Seeing Red

Of Heroes And Gangsters




      Unfortunately, Suga was known to have quite the temper. Maybe temper was too bland a word. When something set Yoongi off he would black out, only to gain consciousness and find destruction around him. Although it didn‘t happen very often, it was still an alarming trait to possess. His therapist, back when he actually went to one, had called it Berserker Blind-Rage Syndrome. But he wasn’t that worried about it. His personality was usually too lethargic for his blind rage to kick in. But sometimes, it couldn’t be helped.

He was just slightly annoyed. Here it was, mid day, and this young couple had the nerve to bicker about their personal life in the open. He was just trying to get home. At first Suga was going to ignore it. To keep walking and pretend he didn’t hear anything. But when their voices grew louder and the young man landed a hard slap on the female’s face, something inside of him snapped. Red. That was what he saw first. Then memories fallowed. Which was something that didn’t usually happen when he lost control of himself.

A small boy hiding under a table in fear. Loud shouts of anger that boomed though the hallways of a too small apartment. Glass shattering. Crying. A slamming door. Silence. Red. 

And then he was standing there. In front of a hospital. He looked down at shaky hands. His right one was cut up and bleeding around the knuckles and his left forearm held a deep gash. That was when he realized what had happened. Yoongi had done it again. For the first time in almost two years his rage had gotten the better of him. 

Slightly wobbling form nervousness, he entered the hospital. The boy looked around the waiting room. There was only a few people in the large space and none of them looked in urgent need of care. A short older lady sat behind the counter, her eyes focused on the monitor as she scrunched up her nose in an attempt to push up her glasses. 

“Uh…excuse me. I think I might need to see a doctor.” Yoongi spoke softly. She looked up. As soon as her gaze landed on him, the woman stood.

“Oh dear. What happened to you sweetie? Come. Fallow me.” She ushered him towards a vacant hospital bed in the back. He hadn’t been placed in a room. It was more like one of those open spaces divided evenly by curtains. She left quickly and it wasn’t long before a doctor was standing in front of him.  After some questions, a clean bandaged hand, a pint of blood, and twenty-three stitches later Suga was free to go. 

The kind lady from the front desk had called the number he had given her and came back to tell him that his ride was on the way. Suga just simply nodded as he slipped on the flannel that had been tied around his waist. It seemed to be the only article of clothing not covered in his own blood. Jin would take at least a half an hour to get to the hospital from where he was, so Yoongi wasn’t in much of a rush. He found himself deep in thought as he ventured around the not so busy halls of the Hospital. That was, until he heard something that peaked his interest.  

“So Jung Mihyun is awake now? What about the brother?” He watched as the nurse scanned over some papers.

“Jung Daehyun still has not regained consciousness but he is showing steady signs of improvement.” There was a pause before the other one spoke.

“It’s sad though. Her parents haven’t visited her room once. They are both more concerned about the boy. And its just right next door! They cant walk from room 304 to 305! , it just makes my blood boil! Those nasty aristocrats!” 

“Calm down, Unnie. It’s none of our business.” So Mihyun was here? And she was hurt? It had been over two weeks since he had last set eyes on her. What had happened? Yoongi was stuck in a predicament. His mind was telling him to leave this all alone. To go outside and wait for Jin to come pick him up. But something in his gut really wanted to see her again. Would she even remember him if he did? It was highly unlikely. Someone like him was easily forgotten by people like her, right? But he couldn’t stop the overpowering feeling that was nagging at him to go see her. So he did. 

He softly knocked on the door before going in. The room was dimly lit and the curtain around her bed was concealing her from his view. Slowly, he moved closer. Was she asleep? He peeked his head in to see her laying on her side, eyes closed. Yoongi stepped inward and sat in the chair by her bedside. What had happened to her? The girls face was swollen in several places and from what he could see of her arms, they were covered in bruises and cuts. He scanned her face again and was surprised to see a pair of dark eyes looking back at him.

“I…uh…sorry.” He stood abruptly and was about to leave when her soft words stopped him.

“Suga?” To say he was shocked was an understatement. She remembered him. 

“Was it you? Did you save my brother and I from those guys?” She pushed her body upright and stared at him with watery eyes. He wanted to tell her the truth. That he had nothing to do with rescuing her. That this was all just a coincidence. But his voice was lost. And she had assumed his lack of response as confirmation of his heroism.

“Is my brother okay?” At first he was going to say he didn’t know, but then the conversation from the two nurses flooded into his memory.

“He’s okay. Still unconscious but they said he is making a speedy recovery. He’ll be awake in no time.” Mihyun nodded and let out a relived sigh. He watched as her gaze landed on his hand and he quickly retreated it behind his back. The girl hugged him softly around his waist before he had time to retreat.

“Thank you. I can‘t tell you how much it means to me that you saved my brothers life. And mine. You even got hurt. I swear I will repay you.” Guilt. This feeling was guilt. But as he wrapped his arms around her as well, he couldn’t bring himself to confess the truth to her. She just looked so utterly broken. Like she needed someone to rely on. And it was selfish of him to think this, but he wanted to be that person. He just had to be. 

Because it felt good to be a hero. Her hero. Even if it was all a lie.  






And the plot thickens. (Which its going to keep doing.) 

I'm not sorry.

What I am sorry for is how short this chapter is. But I guess a short update is better than no update. 

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