Chapter 2 : Stay By Your Side

A Fairytale Kiss [ Short Story ] you can see, for those who read the previous chapter would prpbaby notice that I shortened the chapter..I just thought that it's too long and the font is too small *leading to diffuculty in reading*,so I decided to cut some parts and post it as the second chapter~~^^

Flashback :

“Hey there,” Hyukjae heard someone’s voice and he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He turned to the voice annoyingly and frowned at the guy. “What?”

“Can I sit here?” he asked Hyukjae and Hyukjae looked away, ignoring him. He was trying to show that he’s not interested from that simple gesture but the he was shocked when the guy sat next to him. He looked at the guy, cocking his eyebrow.


What is he doing? Doesn’t he understand when I ignored him? Do I really need to shout out ‘no’ in front of his face to make him understand?


Donghae looked at Hyukjae, raising his eyebrow as well, “What? You didn’t say no, didn’t you? If you didn’t want me to sit here, you should have said it, shouldn’t you?”

Hyukjae smirked at the guy’s tease and looked down to the floor. “By the way, I’m Donghae,” the guy stretched out his palm to have a handshake with him. Hyukjae looked at him questioningly before shaking the older guy’s hand.


“Hyukjae,” he simply replied back. He’s not the rude type of guy, but he’s really not in the mood of making new friends.

“I saw you in front of our class just now,” Donghae started and Hyukjae turned to look at him.

Donghae sighed, “I don’t expect her to reject you like that in front of our class. It was pretty mean.”

“Never once in my life I got rejected by a girl. I mean, why can’t she see it? How come she doesn’t realize that I really, really love her?” Hyukjae snorted.


He didn’t even sure how to face the girl anymore. It was embarrassing for him to get rejected with lots of eyes watching. That girl was one of the school’s famous student and not to mention, pretty and smart. He had started make a move on her for almost a week and he bet that he could get her in no time, but when he asked her to be his girlfriend, she refused to.


“What did I do wrong? I spend a lot of money to make her fall in love with me, but why can’t she see it? Wasn’t it enough?” he asked Donghae, or more to himself. He only came to one conclusion; girls are complicated.

On the other hand, Donghae just let out a small chuckle, “Everything you did was wrong. Are you sure you really love her? Are you sure you didn’t make her fall in love with your money instead of your true self? It’s not enough, it’s just too much.”


Hyukjae stared at him dumfounded. How come a person he just met gives an advice to him? Hyukjae didn’t even know what the other’s full name, for God’s sake! What a busy body!


Although Hyukjae would like to interfere Donghae’s talk, but he seemed like he couldn’t, so he only did what could; keeping his mouth shut and frowning at the guy.

“Believe me, if I were the girl, I wouldn’t accept you either. If I want to be loved, I want people to love me sincerely. Not for of my wealth, or my looks but for me. It’s different when someone falls in love because of who I am. It last longer and it feels more, well...meaningful. No money in the world can buy love. You too want somebody to love you for yourself, don’t you?”

Hyukjae kept his gaze on Donghae. He never found someone so understanding when it comes to love. It was so soft and tender. He never heard those kinds of words from his parents, friends or even his past girlfriends.


Is it possible that those people don’t even care about the real meaning of love? If it’s true, then he must have lived in the dark for so long. 


Donghae blushed slightly, looking at the way the older guy stared at him. He handed a small book to Hyukjae, biting his lip as he did so, “Read it.”

Hyukjae frowned, taking the book and opened it. When he did, the only thing he could suppress was a chuckle, “You expect me to read a children book?”

Donghae pouted, “It’s not just a children book. It’s a fairytale.”

“And that’s supposed to be a good thing because...?”


Donghae couldn’t help himself from letting out a sigh, “Everytime I have a doubt whether love does really exist because my heart got broken, I’ll read a fairytale and before know it, I’m already believing in it once again. Love stories in fairytales always amaze me and it shows how powerful love can be.”


“What a childish method,” Hyukjae rolled his eyes, “It’s a children book, that’s why it’s a fairytale. They make this sort of books to make the kids believe that love is magic. You’re so childish,” Hyukjae frowned at Donghae. He found Donghae was weird; reading and believing in fairytales.

