S.M Circle

I am Merely a Fan

“What kind of best friend are you?! Leaving me here behind…while you go enjoying your vacation without me! This is supposed to be OUR vacation! I wouldn’t even be here doing this part-time job if it weren’t for your idea!” I exclaimed upon hearing Min say that she will stay in Busan with her Korean friends for the weekend. It is 12:00pm now and we just finished our business lessons. You see, I have Korean language class at 7:30am until 10:00am, Korean culture class from 10:00 to 11:00, and company classes from 11:00 to 12:00pm…while Min, she only has to take the company classes! Not to mention…the part-time job I’m having with Haneul, requiring me to be in S.M Building at 1:00.


“Come on…don’t make it seem like you’re not enjoying your work because I won’t believe you. Besides, it’s only for this weekend…we just have to support our SuJu oppas for their tour in Busan.” She said, dismissing my tantrums.


“But you can see your SuJu oppas upfront just by coming with me at the S.M. Building! You can even chat with them and see them practice!” I retorted.


“Ahh…you still don’t understand how it is to stan a group do you? It is a lot different when you see them perform on stage…shouting ‘oppa, saranghae!’ with your fellow fans, you know.” 


“Whatever…I hate you.” I said and walked ahead of her. “I love you too llamaber.” Min said and draped her arm around me. “Yuck, Min!” I said and removed her arm from me while laughing. We then went to a fastfood for lunch before she drops me off to my so-called part-time job.



“I do know how much you’re dying to watch Soojung in dance practice so you don’t really have to wait for me…this might take me long.” Haneul said while reading something on his laptop. I am currently in his office, sitting on the sofa while solving my rubik’s cube for the 3rd time now. “I’m actually waiting for you to finish whatever you’re doing because I need you to do something.” I replied casually without removing my eyes from the cube.


“Aww…I thought you finally acknowledge that you do need me as your wingman! Anyway, what is it?” Haneul said, stopping whatever he’s doing and looking at me.


“You see…I promised SNSD noonas that I will treat them American food but I don’t really know places around here, so I need you to phone some restaurants for delivery. And I said ‘some restaurants’ because I have done my research…not everyone likes American food—especially Seohyun-noona. She might hate me if she finds out I’m feeding her unnies ‘deadly food’.” I said, making Haneul laugh.


“Is that all? And you’re really getting close to them huh?” He replied with a smirk, making me scowl a bit. “What does that mean? They’re really nice people and a lot of them speak at least decent english so it’s easier for me to talk to them.”


“As you say.” Haneul said then he looked at a book he got from his drawer. “Oh, do you know Krystal’s favourite? I’m planning to invite the girls too and maybe, we can eat here if we’re not allowed to in the practice rooms?” I asked with a hint of ‘please say yes’ in my voice.


Haneul looked at me and smirked. “You plan to invite ‘the girls’ but you only asked for Soojung’s favourite…smooth move!” He said which made me blush. “Anyway, I’ve only been her manager for a couple of months so I’m still not sure about that. Better ask Jessica. And yes, I’ll allow you to eat here but I think you can eat in the practice rooms.” Haneul added, making me smile.


I then texted Jess and asked her for Krystal’s favourite food and she immediately replied… ‘beef, mangoes, burritos…beware, she’s allergic to apple, cherry and peaches…also, NO cucumbers, like me.’


Wow…she said all the important stuff so I said ‘THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!’, yep, I really am that grateful. Anyway, Krystal likes burritos…Mexican food, like me. Haha! 


“Hey, Haneul…I think we’re getting some burgers, french fries, pizza, some japanese food and mexican. You know where we can get those?” I asked. Haneul smirked saying, “Easy.” 


After Haneul made the calls, I went downstairs not only to fulfil my duty as an assistant manager but also to be closer to my princess of course. I still haven’t thanked Krystal for the gummy bears she gave me last night so maybe I can use that as an excuse to join us for the meal. Ah, I really am a genius! 


“Stupid! What’s so funny with your cube?” Krystal asked so I looked up to her. She must’ve seen me smiling while I was quietly praising myself. Haha! Anyway, I brought my cube with me for a reason—to stop myself from staring at her because I don’t want to be called a ert again, especially now that Jess is in the picture.


“I was just mentally praising myself for being a genius.” I said and smiled while she scrunched up her brows, saying, “It’s just a colored cube, nothing genius about it. A lot of people can solve that.”


“Oh yeah? Can you?” I smirked. She just said, “Tchh…I have much more important things to do than that.” I just grinned. 


“Anyway, I promised SNSD noonas that I will treat them food and I decided to order today…would you like to join us? You can consider it as my thanks for the gummy bears. Also, please invite Luna and Sulli.” I said with my cute smile, hoping she will agree.


“You promised to treat them food while us, the group you’re working for, you haven’t even bought us anything!” She said with a pout which never fails to make my heart beat faster than usual.


