Roommates By Mistake

Roommates By Mistake

“Who are you?” I asked.

In front of me stood a tall guy. Upon my question, he looked up at me with the same shock expression. I was taken aback when our eyes met as I could feel a faint blush creep up my cheeks. He had big round eyes and a small kissable lips. He looks like he is in early twenties and he is definitely not from here since he looks Asian. To be more specific, he looks like one of those Korean idols and undeniably good looking. And cute too. We stared at each other before he spoke with such deep voice that doesn’t match with such a baby face.

“Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?”

Wait, did I hear that right? His apartment? He must be mistaken! This is my house!

“I’m sorry but this is MY house. You must be mistaken,” I replied back, folding my arms.

Hearing my reply, he went to search for something in his bag. He then took out a piece of paper and showed it to me. My eyes bulged out when I saw that this house really happens to be his. Well if this is his, then why did the landlady acknowledged me just a moment ago. I went to take the same exact paper I have and showed it to him too. Just as I thought, he looked shocked as he scanned the paper I gave him before looking back at me.


Five minutes later:

“Landlady! Landlady! Are you in?”

The both of us furiously knocked on her door and pressed the doorbell continuously.

Finally, the door opened, revealing the landlady.

“Landlady! What is the meaning of this?!” we shoved the papers in front of her.

“Ahh… Well I thought you would be lonely staying alone so I decided to let you two stay together!” she clasped her hands together and beamed.

What. In. the. World…

The both of us stared at her in disbelief. She actually planned this all along? Without our permission?! I was mentally face palming myself. Stealing a side glance, the guy looked pissed off too.

“Now get along will you two? I’m going to take a rest so please don’t disturb me,” she said before closing the door shut right at our faces.


“Hey is this yours?” Chanyeol asked.

I peered into the box he opened and found my collection of books. I immediately pulled the box into my area. And you might be wondering why I said my area. Well we did agree to share the apartment but in one condition. We are going to split the house into two. He can’t enter my side and I can’t enter his side. And how did we exactly did split the house? Simple. With white tape. You may call us childish but who cares?

I continue opening the boxes. When I opened the box in front of me, I saw rolls and rolls of clothes. Is this mine? I took out one of the rolled clothe and hold it in front of me. Wait a minute… Is this a ? I don’t remember having such big too.

“Hey that’s mine!”

Chanyeol snatched the from my hands and throw it back into the box before pulling it to his side. His whole face was flushed especially his ears which were bright red. I can’t help but to giggle at his reaction. He looked kind of cute being all shy. All of a sudden, his gaze changed to my direction. Did he hear me? He must have heard me. Oh gosh why do I do all the embarrassing stuffs! Our eyes met and we immediately looked away; both faces red. Not wanting to waste any more time, I continue stacking my books into the shelves as I try to get rid of the fuzzy feeling in me.


1 week later:

“Hey go away! I’m here first!” I pushed Chanyeol away.

“No! You go away! I’m going to be late for work!” he pushed me back, causing me to almost fall down.

I glared at him as we continue to push each other, throwing daggers at each other as we end up sharing the bathroom to brush our teeth. And that is how we practically start our morning, arguing about who is going to use the bathroom first. We both woke up late as we were watching a late night movie last night in the living room and there is only one bathroom in this house.

Well you can say that even though it has only been one week we live together in one house, we have gotten a lot closer. There are times where we will just talk and laugh with each other while having dinner together. We have also found out that we both share the same hobbies and we both like twilight and pitch perfect. But of course we are constantly fighting over the things in the house. Like that one time, we both happened to reach out for the TV remote at the same time and end up fighting over who gets to watch their drama for perhaps an hour. And somehow, the argument turned into a pillow fight. In the end none of us got to watch it as our dramas have already ended by the time we came up with a solution. You may think it is childish but to us it’s really a serious thing.

After getting ready and ready to leave, I put on my heels and reach out for the door. At that moment, Chanyeol reached for it too, causing our hands to brush against each other. I glared at him and he sneered at me. The both of us pulled the door, causing it to slam open as we both struggled to get out of the house, wriggling as we both push each other just to get out from the house first.

“Irritating pole,” I muttered as I glared at Chanyeol’s back.

