Chapter 1

We Are Bound to Be Together

‘Mommy, are we going to live here?’


Baekhyun heavily sighed. The little boy clutching his hand has been asking the same question for seems like more than hundred times already. When he broke the news to the little boy, until they boarded the plane in the US, his son has the same question over and over again. Now even they already arrived in Korea, he still hears the same question from his adorable son.


‘Mom, aren’t we living in San Francisco anymore?’


‘Yes, baby.’ Baekhyun patiently answered, kissing his chubby cheeks.


‘Why?’, he got in return.


He can’t help but feel saddened about it. He understands why his boy, Daehan, is asking it many times now. Daehan was born and raised in America. His friends are there. His school is there. However all of sudden, his baby gets dragged to an unfamiliar environment leaving the familiarity and friends.


‘Daehannie my baby, have I told you earlier? Your Grandpa is sick. He wants to be with us.’




Because he can die any time from now. Baekhyun wordlessly replies in his mind.


Daehan just met his grandparents two years ago. As much as possible, Baekhyun does not want his son to know about his Grandpa’s illness. Baekhyun’s dad has a rare heart condition. Even being in and out the hospital, his health is still deteriorating without any signs of improvement. The doctor says there’s no medicine yet to fully heal his dad’s heart condition that worst case, one day his heart may just suddenly stop functioning, and he would die.


‘He loves us and he misses us so much, Daehannie.’ Baekhyun answered back but cannot even look his son in the eyes. He felt tears already threatening to fall down his eyes and he’s trying to hold it back. It’s not long that he’s forgiven by his dad. He just cannot believe that his dad’s days already numbered and any time, he’ll get taken away from them.


‘Byun Baekhyun!’


He was distracted from the depressing thoughts from hearing his name being called. Then he saw his childhood friend Jaehwan approaching them. Kim Jaehwan is his nanny’s youngest son and Baekhyun’s childhood friend and playmate. Baekhyun’s parents adore Jaehwan that they even funded his education until he graduated from the university. After graduation, he landed as an executive secretary for Baekhyun’s mom. Seeing his friend after a long time gives Baekhyun mixed emotions.  Jaehwan is currently living in their house as well. He missed his friend along other things he left in Korea when he went to US 4 years ago.


‘Jaehwannie. Good to see you. I miss you brat.’ They were hugging each other. Baekhyun feels happy.


‘Baekhyun hyung. I miss you! I’m glad you’re now back.’ Jaehwan after ending their embrace.

‘Hyung, I’m sorry though. Only me and the driver are here to fetch you. Your mom can’t leave the hospital.’ Jaehwan regretfully tells.


‘It’s alright, Hwannie. I understand. How’s Dad?’


‘He’s better yesterday but the doctor still does not allow him to go home. He knows you’re coming home though so he’s excited to see you and your son.’ Jaehwan suddenly directed his attention to the little boy clutching Baekhyuns coat while quietly observing his mom’s conversation with the other.


‘Hyung, is this Daehannie? Oh my! He’s a big boy now. A handsome one too! Does he know how to speak Korean?’


Before Baekhyun can respond, Daehan cheerfully answered, ‘Of course Ahjussi. Daehannie is very good in Korean.’


Baekhyun adoringly kissed his son’s forehead. ‘Good job Daehan!’ Although his son grew up with English-speaking neighbors and friends, he makes sure that Daehan knows his roots and ethnicity. He teaches Daehan about Korean culture and language. At home, he converses with his son in Korean to make sure that he can keep up with both languages.


‘What a cute boy!’ He hears Jaehwan exclaim. ‘By the way, I’m your Uncle Jaehwan. Let’s be friends, okay Daehannie?’


‘Yes, Uncle Jaehwan,’ Daehan cheerfully responds bringing glee to the adults’ faces.


‘Come on Baekhyun hyung. Let’s drive you both home. I’m sure your parents are so excited to see you. I’m happy there will be a kid in the house already.’


