Getting in Trouble

Love Shuffle

|Scene 15|


Jin Ae bobbed her head to the beat of the music that was playing around her neck. Hye Shi yawned and stretched her body. The two girls walked to school bright and early in the morning. Jin Ae looked over at the older girl and smirked. Jin Ae nudged the girl and the best friend snapped out of her tired stance.

Hye Shi raised an eyebrow and asked, "What?"

"How was last night's date with Seo Eun Kwang?" Jin Ae questioned curiously with a devious smile.

Hye Shi blinked and thought back to her date. Hye Shi could admit that Eun Kwang was a suitable guy. He was proper and well mannered; he treated her fairly and was absolutely perfect matched for her. He was kind enough to her back home safely.

Hye Shi looked and saw a jittering Jin Ae waiting for her answer. Hye Shi blinked and nodded her head, "It was...alright," the girl responded.

"...just alright? Nothing else? Just...alright?" Jin Ae was not pleased with her answer. "It can't be just alright unnie, were you not pleased with him?" Jin Ae was disappointed that her friend reacted that way.

"I didn't say I wasn't pleased with Eun Kwang," Hye Shi shrugged with a smile.

"...ugh and this time I thought maybe you could find someone that you can love and cherish, stupid me. Humph, now to think who would be suited for you..." Jin Ae pouted and begin thinking.

"Jin Ae, don't," Hye Shi looked over at the girl. The two were getting closer to the school.

"Hmm...maybe Si Wan from art class?" Jin Ae thought out loud while Hye Shi sighed.

"Jin Ae...are you listening?" Hye Shi questioned

"Huh, maybe Lee U? Or Rae Hwan?" Jin Ae nodded her head at the choices.

"...Jin Ae..." Hye Shi narrowed her eyes when she just barely stepped foot into the school grounds. Someone from behind the girl covered her eyes with the palm of their hands and hugged her from behind. Hye Shi let out a gasp and blushed at the sudden embrace.

"Guess who?" A playful voice questioned Hye Shi. Hye Shi blushed deeply and placed her fingers on top of the person's hand. She took them off of her eyes and turned her body around to coming face to face with her newly lover. She wrapped her arms around the boy's neck and nuzzled her head into the nook of his neck.

"Oh I know! How about Kevin from U Kiss!?" Jin Ae snapped her fingers. Jin Ae turned around to seeing Hye Shi getting cozy with Seo Eun Kwang. Jin Ae looked confused and blinked.

"...uhh, unnie?" Jin Ae began and then Hye Shi unwrapped her arms from her lover. Eun Kwang laced their fingers together. Suddenly Eun Kwang took off Hye Shi's book bag and placed it on his shoulder. Hye Shi sighed happily at her boyfriend's action.

"Jin Ae I've been trying to tell you - I just recently got into a relationship with Eun Kwang. Thanks to you," Hye Shi explained. "I had a wonderful night,"

Jin Ae on the other hand was baffled at other girl. "You two..?" Jin Ae began and Hye Shi nodded her head. Eun Kwang nodded his head in a form of hello to Jin Ae. Jin Ae waved a hand and smiled at him.

"Anyways Dongsaeng, Eun Kwang's going to hang out with me before class starts so I'll see you later," Hye Shi beamed while tugging on the boys hand. Eun Kwang chuckled and waved goodbye to Jin Ae. He wrapped his arms around Hye Shi's waist. The two walked off first down the path.

Leaving Jin Ae with a big grin, she giggled and clapped her hands. She turned around to seeing Chang Jo with a disturbed expression. Jin Ae blinked and thought back to what Amber had rambled on about Chang Jo and suddenly a thought occurred to her.

"Morning Chang Jo," Jin Ae saw flames merging into the boy's eyes.

"Morning Jin Ae," Chang Jo bitterly answered back while staring at Hye Shi and Eun Kwang's backs.

"Uhh...are you okay?" Jin Ae raised an eyebrow.

"Peachy,  just...who is that with Hye Shi noona?" Chang Jo couldn't help but questioned.

"That guy with Hye Shi? Seo Eun Kwang, her boyfriend," Jin Ae replied while staring at him closely.

