Chapter 1

Kyungsoo and Jongin (with friends)

Kyungsoo thought he had a pretty decent life, a caring umma and appa, a brother too far away to bother, and friends who cared- they were , but still cared, well Yixing and Joonmyeon anyways. He wasn't ugly, or at least he thought he wasn't, and he had good grades. Kyungsoo believed his life was full to the brim with after school clubs, part-time jobs, and just school in general. He couldn't fathom why or in fact how his friends could still manage to find time to do the stupidest things, like that time they broke Kyungsoo's left leg, or right now.


"Just do it." Jongdae repeated for at least the 5th time while clutching Minseoks arm. Joonmyeon pouted and looked away refusing to give in to the peer pressure, though he was only postponing what was bound to happen when it was all 9 of them, nobody got away unscathed.


"Do it." Chan Yeol parroted Jongdae pushing Joonmyeon towards the haphazardly stacked chairs. He remained un-budged pout still on his face while he eyed Yi Fan, who of course refused to make eye contact. Chan Yeol laughed and begun to take down a few chairs from the stack, making the pile seem less intimidating, but still pretty high. Joonmyeon has always had a good tactic of evading things. A cute or sad pout, and eye contact with right person and BAM, Joonmyeon was always set free of this torture, but sadly, well sadly for Joonmyeon, Yi Fan wasn't even facing the commotion anymore, back towards Joonmyeon and desperately looking at the floor. Yixing was cheering Chan Yeol and Jongdae on from besides Yi Fan, dimple never fading.


"Come on, nobodies going to get hurt." Baek Hyun said holding Joonmyeons stiff shoulder. Kyungsoo glared up at him from his place on the floor and prayed that his stare could somehow burn holes through Baek Hyuns thick skull, someone always got hurt, and the same words were always said. Baek Hyun sensed Kyungsoo glare and quickly chuckled.


"You can't get that hurt." Baek Hyun states slowly hand covering his mouth to stop a stream of ‘totally manly’ giggles. Chan Yeol took it as his initiative and clapped Joonmyeons shoulder as a sign of support before dashing a good distance away. Joonmyeon seeing no way out began to take of his blazer and loosen up his tie.

"Short legs are for jumping high."  Lu Han laughed, and that line sounded very familiar to Kyungsoo, because that was the same thing said to him before he ended up with a broken leg. Kyungsoo prayed for a teacher to walk in on them, for Joonmyeons safety. Then Kyungsoo remembered Joonmyeon finishing his orange juice in the morning and immediately asked Chan Yeol to return the stack of 4 chairs to 7.


Joonmyeon stood back on wall and gave a harsh glare towards Chan Yeol stacking up the chairs again before he returned his glare to Yi Fan who simply gave a small apologetic smile. Joonmyeon, with one last huff, took off into a sprint.


_ _


“And how exactly did Joonmyeon sprain his ankle and dislocate his shoulder?” Ms. Park asked suspiciously. This isn’t the first time Kyungsoo has been in this situation, it’s just his and Yixings turn to answer the questions.


“His shoes were untied and he fell down the stairs.” Yixing recited. Kyungsoo, Joonmyeon and him had practiced their story on the way to the nurse, it was a simple lie, but a believable one. Ms.Park sighed, and wrote down on her clipboard, before shooing them off to class. Kyungsoo stopped outside the door to the nurse’s office staring, stuck in place.


“Oh, he’s cute.” Yixing says following Kyungsoo’s stare towards the boy, dark hair frazzled and ice pack held over his stoic jaw. Kyungsoo sighed and walked forward, away from the admittedly cute boy, he was not going to deal with this. Not now at least, his friends were too much. Yixing caught up quickly, dimpled grin already in place. Kyungsoo braced him self, Yixing was an angel. Too much of an angel, never catching on for his own good.


“That’s Jongin, he’s a year below us.” Yixing ruffled Kyungsoo’s hair playfully. The halls were empty everyone in class as they walked back. Kyungsoo huffed as he sped up. Yixing followed his pursuit steps soon in sync with his. He frowned once he noticed Yixing was still smiling at his disgruntled expression and he pushed ahead of him into the auditorium where Chan Yeol and Jongdae had stood behind to clean up.


"How did it go?" Chan Yeol asked, pacing back and forth, chairs already neatly back in place as though some one had never tried to jump over 7 of them and then fallen into the rest and probably had gotten blood on the floor. Jongdae was sitting not to far away eating grin still plastered on his face.


