That Blonde Guy

Fake or Real?

"Ugh I'm starting to hate this clock." Seohyun murmured, searching the clock with her hands but failed. She lifted her head for a second and viciously pushed the button to stop it from ringing. She's so never going to set her clock anymore. 

Seohyun kicked away her blanket and stretched herself in a lying position, still sticking to her bed. Her eyes could barely open but when they completely did, she analyzed the room. Wait what is this
Oh it's her bedroom. 
She can see her Keroro plush on her study table. Seohyun tried piecing yesterday's memories but all she can remember was reading tons of messages from Yoona and Yuri and after that, nothing appeared in her mind. Seohyun was too dizzy to think further so she headed to the living room instead. There was no glimpse of her maid but then she heard a loud pang from the kitchen. 
She cautiously made her way to the kitchen just to see a back view of an unfamiliar guy stirring something. 
Seohyun gulped. 
"Who-who are you?" Seohyun thought twice before asking. 
The guy turned around and...
It was only Luhan. 
"What the are you doing here?" The words came out before Seohyun can even think. It was 9 in the morning and since she was not completely sane she felt sensitive at the thoughts of him encroaching in to her house. Again. 
Luhan put down the spoon he was holding and walked to her, slowly leaning in. 
"Yah Seo Joohyun. Why did you drink last night?" Luhan asked in a really stern voice. 
Luhan had never really said her full name and now that he did it, it felt a lot scarier than Seohyun thought it would be. 
"It's our culture." Seohyun blurted and that was actually the truth. 
Luhan sighed. "Did you know that you passed out last night? On the street? And did you know that the one who called me was a guy?" 
Seohyun stared at Luhan. He looked serious and she can tell that he was expecting an answer. 
"What do you want me to say? Sorry?" Seohyun managed as she welcomed herself to sit. 
Luhan grunted. He looked as if he was just one second away from hitting the out of her but she was right. What did he expect her to say? He turned back without retorting. 
Seohyun eyed him. Luhan carefully scooped down some kind of broth and put it in a bowl. She can already smell it and it was unexpectedly good. Luhan shot her a look before serving it to her ungentlemanly. 
"Let's see if you really don't need my help." He muttered and turned back to clean up the kitchen. 
Seohyun heard what he said but she just stuck her eyes on his wide back. Although he was facing the other direction she knew he was pissed at her but why?
Luhan looked at Seohyun after finishing washing the pot. "Why aren't you eating?" Luhan asked, ignoring the fact that Seohyun was already looking. 
Seohyun glanced at the soup before giving Luhan a look. "Is this poisoned?" 
"I wish I did." Luhan said, taking his green sweater from the seat beside her. 
"Are you going to leave?" Seohyun blurted. 
They stared at each other for a long time, until Luhan pulled away. "Why'd you even care?" Luhan piped. 
"I justyou cook this for me so you should have a little before you go." Seohyun said softly. 
Luhan stared at her as if she was a ghost. Softly saying something to him is definitely not her style and seeing her literally asking him to eat together is just weird. Like how on earth can this foul-mouthed girl who's like so rude ask him something in that tone?
"I-I have a work to do." Luhan said immediately. He obviously has nothing to do other than lingering in his room with his computer. Luhan excused himself, leaving Seohyun alone in the kitchen. She set her eyes on the delicious-looking seaweed soup. She didn't know that he can cook at least this much. 
A part of her body told her to just grab the spoon and slurp it but the other part was still thinking. 
"Wait. Did I just ask him to eat TOGETHER with ME?"



