Their First Meeting

My Last Wish~


After washing my face and changing into fresh clothes, I met up with Hyoyeon-unnie outside our family cabin. It was pretty big for a cabin. Of course, it had to be, since it had to fit all our family members. I shared a room with Hyoyeon, so we would stay up all night talking about different things that were on our minds!

We walked silently for a while on the path that led to our secret place. We both took our time to enjoy nature's delicacy and all it had to offer. "Ah," I told Hyoyeon. "I can't wait to sit by our waterfall and eat these yummy sandwiches we made."

"Me neither! I even brought your favourite, Peanut Butter and Goguma!"


I honeslty couldn't wait any longer, so I decided to run towards our secret hideout. Being the clumsy girl I am, I stepped right on top of a loose tree branch and snapped it, tripping myself in the process. As Hyoyeon-unnie helped me up, our eyes met the eyes of a strange man in a suit, sitting by our secret hideout.


"Push! Come on, one more push!"


"Just one more time, PUSH!"



"It's another girl! You're a lucky mom to have nine beautiful daughters. What are you gonna name her?

"Seo...Seohyun! Her name is....Seohyun!"

"That's beautiful!"

"Thanks for all the help, Jung Woo Ri."

"Anytime, just call me whenever you need help. Or scream in pain. Either one works." :)



"Who are you?" one of the girls asked me. She had long wavy brown hair and her eyes were sweet potatoes. I hope she wasn't hurt from her fall.

"Oh, I'm not from around here. I'm just visiting."

"We can tell, mind giving us your name?" the other girl answered. "I'm Hyoyeon by the way and this, is Seohyun."

"Seohyun..." I said under my breath. "My name is Yonghwa, nice to meet you."

"What are you doing all the way out here?"

"Just thinking, got a lot on my mind."

"Oh, I understand," chimed in Seohyun. "Why don't you come eat lunch with us? We have more than enough sandwiches packed!" WOW! Pretty and kind, she was truly something.

I smiled and told them to come sit with me.


This Yonghwa guy was pretty handsome. He had a shy smile but was really nice.

"So what do you do around here?" he asked.

"Not much, just work on our farm and have as much fun as we can!"

"What do you do, back in the city, assuming that is where you live."

"Oh, I just study and try to please my par...the people I live with. It's not an easy life."

"Do you do anything for fun?"

"I sometimes play basketball with my dad. Do you play sports with your dad?"



*Sob..."Why did he leave us?" I cried.

"Seohyun, dear, its gonna be OK. He left, because it was his time to leave."


"I know you might not understand, since you're only eight years old, but everything happens for a reason. Your dad isn't suffering anymore; he's in Heaven now!"

"Is Heaven nice?"

"Nice? It's the best, I'm sure your dad is up there, watching you and hoping that you stop crying."

*Sniff "Thanks auntie Woo Ri."

"Now go get washed up before dinner."

I left to go upstairs but I heard auntie Woo Ri and my mom fighting.

"What are you trying to do? Steal my daughter?"

"No, I was just comforting her?"

"Well stay away from her, you're not gonna steal the way you stole my husband."

"Don't get mad just because she treats me as her mother and not you."

"Woori...leave my house...NOW!"

I watched as auntie Woori left. She would never back to our house since then.


"Our dad died when I was eight." I told him.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

It was quiet but I knew Yonghwa was beating himself up on the inside.

"It's ok, seriously. I'm over it now, I've moved on. Let's just enjoy the rest of lunch ok?"

Yonghwa looked up at me. Hyoyeon looked away from us, trying to avoid the awkward tension.

He took my hand, and apologized one more time. "I have to go now. Sorry."

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luxubu #1
Why did her mother hate Woori so much??? I strongly suggest you should add "Yongseo" tag to your story so more people will know about your fic.<br />
Thank you and update soon ^^