“Then why would they make these books? You said it yourself, didn’t you? They want children to believe that love is magic. Why? They believe in it too and they want the young generations to know about love; to appreciate love better,” Donghae said and Hyukjae kept his mouth shut.

“Perhaps, the children know the meaning of true love better than you,” Donghae snorted and walked away, leaving Hyukjae alone, dumbfounded. He smiled a little as he observed the younger man and slowly opened the book.


True love, huh? Maybe, he doesn’t really know what it means, but one thing’s for sure, there’s something in this Donghae guy that attracts him.



Hyukjae couldn’t believe in himself either when he realized that it’s almost a year since the incident happened between him and Donghae and yet, it was still fresh in his mind. What’s more weirder was that now, he and Donghae ended up being best friend.

They always spent their time together like watching movies, and Hyukjae rarely think about other girl, or other person for that matter, since Donghae was the only one that always stood right by his side.

  Even when Hyukjae was in pain because of his parents got divorced, Donghae was there. He’s always been there, offering to stay at his house when Hyukjae refused to return home and comfort him when he cried. Hyukjae’s father abandoned his mother and Hyukjae, leaving them to find their own money. Donghae too, of course, lend him money and Hyukjae didn’t even know how he could pay back all Donghae did to him and his family.

Hyukjae could feel it, the feel that Donghae taught him. He could feel the love; deep and yet, soothing.

End of flashback


It had been Hyukjae’s routine for weeks. Going to school early in the morning and when he got home from school, he’ll spend some time with his mother. He never forgot to visit Donghae everyday and accompanied him because he was worried that Donghae might get lonely, considering that Donghae’s family didn’t even care much about him.

There were some times that Hyukjae had to do part time job and returned to the hospital late at night. Although he thought that Hyukjae might get a good night sleep after a tiring day, he never did. It was because Hyukjae always stayed up almost all night to look for Donghae. Each time Donghae asked Hyukjae why he did that, the answer was always simple and yet, painful for Donghae to hear.


I don’t want to miss the chance looking at you.

I don’t want to regret when I can’t see you like his anymore.



A small sound caught by Donghae’s ears and he saw Hyukjae opened the hospital room’s door, dragging his feet as he went into the room. He was worn out and exhausted; as usual.

“Hyukkie, you’re back,” Donghae said with beaming face and yet, he was hurt in the inside. Seeing Hyukjae like this stabbed his heart but there was nothing he could do. He hate the fact that couldn’t protect him, but it’s still, well, the truth the he had to admit.

Hyukjae flauted his gummy smile to the younger one and approached him, “Hae, you’re not sleeping yet?”

Donghae shook his head cutely, “I miss you. I can’t sleep without you.”

Despite being all tired and weary, Hyukjae still managed to giggle at his boyfriend’s cheesy lines. This is one of the reasons why he loves Donghae so much; his ability to make Hyukjae incredibly happy. Donghae tapped his bed and made a room for Hyukjae so they could lie on the bed together, “Come on, let’s sleep here.”

“No, you have to sleep comfortably and I’ll sleep on the couch. Don’t worry, the couch is fine with me,” Hyukjae said quickly, noticing the worried look on his lover’s face. Donghae knew this was coming, “If you’re not sleeping here, then I won’t sleep.”

Seeing the way Donghae pouted, he gave up, “Fine, I’ll sleep here tonight. But only tonight, okay?”


A grin appeared on Donghae’s lips as he nodded vigorously. Hyukjae settled on the bed and faced Donghae while the younger boy kept his gaze on the other. The older guy pulled the blanket to cover their bodies and placed his palm on Donghae’s chest while the fish guy put his hand on the other’s waist, hauling him closer.

They stared into each other’s eyes, savouring the moment, drowning in each other’s gaze, showing their passionate love for each other with sparkling eyes. Hyukjae closed his eyes, only to give a light kiss on Donghae’s lips. Donghae felt his heart melted with the innocent kiss; he’s always love it.

“I love you, Hyukkie,” Donghae whispered as he caressed the older guy’s cheek softly.

“I love you too, Hae,” Hyukjae whispered back, smiling and Donghae pulled his waist closer to give him a warm hug. Donghae let his palm to Hyukjae’s back in a comforting manner. Hyukjae had to control himself from bursting into tears with the overflowing love.


