A N e w L i f e .

The Assassin's Love Story.

Myungsoo's Side.

"Why the hell is she still alive?" Gyuri said in a calm tone, but I could feel the anger in her words.

Yes, Myungsoo, why didn't you kill her? I have no idea.

"I thought, she might be a valuable asset to us," I lied. That sounds believable.

"And why is that?"

"A lot of our missions had failed because the Good Infinites kept disrupting our missions. There's more Infinites on their side, so that proved to be a disadvantage to us. Now that we have the eight member, we evened out the number. Plus, the Good Infinites still had no idea that she is the eight Infinite, and that would be an advantage to us," I said. Lying is one of my best skills.

Gyuri contemplated for a while.

"You killed her family, friends and everyone that she knows. What makes you think that she'll work for us?"

"I already injected her with drugs. She's not going to remember anything about her past. She'll feel like she has been reborn."

Gyuri hesitated.

"She's a completely useless Infinite. She has no idea how to use her senses or her powers."

"I can train her," What did I just say?

Gyuri raised an eyebrow, surprised, "The Cold-hearted assassin is asking me to save someone's life. I do not know what had gotten into you, L, but I don't care. Since you have a good reason and you're my best assassin, I'll trust you this once. I'll give you 100 days to train the girl. When a hundred days is up, she has to be good enough for my standard."

I felt relieved but I masked my emotion well. It is never wise to show other people your true feelings, especially when you're with Park Gyuri. I merely nodded.

"Otherwise, I'll kill her myself."



Hera's Side.

"She's waking up!"

"Keep quiet! You'll scare her!"

I opened my eyes slowly and saw two excited-looking guys staring at me.

"Hello,  I'm Sungjong!" The brown-haired young guy said.

"Where am I?" I murmured. I looked around. I am in a huge house with white walls and modern, minimal furniture.

"You are in our house!" Sungjong said, "what's your name?"

I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes. I tried to remember what my name is but I couldn't. I couldn't remember anything about myself.

"Myungsoo said her name's Hera," the other black-haired guy said, "I'm Woohyun."

"Who am I?"

"My new girlfriend," Woohyun winked at me. Sungjong rolled his eyes.

"What?" I asked, even more confused.

"You're really pretty. I'm glad that Myungsoo didn't kill you," Woohyun touched my face but I blocked him instintively.

"Kill me? What do you mean kill me?" I demanded.

"This is the first time that Myungsoo hyung didn't complete his mission! Gyuri noona's going to be so pissed," Sungjong told Woohyun. They talked as if they hadn't heard me.

"Who's going to kill me?!" I demanded again, "where am I and who are you people?!"

"Aww, don't be angry, babygirl. I will take care of you," Woohyun held my chin and lifted my face to his. Our faces are inches apart. I wanted to push him away, but as I looked into his eyes, my instincts were telling me that there's something twisted about this guy.

Something evil about him.

I realized that I have no idea who I am and who these people are. Suddenly I felt afraid.

"Aww, you're shivering. You don't have to be scared," Woohyun whispered, his mouth brushes against mine. I was right; there's something malicious about this guy.

All of a sudden, there's a blur of motion and a loud sound of someone hitting the floor. Before I realized it, Woohyun was lying on the ground, bleeding from his mouth and nose.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch her?"

I turned around and saw a black-haired guy glaring at Woohyun. There's blood on his fist. He's the one that had punched Woohyun.

I don't know who he is, but I can't help but feel glad that he had saved me from Woohyun.

Woohyun snickered, as if he didn't feel the pain at all. He stood up calmly, wiped the blood off of his face and said, "since when do you care about people, L?"

"None of your business," L said, his expression blank.

"Why didn't you kill her, L? Gyuri will be pissed," Woohyun said.

"I already talked to Gyuri about it. She's mine now."

Wait, his? What did he mean by 'she's mine' ? Is he the one that's supposed to 'kill me' ?

"Now I understand. Finally little L has noticed girls! That's why you saved her, didn't you, L? To play with her and keep her all to yourself. You naughty boy," Woohyun teased.

That's when I noticed that the ugly cut on Woohyun's mouth and nose that was there a few seconds ago, was missing now. It's as if he'd completely healed himself in a matter of seconds. What the hell?

"Shut up, Woohyun."

Woohyun raised his arms as if to surrender, "alright, you do whatever you want. Good taste, by the way."

L turned towards me.

I froze. Yes, he's startlingly handsome (I felt so ashamed that I could notice that even in this situation) but what really startled me is the expression in his eyes. His eyes looked lifeless. Like someone's who dead inside.

Where had I seen those eyes before?

"Come with me," he said.





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great job!
blacklemon0223 #2
Please please comeback!! This is a really great story! :( please update author-nim!
nabi_devi #3
Chapter 18: ahh I hold you come back and update this amazing story!! please please please!!!
JungChaeWon #4
Please update soon
Chapter 18: hahaha i would be really happy if sungjong,hera,myungsoo, and woohyun will join the good infinite and they will defeat gyuri together~ lol

i really lovee your story btw~ <3
lethargic #6
Chapter 18: Aw god just say it
Chapter 18: Update! <3
Chapter 18: Ooooh, that was NOT a smart idea, Myungsoo.
Angry girl + mixed signals = Hell.