"We saw Jongin." Yixing cut Kyungsoo off before he could curse the two out. Kyungsoo sighed heavily as Chan Yeol immediately became flustered, denying accusations that were yet to be made.


"Why would I want to know about Ki- Jongin, who is that anyway? Pfft like I would care about somebody younger th- I mean like I would care." Chan Yeol stuttered out, eyeing Jongdae warily. Jongdae simply shrugged, not wanting to deal with Chan Yeol and his mild creepiness.


"Why do you know so much about Jongin, Chan Yeol?" Kyungsoo asked glaring at Chan Yeol's face, which quickly became red. Chan Yeol opened and closed his mouth repeatedly unable to form the correct words.


“ You know what? I don’t care I have to get to class.” Kyungsoo picked up his left behind book bag and quickly left leaving behind a giggling Yixing, still grinning Jongdae and flustered Chan Yeol.


_ _


Kyungsoo wrote down his notes furiously, as the teacher droned on about the importance of equations, which frankly Kyungsoo did not care about, he just needed to pass. He barely glanced up when a piece of paper landed on his desk, but he was forced to when his chair was roughly kicked from behind. Kyungsoo picked up the piece of paper with a frown, he really didn’t need to get in trouble again after already coming late.


“How’s Joonmyeon?” The messy hangul read, as Kyungsoo pondered over whether or not to write back. The note was obviously from Yi Fan, the only other in his class that would actually ask about Joonmyun’s well being.


“He is fine hyung.” Kyungsoo wrote before throwing the note back on the desk behind him and pointedly ignoring the rest of Yi Fans kicks towards his chair, and the whispers of, “ but why isn’t he here then.”


_ _



Kyungsoo grabbed his bag quickly and planned to leave Yi Fan behind when he was stopped by a beautiful man, Jongin. Jongin smiled shyly at Kyungsoo’s wide doe like eyes before sticking out his hand, the one not holding on to an ice pack, for Kyungsoo to shake. Kyungsoo stared at the large tan hand before realization hit him and he immediately latched on to it, shaking up and down vigorously while Jongin tiptoed his way around his introductions.


“My name is Kim Jongin, and Ms. Park sent me to tell you that Junmyun went home.” Jongin let go of Kyungoos hand, ears bright red from holding on to a hand that has long since gone limp in his.


“Thank you, now if you could go repeat that to the basketball captain, Wu Yi Fan, right over there I would be very thankful.” Kyungsoo smiled up brightly at the obviously still flustered boy, before pointing at the fuming blonde who reverted his glare when Kyungsoo looked towards him. Later he would argue he was not in fact eavesdropping.


Jongin shook his head as though to clear his thoughts before he looked Kyungsoo in the eyes again.


_ _



“So he asked to meet you after school and you said no?” Baek Hyun practically shrieked at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo glared up at Baek Hyun who had taken the time to actually lean over the table to get into his face.


“Who told you this? I sure as hell didn’t.” Kyungsoo pushed Baek Hyun back into his seat and wringed his hands around his neck and squeezed. Baek Hyun quickly sputtered unintelligible words, right hand latching onto Kyungsoo’s and left hand pointing towards a tall lanky boy with nonchalant eyes. Kyungsoo stared blankly for a few seconds before letting his grip go slack around Baek Hyuns neck.

“And who the hell might that be?”




“Who the hell is Sehun?”


“Zitao’s boyfriend”


Kyungsoo stared at Baek Hyun with disbelief before tightening his grip around his neck again. He shook Baek Hyun vehemently while Chan Yeol tried to pry his hands off of the neck that was already a deep shade of red, the first signs of bruising. Kyungsoo’s glare was enough to have Chan Yeol backing off and going off to find someone much stronger.


“AND WHO THE HELL IS ZITAO?” Kyungsoo screamed at Baek Hyun causing many heads to turn and Chan Yeol to coming running with Minseok hot on his tail.


_ _



After Kyungsoo was seated, and sated Baek Hyun was able to explain how Yi Fans friend, Zitao, had a boyfriend named, Sehun, who came up to him to demand answers as to why Jongin was rejected so harshly.


“How did Zitao find out I rejected Jongin.” Kyungsoo turned to Yi Fan and took a step to wrap his hands around his neck, but was quickly grabbed by Minseok.


“I don’t know, I wasn’t eavesdropping.” Yi Fan answered, but his eyes rested on the empty plate in front of him. Jongdae coughed loudly succeeding in catching everyone’s attention.


