T h e B e t t e r S i d e .

The Assassin's Love Story.

Hera's Side.

"Sungyeol-ah! You slow down right now!" Sunggyu yelled after Sungyeol. Sungyeol ignored him and continued cycling on his bike as fast as he could. Dongwoo was right behind him, chasing him.

"The two of you! Don't come crying to me when you hurt yourself!" Sunggyu continued to nag even though Sungyeol and Dongwoo are already out of hearing range. Then he muttered something incoherent and continued to cycle on his bike slowly, enjoying the view while the other two were racing. I can hear Dongwoo's maniac laughter and Sungyeol's high-pitched shriek all the way from here.

"Are you having fun?"

I looked up and saw Hoya, standing, smiling at me. He was wearing a sleeveless tank top since we were at the beach. I smiled and nodded at his question. Satisfied, Hoya sat next to me on the sand, our bare knees almost touching. I was wearing a lacy white cover-up and denim shorts and flip-flops.

We are currently at the beach, just relaxing. The boys said they had taken a day off so that they can relax and spend some time with me. It's only been two weeks that I stayed with the boys, but I felt as if I'd known them forever.

Sungyeol is always causing trouble, the prankster but is full of innocence.

Dongwoo is wild and optimistic; a fiery ball of energy that I can't help but feel excited for no reason when I'm around him.

Sunggyu is wise, calm, rational- but loves to nag.

Hoya is a gentleman. If any word could describe Hoya, it would be chivalrous. Or manly. He's always taking care of me, looking after me. And that meant a lot to me, because since the moment I woke up in a house of assassins, no one has ever shown care towards me.

He was the first one.

"You know, today is exactly two weeks since you stayed with us." Hoya grabbed sand in his two hands and let it slide between his fingers.

"I know, time passed by so quickly."

"Don't you miss your family?"

I know this can't go on much longer. Soon, they will ask me to leave. They will try to help me find my family, find my home. But they will fail, because if my 'family' wanted me back, they would've found me by now. They are assassins after all. As much as I want to stay with them, this can't go on forever. Soon they'll find out I'm a freak of nature- I'm an Infinite and worse, I'm an assassin. I don't belong in their world. But they made me feel normal, and I want that more than anything.

But there's one question that kept lingering in my mind every single day-

Myungsoo, why didn't you look for me?

Maybe my brain was right. He's just like the other assassins. He never truly cared about me.

"I'm an orphan. I just turned 18, so by law I'm not allowed to stay in the orphanage anymore," I decided to lie. I didn't want to lie to Hoya since he had been nothing but genuine to me, but I desperately wanted to stay here for a while longer. Maybe the lie could buy me some time. Thankfully, the boys never asked me anything personal or pry into my previous life. They respected my privacy and since I just recovered from a head trauma (as Sunggyu said), they let me rest and take it slow. And mostly, they thought that I still have a temporary memory loss.

"Oh," Hoya looked down, unsure of what to say, "well, you can stay with us as long as you want to."

I looked at him, taken aback, "seriously?"

Hoya smiled, and I know he meant it. "Of course you could, Dongwoo and Sungyeol already thought of you as their little sister."

"Believe me, I wish I can stay here with all of you for a long time."

Hoya was silent. He knew I can't stay with them forever. It seems as if he thought about it too. I have to admit, I enjoy Hoya's company. Though I only knew him for two weeks, we'd spent a lot of time together, with him assigned to look after me and check up on me when Sunggyu is out. As time passed by, I found myself being comfortable around him.

We were both silent for a while.

At that moment, Dongwoo, who was still far away on the other side of the beach, shouted at me, "Hera! You can ride on my bicycle next!"

"No! She'll be riding with me!" I could hear Sungyeol yelling back. Then as usual, the bickering between them started.

Hoya laughed and said, "it's not safe to ride with Dongwoo."

"I can't cycle anyways so I'll take my chances," I laughed back. It was true. I knew how to kill people with a stapler but I had never learnt how to cycle. Myungsoo never taught me.

"Really?" Hoya looked surprised.

I nodded sheepishly.

Hoya stood up, brushed the sand off of his pants and said, "why didn't you say so? I'm great in cycling!"

Then, he ran off. When he came back a minute later, he had a bicycle with him. I recognized the bicycle immediately- it was Sunggyu's. He must have ran off to borrow Sunggyu's.

"Come, sit behind me," he gestured at me.

Without questioning, I sat behind him on the bicycle and tugged lightly to the back of his tank top. I know it's just a bicycle, but I felt excited because I'd never cycled before. Nor have I done anything just for the fun of it; instead of learning killing and hacking methods.

"You ready?" Hoya turned around and smirked at me. I just noticed how pointy his canine teeth are.

I grinned and nodded.

"Hold on tight," Hoya said and he started cycling. He cycled slowly at first, then faster and faster until I could feel the breeze against my long hair and everything else blurred. I don't think it's possible for people to cycle this fast.

I found myself laughing as I put my arms around Hoya's waist, clinging to him because he was cycling really fast, even for me. When I heard Hoya's raspy laughter, I felt even happier.

Then I heard Hoya shouting at me, in the midst of laughter, "I know you don't have a long time left with us here, but I'll make every second count!"

For once in my life, I was happy.





Myungsoo's Side.

Gyuri was in Japan for the past two weeks. She expected to see Hera with me when she comes back. That's why I'd been pushing all missions away to Woohyun and Sungjong and focused day and night to locate Hera's whereabouts.

At least that's what I'd tried to convince myself, why I'm so concerned about finding Hera safe and sound.

I don't understand what's going on with me. I kept worrying about her safety, I kept thinking about her.

Is she safe? Where is she?

Does she need me?

Why didn't she come back to us? To me?

I flashbacked to the pool of blood I found on the night Hera went missing. No one could survive after losing so much blood.

Please let her be alive.

Why am I so concerned for her? I'm a cold, heartless assassin that has blood on my hands for God's sake!

It's 3 am and I'm still on the computer, searching for Hera. My best bet is that she's with the Good Infinites. That's the only reason that she still didn't find her way back to us. Because she has found the better side of Infinites, a better use for her powers.

She might have defected to the Good Infinites.

And that's the thing I'm afraid of, more than anything.

I know that the Good Infinites might be better for her, but I just can't stand losing her. Especially to them.

A beeping sound from the computer alerted me.

I read the words on the computer; the computer that was no ordinary computer. It was installed and tweaked with every single high-tech hacking and detecting systems avalaible that money couldn't even buy, because Sungjong and I created the softwares ourselves. Everything that a spy might need.

I read the address on the computer and I realized what this meant.

After two whole weeks of searching and tracking down the Good Infinites, I found them.

I found the Good Infinite's hiding place.


Hera, I'm coming for you.




Note: For anyone that has questions about this fanfic, feel free to ask me anything

by leaving a comment. I'll answer them as fast as I could :)

Oh and no, Hera doesn't know they're Infinites yet and

neither do the Good Infinites know of Hera's true identity yet.

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great job!
blacklemon0223 #2
Please please comeback!! This is a really great story! :( please update author-nim!
nabi_devi #3
Chapter 18: ahh I hold you come back and update this amazing story!! please please please!!!
JungChaeWon #4
Please update soon
Chapter 18: hahaha i would be really happy if sungjong,hera,myungsoo, and woohyun will join the good infinite and they will defeat gyuri together~ lol

i really lovee your story btw~ <3
lethargic #6
Chapter 18: Aw god just say it
Chapter 18: Update! <3
Chapter 18: Ooooh, that was NOT a smart idea, Myungsoo.
Angry girl + mixed signals = Hell.