Like A Roller Coaster Ride

I am Merely a Fan

From a distance, I noticed some teenagers huddled in a fountain which I recognised as a replica of the Trevi Fountain in Rome. I then smiled and dragged Krystal over there. The teens were throwing coins on a jar in the middle of the fountain so I asked Krystal “So, is this one of those ‘your wish will come true if you shoot a coin in the jar’ thing?”


“Not sure about the wish part but it will play music if you’re able to shoot the coin in it…Why don’t you try?” Krystal said with a smile. “I will…” I then searched my pocket for some coins and got none. Krystal giggled and gave me one saying, “you better shoot that or none at all.” I nodded and positioned myself, I thought of a wish and looked at Krystal who looked at me in return, I then smiled.


I let out a deep breath and tossed the coin in the jar, surprising everyone around the fountain. Yes, I was able to successfully toss it inside the jar so now, a beautiful melody can be heard. I smiled wide and looked at Krystal who congratulated me. “So…will my princess be kind enough and have my wish granted?” “Huh?” Said Krystal, confused. “You told me before that you don’t want me taking pictures of you without your consent, so I wished to take a picture with you. May I?” I asked. I can totally hear my heart pounding so fast which ultimately fastened its pace upon hearing Krystal’s “Okay…but I don’t see your camera with you.”


Ahh! How can I forget my camera on a day like this! This might be my last ‘date’ with her…I should’ve been prepared! She giggled again upon seeing my conflicted expression.


“Stupid. You have your phone with you right?” Krystal said, making me smile. “Of course.” Krystal then asked one of the teenagers to take a picture of us in front of the fountain and removed my cap saying, “Remove this for the picture.”


After a couple of shots, Krystal gave me back my cap and phone. And while I was examining the photos, Krystal said with her grin back on her face, “So…shall we continue to our destination?”


Krystal continued dragging me downstairs until we reached a huge ice-skating rink. I then looked at Krystal who never stopped grinning.


“You know how to skate?” She asked. “If you mean skateboards…I do.” I answered her. I’m really getting nervous by the minute now.


“Stupid. We are in front of an ice rink, of course I mean ice skate…or maybe, you don’t know how to?” Krystal’s grin widened. I don’t know what she’s planning really, but I’m not gonna show her that I am somehow nervous, afraid of falling on my in front of people, in front of her specially. 


“Of course I do…maybe it’s you who actually don’t know how to, just trying to be all good and mighty on the outside.” I smirked. Okay, I was just trying to calm myself but I think…I provoked Krystal instead? Because she started dragging me towards the booth and asked me to pay for the fees. Man, I think I won’t be able to enjoy the whole day with her after this…How am I supposed to last in an ice rink for an hour?! The first and last time I was on a rink, lasted only for 14 minutes! Not to mention, the serious injuries on my knees and arms which I sustained after. Maybe I should back out? But how can I, after seeing that huge smile on her face…and her sparkling eyes?


I can’t back out…Maybe I got better after all those injuries right? Okay, I’m gonna try this!


“Stupid! What’s taking you so long?” Krystal asked with a hint of teasing. So she really does know how to skate…she’s already standing in the rink near the entrance, waiting for me. I let out a deep breath and walked slowly to the rink while she carefully watches me. As I made my first steps in the rink…wow, I was able to stand up! Unlike my first time! Those 14 minutes of torture did pay off huh! Haha! I then looked at Krystal and saw her staring at me so I asked, “What? Waiting for me to fall on my ?” 


Krystal just shrugged and grinned saying, “I see…well, since you said you do know how to skate, I’ll just roam around the rink, you can do whatever you want.” She then left me awkwardly standing here. I better get to the wall…slowly. I know that my posture is not the correct one for ice skating and that some people are starting to look at me but who cares? As long as I don’t fall on my , I will be fine. I then let out a sigh of relief when I finally reached the wall. 


I looked for Krystal and saw her skating in circles in the middle, a bit far from where I am. I watched her gracefully skate and a few more minutes passed, I noticed that some guys have stopped to watch her too. Sigh. More of her fanboys huh. Well, I don’t really blame them, Krystal’s graceful moves caught my attention too—and possibly my heart as well.


