oo4 ; Saved Once Again.

l o v e s i c k - 처음이었죠
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Eunji sighs as she sips her perfectly brewed vanilla bean coffee. She walks out of the cozy coffee shoppe and proceeds down the crowded sidewalk along the busy streets of Seoul to her new university that she'll be attending.

Despite the noise, Eunji felt relaxed and somewhat refreshed since the autumn season is quickly coming up.

It has been nearly a year since her heart transplant.

After her recovery of her miraculous heart implant, Eunji has been living life to her fullest, knowing that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for her to even continue with her life. It's all thanks to her 'Guardian Angel'. She doesn't even know if he was real or if the whole suicide situation even happened! For all she knows, it all could've been a dream, a long and very realistic dream.

And it was a good dream, in fact.

Eunji takes in the autumn air into her perfectly functioning lungs, her heart pumping healthily with her every breath and action. It's like she never had a heart failure in the first place, Dr. Nam was that good with his patients.

But it still comes to her mind once in a while of the expression of his eyes as he happily told her the news of the new perfectly compatible heart.

Well, Eunji knows. She knows that the heart she's using right now used to be someone who isn't in this world anymore. She knows that that person had saved her life more than anyone else, even the doctor or her handsome angel. She was very thankful for that person to donate their heart after their time on Earth had came to an end, ensuring a new healthy beginning in her life on Earth. If she could meet that person who used to own the heart that was beating in her chest, she would be very thankful to them and even dedicate her life to them.

"Move it, ! There's people trying to go places, you can't just stand around in the middle of the walkway like a mindless dork!" someone grunted as they shoved Eunji off the walkway into the dangerous streets that beared cars furiously driving.

Eunji was pushed onto the dirty asphalt that was covered in warm-colored leaves. She almost landed flat on her face if it wasn't for her bag that contained her textbooks for class and her heart medication. Wait a minute where's her heart meds?

"Wah! Where is it? I swear I packed them in here today!" Eunji exclaimed as she searched every pocket in her brown hangover bag. She heard a horn honk

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ExochanyeolLay #1
Nice I know it been like a month or 2 but I the paring not a lot of people write woohyun and Eunji fanfics