“But why did you reject Jongin? He’s like really hot, and cool, and like not a .” Jongdae waved his hands around for emphasis on his evaluation.


“Who said I liked boys?” Kyungsoo questioned blankly. Jongdae stood frozen, jaw slack as he looked to Lu Han for answers before returning his gaze back to Kyungsoo after realizing everyone else was in a similar state.


“Didn’t you-you didn’t …… you didn’t come out to us already?” Jongdae stuttered eyes still wide in disbelief at the recent discovery. Kyungsoo stared on lost, he had never told his friends he was gay. Jongdae’s eyebrows furrowed as Kyungsoo opened and closed his mouth.


“I-I-I never told-I don’t remember telling- not even my mom- how-how…” Kyungsoo trailed off lost in thought. Lu Han clapped loudly shaking everyone out of their shock before chuckling to himself.


“Of course he doesn’t remember, he was knocked out that same day!” Lu Han exclaimed brightly, smacking his hands on the table and almost into his un-finished food. Jongdae snapped his fingers in remembrance, while Yixing clapped Lu Han on the back happily.


“I don’t remember ever getting knocked out.”


The claps and cheers immediately stopped as Kyungsoo glared at everyone openly, eyes unwavering and demanding answers. Minseok, the most calmest, grabbed Kyungsoo’s arm to force him to look into his eyes.


“Listen Kyungsoo, about a year ago we were playing baseball and Chan Yeol was the batter and Baek Hyun was pitching and you were the umpire and basically Chan Yeol hit the ball and threw his bat back and-and we should really play with helmets.” Minseok squeezed Kyungsoo’s arm comfortably before resting his hand on Kyungsoo’s shoulders.


“But why-why has no one told me about this? Why don’t I remember?” Kyungsoo asked shrugging Minseok off in disbelief.


“Chan Yeol carried you home, luckily your mom wasn’t home, and we all stood over to watch over you and then we slept over. You remember that right? When we stood with you for like two whole days.” Minseok smiled brightly at Kyungsoo and turned his smile on the rest to encourage them to help him.  Kyungsoo put his head down in shame, another injury added to the long list that seems to grow everyday. Kyungsoo was sure that today was the day, today was the day he was going to get arrested for manslaughter. He was going to kill every one of his so-called friends. He jumped up quickly and jumped on Chan Yeol, if he could only kill one he was damn sure it was going to be Chan Yeol.


- -


It took four people to get Kyungsoo off of Chan Yeol and even then Kyungsoo was still looking for his chance to jump on the giant again.


“Kyungsoo, before you end up killing us all, can you at least tell us why you rejected Jongin?” Jongdae asked slowly backing away from the small boy.


“I rejected him because I don’t want to go out with him.” Kyungsoo answered quietly. Laughter immediately burst out around the table leaving Kyungsoo to look around in disbelief before wringing his hands together as a silent threat. The table quieted after Baek Hyun took notice and began to point it out towards his fellow hyungs.


“How could you not like him, you don’t even know him.” Yixing smoothed down Kyungsoo’s blazer with both hands before giving his shoulders a squeeze.  Kyungsoo sighed and placed his head on the cool table hoping that the lunch bell could ring sooner.


“Now go over there apologize, and meet him afterschool.” Yi Fan laughs out, raising a giant fist up as a sign of support.


“I don’t have to if I don’t want to”


“Well then I guess you want to, because if not we’ll get Joonmyeon involved, and boy does Joonmyeon love helping.” Yi Fan replies haughtily. The sentence is enough to have Kyungsoo scurrying out of his seat and around the cafeteria in search of Jongin.


_ _


“So when are you two going to meet up?” Baek Hyun asked sweetly into Kyungsoo’s ear. Kyungsoo pushed the boy off and turned his head the other way. He let his head fall on the cool desk while Baek Hyun droned on and on about Jongin.


“Were not meeting up, I couldn’t find him.” Kyungsoo replied quietly. He had looked everywhere for Jongin. From the gym to the fourth floor classrooms, the boy was nowhere to be found. Baek Hyun laughed in between mutters of “Joonmyeons got ‘cha now, doesn’t he?” and if it weren’t for the teacher walking in Kyungsoo was sure Baek Hyun would have a new set of bruises around his neck.

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Chapter 2: Your story is HILARIOUS! LOVE IT! Haha I could totally imagine Kyungsoo stuck in that window lol. Can't wait to read more. Update soon ^^