
We Are Bound to Be Together

'For the love of God Baekhyun, why do you have to be here? And Jesus, who's the idiot who designed these buildings to be mountains apart from each other?' Byun Baekhyun irritatingly talks to himself when he cannot remember where he parked his car. He's been walking for what he feels like hours now (actually just 15 minutes) but unfortunately he cannot find the spot where he parked his car in the university lot. Before he reaches his breaking point, Baekhyun decided to stop by under the shade of a large, old tree.


'Excuse me? Are you by any chance lost?'


Baekhyun almost screamed in shock when he suddenly heard someone talking behind him. He did not turn his head to look at the inquirer but ily answered, 'Of course not.'


'Then what are you doing here?'


Baekhyun had a feeling that the stranger was silently mocking him behind his back but he does not want to turn around and look at the stranger.

'Why do you care? This happened to be my favorite hang-out place.


At that moment, Baekhyun was sure that the stranger was mocking him when he heard a crisp laugh.


With an air of annoyance, Baekhyun decided to confront the stranger. With sharp movements, he turned around. 'What's so funny, huh? You conniving bast---'


Baekhyun was not able to finish his words because his brain nerves seemingly got twisted upon seeing the stranger's face. He was looking at the most handsome face he had ever seen up close. It was not an exaggeration and he's not living under the rock to know that the stranger's beauty is beyond comparable. The guy in front of him was unbelievably beautiful in a masculine kind of way. He had full y lips, straight nose, tantalizing puppy eyes, and cute dimples at both sides completing the package. He was a foot taller than Baekhyun which makes him think how nice it would be to bury his face in the guy's chest while its strong arms were engulfing him in a tight embrace.


The stranger was not even affected by Baekhyun's shameful oggling. It seems that the guy is used to receive such admiring looks from people. 'You were saying?'


As if awaken from a trance, Baekhyun immediately looked away and hard-headedly answered, 'Nothing.'


'Alright. If you say so. But just a friendly reminder. It's getting dark and there are less and less people here now. I might be the last person you can ask you know.'


Baekhyun momentarily forgot his fascination towards the stranger's beauty. He's right. He glanced at his watch and it's already quarter to six. Left with no choice, he swallowed his pride and admitted in defeat. 'I can't find my car'.


The guy laughed as if he was telling a joke. 'What was that again?'

With increased volume and annoyance this time, Baekhyun answered, 'I said, I cant find my car!'

'Where did you park it?'

'If I have known, do you think I would have been here lost right now?' Grrrr.

'Ah, so conclusively, you admit that you're lost. I thought you were just strolling around?'

The twinkle of mockery in the handsome stranger's eyes is slowly getting into Baekhyun's nerves.

'Do you intend to help me or not? Or your mission is to just annoy the hell out of me?'


'Depends', the guy responded non-chalantly which only made Baekhyun's inside fume in fury.


'Depends on what?'


'If you'll ask nicely with a 'please'.


'Look, Mister --'


'Park Chanyeol,' introduced by the guy. 'But you can call me Chanyeol.'


'Chanyeol-ssi, can you help me find my car please?' Baekhyun finally said with the sweetest and fakest smile he can master at the moment.


Chanyeol, who was fully aware of Baekhyun's annoyance, responded with a silly grin. 'Okay, since you were asking nicely. Can you remember perhaps any landmark from where you parked?'


'I just remember that I parked near a library.'


After nearly 10 minutes, they were able to find his car already. Obviously, he parked at the left hemisphere of the university but for some idiot reasons, he was looking at the right wing. Can't get over with shame of being lost, he slowly turned to Chanyeol with eyes on the ground. 'Thank you for the help.'


Baekhyun was not able to see the smile sported by Chanyeol.


'You're welcome errr, what's your name again?'


This time, Baekhyun raised his chin to look at the handsome creature's face and smiled genuinely. 'It's Byun Baekhyun. You can call me Baekhyun. Umm, by the way, where are you heading to? I can also drop you to where you parked your car.'


'No, it's fine. I am actually still waiting for someone. I'll just wait in the library.'


'Oh. Okay, I'll go ahead now. Thanks again Chanyeol, the good samaritan.' Baekhyun teased.


'No problem, princess.'


'Whatever, tall person.'





Baekhyun's first class for the day starts at 8 AM but he made sure that he'll arrive earlier than expected just in case his defective sense of direction arises again. Being new to the university on top of being a transferee has surely a lot of tolls to take. He had no friends to begin with. He had his first two years of college in the US but just after the end of his sophomore year, his parents informed him that they'll be coming home to South Korea. Their life in the US was not what his parents had envisioned to have. Although his dad was able to establish a small business in the States years ago, it eventually folded down due to lack of resources. With no money left, they have to go back and start again in their homeland. He was in scholarship while in US, and fortunately, it was credited by the university where he is right now. Sister school stuff and some kind like that.


He parked at the nearest parking lot this time. 'Better be safe, baby boy', Baekhyun mutters while unconsciously tracing the lines at his car's dashboard. His car is like his baby. He won it as a grand prize when he joined a big-time quiz competition in his previous university. It is actually by far his most prized possession given their current family situation.


'Room E-304.' Baekhyun silently reads the room number before he quietly gets in. Quite a number of students have already gathered inside. Most of them are chit chatting with their friends ('They must be classmates last year or since freshmen,' Baekhyun absently thought.)


He settled himself at the right side part of the room sitting near a group of girls excitedly talking to each other.


