Draw of energy


“Up, up, up!”

Gage groaned “The sun’s not even up yet” She mumbled into a pillow.

“Exactly!” Sungyeol countered.

‘Sh- SungJong and Sungyeol. How could I have forgotten?’ She wondered. “Fine, fine, fine!” she threw a pillow in their direction “Let me get dressed, I’ll be out in a bit.” When she was done she opened the door to the two of them grinning ear to ear. “No coffee then, I suppose?”

“No time.” They each took hold of one of her hands, leading her out of the house. “Kaja!” They both let go and took off for the woods behind their house. Gage hadn’t checked the time but it was still dark out so she thought it was about 4am. She rolled her eyes closing them and centered herself before following them in.

They were far enough ahead that she could just make out their shapes “Gage?” Sungyeol’s voice drifted back to her. She hummed a reply so they would know she was following. She sped up when they disappeared and stopped at the edge of a small clearing. Her brothers were nowhere to be seen but she knew that something was going to happen.

Tucking her hands into her pockets she closed her eyes and waited. Not a minute later, Sungyeol dropped down and she rolled out of the way only to back into SungJong. They traded blows, blocking and pinning each other. Until Sungyeol grabbed her from behind. Gage twisted away and threw him toward SungJong, who moved out of the way to let him fall on his own.
“Not bad, come on we’re almost there” SungJong waved.

She shook her head and helped Sungyeol up. “What was that about?” Sungyeol shrugged “None of us have really seen you in action yet except for Hoya. There’s a chance it won’t happen but don’t be surprised if the others decide to test you as well.” The two came up on a small cliff “You guys are slow.”

“So why are we here?”

“Sunrise meditation” Sungyeol pulled Gage down with him as he sat on the ground.

“How is this any different than regular meditation?”

SungJong groaned “Shut up Gage and just do it.”

She huffed a sigh and focused on her breathing. It wasn’t much longer before they felt the gently heat on their faces. Gage opened her eyes and stretched. “What was that?” It was almost as good as coffee.”

“The moon might help us change but the sun is also a part of nature. And its first rays in the morning can be refreshing.”

She nodded “Makes sense. I mean the sun is a star.” Sungyeol stared at her “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’ll uh see you guys at home” she took off.

“It means that she knows how to draw energy from the stars.” Sungjong said thoughtfully “My guess is that she doesn’t do it often, only when she’s severely injured and needs to kick start the healing process or something like that.”


Gage was just starting to sip her coffee when the two walked back in. “Why didn’t you-” She whipped around and covered Sungyeol’s mouth with her free hand effectively silencing his accusing tone. “Because it’s not important,” She shrugged. He pulled her hand down. “Like hell it’s not! You should know that Sunggyu’s the only other person in this house that can do that.”

“I’m sure that if Myungsoo really wanted to or needed to that he could do it too.” Sungyeol shook his head “We’ve all tried.”

“What’s going on?” Woohyun and Hoya entered the kitchen “Nothing”-“They’ll have to know sometime.”

“NO they really don’t, it’s not a big deal so why are you making it out to be so?”

“Because our sweet broken sister has the makings of a Great wolf.” Gage just stared at him.

“What is going on here?” Hoya repeated. “Nothing, he’s crazy” she went out the back.

“A storm is brewing, change is coming.” SungJong went to his room.

“Where’s Dongwoo on the family history thing?” Sungyeol questioned the two remaining brothers.

“I’m not even going to ask why you know that.” Dongwoo joined them, “What’s going on?”

“Well as far as we can see SungJong’s being creepy, Sungyeol’s got some crazy notion about Gage which is upsetting her. But we’ve asked twice and none of them had clearly explained anything” Woohyun filled in.

 Dongwoo nodded, then pinned Sungyeol with a look. “Sungjong and I inadvertently found out something about Gage which may or may not be the reason she had been sent away as a baby instead of being sent away because she was broken.”

“Alright I’ll see what I can find. But I’ll need more specific information and you’ll have to tell Sunggyu as well. So let’s find him so you won’t have to repeat yourself and then you’re going to find Gage and apologize for pushing.”

“Why is Gage crying in the backyard?” Sunggyu stood in the doorway.

“We were actually coming to look for you” Dongwoo pushed Sungyeol in the direction of the eldest.

“My room” Dongwoo followed Sunggyu and Sungyeol upstairs. Once in the room Sunggyu crossed his arms and waited for someone to talk. “I’m fairly certain that Gage would be an Alpha if she wasn’t broken, she could still be someday.”

“How did you figure this out?”

“She pretty much told us that she could draw from the stars after we explained sun meditation. You can even ask SungJong.”

“I don’t need to search the family history for that. Grandfather was particular he wouldn’t have allowed a potentially strong female, when he already had a grandson who was an Alpha. If it hadn’t been for our grandfather we would’ve grown up with our sister. As it was Gage should’ve been dead, her being broken is what saved her.”

Sunggyu placed a hand on Sungyeol’s shoulder “She doesn’t want the power of being a leader and even if she did I would still help her because she’s our sister and that’s all that matters, alright?” Sungyeol nodded. “Good now go apologize.”

Sunggyu pinched the bridge of his nose and waited till he knew that Sungyeol was out of hearing range. “What he and the others don’t realize is that even broken; Gage emits a lot of power. She knows how to suppress it and even hide it along with her presence completely.”

”It’s almost a cruelty that she was born broke.”

“What if she wasn’t? What if someone knew of her potential and made her broken so she could live.”

Dongwoo snapped his fingers “That would certainly explain why she seems so healthy and strong enough body and mind to support her wolf but can’t. I’m gonna go dig further into this. Someone’s gotta know something from that day.” Sunggyu nodded and Dongwoo ran out of the room.


Once again I am terribly sorry about the wait on this story.

- Fayt

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12/26/15 two new chapters


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