Yet, he’s just a human and he’s not perfect. He thought he could hold on but then Donghae’s soft voice broke his determination and he felt his heart shattered into million, no, billion, broken pieces.


“You’re tired because of me, aren’t you?”


Hyukjae could feel his tears, strolling down from his face, wetting his cheeks. Donghae, who expected that this would happen, pulled Hyukjae back gently to look at his flushed face. He used his thumb to wipe away the tears and chuckled slightly, “I didn’t ask you to cry, did I?”

Donghae looked at the sobbing Hyukjae tenderly; he saw it all. Pain and hurt that Hyukjae tried to cover up by laughing and smiling all this while. He knew Hyukjae so well because he’s always been by his side all the time. It was as if Hyukjae was transparent to him; he could read if he’s faking or telling the truth.


“I don’t like to talk about this either, believe me, Hyukkie, but I have to. I want to know if I’m a burden to you.”

“No, Hae. You’re not,” Hyukjae blurted out as he held on Donghae’s hand firmly, “I’m tired, yes, but I would never get tired because of you. How can I be tired if you’re the source of my energy, my happiness for me on carry on my life?”

Donghae didn’t even ask himself why he was crying as well. They both were crying like children on the bed, but none of them seemed as if they were bothered by it. Deep in their heart, they knew that they had been holding back the tears and enduring the pain for so long and they deserved a moment to let it all out.

When they both seemed to settle down, Donghae buried his face on the other’s nape, inhaling his scent, filling his whole body and mind with him, only him.


He wants to remember the scent when he hugs him, he wants to wake his Hyukjae up, showering him with kisses and see Hyukjae blushes afterwards, he wants to tease the older guy that his feet smells and giggles at Hyukjae’s cuteness when he sulks. He had already imagined how it would be to wake up and knowing that he has Hyukjae forever by his side. They’ll make breakfast together and feed each other just like in those romantic movies.

But there’s one thing that he really wants to do with him and yet, he didn’t even sure if he could. He wants, desperately wants to live happily ever after with Hyukjae.

Just like in a fairytale.


Donghae brushed his nose against Hyukjae’s wet cheek, “Hyukkie...”

“Hmm?” Hyukjae gave a light hum, waiting for the younger guy to speak but frowned when he didn’t get any respond. He pulled back a bit to meet Donghae’s dull yet charming brown orbs, “What is it?”


Donghae smiled a little as he observed his lover, “Why didn’t you let me go when I told you to?”


Hyujae had to bit his lip, hearing the question. Donghae did tell him to leave numerous times before, well, not exactly, because Donghae made so many dumb excuses to make them separate. Words like, ‘I don’t love you anymore, ‘I hate you,’ and ‘I don’t want to see your face again,’ were hurtful for Hyukjae to hear from his lover’s mouth.

They got into fights and practically yelled at each other, but when Hyukjae knew the real reason behind Donghae’s sudden peculiar behaviour, he still held on to their love, knowing well that Donghae loves him too.


“You know that you’ll end up getting hurt if you don’t let me go, but you’re being a hard-headed person. And to think that you always call me the stubborn one,” Donghae chuckled when Hyukjae pouted.

“I don’t want to let you go, I never want to,” Hyukjae whispered to Donghae as he looked intently at him.

“I know. We promised to never let go of each other right? You’re my everything, Hyukkie. I won’t let you leave me either because we’ll always stay together, forever,” Donghae muttered as he kissed the older guy’s forehead. Hyukjae flaunted the gummy smile that Donghae always adores, “If you let me go, I’ll hit you.”

Soon, the used to be gloomy room because of the boys’ tears, glowed with their laughter. The rest of the night was filled with cuddles, kisses and the sound and whispers of ‘I Love You’s’.

Donghae gently ran his palm over Hyukjae’s silky hair, admiring the older guy who was soundly sleeping on his chest.


I’m sorry, Hyukkie, but you have to let me go.


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Chapter 5: it's so sad.. :(((
congrats :)
congrats :))
ladymagnolia #5
omg, i cried TT
CupcakeWars #6
congrats :))
Chapter 5: It was so beautiful, yet sad... but, the most hurtful part is when Hyuk remind what Hae said... "when i died, kiss me so that..." uwaa!! That part really made me cry, man!! TT^TT
Chapter 5: This was so beautiful and sad!
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