“Oppa…you want help? I can teach you how to skate.” A girl around my age said to me. “Uhmm…sorry, I don’t know Korean.” I explained but I was surprised when she spoke to me in English, “Foreigner? Sorry oppa…But I can speak english, I’ll teach you how to skate if you want?” The girl said and smiled. I’d have to admit, this girl is pretty cute with her dimples, however, I don’t really want to bother anyone so I just said, “It's okay, I’ll be fine…Thank you though, for the concern.” The girl nodded and went back to skating with her friends. 


My grip on the wall is still strong but I don’t think I can last for 45 minutes more like this. Maybe I should try moving around? I should, I haven’t gone far from where Krystal left me so she might think I really don’t know how to skate so I should at least move a bit more. After a few steps, finally…I fell down…on my . At least I didn’t fall forwards which could’ve injured my knees like my first time skating, but damn…It still hurts! Good thing I had my cap on me, because this is really embarrassing.


A hand was stretched in front of me so I looked up and saw the cute girl who offered to teach me how to skate. “I told you I can teach you.” I took her hand and smiled saying, “Thank you. But I don’t really wanna bother you, specially that you’re with your friends.” The girl then helped me to steady myself and said, “It’s fine really…My friends are a couple and I’m tired of being the third…” 


“Oppa!” I heard Krystal’s voice shout, interrupting our conversation. Oppa? Was she talking to me? She must be…she’s coming towards me. But she never calls me oppa.


“Oh…your girlfriend?” The cute girl said making me blush. “Ah, no…she’s…my friend and she’s actually my companion for today.” I clarified as Krystal arrived beside me. 


“I’m sorry…I didn’t know. Annyeong!” The girl said and greeted Krystal with a smile. Krystal greeted back and said in Korean, “Thank you for helping him, he’s quite the stubborn one.” The girl nodded bidding goodbye to us, and eventually letting go of my hand, causing me to lose my balance.


“You really are stupid…You could’ve just threw away your pride and tell me that you didn’t know how to skate. I knew anyway that you’re lying. What if you actually sustained serious injuries?” Krystal asked with concern after catching me, causing me to smile. “Don’t worry, I’ve actually had worse during my first time. And besides, with the smile you had while putting on the skates, I don’t think I can ruin the moment.” I said honestly but she just turned her back on me. I sighed. However, she then held both of my hands and started skating slowly—yes, her back is still facing me.


“He-Hey…What a-are you doing?” I asked Krystal. I like holding her hands but I really am nervous okay. “Helping you go the distance.” She answered and faced me again with her smile. I surprisingly felt calm but then I realised what she said before…”You knew I lied?”


“Of course! I’m not stupid like you…your left eye twitches when you’re nervous because you’re lying.” She replied with confidence. Wow…So that’s how Min knows! Krystal then giggled and said, “Anyway, let’s have your skating lessons?” I immediately felt at ease when she lightly squeezed my left hand so I just nodded and smiled genuinely.


With Krystal’s help, I managed to stay in the rink for an hour with minimal injuries. She taught me the proper stance and when I can finally skate decently, we started circling the rink with our hands still together, ignoring her fanboys and fangirls looking at us. I never thought I will enjoy ice skating this much. Haha! I actually am glad that I never learned how to ice skate until now…this is the longest I have ever held her hand. When the hour is up, I remembered about the girl who helped me so I tried looking for her in the crowd which caught Krystal’s attention.


“Looking for someone?” She asked with an eyebrow up. “Yep, I forgot to ask the name of the girl who helped me.” I answered, still searching for the girl. “Why, you like her?” Krystal asked in a cold tone. “She seems nice…It will be good if I can have a new friend who’s not in the entertainment industry, you guys are pretty busy you know.” I said and looked at her while she replied, “As if you aren’t busy. You are Haneul-oppa’s assistant, so if we’re busy…you are too.” 


“You’re right I guess…So, where to next?” I said and smiled. “Let’s walk around…maybe we’ll find something you want to try.” I nodded and walked beside her. 