“Goodbye short pig,” he called out to me as he stick out his tongue at me before running to the front gate.

I could feel my blood boiling as I yelled at him, “PARK CHANYEOL!!!”


That night:

I opened the fridge and rummaged for food but there was only cheese, kimchi and can drinks. Nothing else. I placed my hand on my growling stomach and rub it. Well I guess it’s time for grocery shopping. I went to my room to take my wallet and phone with me before heading out. Just as I opened the door, Chanyeol’s face was right in front of me. I jumped at his sudden appearance as I let out a sigh.

“Where are you going?” he asked with that deep voice of his.

“I’m going to the grocery store. We are out of food. Do you want to follow along?”

He let out a big smile and nodded enthusiastically. The both of us then walked down the stairs and unchained our bicycles. Just as I was about to get on my bicycle, Chanyeol called out to me.

“Hey Yura, can I ride on your bicycle instead? Mine has a flat tire,” he pointed to his deflated tires.

“What no!”

“Pleaseee,” he hold on to my arm and looked at me with puppy eyes.

After much persuading, I finally gave in. In the end, I’m holding to his shirt as he rides my bike to the grocery store.

Which was a huge mistake.

“HEY CHANYEOL SLOW DOWN!” I yelled at him as I grabbed onto him tightly, not wanting to let go because if I do, I will just fall down and probably die.

“BUT THIS IS SO FUN!” he yelled back at me as his laughter filled the air.

My hair was blowing in all kind of directions as the both of us zoomed down the slope. Park Chanyeol, you are so dead!!!


1 year later:

“Oh my gosh we are lost aren’t we?” I cried in desperation.

It was the time of the year where the leaves in the trees changes to a beautiful orange colour as they fall and fill the ground and where the weather starts to get slightly chilly. And to celebrate our first anniversary of living together, Chanyeol has made me take two days off from work to go to a small trip with him to explore Britain a little bit more. Well we have been staying here in Britain for one year but we never did really had a chance to explore this beautiful country since we were occupied with work so Chanyeol thought we two really need to take a break.

And that is how I end up here with him. Standing in the middle of the pathway not knowing where we have to go from here. I grumbled in annoyance as I tried my best to read the map but fail. Feeling defeated, I hung my head low with shoulders drooped. I should have never trusted him especially with directions and now, I’m 200% sure we are lost.

Goodbye work. I won’t be seeing you anymore because being able to just go home would be a miracle. I sighed again as I looked up and glared at Chanyeol. Sensing my glare on him, he turned to look at me and was slightly taken aback.

“Hey stop looking at me with those big scary eyes of yours!” Chanyeol said as he gently moved my head to the side to avoid my eyes.

“Idiot. Now we are lost. Mum, dad, I should have listened to you. I’m sorry for being a bad daughter. I will no longer be, hey! What are you-“ just as I was muttering to myself, I felt myself being pulled away from my spot.

My eyes widened as I felt a pair of arms embracing me. I looked up to see Chanyeol staring back at me. I could feel my face heating up as I pushed myself away from his embrace.

“Watch your surrounding will you? You almost got hit by a bike” Chanyeol scolded me before walking away casually.

I just stood there with my mouth agape and heart pounding furiously.

That idiot.


Later that day:

“I told you we aren’t lost,” Chanyeol smirked at me as he playfully bumped me by the side.

I rolled my eyes and just pushed him back.

So the both of us miraculously found the place that we have decided to stay in with the help of some locals. It looked like a cottage from the outside but a big one with a few storeys high. The interior is really just beautiful as it gives out a very luxurious feeling. I continue to admire the place when I was called.

“Hey, let’s go!” Chanyeol swing the keys in his hands as he called out to me.


In the room:

The both of us have washed up and was preparing to go to bed. It was a long day and we were extremely exhausted. All we want right now was to just doze off into our own dreamlands. But there was still one problem to solve before we can do so.

 “I’m taking the bed,” Chanyeol exclaimed as he throw himself on the bed.

“Hey that’s not fair!” I yelled back.

“Nothing is fair in life.”

“Oh really?” I smirked as I fold my arms.

