Chapter 2

Kyungsoo and Jongin (with friends)

It was 20 minutes into his shift that Kyungsoo had turned off his phone. Joonmyeon had found out about the Jongin incident, and he hasn't stopped texting him since. Kyungsoo slowly regrets ever even looking at Jongin, when he spots a familiar head of blonde hair coming in through the entrance. Kyungsoo hides in the kitchen occasionally peaking through the window only to see Joonmyun glaring towards the closed cash register where Kyungsoo should be working, if anybody asks though he was taking his break. Kyungsoo spends the better part of his 'break' trying to figure out ways to sneak out when his shift was over, Joonmyeon would wait it out, even if Kyungsoo decided to work over time Joonmyeon would wait for him, even with a sprained ankle and arm in a sling, he would wait. Kyungsoo ticks off walking out and sneaking to the front door, Joonmyeon could probably spot him from a mile away. He also ticks off the back door, he probably has Baek Hyun or Yi Fan waiting for him there, he won't have the same trick pulled on him three times. Climbing out of the window is his last option, except the window in the kitchen is too small for Kyungsoo to fit through Kyungsoo glares at the window before making up his mind. Desperate times call for desperate measures.




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"Why were you avoiding me?" Joonmyeon asks harshly as soon as Kyungsoo steps out of the kitchen. He's not even at the cash register yet but Joonmyeons already at the counter leaning over to grab at Kyungsoo's collar with his one good arm. Kyungsoo makes it to his cash register and then points towards Joonmyeonto come forward once everything is set up.


"Yah!, answer me!" Joonmyeon roughly berates Kyungsoo again before slamming his money down on the counter. Kyungsoo takes the money, gives a polite smile because his boss might be watching and turns around to make Joonmyeons usual order of green tea and a blueberry muffin, before rolling his eyes at his friends almost profane actions. When Kyungsoo turns around order in hand, Joonmyeons still glaring at him with his mom look specially reserved for Chan Yeol. Joonmyeon takes his order with a hmph and sits down at the table closest to the cash register and eats glaring at Kyungsoo and anyone who dares to get in his line of vison.


Anytime someone dares to get in Kyungsoo's line is immediately glared out of the line by Joonmyeon. Kyungsoo looks at the clock and groans in frustration. 

He has 6 hours left until his shift ends.


_ _



The moment his shift is over, Joonmyeon saunters over haughtily like he had won their little game.


"Ready to go?" Joonmyeons back to his old self, eyes crinkling into a bright smile only and angel could have, Kyungsoo doesn't fall for it.


"Not yet, I have to get something from the kitchen." He lies smoothly, but is stopped when Joonmyeon makes a move to follow him, he quickly puts his hand up to stop him.


"Employees only." Joonmyeon nods, slightly concerned but stands idly to the side while Kyungsoo goes into the kitchen. As soon as the door closes behind him Kyungsoo runs over and grabs the stool to climb to the window. The first thing that goes out the window is his bag, and he wishes it sweet sweet freedom, next is his left leg. His leg is not even half way through when he realizes it's a mistake, oh god is it a mistake, the window is way too small for him to fit through. Maybe he should give up.


"You okay?" Kyungsoo hears Joonmyeon yell from outside the door and any thoughts of him not escaping are thrown away.


"I'm fine." Kyungsoo yells back. It’s now or never Kyungsoo thinks as he throws his right leg out the window and then immediately regrets everything he had done today. Kyungsoo shimmies around but it's no use he's stuck. He feels like crying when a light breeze passes his legs, he was so close to freedom. He congratulates his bag on making it to the free world. It's not long before Joonmyeon comes in to see Kyungsoo smiling sheepishly still stuck in the window. Joonmyeon gives him a look as though he was just cheated on and kicked to the curb. Kyungsoo puts his head down ashamed, the look feels ten times worse than his moms.


_ _ 



"Why did you try to sneak out of the window?" Yi Fan asks as he pulls Kyungsoo's arms. Kyungsoo doesn't answer; Joonmyeon had been giving him the same look even as he let Yi Fan in through the back door where, as Kyungsoo had predicted, he was waiting for Kyungsoo to leave. Kyungsoo finally gets unstuck with one last tugs and falls unceremoniously on to Yi Fan, which earns him another motherly look from Joonmyeon. 


_ _



Even though it's late Yi Fan and Joonmyeon still drag Kyungsoo to another cafe to eat.


"So who's this Jongin I've been hearing about?" Joonmyeon asks happily as he munches on his cake. Yi Fan smiles haughtily at Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo knows this a battle he cannot win so he gives up on trying to circumvent around an answer.