We tried a few of the rides inside but the queue in every ride is getting crowded and I noticed how Krystal is becoming uncomfortable with the people getting closer and closer to us. I also saw how guys would look at her…she must really feel uncomfortable with all the stares so I dragged her away from the crowd and looked for a less crowded space for us.


“Where are we going?” She asked. I didn’t answer her and stopped when I found a safe place. I then removed my cap and placed it on her head. “There. Your face is somehow hidden now.” I said and smiled at her. I noticed her face getting flushed when she muttered a small “Thanks”, making me feel giddy inside. 


Instead of heading back to the long queue, we decided to start trying the outside attractions after we eat lunch at Pizza Hut because Krystal said that we might not have time after. After eating, Krystal took me to the Garden Stage where a musical was being performed. She told me to take a rest first before heading out because surely, there will be longer lines for the more exciting rides outside.


“You do know your way here huh…I’m sure you and Minho always go here for your dates.” I joked but Krystal just blushed and smiled sadly. I noticed that smile and I know what it means of course. “I’m sorry…I didn’t…”


“It’s okay…but nope, I know my way here because it is where my parents used to bring Jessica and I when we were younger.” Krystal cut my apologies and smiled. I don’t want to stare at her so I just nodded and checked my phone. Surprisingly, I have a message…


From: Yoona-noonaSNSD

Dongsaeng! How is your date? Enjoy okay…we will ask you for information after. HAHA! (P.S. Don’t ever do anything that I wouldn’t like llama…else… -JESS)


I smiled at Yoona-noona’s message and ignored Jess’. Seriously, she doesn’t need to remind me that every time I am with her sister. I am the nicest guy Krystal would ever meet—even nicer than that Minho guy. Haha!


“Who is that?” Krystal asked. “Oh, Yoona-noona…she’s asking how we’re doing.” I answered her while typing a reply, ‘Thank you noona! Good luck on your concert…I know you’ll all do well :))’


“Do you like Yoona-unnie?” She asked, making me stop and look at her, “Huh?”


Krystal just smiled at me and looked at her phone. I noticed how she looked disappointed and focused her attention on the stage instead. After I sent Yoona-noona my reply, I asked Krystal with a grin, “I didn’t know you liked these kinds of kids’ shows.”


She punched my shoulder and said, “I don’t, I’m just tired of walking.” 


I then smiled and went in front of her, with my back her. I kneeled and looked back, seeing her curious look. My smile never left my face when I told her, “Go on…I’ll give you a piggyback ride while you tell me where you want to go.” Finally! My princess smiled and hopped on my back. I stood up as she placed her head on my shoulder, making both of us smile. I promise I won’t let you have that disappointed face of yours while we are on our date, princess.


I noticed Krystal moving while on my back so I looked at her and asked, "What are you doing?" She just smiled and put her phone in front of us. While looking at the camera, she said, "Smile for the princess, Servant." I smiled, but I didn't look at the camera, instead, I maintained my gaze at her as she clicked the shutter.


"Dork." Krystal said as she checked the photo with a smile lingering on her lips. I really hope you're enjoying time with me, princess.


(A/N: Amber sure is enjoying their date, isn't he? Well...I do hope you also enjoyed this chapter because my next update will probably be next year...HAHA! Happy New Year! :D)

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To any one who reads this...yes, there is a SEQUEL.


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Chapter 39: Omg what amber said was the sweetest thing ever!
Chapter 3: Ambro who broke your heart
bluegandalf #3
Chapter 45: The endingggg pleaseee
Chapter 45: ok,i start to hate th ending part ... but i love this fanfic...
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 45: one favorite stories!! Thank you!!!
YourSmile-I #6
Chapter 45: Yeah he's coming back
kuroshiro1992 #7
Chapter 45: Moooorrreeeeeeeee
Chapter 45: You left me hanging right now ;)
Chapter 45: Oh my god! I cried like crazy. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
bep510 #10
Chapter 45: I loved it. Reading the ending chapters made me ball out crying but the last chapter made me very happy. Can't wait to start reading sequel. :)