Hearing my tone, Chanyeol turned to look at me suspiciously with eyebrows furrowed, sensing danger. At that moment, I lunged towards him and pulled his long legs as I tried to pull him off the bed. He wriggled his legs frantically while shouting and screaming as he tries to get away from me. Frustrated after seeing that he is not moving even an inch, I got onto the bed and pushed him using my legs and hands. Chanyeol is gripping onto the bed headboard tightly, still screaming at me to stop. The room was just filled with my evil laughter and his screams. I won’t even be surprised if the people next doors come knocking on our door to tell us to lower down our volume. All of a sudden, I was engulfed in whiteness as Chanyeol wrapped me with the blanket.

“Hey let me out you idiot!” I yelled at him as I tried to pull the covers away.


I burst into a fit of laughter as I felt a pair of hands tickling me. Wriggling under the covers while laughing non-stop, I finally managed to pull off the cover from my head. I was greeted by Chanyeol’s dangerously close face. He was still smiling; showing a set of perfectly lined white teeth. My heart started to beat faster as I gulped down my saliva. Our eyes were locked into each other as we gazed into each other’s eyes for a while but it felt like an eternity.

“I’M TAKING THE BED!” I finally pushed him off and covered myself with the cover to hide my crimson red face.


That night:

I tossed and turned but I just can’t seem to get any sleep. Feeling frustrated, I sat up on the bed and looked at the sleeping figure on the sofa.

“How do you even manage to fall asleep?” I sighed before plopping myself back on the bed.

Sometime later, I felt an arm s around my waist. My eyes shot open in shock. I looked up to see Chanyeol’s face. His eyes were close and his mouth slightly open.

“What do you think you are doing?” I gasped and tried to pull myself away from him.

“Stop moving around will you? Let’s just stay like this for awhile. My body is aching. Stupid hard sofa,” he groaned as he pulled me closer to him.

My body tensed up at his words as I was snuggled up to his broad muscular chest. But as time pass by, I finally loosened up and found myself drifting away to sleep to the sound of his soft snoring. 


The next day:

We have been travelling the whole day since morning and I’m not sure how much time has past because the sun is sinking fast now as the previously blue sky turns to a clear, purple-tinged grey with a slight ruby-red glow.  I was simply in awe at the beautiful sight in front of me. Not wanting to let it go to waste, I whipped out my camera and snapped at picture. Checking the picture, I smiled to myself.

“Hey look at that!”

I turned to the direction of where Chanyeol was looking at and I saw something mesmerizing.

“Isn’t that Big Ben?” I asked him.

Chanyeol nodded. The both of us spent the next few minutes taking endless pictures as we admire the beauty around us.

“Hey, let’s go there!” Chanyeol tugged on my sleeves and pointed to the big Ferris wheel nearby.

It was like the Singapore flyer except it’s definitely bigger. I nodded my head and the both of us started making our way there. Somehow, it’s only now I’m only starting to realise that there were couples everywhere on this bridge. It was then I remembered I saw a sign earlier saying “Love Bridge”. Well that explains all of these couples. I face palmed myself as I tried to brush off the awkward feeling I’m having inside of me. At that moment, my hand brushed against Chanyeols’, sending chills down my spine as the spot where his skin touches mine still burns. My face turns crimson red when our eyes met as the both of us immediately looked away.

Silence engulfed the both of us as we walked side by side on the bridge of love. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of hand slipping into mine. I turned to Chanyeol, eyes wide.

“My hands turns cold easily so will you let me warm them up by holding yours?” he sheepishly asked while giving me a shy smile.

I could only managed a small nod as my face turned a brighter shade of red. I could hear him chuckling softly beside me as I try to hide my face underneath the thick scarf I was wearing around my neck. And again there was only silence but somehow it was a different kind of silence. It wasn’t the one that made you awkward but instead, it’s a comforting one. Despite that, my heart just won’t stop beating furiously and I felt my tummy churning violently in me. What is wrong with me? I sneaked a glance towards Chanyeol and looked away shyly.

It can’t be that I’m…

Realizing what the next few words were, I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thought. But, it’s not all impossible either. After all, he was the one that I’ve been spending most of my time with ever since I’ve moved here. He was the one who I went to when I was in trouble. He was the one who shared both tears and laughter with me. At that moment, I stole a glance at him again, only to meet his eyes. My eyes widened and I choked on my own saliva, causing me to cough violently.