Seohyun glanced off at the clock showing 7 minutes before 10. She picked up her white backpack in her room and left the house half-heartedly. 
She slowed down her walk when she walked to the gate. She sneaked between the gate's tiny gaps and she was surprised because for the first time in forever, Luhan was nowhere to be found. 
After appreciating the moment of happiness Seohyun finally pushed the gate. When she passed by a neighbor's house, a dog suddenly greeted her with a cute bark. She usually ignored it but not for today. Seohyun kneeled down to the dog level and smiled. 
"Isn't today a great day?" Seohyun asked the dog, waiting for a yes. 
"Say yes." 
Seohyun grinned and patted the dog before moving on. Seohyun suddenly feel lighter than before, now that Luhan stopped waiting for her. Ha. She's unimaginably happy. She was humming a song until her mind magically pictured yesterday's scene where she encountered the creepy guys. She finally remembered! She stormed out from the stall. Oh. That's why Yoona and Yuri didn't reply her message this morning. 
Okay. What's next? She walked to some kind of dark road and was that the place she met the creepy guys? Her brain was nearing the after-scene but it disappeared when someone bumped her from behind making her tumbled on her feet. 
"Hey! Excuse you!" Seohyun hissed, shooting the guy a killer glare for ruining her moment of happiness. 
He shot her a look. He looked like as though he wanted to say something but then he decided to just walk away. 
"Hey! Aren't you going to say sorry?!" Seohyun exclaimed, loud enough to shock the stray cat next to her. 
The guy turned around, still wearing that innocent, blank face. "Do I have to?"
Seohyun snorted in disbelief. How dare he talked to her like that! "Didn't your parents teach you manners? If not then don't." Seohyun said arrogantly, hoping that he would feel slightly offended but from the look of it, there was no sign of the expression she expected. 
The guy stared at her and Seohyun had to admit that his face was somehow familiar. Like really. He left her a smirk and walked away. 
Seohyun snorted. "Wow. I can't believe there's another Luhan." 



Luhan walked out from his house, ready with his finished assignments in his backpack. He was in a good mood so he chose walking instead. Saving petrol, he'll say. He leisurely walked through the sidewalk until something hit him. 
He forgot to wait for Seohyun. 
He was in a dilemma for a second but then he recalled last night's scene. 
Luhan knew about her passing out from a guy. He was so shocked because of first, she passed out on the road. She could get herself in to trouble! And second, the one who called him was a guy. Anything could happen! Example like something like really obnoxious. He almost broke his phone when he stormed out and ran like crazy but he really regretted it. Why you asked?
Seohyun puked on his favorite t-shirt when he carried her on his back. 
Favorite t-shirt. 
Seriously if only Seohyun was conscious at the time he will definitely beat her up. No more resistance. 
After passing Seohyun's house he knew he made the right decision but he suddenly felt a pinch of guilt for leaving her. She didn't even asked him to come and wait. He thought. So why?
"Luhan. She puked on your favorite t-shirt so you shouldn't be waiting for her." Luhan reminded himself. 
By the time he was thinking on whether to stop by at her house or not he already reached the campus compound and he was just a few steps from the auditorium. Luhan grunted before pushing the main door to the stage. His eyes observed the people on the stage, slowly walking to it. Luhan sighed. No Seohyun. He looked at his watch. 9.46. The class is at 10 and from what he knew Seohyun was never too early in attending her classes. Trust him, he's her boyfriend. 
Luhan was about to sit his off on the empty space when someone clung on to his arm. Sigh. Not again. 
"Tiffany can you please  "
He stopped. 
"Jongin?" Luhan shot Jongin a weird look. Just what on earth is he doing? Jongin looked over at Yoona and Yuri who were evilly chuckling before giving Luhan a tearful look. "They wanted to me." 
Luhan heaved a sigh and harshly pulled his arm away from his grasp. "You seriously need to find a girlfriend." Luhan suggested and took his place. 
Jongin quietly followed him. 
"I'm not interested in having a girlfriend." Jongin replied, sighing after glancing at the two erts that were still looking. 
"That's somehow not my problem." Luhan said apathetically with his eyes wandering around the place, silently searching for her. He can hear Jongin sighing but he just ignored it. 
Jongin suddenly nudged his shoulder. "Hey. Can you be my match-maker?"
"Your what?" Luhan sharply turned to him. 
"You know, partnering people."  
Luhan stared at him before tapping his shoulder with a small smile. 
"Is that a yes?" 
"Uhmm. No."
"Oh come on." 
Luhan shot him a last look before giving in with a simple nod. If he said no, this guy is going to keep pestering him. It's not like he's going to do it anyway. He meant, who does that?
"You're my best friend. I just knew it." Jongin tried to hug him but he quickly dodged his embrace. 
"Hey if you do that people will mistaken me as gay." Luhan pushed away Jongin's ninja hands. 
"By people I think you meant Seohyun." Jongin said, giving him that sneaky look. 
Luhan weakly slapped his arm. "Shut up."