Upon settling himself and his son inside the car, Baekhyun immediately leans his head on the cushion seat and closed his eyes. He feels grateful to Jaehwan for talking to Daehwan while on the way. He needs some time to compose himself and his emotions. Being in his homeland once again brings havoc to his whole being. He needs to sort himself out, ASAP.


Later on he heard Daehan’s giggles for whatever Jaehwan was telling him. His baby is a big boy now. He remembers how Daehan was just 3 months in his womb when he was forced to leave everything behind and go to the US. He looked at his son’s animated face - the wide engaging smile, the big puppy eyes, the adorable protruding ears, and can’t help the fleeting memory of someone face similar to his son’s.


Baekhyun was startled though when he felt small hands on his cheek and met questioning eyes from his son. ‘Mommy, why are you sad?’


He forced himself a smile. ‘No baby, I’m not sad. I just remembered something.’


‘You look sad though. Don’t be sad Mom okay?’ His son, before going back to playing peek-a-boo with Jaehwan. The latter gave him a comforting smile.


Baekhyun looked outside the window. Looking at the scenery, he can’t help himself from being taken down the memory lane.


You look sad, princess.’ He felt Chanyeol sat beside him under the large oak tree near the soccer field in the university. This is their usual hangout. ‘Why, those students won’t let you join them?’, Chanyeol jokingly added.


Baekhyun glared at the taller. ‘What are you doing here? I want to be alone.’


He should have known that Chanyeol will not have any of his tantrums. Suddenly he felt the other tickling his sides. He can’t help but smile that eventually turned into fitful giggles. 


Baekhyun sighed. Chanyeol really knows his weakness. It has been a year when he first met Chanyeol - after that eventful afternoon when he made a fool of himself for being so dumb in directions. But despite the circumstances of their first meeting, Baekhyun and Chanyeol became inseparable after that. Chanyeol is always where Baekhyun is and vice versa. They’ve been together almost everyday that one day, Baekhyun saw himself in the position wherein he no longer sees Chanyeol as an ordinary friend, but more than that. How can he not when Chanyeol does many things to his heart like hugging him all the time, pecking him on the temple or cheeks, feeding him during lunch, holding his hand and playing with it while waiting for the professor to arrive, and all other fluff normal best friends don’t normally do. Loving Chanyeol gives happiness to Baekhyun. However sometimes he cannot avoid thinking negatively. What if Chanyeol does not see him special and everything he does is just platonic? Chanyeol never hugs or pecks Jongin or Sehun though so Baekhyun feels at ease. He knows he’s into a possible heartbreak. He cannot even put Chanyeol at fault because he’s the one assuming things.


‘Now tell me why is my princess sad?’ He was put out of reverie upon hearing Chanyeol’s deep voice.


‘It’s your fault!’ Baekhyun pouts softly hitting Chanyeol’s chest. 


‘Me? Why?’ 


‘Why are you not going to my birthday party this Sunday?’ Baekhyun sporting with an all out pout.


‘Ahhh. So that’s why. It’s that birthday party.’ Chanyeol chuckles which made Baekhyun seeth with anger. He scooted away from the taller and turned his back. Aside from anger, he now feels sad. He wants Chanyeol to be with him on his birthday.


‘I know you might think it’s just childish so you don’t want to come. But birthdays are really special to me so I want all important people in my life to be there.’ Baekhyun can’t help his voice from breaking.


Suddenly he felt himself being turned around and felt large hands gently cradling his face. He’s now looking straight into the handsome face of Park Chanyeol, just inches apart from his own. The butterflies inside Baekhyun’s stomach are like on riot. 


‘Hey baby. I’m not even thinking that. It’s not childish okay. Really, I wanted to come you know that. But I already told you, I need to go with my dad on that day to the business gala.’ Baekhyun saw the regret from Chanyeol’s eyes.


‘Why of all days, why should it be on my birthday? Can you just ask your dad to exempt you from it? Besides, what will you be doing there? You’re not even working in your company yet.’ Baekhyun continues to complain.


