You love me right?



Jooyeon pulled out her keys to his apartment and unlocked the door. When she stepped inside, she could smell that he was already cooking in the kitchen. He was a photographer but he was also very talented at cooking. She threw her purse down on the couch and picked up the magazine laying on the living room table.

“Hey,” she said as she walked into the kitchen. She gave him a peck on the cheek before she took a seat by the dining table and opened up the magazine.

“You're going to be shooting with a male model tomorrow,” Dongwon stated with annoyance.

“Oh really?” Jooyeon answered, looking up from her magazine. “Who is it?”

“Does it matter?” he snapped, cutting away at the carrot. Jooyeon frowned, and turned back to her magazine without saying a word. He's never in a bad mood. Maybe he was having a bad day, she thought to herself.

There was a long silence, and then a loud clattering when he dropped the knife on the counter. Jooyeon looked up and saw him clutching his finger painfully, in sharp breaths.

“Are you okay?” she asked, jumping out of her seat and rushing over to his side. She took his finger away from his hand and examined the cut where blood oozed from. Her face scrunched up just from looking at it. “I'll go get you a band-aid. Go rinse it first.”

He nodded as she rushed out of the kitchen. He the tap and put his finger under the icy water, wincing at the stinging feeling. When she returned, she took his finger and blew on it several times, the cool feeling sending shivers down his spine. She carefully wrapped the band-aid around his finger and frowned up at him, “Go sit down. I'll make dinner.”

She almost screamed when he suddenly pulled her forward and held her in a tight embrace. She rose her hands up hesitantly to rest on his back. She stuttered, “Dongwon? What's wrong?”

“You know that I love you, right?” he muttered.

“Yeah,” she blushed.

“Do you love me?”

She pushed him away gently, careful not to offend him but she could tell that his expression saddened. She held his face between her hands and grinned, “Don't be stupid. Of course I love you,” she pecked him on the lips, “Now go sit down and watch t.v. while I cook. I think you're just too tired.”


When Jooyeon had arrived at the set with Dongwon, she was quickly handed several small pieces of clothing. “Get changed into them.”

She held up the pieces of lingerie in front of her and then looked at Dongwon who looked just as surprised as her. “I didn't know it was a lingerie photoshoot.”

“What? Wait here,” Jooyeon stood confused as Dongwon walked off somewhere.

“What are you doing still standing here? The changeroom's this way,” a lady with large black frames grabbed Jooyeon's arm roughly, digging her nails into her skin as she pulled her to the back of the studio.

“Just come out when you're done,” the lady instructed before slamming the door close, leaving her alone in the small room.

Jooyeon quickly changed into the lingerie and took a long hard look at herself in the mirror. It wasn't the first time she had done a lingerie shot but it wasn't something she was very confident about. She wished that she had a body like Gahi, an older and more experienced model she had met at another shoot previously. She sighed, Guess that's what they have photoshop for.

“Are you done yet?” she heard the same woman from before yell, knocking on the door impatiently. Jooyeon pulled on the pink robe they had in the room and went out. She tiptoed her way across the set, trying to keep her feet off the cool ground as much as possible.

She saw the male model she was working with being pampered up while he was waiting for Dongwon to finish his conversation with the brand representative. Jooyeon joined the male model and gave him a small smile.

“Hey, Lee Jooyeon-sshi right? I'm Choi Siwon. It's nice working with you,” the built young man grinned, bowing sheepishly.

“It's nice working with you too,” she said, returning the polite gesture.

“Kay, let's get started!” the brand representative said, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. Jooyeon looked at Dongwon who's facial expression told her that he was not happy at all.

When the shoot first started, it was obvious that their poses together were awkward together; mainly because of her. She wasn't as proud of her body as she should be and Dongwon's strange behaviour from last night made her feel as though she shouldn't be doing this in the first place.

“Let's take a break,” Dongwon said, needing to change the film in the camera. The models were immediately surrounded by several different people who handed them towels and water and to touch up their make up. It got awfully hot on the set due to the high lights.

The brand representative approached the two models, shaking his head, “Can you two try to be more y? We're trying to sell here!”

The two nodded and waited for him to walk away before looking at each other. “Sorry, I'm not usually like this,” Jooyeon said apologetically.

“It's okay,” he smiled, “Everyone's a bit awkward with each other at first.” She nodded in agreement.

“Kay, let's start again,” Dongwon announced, putting down his bottle of water.

As soon as she heard the camera began to click several times, she told herself she had to get it right this time around. Jooyeon placed her knee between Siwon's legs, her hands hanging on his shoulders with her back turned to camera. Siwon looked up at her with surprise in his eyes for a brief second before it was replaced with lust. He placed a firm hand on her small waist, gently pulling her closer. She turned towards the camera just enough to show side of the bra, as she placed a finger on his chin and tilted his head up towards her.

Get a bit closer, she heard a voice in her head say.

She felt his hands creep lower towards her bottom as she leaned in closer, their eyes locked the entire time. Their lips probably would've touched if Dongwon hadn't shouted, “Kay, that's enough”

Jooyeon immediately pulled away from Siwon, keeping her hands down and her head down. Her face coloured, realizing what she had almost done. She had almost kissed another man in front of her boyfriend. She looked over to where Dongwon was and saw his back stomping away from the set.

She looked back at Siwon and stuttered her thanks before pulling her robe back on. As she moved away from the set, the brand representative patted her on the shoulder, “That's what I expected from you.”

She forced a smile at him as she rushed to the back to get changed back into her own clothes. When she got out, she was handed several shopping bags from the lady from before. She peered inside and saw that they were pieces of lingerie.

“Our latest season. It's a gift from the boss,” she explained.

Jooyeon nodded, still looking as though she was lost. “Do you know where Dongwon-sshi is?”

“Oh, he probably left already,” she shrugged before walking away. Jooyeon felt a pang of guilt hit her as she moved towards the exit, saying her farewells to all the staff she passed by. When she got into the parking lot, she saw that he was already sitting in his car. She quickly got in the passenger seat and turned to him to explain, “Dongwon-sshi, I'm so sorry about back th-”

She was interrupted by the sound of the car's engine starting. She tried to meet his eyes but he did nothing but stared ahead. She turned to sit in her chair properly and pulled on the seat belt. She's never seen him like this before, but she assumes that it would be best if she just waited until they got home first.

After that night, she wished she hadn't gotten into his car. She wished she had never modelled with Siwon. She wished she had never modelled at all. And most of all, she wished she had never met him in the first place.

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Hiii, are you still around?
fira0430 #2
Update pleaseee
creatingfaith #3
Update please :) I really love this couple as well as this storyline :D
Blueberryblue #4
Chapter 4: This story's really good!
Update soon please~
<3 <3 <3
Chapter 4: She doesnt remember him from that time when he was drunk?

Anyways update soon~ ^^ >< :)
KaRain #6
Can you post pics of GO & Jooyeon together? It will really add excitement to the story... love this pair...
KaRain #7
I love this pair. please update... can't wait any longer
RachelNUT #8
8D updateee :))
Please update soon ~ I am a new shipper of this couple ^^
i actually love this pairing but i've never read them before. so i'm glad that i found yours ;]<br />
will wait for the next chapter ^^