Seohyun reached the stage a split seconds before Mr. Kwang Soo walks in and for that, she says good job to herself. She was so mad about the guy that she started to slow-walk.
Without wasting anymore time they were told to sit in their original groups so when Seohyun was about to sit next to Luhan, Tiffany slipped in. She wasn't intentionally going to sit beside him anyway but the way Tiffany stopped her from doing so made her feel like, ugh. You know that feeling?
Mr. Kwang Soo was blabbering something about backstage maintenance and as usual Seohyun didn't give a chance for her ears to listen and the speech lasted for 1 minute until the main door was suddenly opened, receiving everyone's attention. A guy suddenly appeared behind that door, steadily walking towards Mr. Kwang Soo and giving him a 90 degree bow. 
"I'm sorry I'm late. I lost on my way here." He said, scratching his nape. 
Seohyun acknowledged that he looked like someone who just a came out from a comic book or manga plus that blonde hair was an extra to his looks but that wasn't the reason she was looking. The way he scratched his nape looked familiar. She realized that he is indeed the same guy that bumped her a while ago but that's not it. There's something more. 
And then something popped out. 
"OH. MY. GOD." Seohyun mumbled. Now she remembered! He was the one who saved her from the creepy guys and also called Luhan!
Jongin who sat near her threw her a weird look. Seohyun kept mumbling incoherent words and when he fixed his gaze on Luhan at the back, he looked mad. His eyebrows were furious. 
Are they having some kind of relationship with the blondie? Jongin thought. 
"Oh you must be an exchange student!" Mr. Kwang Soo exclaimed after finally getting the hint. The blonde guy nodded. 
"Since I divided the groups by their talent, how about you show us your talent." Mr. Kwang Soo said. 
The guy nodded again as his eyes wildly roamed around the place and stopped when he saw the big, fat piano. 
"Can I use that?" He pointed towards the piano. 
"Sure do." 
He sat himself in front of the piano. After testing out the tunes, he started playing it and sung a song called What is Love. 
Seohyun was truly awestruck when he finished singing. The way he played it was amusing. How the chords and tunes fit perfectly was just amazing and beautiful. Everyone was as stunted as her. Well, there was one who didn't completely enjoyed the performance. 
Mr. Kwang Soo gave him a big applause and the others followed. Of course not Seohyun. And Luhan. "That was such a great performance and you really have a soothing voice. I'll tell you what, I put you in Tiffany's group. Tiffany raise your hand please." Mr. Kwang Soo said without much thinking. 
Tiffany apathetically raised her hand that was when Seohyun realized, that blondie is going to be grouped with her. Oh no. He's going to tell the whole world that she passed out on the street, looking real ugly. No. No. He must had captured her ugly face. No way. 
As he walked towards Tiffany, Seohyun quickly hid her body behind Jongin's back, just in case he saw her. 
"You sure love my back huh?" Jongin said but Seohyun just ignored him. 
Since the summer musical is coming the freshmen were kinda forced to learn about how the backstage technical things worked. Mr. Toad told them that they have to come almost everyday to get the props and costumes ready. In the other hand, the seniors have to continue practicing their play. 
The freshmen walked to the backstage as Mr. Kwang Soo started explaining things. Seohyun was barely listening because she was too busy hiding from the blondie. From Jongin to Yuri and then Yoona. 
"Seriously Seohyun, are you being possessed right now?" Yoona finally spoke, annoyed by Seohyun who kept fiddling with her t-shirt. 
"Shush. I'm hiding from that blondie." Seohyun whispered. 
