


“Stupid drunk people. It’s all his fault that I got home so late and barely got any sleep. Now I’m late,” she muttered to herself in frustration, pushing her hair out of her face.

Her long black hair flowed behind her as she walked down the busy street. Her heels clicked underneath her as she tried her best to snake through the crowd quickly to the coffee shop. It didn’t help the fact that people would often stop and stare. It’s been like this ever since she hit university but it’s still bothered her. She had smooth skin, a high nose, and a nice body. Her large sunglasses were hiding her large eyes and long lashes from the bruising sunlight. The truth was that she was a model. A model who was also dating a very famous photographer.

He was the one who had spotted her on the streets and asked her if she was interested in modelling for him. She was a bit weary at first, not sure what kind of modelling this was and whether this was a trick or not. She had seen on the news many times where people were tricked to strange places for job interviews and then or kidnapped. She was smart enough to do some research on the internet to see if he really was one of the photographers for Elle like he said he was. Sure enough, there he was.

She went to the set where he had asked her to go to and found him in the middle of a photoshoot. And the models were the famous group, 2PM, who’s faces were plastered all over the television, billboards, and magazines. She was standing by the door awkwardly, glancing around at the busy staff bustling around to attend to the members’ needs. She couldn’t help but watch the members who were chatting happily, waiting for their turn for their solo shots, while the stylists patted make up on their faces. It’s not everyday that she got to see such famous people.

She must have stared for too long because one of them, Wooyoung if she remembered correctly, looked over at her and pointed, causing her to blush. The other four members turned their heads to see what he was looking at, and when they stared, so did the rest of the staff members around them. She turned away, holding her breath as she saw a man approach her from the side of eyes. “Hey you.”

“Y-yes?” she stuttered turning to face him. Oh please don’t let him kick me out. That would be so embarrassing.

“You aren-” he stopped halfway when he got a good look at her face. His stern expression softened and when he spoke again, his voice sounded much nicer. “Excuse me miss, but are you lost?”

“I’m actually looking for Kim Dongwon-sshi?” she said, looking through her purse to find the business card he had given her.

“He’s busy right now. Do you mind coming ba-” a hand on his shoulder interrupted him.

“You came!” Dongwon said, his voice filled with excitement. He turned to the frozen staff member and said, “We’ll take a five minute break.” The man nodded, his feet still glued to the floor. Dongwon gave his shoulder a squeeze, pulling him back to Earth as he excused himself. Jooyeon giggled quietly at the expression the man had on his face.

“Sorry about that, Jooyeon-sshi,” Dongwon said apologetically.

“It’s fine! You seem really busy right now, maybe I should come back another day?” she offered.

“No!” he almost yelled, scaring her a bit. “Sorry. I’m just… glad you came,” he said, looking down at his feet shyly. “Can you wait for me?”

The sincerity in his voice made it impossible for her to say no. She waited patiently, admiring him from the side where she wouldn’t get in the way, but she was still a distraction for the workers. The male workers kept approaching her asking her if she wanted to sit somewhere and trying to start conversation with her. At the end of the shooting, Dongwon approached her, his icy glares sent the workers away. “Did you eat yet?”

She shook her head.

“Would you like to eat with me?” he smiled nervously.

She had thought about turning him down because they were still strangers, but she thought it would be rude to say no. He took her to a nice quiet place to dine. Jooyeon didn’t always go such fancy restaurants and it made her wonder whether he always ate at places like this. During their dinner, he discussed with her about his job and what sort of things she would need to do if she was going to model for him.

“Dongwon-sshi, do you always recruit people from the streets?” she asked curiously.

“No, you’re the first one,” he said quietly, his gaze was on his plate but his eyes were lit up with happiness. The way he acted so shy around her made her like him even more.

It was during her second shooting that he had asked her out. She was a bit taken back at first. Really? Her? Lee Jooyeon? What was so great about her that made him want to date someone like her? She was pretty and she knew it, but she saw many other models who were ten times prettier than she was.

She agreed happily without thinking twice. She had dated several guys back in high school but never did she feel the way she did when she was around him.

She stepped inside the coffee shop and smelled the delicious aroma.

“Sorry, were you waiting for really long?” she asked apologetically, taking a seat across from him.

“No,” he shook his head, smiling at the immediate sight of her.

The way he looked at her made her feel like she was the most beautiful woman on the planet. It made her feel like she was his world. He attended to her every need. Always making sure that she was happy and she was. She felt…loved.

Was this love, though?

She hadn’t bothered to question it. She wasn’t willing to let her uncertainty ruin what was now and perfect.

But now, she wished that she had before everything began spiralling down.

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Hiii, are you still around?
fira0430 #2
Update pleaseee
creatingfaith #3
Update please :) I really love this couple as well as this storyline :D
Blueberryblue #4
Chapter 4: This story's really good!
Update soon please~
<3 <3 <3
Chapter 4: She doesnt remember him from that time when he was drunk?

Anyways update soon~ ^^ >< :)
KaRain #6
Can you post pics of GO & Jooyeon together? It will really add excitement to the story... love this pair...
KaRain #7
I love this pair. please update... can't wait any longer
RachelNUT #8
8D updateee :))
Please update soon ~ I am a new shipper of this couple ^^
i actually love this pairing but i've never read them before. so i'm glad that i found yours ;]<br />
will wait for the next chapter ^^