"Jongin is a guy that's-" Kyungsoo starts off but is immediately cut off by Joonmyeon waving his hand in front his face.


"Spare me the minor details, I want to know why you aren't giving him a shot." Joonmyeons eyes take a serious turn and Kyungsoo feels like he had somehow gotten in trouble again.


“I don’t have time for him hyung, you know that. If I’m not working, I’m studying, if I’m not studying I’m at the choir club, you already know my schedule.” Kyungsoo sighs and puts his head in his hands, he’s tired he had a long day of work, he doesn’t want a Joonmyeon lecture.


“Alright, but at least try to talk to him, he seems like a good kid.” Joonmyeon finishes his cake and gives his best puppy eyes to Yi Fan so he can order another.


“Maybe, hyung.” Kyungsoo stands and says goodbye, Joonmyeon waves at him as he stuffs the second piece of cake into his mouth. When Kyungsoo gets home he’s so tired he just goes straight to bed.




_ _




Kyungoo wakes up startled from his alarm clock blaring loudly next to his ear. He turns it off quickly and yawns before sitting up. He’s still exhausted, but can’t bring himself to care something seems extremely odd. Kyungsoo glances around in wonder before ignoring the ominous feeling in favor of getting up to shower when the alarm clock catches his eye. Kyungsoo nearly shrieks when realization dawns on him. It’s 8:00, he only has half an hour to get dressed and go to school, he can’t be late, not today. Kyungsoo rushes to get changed into his uniform, and barely spends 5 minutes brushing his teeth and washing his face before his slipping on his shoes at the door and running towards the school.


By the time he makes into his classroom he’s out of breath, but on time. He takes his seat as the teacher begins to hand out the test and give out instructions. It’s only when Kyungoo turns around to take his pencils out of his book bag does he realize he forgot it at home. Kyungsoo groans and asks his neighbor for a pencil before writing his name as the teacher finishes up the instructions then tells them they may begin. Kyungsoo reads the first question and immediately begins to sulk and questions all his life choices and why it had to come down to this. I’m a good person I don’t deserve this, why is this all short-answer questions? Why didn’t I study? Kyungsoo questioned as he stared up at the ceiling then back down at his test. He wrote down the answers that seemed to fit best, and when he read them over he felt like laughing out of the sadness in his bull answers about the book he never finished. Today was definitely going to be a horrible day.



_ _



Joonmyeon greets Kyungsoo happily as soon as the bell rings. Since he’s president of the student council teachers never really reprimand him for wandering in the halls when the bell rings. Kyungsoo glares at Joonmyeon when he claps a hand on his shoulder, but Joonmyeon doesn’t seem to take any notice he just keeps up his bright eye smile façade.


“Listen Kyungsoo, I understand that you’re a little angry about how I made you get home late and what not, but I need your help, actually not only your help all the boys help. I need to make posters for the upcoming fundraiser and I don’t have enough hands, so please.” Joonmyeon pouts, eyes looking teary, as he practically gets on his knees to beg.


“No.” Kyungsoo pushes him away and ignores the elders whines and pleas while he waits for the next teacher to come in.


“I’ll buy you kimchi spaghetti and pastries.”


“Deal.” Kyungsoo shakes Joonmyeons hand and he wanders off satisfied, but once again an ominous feeling returns as he see’s Joonmyeon meet up with Baek Hyun at the front of the classroom and look back at him. The teacher walks in and Joonmyeon bids farewell, but not before smirking at Kyungsoo, then he’s out the door.



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As soon as the bell rings for study hall, Kyungsoo makes his way down stairs to the auditorium for study hall, the perks of having four friends in the student council. Before he even opens the auditorium doors he knows something is incredibly off. There is no loud laughter, or screaming, or even talking. There is absolutely not one sound Kyungsoo could pick up from inside the auditorium and just the though of all his friends being dead silent sent shivers down his spine. He pushed the doors open anyways and was surprised when the only thing he could see was a lone figure leaning on the stage. He squinted, the person was to short to be Yi Fan and to tan to be Lu Han, but his hair, his hair looked familiar. It was Jongin, of course his friends would make him meet up with Jongin , Kyungsoo should’ve seen right through Joonmyeons and Baek Hyuns plan, but he was too tired to even consider it as a set up. Maybe Jongin hasn’t noticed me, Kyungsoo thought as he went to the doors only to see Chan Yeol and Joonmyeon through the window holding up keys. Kyungsoo instantly regrets ever coming to school at all.

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Chapter 2: Your story is HILARIOUS! LOVE IT! Haha I could totally imagine Kyungsoo stuck in that window lol. Can't wait to read more. Update soon ^^