'Have you heard the news? The handsome heir and son of our university's owner is in this class together with his two other good-looking bestfriends!'


'Really? You mean we are going to be classmates with them for this whole semester?', Baekhyun turned his head and saw the chubby brown haired girl squealing like a seal. With a low 'tsk', he turned away from the squealing girls and looked at the window instead.Iutside was bright and light. 'What a nice weather to begin the year,'

Baekhyun smiles and hums contentedly.


'Oh my God. This must be the best year of my life. Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin, and Park Chan---'.


Baekhyun was suddenly aware that the atmosphere became silent. When he turned his head, he saw everyone had their heads turned towards the door. Following the crowd's eyes, what he saw was three model- like creatures walking inside the room as if in a catwalk. The 1st guy was tanner than an average Korean but his beauty was way beyond average. The guy was sporting a confident look and a proud smirk while animatedly talking to the other guy with a poker face. This guy the tan was talking to is quite lanky and very fair. But what Baekhyun was not prepared is the third guy following closely behind the tan boy and the poker face.




Baekhyun was perfectly sure his lips was chanting Chanyeol's name like a whisper. What he wasn't sure though was how Chanyeol turned his head towards his direction as if his name was called.

Just like a scene in a fairytale, their gazes were locked as if tranced. Baekhyun was gawking at him like a fish out of the water. He just helplessly watched as Chanyeol gets nearer and nearer to him that he can hear his own heartbeat in his ears.


'Baekhyun, it's nice to see you again. Remember me, Chanyeol the good samaritan?'


Baekhyun's nerves might be uncoordinated by that time but still, he did not fail to notice the looks of his classmates as if telling him, 'Who the hell is this transferee guy and why is a handsome guy talking to him?'


Feeling conscious, Baekhyun lowered his head and softly responded, 'Hi again Mr. Park.'


Baekhyun was busy hiding himself from attention that he was not able to catch the look of confusion and sadness in Chanyeol's eyes.


He can hear the latter trying to say something when the professor (named Professor Yoo Jae suk) entered and caught all the class' attention including Chanyeol's. He felt Chanyeol sitting at the adjacent chair on his left. Throughout the session, Baekhyun was trying to avoid looking his seatmate's face.




Needless to say, Baekhyun haven't remembered anything at all from their 1st class. His mind was preoccupied with a certain handsome giant sitting at his left. Immediately after Professor Yoo announced the class dismissal, he immediately grabbed his things and quickly bolted through the door when he felt someone grabbed his wrist. Baekhyun halted not because he was forcefully grabbed but because he was taken aback by the force of electricity he felt.


'Baekhyun, where is your next class? Let me take you there.' Of course, it was Chanyeol.


Still feeling the tingling waves of electricity, he looked at Chanyeol and almost got drown in his pleading puppy eyes. He can sense the curious looks of other people penetrating at his back which scared Baekhyun for reasons he doesn't know why. He tried to look the other way towards the door but he saw the tan boy and the poker face smiling in amusement at them.


'Why?' Baekhyun finally found his voice although it sounded like a croak.


'Because you might get lost.' Chanyeol said with a slight shrug on this shoulders and teasing eye smile. Chanyeol's remark was far from being offensive but from the way Baekhyun pulled his wrist from the former's hold made it seem like he was offended. 'No, thanks. I can manage.'


Then he ran disregarding the voice calling his name.



Later that day after Baekhyun's last class, he immediately headed to his parking spot. While on his way, he cannot prevent himself from remembering his stupidity for pulling a stunt with Park Chanyeol earlier.


'Seriously, you made a fool out of yourself Byun Baekhyun!', he scolded himself.

He continued his self ranting when he noticed someone was standing by the hood of his car.

Basing on the automatic rush of blood on his face and the deafening heartbeats, he was sure it was Chanyeol. He was thinking of running away but he saw Chanyeol waving at him clearly seeing him coming.

'Hi princess,' he heard him say. Deciding not to make an idiot out of himself, he stood by his car door and clumsily looked for his car keys in his bag.

He pretended not to notice Chanyeol as he busily scans his bag. He felt Chanyeol got nearer until he felt him standing beside him. Damn. Baekhyun felt tingly all over.


'Are you still mad?'


Baekhyun continues to look for the key and pretended not to hear anything. By the time he found it, he heard Chanyeol again. 'I'm sorry Baekhyun if I offended you earlier. It was just a joke. I was just happy when I saw you this morning'.


Cannot help it especially when he hears the sincerity in the guy's tone, with a sigh, Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol.


'Hey, it's not like that. I was not even offended or anything.'


'Really? Well, that's a relief.'


'So now that we established that, why are you here and how did you know I parked here?'


'Privileged information.' The guy smiled as if he was proud of acquiring such information. However, he immediately turned serious when he noticed Baekhyun's serious face.


'Actually Baekhyun, I want to tell you that I enjoyed your company yesterday and I regretted not getting your number. I really want to be friends with you.' Those puppy eyes again.


Baekhyun really wants to be his friend also (who would not). But he was actually contemplating on it as a transferee befriending a popular guy gives a high chance of being the school's target.




'Please, please, please. Promise I will be the best navigator ever.' Damn those puppy eyes and pouting lips.





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Moondust45 #1
Hope you update soon, are really looking forward to reading more. :)
myung-yeollipop #2
Chapter 2: NAAAWWWW! where's the next button when i need it? >.<
Chapter 2: oh my, interesting so far! Can't wait for the next update!