Chanyeol enclosed him in an embrace Baekhyun likes so much, his heart seems to leap out of his chest. Chanyeol’s hugs are the best. He always feels so safe. Baekhyun returns the hug happily and tightens his arms around the taller.


They’ve been around like that for a few minutes when suddenly Chanyeol ended the hug and straightened his body to Baekhyun’s dislike. Chanyeol is looking into Baekhyun’s eyes with seriousness on his handsome face. It’s like a war is waging on his mind. Before he can ask Chanyeol what’s the matter, he heard him say,


‘I’m going to China, Baek.’


‘What?!’ Baekhyun felt the words ringing on his ears. Everything seemed to stop and panic starts to fill him in. ‘ Chanyeol’s leaving?’ His mind repeats this question until it cannot process anymore.


Chanyeol saw the obvious distress on his princess face that he immediately gathered the smaller in his arms and gently kissed his temple repeatedly hoping to sooth Baekhyun.


‘Dad’s planning to introduce me this weekend during the gala to the investors and business partners Baek. Since I’ll be his successor, he wants me to be known already to his partners. He also plans for me to have my internship in our China branch after graduation before I fully take over the business here in Korea. It’s just around one to two years Baek. The next thing you know, I’m already back.’ Says Chanyeol while rubbing Baekhyun’s back and continuing his pecks on the smaller’s temple, cheeks, neck, and shoulder.


But Baekhyun cannot process anything at this point. What was retained is the fact that Chanyeol’s leaving and he cannot accept it. He can’t even stay away from the giant for one day, how much more a year? Two years. He’ll die. He knows he sounds pathetic in his mind but can’t help it. He loves Chanyeol. What if he finds someone else in China? What will happen to him? How can he express and convince Chanyeol that he’s the only one for him?


‘You’re leaving and you are not even planning to tell me?’ Baekhyun softly asks, on the verge of breaking down.


Baekhyun felt cold. He felt helpless. He removes himself from the embrace and hugged his knees away from Chanyeol. He pressed his face on his knees, now his tears freely falling down.


‘Hey Baek, baby. It’s not like that. Those are all just plans though. It’s not final yet. For now, I’ll only be leaving for China this weekend to attend the business gala but will be back shortly after. Mkay?’ Chanyeol tried to bring back Baekhyun to his embrace but latter shrugged off his hand.


Chanyeol panics. He made his princess cry. He gathered Baekhyun in his arms successfully after struggling. 


‘Baek please, don’t cry now. Okay.’ Kiss on the temple. Kiss on the cheek. 


‘I’ll go to your party, princess I promise. I’ll just show myself during the business gala then catch the afternoon flight back to Korea okay? Baby please. It hurts seeing you cry like this.’ Chanyeol hugging the sobbing Baekhyun while swaying their bodies side to side. But Baekhyun’s sobs are not slowing down. 


‘Okay baby, I’ll not leave after graduation okay. I’ll be here with you forever. I’ll convince Dad during the gala that I don’t need my internship to be in China. I can just train here in Korea. Baby okay?’



‘Mom! Wake up! We’re hereeee.’


Baekhyun was startled and was brought back to present. From the window, he saw that they have now arrived at their house - Baekhyun’s home.


Leading Daehan, they disembarked from the van and went straight to the entrance.


‘Wow Mom! Grandpa is living in a castle!’ He heard his son exclaimed. He doesn’t know how to feel about it. Compared to their one-room apartment in San Francisco, sure their three-storey house here in Korea is a castle to Daehan.


Baekhyun inhaled and exhaled, feeling the rush of air inside his lungs. This is the start of a new chapter of his life that he has no choice but to embrace.


To be continued...













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Moondust45 #1
Hope you update soon, are really looking forward to reading more. :)
myung-yeollipop #2
Chapter 2: NAAAWWWW! where's the next button when i need it? >.<
Chapter 2: oh my, interesting so far! Can't wait for the next update!