"...boyfriend? When did they get together? Is he treating her right?" Chang Jo sprouting out questions nonstop. Jin Ae watched his actions and knew exactly what is going on.

"Mmm, she just recently got into a relationship with him last night. Is there...a problem?" Jin Ae teasingly asked while watching him pout.

"No, no there isn't a problem at all," Chang Jo retorted while looking at her. "I'll go off first, I'll see you later - Dong Jun hyung should be coming soon," Jin Ae nodded and watched as Chang Jo angrily walked off with flames following him. Jin Ae amusingly laughed at the boys action and shook her head.

"What are you laughing at?" A voice from behind questioned her. Jin Ae turned around and saw Dong Jun blinking at her. Jin Ae held in her laughter and smiled at her boyfriend.

"I think...your best friend has a crush on Hye Shi," Jin Ae giggled out.

"Ricky? What the hell? I never thought Ricky would like Hye Shi..." Dong Jun's eyes widened.

"No! Not Ricky! I meant Chang Jo!" Jin Ae slapped her boyfriend's arm.

"Oh! Oh Chang Jo! Oh well that would make sense - I sort of had a feeling that he would end up liking her from the baby project. Plus also what he told me from the prom night," Dong Jun grinned.

"Prom night? He didn't go to prom though..." Jin Ae looked confused.

"He didn't need to go because - wait did Hye Shi tell you what happened at the cafe after we left?" Dong Jun questioned with an eyebrow raise.

"No, no she didn't tell me - what happened after we left?" Jin Ae shook her head.

"Hye Shi ended up comforting Chang Jo and from what Chang Jo happily told me, they shared a dance and many laughter together," Dong Jun chuckled.

"Omo - really? That is so cute!" Jin Ae cooed.

"Don't you think we should try to help Chang Jo out with Hye Shi?" Dong Jun nudged the girl lightly.

"We should now that I just found out that Chang Jo likes Hye Shi like that! That is so cute!" Jin Ae crooned happily.

"Then operation get Chang Jo together with Hye Shi is a go?" Dong Jun winked at her.

"Yes! Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut wait!" Jin Ae nodded rapidly but then her eyes widened. She just remembered that Hye Shi was currently in a relationship with someone right now.

"What?" Dong Jun looked at his lover.

"We can't do it," Jin Ae shook her head and pouted.

"Why not?" Dong Jun blinked and stared at the girl.

"Because...I sort of hooked up Hye Shi together with Seo Eun Kwang...last night..." Jin Ae slowly said while looking down blushing.

"You did what!?" Dong Jun shouted while staring at her.

"I didn't know Chang Jo liked Hye Shi! Plus right now Hye Shi seems to be really interested with Eun Kwang..." Jin Ae sadly murmured out while pouting.

"You do know that Seo Eun Kwang is in a relationship with someone else right now too right?" Dong Jun gave his girlfriend a straight face and said. Once Jin Ae heard that, Jin Ae’s eyes widened massively.

"...what?" Jin Ae breathlessly asked.

"Oh my god," Dong Jun facepalmed himself and stared at the girl. He shook his head in disapproval.

“No, seriously, what?! I thought he was single!” Jin Ae gasped out loud.

“He isn’t! Don’t you know that he is going out with Ji Hyun?!” Dong Jun asked.

“No! I don’t keep up with who goes out with who! It’s too troublesome!” Jin Ae growled out.

“Well he has been going out with her for four months now and now what did you do? You hooked up your best friend with who is possibly now a cheater!” Dong Jun explained.

“Oh My God, we have to stop her!” Jin Ae shouted.

“Hell yes!” Dong Jun agreed and hooked his hands together with Jin Ae and took off in a fast manner.


“What in the world? Park Hye Shi and Seo Eun Kwang? What are they doing together?”

“Why are they holding hands - is the better question,”

“Hmph, isn’t he going out with Choi Ji Hyun?”

“How shameless of her? Does she even know that he already has a girlfriend?”

