Final II


Extra drabble (juz coz i can ;p)

“I’m home.”

He reread the simple sentence; those 2 words again and again. The more he read, the more he felt empty. Like all of those tears he shed slowly corrode him from his insides and in no time he would be a hollow being.

“Home?” Minseok walked in the Chinese male in their shared room after almost an hour long phone call to China. It’s expensive, but he knew the Lu got money for that. He may not fluent in that particular language especially the speaking department, but he caught promises of going back home and “I miss all of you” from the conversation. He also noticed the younger male’s attempt to mask his sore throat and stop himself from coughing straight into the phone. His family would only worry and he himself would not want that.

Minseok sat beside him on the bed and Luhan was fast to reach for the older’s waist and buried his face into Minseok’s lap. After a soft groan and soft pats on his head, he turned to face the other. Luhan’s smile was as dazzling as usual, but he could see the tight corners refused to curve upwards. “Yup. Mama is asking the same question again.” His voice was more hoarse than usual and he started to cough. Minsesok caressed his back as he coaxed the other to sit, offering a water bottle.

“Mama would throw a fit if she knows I’m sick.” He placed the bottle back on the side table.

“What mum doesn’t?” Luhan slid down onto the bed and hug Minseok’s torso.

“I miss her.”

“I know.”

But now, Minseok wondered if he really knows.

He shook his head and hastily wiped away any tears that escaped. They would be having an interview in 30 minutes and he didn’t want to ruin the makeup. He practiced his million-dollar smile and made his way out of the changing room, where his other 9 brothers were waiting.

It was a week after Luhan’s departure. Their room was still smelled of the Chinese man and his belongings were displayed on the desk for Minseok to see. He still clutched the other’s favourite sweater to sleep. On his ring finger is their Cartier ring.

Although he was the first to be informed, but how could one be ready for a nightmare turned real? In the midst of the ordeal, those 2 words ringed in his head; felt like both a betrayal as well as reassurance.

He was glad that his lover was surely being taken care of; being home and pampered like a prince he is. Minseok was happy to know that being there would make the other so happy; that the smile he missed so much would be constantly on that beautiful face. So happy; that he forgot about Minseok to even text him.

Luhan was now home; where he was without Minseok. And his heart clenched at that.

“Hyung?” A pair of wide eyes stared right into his, catching his conscious.

“Why, Soo?”

“We are on next.” Minseok nodded.



Today was an off day. Rare, but he started to feel suffocated with all the drama in the company so he was glad. Really, is 2014 cursed or something?

He sipped his Americano slowly, savouring the bitter taste on his tongue. The heat from the coffee matched well with the cold of the night and the Han River always look more beautiful at these times. Tonight felt so much colder though. There was no other body he could snatch heat from, or a lanky form to envelope him in a hug when he shivers. He closed his eyes.

“Minseok-ah~Minseok-ah~.” The playful voice seemed to grow persistent by the minutes.

“Shut it. People are going to hear you and mob us.” The elder hissed under his breath.

“Relax... There is hardly anyone here to hear me.” Luhan

“You know how our fans are. The camera in your hotel room, remember?”

“Do not care. I am with you anyway.” Luhan smirked. “Baobei~”

“Urghhhhhh~” Minseok had to turn around. Not to roll his eyes in annoyance, but to hide his smile.

“Minseok-ah.” He smiled. He was so far off; he didn’t realize the seat in front of him is now occupied.

“Minnie-ah.” Longing could do things to people. Such as hearing voices and.... feeling touches. He opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a beautiful face of a man-deer.

If it isn’t the face he misses so much?

“Yah, what are you doing here? What about home?” He smiled. There were tears in his eyes, but he blinked them away.

“Who said we can have only ONE home?” Minseok answered with a chuckle and a smirk followed. He was angry, but glad at the same time. But mostly ANGRY for the little online stunt. Luhan knew his head will came out with the worst of everything.

“Just wait until we are alone.”

“Miss me, babe?” Luhan was not afraid at all. After all, this is his baozi. Their intertwined fingers under the table answered it all.



END :)


AN: Dedicated to you, dear PhantomTrancyVongola

Hope this is ok. A small present before my exam. Wish me luck ;)

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Chapter 2: awwwwww ;w;
Chapter 2: Yessssssss
Chapter 1: its short but it gave me tears.
minseokkie99 #4
Chapter 1: ..........i..../crying at the corner/