All's Fair In Love & War

Love Shuffle

Jin Ae and Dong Jun arrived at the school's gym, where the prom was going to be held.

"Uwaah, this place is crowded!" Jin Ae cheered as she spun around in circles.

"Of course it is, babo~," Dong Jun lightly flicked the younger girl's forehead.

"Aya~," the girl rubbed her forehead with one eye closed.

"Stop rubbing it, or else it will go red and you will mess up your pretty hair." the older boy pulled the girl's hand down.

"Nana!" someone greeted cheerfully before Jin Ae was embraced from behind. Dong Jun scoffed.

"Ricky! Where's your date?" Jin Ae smiled as she got out of the boy's arms.

"Right here." Krystal approached the group.

"Are the others here?" Jin Ae asked the other girl.

“Yep,  somewhere in here. Shall we go look for them?” Krystal offered.

Jin Ae happily nodded with a big smile plastered on her face. She locked elbows with the other girl and they began their journey.

Dong Jun and Ricky were left awkwardly standing with each other.

“So, did you make up with Jin Ae?”

Dong Jun looked at the younger male standing next to him, “What do you mean?”

Ricky shrugged, “I had a chat with her after you abandoned her at school hallway.”

Dong Jun sighed, “Did she bad-mouth me?”

“Of course not. She was just upset, and she didn’t know what to do about the situation. I gave her the idea to come here with you and switch with L.Joe sometime.” Ricky explained.

Dong Jun blinked and looked at Ricky. “What do you mean...switch between me and L.Joe?” Dong Jun glared at the boy.

“ mean she didn’t tell you?” Ricky whispered.

“Tell me what? What did she do?” Dong Jun hissed out.

“Damn it,” Ricky slapped his forehead. “Well...actually...before you and Jin Ae started going out, L.Joe sort of...asked her to go to prom,” Ricky slowly said while Dong Jun’s eyes widened.

“...that son of a ,” Dong Jun twitched.

“But listen,” Ricky began while reassuring the boy. “Be cool with Jin Ae - she didn’t want to be mean to L.Joe after all the effort that he took to ask her out,” Ricky said while smiling.

“But that’s MY girlfriend - what happened to the guy code? Hands off my girl,” Dong Jun growled out.

“Don’t do anything rash...” Ricky begged.

“Oh I won’t - oh hey L.Joe! Come here for a bit?” Dong Jun waved towards the boy from across the room.

“ headed fool...” Ricky shook his head.


“So I heard Hye Shi dumped Chun Ji,” Luna frowned.

“That’s pretty sad...” Sulli whined.

“Well it seemed like the right thing to do,” Amber pointed out.

“What do you mean? She dumped the perfect guy that liked her,” Victoria stated while sighing.

“He doesn’t have much,” Krystal shrugged.

“I’m going to have to agree with Krystal on this one,” Jin Ae began while nodding.

“All he has is money and looks. Half of the school population of girls love Chun Ji for that only. Knowing Hye Shi, she wouldn’t go for those two,” Krystal pointed out.

“Damn...” The girls all whispered amongst each other.

“But have you noticed something?” Amber began while tapping her chin.

“What?” Sulli blinked.

“A certain Junior...has an eye for our Hye Shi,” Amber smirked while chuckling.

“Really which one? Cause I know Min Woo likes her,” Luna blinked.

“Also Young Min from classroom 3-B” Victoria pointed out.

“There’s also Chae Jin - remember that cute one from Soccer Team?” Jin Ae smiled.

“Those aren’t the one I’m thinking about one. I’m thinking about another one,” Amber laughed.

“Who?” The girls all looked at her an answer.

“He’s from Teen Top - look around to see who isn’t here,” Amber smirked. “There - you will find your answer,” The girls all peered around and counted all of the members.

“Hmm...C.A.P, Ricky, Niel, Chun Ji is on the rebound with some cheerleader,” Luna looked around and for two more heads but couldn’t see any.

“Oh My God, what is going on over there with L.Joe and Dong Jun!” Sulli gasped while blinking. Jin Ae snapped her attention over to the duo.

“Oh great...what the hell is going on now!?” Jin Ae questions while the girls all pushed themselves over to the scene.

“I sense a prissy girl fight about to start,” Luna grinned.

“It’s fine that you can dance with Jin Ae but know this...I’m her boyfriend,” Dong Jun said while staring at the boy in front of him.

“I know you are her boyfriend. It’s not really a new thing that I just learned - I know you are her boyfriend. Though I just request for one dance with the girl that I asked to prom,” L.Joe stated while smiling.

