Holding Back


“So how are we going to do this?” The three were in Gage’s room planning before going down to lunch. Gage had sound proofed her room so they could plan without Sungyeol or anyone else listening in.

“Once we’re far enough in, help me get up into the trees. I should be fine from there.”

 Myungsoo shook his head “You’ll be blind it won’t be safe for you to move around up there.”

Gage raised the blindfold so she could look him in the eye “I’ll be fine. I sleep in them all the time. I’m extremely comfortable with heights especially when they’re trees. Trust me on this one.” She pulled the blindfold back over her eyes. “Plus I’m pretty sure that Woohyun is the only one who knows about me and climbing trees. And he might not even look up because as you said I’ll be blind.”

“She’s got a point” Chanyeol shrugged. “Plus if you’ve never seen her in a tree, she has amazing balance. I’ve never seen her purposely ‘fall’ out of a tree.”

“Fine.” Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “Let’s go down for lunch, and then we can get ready to head out.”


“So 5 on 3 hide and seek. If we manage to stay out there until an hour before dinner we win. We lose if we’re brought back to the house or beaten in a fight and brought back.” Gage ran over things with Sunggyu who nodded.

“Yep. The three of you will have five minutes to hide. And every time the three of you win a match whoever you win against has to stay down for three minutes.”


Gage managed to stay hidden in the trees for two and a half hours. She bided her time quietly moving from tree to tree knowing she’d only have one shot at dropping down on one of her brothers. Once one of them knew about her being up in the trees they all would know. She listened for everyone’s positions in the woods.

She picked up six in struggles. Where was the seventh? “Looking for me?” Dongwoo’s voice sounded near her ear. She dropped from the tree, rolling to land crouched on her feet. How had he gotten so close without her noticing? The only thing she could think of was that he was better than Sungyeol. But she never would’ve guessed as Sungyeol shows off unlike Dongwoo.

“Impressive” he mused.

Gaged stayed still trying not to make a show of scenting the air as she didn’t fully trust her hearing at the moment. There. She kicked out behind her. He read her movements and caught her foot. She immediately spun and caught him with her other foot. She rolled away from him and stood in a semi-guarded position she took a calming breath and willed her heart to be calm as well.

“Not bad” Dongwoo circled her.

Gage knew he was circling her but she had difficulty telling exactly where he was. “Are you walking on your toes?” She crossed her arms and cocked her head as she picked up movement. “You are! You’re walking on your tip toes.”

“Baiting me won’t work.”

Gage shrugged “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. It works; coyotes do it all the time.”

“You guys are boring!” Sungyeol call out. “Come on, aim a kick at her head or something see what happens.”

“Shut up!” Gage, Myungsoo and Sungjong all replied.

Regardless of who won or lost it seemed like the others have all gathered to watch the match between Dongwoo and Gage. “You’ll have to initiate.” Sungyeol lowered his voice. Gage turned her head toward him and sneered “Sungyeol stay out of this.” Hoya slapped his head.

Gage put her arms up blocking and pushing away Dongwoo’s kick from her left. She immediately kicked out with her right, which he caught and trapped against his side.

“Let go.”

“No. Do you yield?”

“Nope” she answered with a ‘pop’. She gripped his shirt in the same instance that he wrapped a leg around her free one. Together they helped each other fall, tumbling head over heels. They ended with Gage sitting on Dongwoo’s chest with her forearm pressed against his throat “Yield” she whispered slightly out of breath.

He managed a slight nod and she let up. “Yes, for the time being.” He cleared his throat.

Gage rolled off to the side.

“Alright lets head in” Woohyun suggested.

Gage sat up “No way, not until Sunggyu calls us in.”

She heard his hand hit his chest “Ouch, what’s with the lack of trust?”

“This is an exercise and you’re not on my team.”

“That was-” “Don’t say impressive.” Dongwoo chuckled, shaking his head “Wasn’t going to. But why not? You’re blindfolded.”

“Because it (the result) probably would’ve been the same if she could see at the time. Gage is very good at gaining the upper hand especially when it comes to close combat holds.”

“Shouldn’t have been that easy though” Gage tilted her head “He was holding back” she jerked her thumb in Dongwoo’s direction.

“And you weren’t?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Things happen when I don’t at least a little. I don’t want to be responsible for accidentally killing one of my brothers.” Gage’s phone went off and she answered it “It’s a bit early but let everyone know they can head back.” Gage relayed what Sunggyu had said then turned away from them walking a few paces away. She knew he wasn’t finished.

“Do we need to talk later?”

She sighed “No, but if you think it’s necessary… If you were close enough to hear the last thing I said, why didn’t you just step out and tell us we could head in?”

“Maybe I wanted to talk to you semi-privately; I know you charm your phone.” She sighed

“Yeah okay. Just so ya know I’m not wearing the blindfold for the rest of the night after I get back to the house.” She was half expecting him to say no despite the fact that she wasn’t asking.

“That’s fine; see you when you get here.”  

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