Rumors began spreading around with gossip between Hye Shi and Eun Kwang. Hye Shi didn’t bother spending time with the rumors that were spreading around. She continued rummaging through her locker for the materials that she needed. Eun Kwang hanged out beside the girl while leaning on the lockers.

“So Hye Shi?” Eun Kwang began while brushing his bangs to the side. Hye Shi placed a book in the locker and then glanced over at her boyfriend.

“Hmm? Yes Eun Kwang?” Hye Shi raised an eyebrow.

“Are you busy after school?” Eun Kwang asked while smiling at her. Hye Shi looked at him and felt her heart flutter but there was something that didn’t feel right. Hye Shi felt uneasy with this feeling that she had inside.

“I actually have work after school but...I can work something out with Jung Min oppa. What did you want to do?” Hye Shi blinked curiously at the boy.

“I wanted to take you out,” Eun Kwang winked at her.

“Oh? Alright, I’ll give Jung Min oppa a call,” Hye Shi closed the locker and leaned against the lockers beside him.

“I’ll wait for you outside by the brick wall gates,” Eun Kwang smirked and brushed a strand of hair out of the girl’s face.

“Okay, I’ll see you after school,” Hye Shi bid her goodbyes to the boy. Eun Kwang leaned down and gave her a soft peck on the forehead. Eun Kwang left first down the hallway leaving Hye Shi standing there. Hye Shi raised her hand to her forehead and felt....nothing. No sparks at all from the boy. She felt empty from Eun Kwang’s touches. What could be the meaning of this?

Hye Shi shook her head and turned around to coming face to face with some girls. Hye Shi blinked and moved aside to walk down the path but they moved in front of her again. Hye Shi’s eyes narrowed.

“Shameless,” Girl number one who was standing on the right spat out.

“What?” Hye Shi glared at her.

“You do know that Ji Hyun is going out with Eun Kwang right?” Another girl question while rolling her eyes.

“W-what?” Hye Shi asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Heh, stupid - get your own boyfriend. Don’t steal someone else’s boyfriend, ,” The girl harshly brushed past Hye Shi knocking shoulders with the girl. The rest of the girls gave her disgusted looks and brushed past her hard as well. Hye Shi looked at them and scoffed. She turned around and saw everyone else in the hallways giving her distant looks.

Hye Shi recollected her thoughts and walked down the hallway. As Hye Shi walked down the hallway, the students that were there continued gossiping and their gossips grew louder and louder by the second went by. Hye Shi shook her head and ran up the stairs. She went up the flight of stairs but the gossip clung to her like glue. Hye Shi continued going up the stairs until she tripped over her own two feet and fell to the ground. She covered her ears to cancel out the loud chattering that was going on. Everyone in the hallway began crowding around the girl and laughed. They began mocking her at her actions.

“What a stupid ,”

“Heh, she is not only a but a clumsy one,”

“Heh, what a stupid - stealing Ji Hyun’s boyfriend,”

“Doesn’t she know that they have been going out for so long?”

“Look at her, so shameless and no one is here to save her, haha!”

Leave me alone. What are you all talking about? Eun Kwang isn’t dating anyone!’ Hye Shi cried out mentally. She shut her eyes and just wished that everyone would leave her alone.

“Leave Hye Shi alone!” A loud voice called out while brushing past everyone in the crowd. Hye Shi froze when she heard that voice. She recognizes that voice from anywhere. Everyone took a few steps back when they heard the loud booming voice. Hye Shi opened her eyes slightly and saw the former father of Jae Hoon. Her body trembles as she sees Chang Jo standing above her.

“There’s nothing to see here! Get out! Go to your classes!” Chang Jo snapped in an angry tone. No one dared move a muscle. Chang Jo narrowed his eyes and turned back to Hye Shi. He crouched down and helped the girl up. Hye Shi looked at the younger boy with large eyes and saw him take her bag.

“Fine, since you won’t leave - then we will,” Chang Jo hissed out and intertwined his fingers with Hye Shi’s.  Hye Shi was speechless at the boy’s action and felt him tug her up the flight of stairs. Hye Shi could heard the group of teens gossiping behind her back yet once again. Chang Jo looked behind him and saw the distressed older girl. Chang Jo frowned and led her to the roof tops.