“...I’ll allow you to have one dance with her but I will be watching you carefully Lee Byung Hun,” Dong Jun peered his eyes towards the boy.

“No worries I’ll behave Kim Dong Jun,” L.Joe smirks.


“ how does it feel to have two guys fight over you?” Ricky questioned.

“They weren’t fighting over me,” Jin Ae sighed and answered.

“But still it seems like it,” Ricky snickered.

“Now, Chang Hyun stop teasing Jin Ae,” Hye Shi opened one eye and stared at Ricky and Jin Ae. The three were walking to school in the morning.

“Good morning my Jinnie boo~” A voice from behind called out happily. Jin Ae turned around and stared at the new voice. She blinked and glared at him.

“’re not still mad at me are you?” Dong Jun questioned shyly. Jin Ae huffed and stomped off. Dong Jun whimpered and ran after the girl.

“Jinnie! Don’t be mad! I’m sorry!” Dong Jun cried after the girl. The couple left the two friends behind. The older girl blinked and turned to the younger boy. “What happened exactly?” Ricky shook his head.

“You will not believe me but luckily I caught it on camera though,” Ricky played the video and showed the older girl. She blinked and watched the video.

“Oh yeah?! Let me see what you can do!” Dong Jun shouted while shaking his body around.

“Is that the best you can do? Hmm?” L.Joe taunted while dancing smoothly. Gliding across the room while everyone was watching the two dance against each other. The camera zoomed in on Jin Ae’s distressed look upon her face. Luna whispered something to the girl and took Jin Ae away from the scene.

“What the hell...” Hye Shi rose an eyebrow. “So in the end, they both ditched Jin Ae for each other?” Hye Shi questioned the younger boy.

“Pretty much,” Ricky shrugged.

“s,” Hye Shi chuckled.

“It was funny,” Ricky pointed out while walking towards the school. Hye Shi remained silent but held a smirk upon her lips. As soon as they entered the school grounds, Hye Shi was greeted by Chae Jin. Ricky stood beside the girl and smirked to himself.

“Noona, are you free right now?” Chae Jin, a Junior and in Ricky’s class, he was previously known as the bad-boy type that rarely goes to school. Though ever since his Sophomore year run in with a Junior Hye Shi, he found her as his muse. He tries to find ways to get into contact with Hye Shi.

“Lover boy’s waiting for an answer...” Ricky whispered to her. Hye Shi shooed him away. Ricky wiggled his eyebrows and walked off first.

“I’m not busy at all Chae Jin, what’s up?” Hye Shi asked the younger boy.

“I was wondering if Noona wanted to go get a drink with me?” Chae Jin smiled. “I thought it was time I could repay you for the last time,” Chae Jin blushed slightly.

“Oh, that’s sweet of you Dongsaeng,” Hye Shi beamed at him. Chae Jin then led the way over to the drinking machines. The duo walked past Teen Top and Chang Jo was hanging out with them at that very moment. Chang Jo looked over to seeing Hye Shi smiling and chatting with Chae Jin.

Chang Jo kept an eye on the two. He was still in the conversation with the rest of his friends but suddenly he felt a pang of jealousy when he saw Chae Jin leaned in and whispered something to Hye Shi. Hye Shi burst out laughing and smiling towards him.

“Hye Shi noona!” Chang Jo shifted his eyes over and saw a bubbly Min Woo running up towards the older girl.

“Min Woo dongsaeng, are you okay?” Hye Shi blinked towards him.

“Good morning! I’m fine, I wanted to see if I could walk you to class?” Min Woo greeted and came face to face with Chae Jin.

“But I wanted to walk Hye Shi noona to class,” Chae Jin answered the boy. Min Woo stared at Chae Jin and Chae Jin returned the stare with a dark look.

“Oh umm...” Hye Shi looked between the two and came to a decision, “Why don’t you both walk me to class?” Hye Shi smiled at the two.

“If that’s fine with you,” Chae Jin nodded. Min Woo nodded as well.

“Let’s get going then you two,” Hye Shi walked in the middle. Chang Jo watched as the three walked past Teen Top. Chang Jo then knew Chun Ji was never a problem. The biggest problem he had right now was Hye Shi’s admirers, which were his classmates who are fond of Park Hye Shi. If so, Chang Jo had competition to winning Hye Shi. As they said before, All’s fair in Love and War.

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ilabya3 #1
Congratz ^_^
ExoticAnqel #4
Congratulations on the random feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #5
Congrats on the random feature!!!
Congrats! C:
lovelyme23 #8
Congratulations :)
congrats :)