Yoona took a look at the guy that Seohyun was appointing at. 
"Do you know him?" Yoona curiously asked.  
Seohyun lightly nodded. "He saved me fromrs last night when I was drunk. And then I met him this morning and I acted like a really arrogant and I just got the feeling that meeting him is not a good idea."
"You're in the same group with him. Don't you think it's hard to hide from him?" Yoona said after heaving a sigh. 
"God. You were right." Seohyun said, reflecting. Now she started to feel like Luhan. 
After finished explaining, Mr. Kwang Soo divided the props and costumes jobs and lucky for Seohyun's group, they got the props part. They have to find all the listed props for the musical all summer and since the buying will start next week they have to help the other group deciding what kind of costumes they're going to use.  
After confirming that Mr. Kwang Soo wasn't paying attention on them, Seohyun left the group and sat in the corner. Thinking the cons of encountering the blondie. She was so concentrated that she didn't know someone is looking. 
"You're that girl from last night." 
Seohyun averted her gaze at her side and she really hoped that she was dreaming or at least hallucinating.  
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Seohyun said, trying to remain cool. 
"And this morning." He added. 
Seohyun didn't say anything. 
"Do you know why I didn't say sorry to you this morning?" He asked. 
Seohyun took a quick, hasty glance. "Be-because you're rude?" 
"You bumped me first." 
"No I didn't." Okay now she's getting back to Seohyun's mode. 
"You were thinking." He said. 
When Seohyun didn't respond he added. "Yesterday I saved this drunk girl from bad guys but then she didn't say thanks to me. If you're the one who saved that girl, what would you feel?" 
Seohyun stared at him before exclaiming. "You can't expect someone who's drunk to say thank you!"
The guy nodded in approval. "You're right. But I think she can say it right now though. Don't you think so?" He charmingly smiled. 
"I have nothing to say to that." Seohyun said, not giving in. 
The guy chuckled. 
"What's your name?" 
Seohyun glanced over her shoulder as her face scrunched up in disgust. So now he's trying to flirt with her. 
"Kim Hyuna." 
"You're lying." 
"How did you know?"
"You were thinking."
Seohyun stared at him. I don't think I'm liking this guy. She thought. He's like that guy who knows everything, as if he has a power or something. 
"Han Gain." Seohyun lied again. 
The guy looked confused. "Isn't that's the name of that famous actress?" 
Seohyun stared at him. At first, he looked quite charming but then he has this blank expression that made him looked slightly. Well. Cute?
"Seo Joohyun. Call me Seohyun." 
He smiled and handed out his right hand. "My name's Zhang Yixing but call me Lay." 







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I corrected the age n all so mind if u check it again?


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Fresh_Danishes #1
Chapter 14: Dear author , i've been missing your curse in the story . I miss the way you used , Sh*t , D*ck , *ssh*les .. In the future i hope you would make all the character cursing these explicit words . You should make the next chapter full of these words or more , if possible .. HahahahahahahahahahahahhAhaha
I love your story a lot! Especially when they curse . I can't stop laughing when i read your story.
watchamasoshi #2
Either Sehun or Kris is my guess for the blondie. Hahaha never saw that coming!
Yuri-Kai-Yoona are funny hahahaha
MedinaJoy #3
Chapter 13: Hahaha i thought the blondie was Sehun.
Chapter 12: hey, I wanna know who's the new guy... Ahh, new reader here hehehe ^^, pls update soon, I'm so in love with this couple <3
anazirahs6729 #5
Chapter 12: Thanks for updating! I wonder who is the new guy? It is Kris?