


“Ch-ch-children? You have kids?” Kyungsoo stutters out surprised. He understands Jongin looks like a stud, but kids? , he just cried over banana milk four hours ago. He’s a kid himself, well Kyungsoo doesn’t know Jongin that well, maybe he’s completely different outside of school. What if he’s a player? What if he just sleeps around with everyone? Are they all from the same mom? Are they even his? What if he found them on the street and took them in? What if-


“Yeah, I have three babies, Jjongu, Monggu, and Jjangah. I love them so much.”


Jjangu, Monggu, Jjangah those sound a lot like….


“Are they your ing pets?” Kyungsoo screeches half relieved and half in anger, he had almost had a mental breakdown.


“They’re my dogs, do you want to see them? I have pictures of them in my wallet, hold on a second.” Jongin starts running towards where he left his bag but stops suddenly clutching his stomach.


“Hyung, it’s coming.” Jongin looks towards Kyungsoo his face is pale and scrunched up as though he had eaten something incredibly sour.


“W-whats coming?” Kyungsoo jogs over to Jongin and rub at his back awkwardly trying to soothe him.


“I gotta go, NOW.” Jongin has sweat beading on his forehead and gliding down the side of his cheek. No, not now. He’s not ready yet.


“Jongin, please hold it.” Kyungsoo is panicking by now, switching from pulling on to his hair to tugging on Jongins arm. Jongin shakes him off and Kyungsoo turns around when his hands reach for his zipper.


“What the is going on in here?” A loud voice yells from the doors. Kyungsoo turns and it’s Chan Yeol. Kyungsoo had never been so angry, relied, and overjoyed at the same time. Jongin is out the door before Chan Yeol can so much as utter another word. Joonmyun enters covering his face guiltily.


“What did you do to him, he looked like he was crying. Did you make cry?” Chan Yeol is visibly shaking and Kyungsoo wants to punch him so bad but he decides against, he just really wants to get to work so he can go home.


“He cried because we ran out of banana milk. Please no more questions.” Kyungsoo picks up his bag and shoves Chan Yeol out of the way before leaving. He really should’ve never went to school today.

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Chapter 2: Your story is HILARIOUS! LOVE IT! Haha I could totally imagine Kyungsoo stuck in that window lol. Can't wait to read more. Update soon ^^