“You’re kidding me…Don’t tell me you forgot about the time we were in the mall. You’re the first person here in Korea whom I actually bought anything for. Besides, I asked you to join us and invite Luna and Sulli, right?” 


“Whatever.” She said and immediately turned around, going to Luna and Sulli…but of course, I think I saw her cheeks flushing?


An hour has passed and Sulli, Krystal and I are now on our way to SNSD’s practice room. Luna has declined the offer saying she needs to go somewhere. Krystal and Sulli are walking ahead of me when Sulli turned around and asked me, “Oppa, what food we eat?”


“I hope you like American, Japanese or Mexican food.” I said while Sulli nodded happily, “Many! I like!”


“There’s Mexican?” Krystal asked and I answered, “I did say there is…I hope you like burritos and tacos.” I said and grinned upon seeing Krystal’s eyes sparkle. Krystal then fastened her pace and dragged Sulli.


When I arrived, the food is already set, some on the coffee tables, while the others are set on the floor…I guess I did buy a lot.


“Gumbear is here! I’m hungry!” Sooyoung-noona approached me with a huge smile and dragged me where the food is. “Taeyeon and Sunny will be a bit late and said we can eat first.” Tiff said.


“Seohyun-noona, I hope it’s fine with you that I ordered some burgers.” I said. “I love burgers Gumbear, Seohyun loves japanese food so she’s okay.” Sooyoung said while Seohyun shyly nodded. 


“Haneul-oppa said you did research our favourites.” Tiff-noona said. “Aww…Dongsaeng is sweet.” Yoona-noona said and pinched my cheeks. “Because noonas are so sweet!” I answered back while pinching her cheeks as well.


“Ehemm…what this? I not know SNSD eating this?” Yuri-noona asked while smirking and pointing at the burritos and tacos. “That’s Mexican burritos and tacos Yul…Hmmm…you’re right, none of us is fond of Mexican food.” Jess looked at me, scowling, but is twitching, probably stopping herself from grinning. I then instinctively looked at Krystal who was about to get some burritos but stopped half-way when she heard Yuri-noona. She was standing awkwardly next to Yuri-noona now. Our eyes met for a brief second but i decided to look away when we both blushed.


“I love Mexican food…tacos especially, so yeah, I ordered it. I hope you like it too.” I said, mentally grateful that I didn’t stutter.


After getting food, we all sat on the floor, forming a circle, with me sitting between Yuri and Yoona-noonas. Jess is sitting far from Yuri-noona and is with Krystal, Sulli, and Tiff. We, the members of the dork subunit decided to stick together but surprisingly, Sooyoung and Yoona-noonas are really quiet and focused on their food so Yuri-noona and I are the ones talking and chatting with the others.


“We’re home everyone!” Teayeon-noona entered the room followed by Sunny and some members of SuJu. “We heard you were having a feast, so as your beloved sunbaes, we decided to grace your feast with our presence.” Eunhyuk-hyung said and bowed, making us clap and laugh. 


“Ah! Our Baby Dino! How are you?” Yep, it’s Donghae-hyung, my older brother from different parents. He went to me and gave me a fist bump. The SuJu members then joined the chatter. I even asked them for a picture which I sent to Min, hoping to make her jealous and regret for leaving me. Haha!


The others were teasing me and Donghae-hyung, who is now seated between me and Yoona-noona, for looking like dinos and llamas. We just laugh with them…we’re cute dinos and llamas anyway. “You really should meet Jonghyun, our middle brother.” Donghae-hyung said and was translated by Haneul. “You’ve never met Shinee yet, right?” Haneul then asked me and upon hearing ‘Shinee’, I looked at Jess who is seated in front of me in the circle.


“Really? I better call Jong then. Their practice for tomorrow’s concert is about to end anyway. Maybe they can join us.” Donghae-hyung said which I didn’t understand but made the girls awkward, especially Jess and Yuri. I guess SuJu hyungs don’t know about the issue yet. Krystal on the other hand, grabbed her phone and started typing something.


“Oppa, you and Amber should avoid sticking together, it’s hard for us to know who’s who.” Yoona-noona spoke and stood up to sit at her original place—beside me. I looked at her with questioning eyes because I really am lost with all the Korean but she just shrugged, forcing me with her hand to face in front—Jess and Krystal. Jess followed but sat between Yuri-noona and me, leaving a space beside Krystal. Are they suddenly playing some game I’m not informed of? Because I want to take Jess’ place beside Krystal but I am being held on the knee by both girls beside me. Probably to remove the awkward atmosphere, Taeyeon-noona said something in Korean, making everyone laugh but me. At least they’re not making fun of me…right?


The chatter was back but was then interrupted when a group of 4 people knocked and entered the room. “Jonghyun!” Donghae-hyung shouted and ran to the guy with said name. I looked at Jonghyun and was surprised at how he looked—Donghae, Jonghyun and I do look alike! I then felt Yoona-noona's arm snake up mine when I noticed Krystal walking towards them and stopped at the last guy who entered the room—Minho. So this is the reason of the awkward atmosphere. Jonghyun is a member of Shinee, like Minho.


