
I will show you.

I was invisible. No one really notices me or talks to me, except for the occasional 'what's today's homework?' or 'can I borrow your notes?' kinds of question, there's nothing other than that. I've been always alone since elementary, I don't know why but people would always avoid me back then, until now.

The next class in my schedule is Physics. In other words I need to go to the lab. I made my way to my locker and grabbed the necessities for physics. I was on my way until someone knocked into me. Eventhough I accidentally dropped my things, the person didn't bother to help, instead he walked away laughing along his friends. I bent down to pick my books. Afterwards, I continued my way to the lab.

Suddenly, I heard someone calling out my name. I turned around to see a guy holding a piece of paper."You dropped this," he said. I took it from his hands and noticed that this was the classwork I need to hand in today. A feeling of relief washed over me. "Thanks," I said to him. I made a slight bow, and walked away. He suddenly grabbed my shoulder. Shocked by this, I almost dropped everything. I lost my balance for a while before I took control of it once more. I feel my cheeks heat up because of embarrassment. I can start to feel the other students staring at me.

"M-May I help you?" I tried not to stutter.
"Sorry about grabbing you all of the sudden, Hana-sshi,"
"How did you know my name?" I asked, slightly surprised.
He rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. "Well I kind of read your classwork before returning it to you,"
"I see," Of course. My classwork. I pushed my glasses up to the bridge of my nose. "Anything else..... um....."
"Luhan," He held out his hand. I shook his hand awkwardly.

The stares got intense afterwards. "Um, Luhan-sshi I need to go to the Physics lab," I excused myself and try to scutter away. "Wait, Hana-sshi!" he called out a bit too loudly. I covered my face and became more embarrassed. "Yes?" I asked him. "Can I have your phone number?" he asked. At that point, my heart skipped a beat. "P-Pardon?" I asked, flustered.

"Your phone number?" He asked, handing me his phone. I was hesitant to give him. I can just tell him that I wouldn't have one but that'll be lying. After a while, I took his phone and typed in my number. "That took you long, anyways thanks!" He said to me as I gave his phone back. "Oh and you better hurry, otherwise you'll get drenched," He gave me a grin and jogged off into a classroom. I looked out of the corridor's window, the sky was filled with black clouds, which seem to burst anytime.

The sound of heavy rain was calming for me, maybe it just fits my personality as cheesy as that sounds. I let out a small scoff at that thought. As per usual, no one seemed to notice, not even the teacher who was too busy rambling on something about motor circuits. I can't quite concentrate on my studies and absent mindedly, I started to scribble on my notes. As I notice what I was doing, I immediately erase them. Before I knew it, the class was over. Looks like I have to recap everything later, I thought.

Physics was the last class for the day. I walked towards my mother's car which was waiting at the school's entrance. "Yo, Hana-sshi!" Luhan greeted me, with the same big grin like before. "Hi," I want to avoid him before my mother saw us and walked a bit faster. "What's the rush?" he asked. "Nothing, my mother is here," I said to him. "Nothing, but your mother's here, okay," he sarcastically replied. I'm starting to get annoyed. "You mad?" he asked. "No," I replied. "Aww, you mad." he said to me with a pout. I cracked a smile seeing him like that. "You happy again! Hooray!"

I let out a chuckle. How old is he? I thought. "I know what you're thinking, I'm a bit immature for a nineteen years old,"
"What? No, not at all," I replied to him with the smile still on my face.
It was silent between us. "You know," he said breaking the ice.
"I wonder what do you look like without these glasses," He reached out towards my glasses and took them off. I was surprised by his action. "Woah, you look pretty," he complimented. "Can you see without your glasses?"

Blushing, I shook my head. My vision started to blur out. He put two fingers up into a peace. "How many fingers are there?" he asked. "Two," I answered, imitating his movement. "How many is this?" he asked again, raising three fingers. "Three," By now. I litterally couldn't see anything clearly. "Um Luhan-sshi, I need my glasses back," I told him, my face getting warmer. "Oh, oh sorry," He handed them to me. Everything was crystal clear as I put my glasses on. "My mom's waiting for me, goodbye, Luhan-sshi"

As I got into my mother's car, he gave me a small wave.

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Chapter 1: aww. it's cute. seems like an interesting story! ;)