There Hye Shi walked in slowly and fell to the ground. Hye Shi frowned and looked down at her hands that were lying on her lap. Chang Jo took off their bags and took a seat beside the girl. Hye Shi frowned and bit her lip nervously.

“Aish, stupid people these days,” Chang Jo muttered out cooly. Hye Shi looked up slightly and glanced over at Chang Jo. She looked and saw how calm and peaceful he looked.

“Jong Hyun, thank you,” Hye Shi smiled at the younger boy.

“Hm?” Chang Jo blinked and looked over to coming face to face with the older girl. They were inches away from kissing each other. Chang Jo let out a small squeak and backed away. Hye Shi heard his tiny noise and let out a laughter.

“I should start calling you Jerry the mouse,” Hye Shi teased lightly. Chang Jo’s cheeks flushed bright pink.

“W-why?!” Chang Jo squeaked once again while he mentally slapped himself for making a fool out of himself in front of the older girl.

“Haha, you are squeaking all over. It’s...cute,” Hye Shi laughed again. Chang Jo pouted and playfully nudged her.

Ahjumma is so mean,” Chang Jo . Hye Shi looked playfully offended and glared at him. Chang Jo began laughing at the angry girl. Hye Shi stuck out her tongue.

“Yah! I’m not an old lady! You are such a baby!” Hye Shi couldn’t help but laugh along. “But...Chang Jo, thank you for what you did back there,” Hye Shi smiled at him. Chang Jo smiled back at the girl and nodded his head.

“I’ll do whatever I can to protect you, noona,” Chang Jo smiled at choice in words. Hye Shi felt touched by his words and nodded her head.


“Aish, where is that girl!?” Dong Jun whined while looking around. Jin Ae frantically looked around, searching for her best friend.

Dong Jun’s expression brightened, “Oh!” he exclaimed.

Jin Ae jumped before turning to stare at her boyfriend.

“I know where she is!” Dong Jun grinned.

Jin Ae’s eyes enlarged, “You do?! Why didn’t you say it earlier?!” she punched the boy on his arm.

“Ow, woman, stop that! I just realized it anyways!” Dong Jun whined.

“So tell me, where is she, all-knowing male god?” Jin Ae rolled her eyes.

The older boy narrowed his eyes at the girl, “I will ignore that this time,” before he grinned again, “But! You know how in dramas, if someone isn’t found inside the school, they will be at the rooftop?!” Dong Jun exclaimed happily.

Jin Ae facepalmed, “God dammit with you and your drama-addiction..”

“But it’s true..” Don Jun sniffled.

“You do know that this is real life and not some fluffy drama series?” Jin Ae raised an eyebrow at the boy.

“Of course!” he rolled his eyes. “Now come on, we have a girl to rescue,” he latched his hand on the girl’s and tugged her along with him. They ran towards the staircase and started climbing up the stairs.

“Junnie, wait. I can’t run anymore~,” Jin Ae whined as she slowed down.

“I agree,” Dong Jun puffed as they stopped at the middle of the staircase. He glanced at his girlfriend, and he couldn’t help but stare at her.

And in a blink of an eye, Jin Ae was pinned to the wall.

“What the eff, Dong Jun?! What are you doing?” Jin Ae questioned as her boyfriend buried his head in the crook of her neck.

“You are so beautiful, Kim Jin Ae,” he murmured, his breath tickling the girl.

Jin Ae sighed, “Dong Jun?”

The boy breathed out, “Hmm?”

“We still have to find Hye Shi,” Jin Ae reminded the boy, who got distracted.

Dong Jun froze for a moment, before he disregarded from the girl’s neck, “You are right, let’s go.” he said and tugged the girl to move again. When the boy wasn’t looking, Jin Ae giggled softly under her breath.

They reached the rooftop in matter of seconds. They stood there and looked around for the missing girl.

Dong Jun pointed at one direction, making the younger girl look over. And indeed, the missing girl was there. With a companion of one of Dong Jun’s best friends.

The couple walked over the two.

“Thank god we found you, Hye Shi,” Jin Ae smiled.