I saw Minho look at Yuri-noona who didn’t bother to turn her head as well as Jess-noona who tried not to show any emotions. Jess however gripped Yuri-noona’s arm and continued eating pizza with her other hand. 


“Of course! Our lovebirds.” Donghae-hyung said, making Krystal blush. Krystal then led Minho to Jess’ previous place and attended to him, giving him food and drink. Yoona-noona noticed my stares and moved closer to my ear whispering, “No worry…I’m here.” Yoona-noona then smiled and poked my cheek. I didn’t really know what she means by that but her smile made me calm a lot, so I nodded.


“Yoona, can you move to the other side and let us dinos eat for the first time as a family?” Donghae-hyung said but Yoona-noona just tightened her grip on me. “No oppa, you ask Sica-unnie if you want.” Donghae then looked at Jess who just glared, so he immediately went back to us saying, “Yoona, why are you being so clingy? Let our long lost baby dino know about his handsome hyungs!” Donghae-hyung complained, making the group’s attention on us. 


“No oppa, you’re just going to badly influence our dongsaeng.” Yoona-noona maintained. Donghae-hyung said giving up, “Aishh! You’ll see, you won’t have our support if you guys date.”, making everyone but me, Yoona, Krystal, and Minho laugh. “You know Yoona, family’s support is important.” Jonghyun added, making Yoona blush. “Whatever.”


I am currently in a conversation in broken Korean and English with my dino brothers who are seated beside Yoona-noona but my eyes frequently travel to my princess. I know she loves Minho, making my heart shatter. What I didn’t know however, is that those shattered pieces can further be shattered until they’re turned into dust. This is how I’m feeling right now even though my conversation with the 2 is funny. Krystal who is now finished eating, has her head on Minho’s shoulder, staring blankly into space. Minho on the other hand, is trying not to move much while eating, maybe because of Krystal’s head on his shoulder. I sighed. At least he’s making an effort. Yoona-noona then surprised me by shoving a cupcake to my nose. There goes her alligator laugh—making us laugh with her. Yoona-noona then wiped my face with her handkerchief and whispered closely on my ear, "You're obvious...dongsaeng." That statement made me blush. I hope it's not too obvious for Krystal.


“Anyway, Krystal, Sulli and Amber, do you have anything to do for the weekend? SuJu, Shinee and us have a concert in Busan…maybe you want to come and watch? It will be fun!” Tiff-noona said in english with her eye smile present. I then looked at Krystal who then said with a pout, “I’d love to unnie, but we have training the whole day tomorrow.”


“Dongsaeng, you come?” Yoona-noona asked me. “He’s Haneul-oppa’s assistant so he won’t be able to come too unnie.” Krystal said in Korean which I didn’t really understand. 


“I’m sorry noonas…but as you all know, I am currently working with Haneul-hyung so I don’t think I can. I’d love to though, Min is actually going.” I replied.


“Oh so you’re going to be alone for the rest of the weekend?” Jess asked. “I guess…”


“Why don’t you, Soojung and Sulli then go for a date together?” Tiff-noona said winking, making me blush…another date with Krystal huh? Sure, Sulli is with us…but it’s still a date.


“I heard my name but I don’t know what you guys are talking about unnies…” Sulli cutely pouted so Tiff-noona translated everything. Upon understanding, Sulli then said, “Aww, I wanna go home to Busan! I also want to go to date with Amber oppa…but my family is visiting me this weekend so I can’t go.” Sulli said with another of her cute pouts.


“So it’s just the two of you then Soojung!” Yuri-noona said and smirked at me. I wonder what they are talking about? I looked at Jess who just nodded without looking at me, looks like she’s lost somewhere with her thoughts. My eyes then found Yoona-noona beside me who is smiling. What were they talking about? I looked at Soojung who now has her head hidden on Minho’s shoulder, her arms wrapped on Minho’s left arm. My eyes then briefly landed on Minho’s, who is currently staring at me fiercely.


Honestly, I don’t have anything against Minho, as long as he treats my princess like how I want to treat her…However, with the way he looks at me, I can’t say he doesn’t have anything against me.

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To any one who reads this...yes, there is a SEQUEL.


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Chapter 39: Omg what amber said was the sweetest thing ever!
Chapter 3: Ambro who broke your heart
bluegandalf #3
Chapter 45: The endingggg pleaseee
Chapter 45: ok,i start to hate th ending part ... but i love this fanfic...
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 45: one favorite stories!! Thank you!!!
YourSmile-I #6
Chapter 45: Yeah he's coming back
kuroshiro1992 #7
Chapter 45: Moooorrreeeeeeeee
Chapter 45: You left me hanging right now ;)
Chapter 45: Oh my god! I cried like crazy. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
bep510 #10
Chapter 45: I loved it. Reading the ending chapters made me ball out crying but the last chapter made me very happy. Can't wait to start reading sequel. :)