{Chapter 3}

I Love You, My Enemy
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Third Person's P.O.V.

"I'm hungry~" YoonMi dragged her usual line

"When are you not?" SooYeon rolled her eyes

"I dunno." YoonMi stuck her tongue out

The door flung open and in comes MinYoung together with Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

YoonMi quickly nudged Sehun and gave him a smile.

"What?" Sehun asked, confused

"Well, MinHun?" YoonMi teased, giggling

SooYeon heard what YoonMi said and so, she chuckled.

"Chanyeol." Sehun whispered

YoonMi rolled her eyes and hugged SooYeon instead of replying to Sehun.

Their English professor came into the classroom and instantly started to lecture them.

Sehun kept on passing slip of papers to YoonMi and SooYeon, telling them to talk to him instead of listening to their English teacher yet the both of them didn't listen to Sehun.

The bell rung and students quickly stood up from their seats and exit the classroom.

"I'll wait for you guys in the cafeteria." Sehun smiled as he went out from the room as well

YoonMi and SooYeon were about to head out from the classroom, but Baekhyun and Chanyeol stood in front of the door, not letting them pass.

"Let us through, please?" YoonMi spoke

"Why should we?" Baekhyun smirked

"Because you should?" she said

"Ha-ha. How funny." Baekhyun stated

"That wasn't a joke." YoonMi uttered

"Yah! Stop talking back to him!" Chanyeol exclaimed, making the both of them startle

YoonMi mimicked Chanyeol yet only audible for SooYeon to hear.

"Please? I'm already hungry." YoonMi whined

Chanyeol groaned and stepped away from the door yet Baekhyun is still standing there, blocking the way.

"Hyung, get out of their way." Chanyeol said

"No." Baekhyun simply stated

YoonMi sighed and took a seat instead of standing, waiting for nothing.

"Just please let us through?" SooYeon finally spoke

Baekhyun sighed and said, "I'll let you through just because that friend of yours will starve to death."

"Good thing you know." YoonMi rolled her eyes and stood up from the seat

The both of them quickly exited from the classroom, heading towards the cafeteria. They spotted Sehun, eating alone so they dashed towards Sehun and took a seat.

"What took you so long?" he questioned

"Baekhyun and Chanyeol." SooYeon answered

"Buy me some lunch!" YoonMi butted in

"Fine." SooYeon huffed



Chanyeol's P.O.V.

"Why did you do that?" Baekhyun asked as he sat down

"What?" I questioned as I ate my lunch

"Why did you step away? You know the plan, right?" he said


"Is is because of YoonMi?" he said

"Well, yeah. She's already starving and when you don't let her eat as soon as possible, she'll-"

"You know you can always tell me if you want to stop our friendship." he uttered

"Hyung.. I just can't do these things to them. You know they're my best friends back then and YoonMi was my girlfriend. I don't know how you could manage this when you like SooYeon." I explained

He sighed and said, "You didn't experience my past. I was hurt and I'm just letting them feel what I felt before."

"I don't know what I'll do. I mean, I already started everything so why not continue it?" he added

"Will there be a day that we won't bother them anymore?" I asked

"Yes, the prom night because I won't attend the prom." he answered

"Why?" I said

"It'll hurt me more, simply seeing her with Sehun let me feels like my heart is being stabbed

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