“Hey are you ok?” Chanyeol patted my back as he asked me with a hint of concern in his voice.

“Yeah I’m fine,” I waved him off as I recollect my composure.

Stupid Chanyeol.


“Wow just look at this view” I whispered almost inaudibly, awed by the beautiful night view from the capsule we were in.

Chanyeol just chuckled.

“But not as beautiful as the one I’m looking at right now,” he added.

I turned my eyes away and looked at him. When our eyes met, he gave me a small smile but enough to give me butterflies in my stomach.

“Well what are you looking at?” I asked him, curious to know.

Hearing my question, he adverted his gaze to the floor. With ears red like cherry tomatoes, he fidget with his fingers before looking back at me.


My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened. My body just froze at that spot as my whole face turns red. Did I hear that right? Is something wrong with my hearing? I mean he must be joking right? I just sat there looking back at him, not knowing what to say or do. I tried opening my mouth and play it off but it was like my body is totally paralysed.

“Do you remember when we first met? No words can totally describe how much we hated each other. Always on each other’s throat as we fight on every single thing,” Chanyeol smirked as he spoke.

At his words, memories of when we first started to live with each other played on my mind. How we were practically screaming at the landlady to ask for an explanation and how we would be arguing 24/7. And at that time when I picked up his underwear by mistake! Oh gosh his expression though! The ends of my lips tugged slightly at those memories.

“But then we started to become closer. Doing things together, going out together, eating together and sometimes falling asleep together on the coach. And somewhere somehow during that period time, I realised I was slowly falling for you. Seeing how grumpy you would be when you just woke up with that bed hair would be a nightmare to others but in my eyes, you still look perfect.”

At that moment, Chanyeol paused as he looked at me in the eyes. Staring back at those hazel brown eyes, I find myself falling deeper and deeper into this hole that I can’t seem to escape. As much as I want to look away, I can’t. Before I know it, Chanyeol was on one knee in front of me as he take my hands in his. The warmth from his hands radiate throughout my whole body, making me feel warm and fuzzy all over.

“I know this is sudden but I’ve fallen deeply in love with you Yura. Please give me a chance to be your Prince Charming. I want to be by your side even when you are at your lowest. I will try my best to make you feel special and I will love you with every inch of me. But I understand if you can’t return my feelings. I won’t force y-“

“I love you too,” I cut him off.

Shocked by my own words, I pulled my hands away and covered my mouth. Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I just confessed to him out of the blue. I mentally face palmed myself. At this moment, my face can’t be any redder than this. Chanyeol stared at me with his big doe eyes before breaking into a big foolish smile as he laughed out loud.

“I’m glad,” he gave me one of his angelic smile before pulling me into an embrace.


The cold night breeze blew at us, piercing through our thick clothing as we walked across the bridge. But at that moment, we only felt warmth as our arms tangled with each other and our hands holding tightly clasped together with fingers intertwined. I was still shy after the sudden confession and couldn’t bring myself to look at Chanyeol yet. All of a sudden, I felt something soft and hot on my cheek. I turned around to only be greeted by Chanyeol’s face.

“Do you want one on your lips too?” he asked with his head cocked to one side, looking terribly adorable.

It must be illegal for someone to be this cute!

I blushed furiously at his question. Seeing my reaction, Chanyeol laughed as he walked away casually, leaving me frozen at my spot.

“PARK CHANYEOL YOU ARE DEAD!” I screamed as I chased after him, only to be lifted up in his arms as our laughter echoes throughout the night.

It has been one year since I’ve moved to Britain. So many things have happened to me but never have I thought in just 1 year, I would be this deeply in love with someone I originally hated to the core. But I am. I am in love with this big dork that goes by the name of Park Chanyeol. And I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m thankful for everything that happened for they made us closer. I could only pray that our love will last till death do us part.



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Chapter 1: I am dead from the feels..... Ottoke!? Why did you have to try killing me with the fluffy? All in all, I love it~!
huehuahuu #2
Chapter 1: Sh*t this story is so perfect :') ♥♡♥