Hye Shi looked surprised as she turned to look at her own best friend, “What are you doing here?”

“We have really important thing to tell you,” Jin Ae said, while her boyfriend nodded from beside her.

Hye Shi’s brows furrowed, “What is it?”

“You need to break up with Eun Kwang,” Jin Ae stated.

“What, why?” the older girl questioned, confused.

Jin Ae took a deep breath, “He’s already dating someone else. And he has been dating her for longer than you have,” she calmly explained.

Hye Shi rolled her eyes, “Are you believing those rumors too?”

“W-what?” Jin Ae stuttered, before she looked at Dong Jun for help. He nodded before turning towards Hye Shi.

“But it’s true,” Dong Jun nodded, “He has been going out with this girl, Ji Hyun, for four months. And that’s a pretty long time,” he finished.

Hye Shi opened to argue, but got cut off, “As much I want you to be happy and I support your relationship with Eun Kwang, it isn’t right for him to date another girl when he already has a girlfriend. Also, this only hurts you in the process.” Dong Jun said.

Hye Shi looked at the two and shook her head. “You both are unbelieveable, Jin Ae, you told me that he was single and that was why I went on that date with him,” Hye Shi looked at her best friend. Chang Jo looked at Hye Shi with wary eyes, “If he was in a relationship with another girl - why didn’t he tell me no? You know what? Forget it, I don’t want to hear anything else from you all,” Hye Shi got up from her seat. She turned away and left the group of teens.

“A-ah, Hye Shi!” Jin Ae called out and tried running after her but got held back by Dong Jun.

“Don’t, just leave her” Dong Jun stated.

“I can’t leave her Dong Jun!” Jin Ae looked at her boyfriend.

“Even if you say anything now - she won’t listen to you,” Chang Jo spoke up. The couple glanced over and saw Chang Jo was still there.

“Then what do you want me to do? Sit on the sidelines and watch my best friend get hurt by a lying cheeky bastard?!” Jin Ae cursed while scoffing. “I refuse to do that!” Jin Ae pouted.

“Then...why don’t we show Hye Shi that she is being cheated on?” Dong Jun suggested with a smile.

“ mean get proof?” Jin Ae raised an eyebrow.

“Hyung’s right, we could get proof and show to Hye Shi that Eun Kwang’s a lying jerk,” Chang Jo smiled. Jin Ae smiled and nodded along.

“That could be it, let’s do that,” Jin Ae cheered.

“Alright, ‘Operation get the bastard’ is in go! Let’s do it!” Dong Jun pumped the sky happily.


“Oppa? Hey Oppa, I won’t be taking my shift at the cafe today. I have a date,”

“Oh? With whom? Kyung - I assume?”

“No oppa...I’m not dating Kyung, his name’s Eun Kwang,”

“Oh? Alright - be home early before 8 tonight, okay?”

“Yes, dad,”

Hye Shi stood beside the brick building waiting patiently for Eun Kwang. She fixed her hair with her pocket mirror and began rethinking about what happened earlier. She glanced down at her hand and remembered in the morning, how Eun Kwang linked his hands together with hers.

“...I don’t understand,” Hye Shi murmured quietly. “Why don’t I feel anything when I’m with Eun Kwang...” Hye Shi wondered while pouting. She glanced down at the wrist watch to seeing that Eun Kwang was close to an hour late. She wondered what could have happened. Suddenly her phone began vibrating, Hye Shi picked her phone out of her pocket and saw a text message.

Sorry Hye Shi, I have an unexpected piano session - tomorrow I’ll take you out! <3 Eun Kwang’ Hye Shi stared at the message and gave a sad smile.

It’s okay Eun Kwang, I’ll see you tomorrow’ Hye Shi sent back the message and pushed herself off of the wall. Hye Shi swung her bag back over her shoulder and walked off sadly.



I hope these few chapters satisfy you, both in amount and quality

See you next time lovelies

Love you~!

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ilabya3 #1
Congratz ^_^
ExoticAnqel #4
Congratulations on the random feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #5
Congrats on the random feature!!!
Congrats! C:
lovelyme23 #8
Congratulations :)
congrats :)