Returning the Favor


“Yo did you guys hear the news?” Changsun asked as he joined the guys at their usual table, at their usual cafe.

“What news?” Seungho asked. Byunghee continued to sip on his cup of coffee with disinterest. He would care more if it was about some hot chick and her psycho boyfriend.

“Hyung you didn't hear?” Cheolyong said, casually slapping his hyung's forearm, “This model almost got killed by her insane boyfriend last night!”

Byunghee looked up, obvious that they now have his attention. “What model?”

“Lee Jooyeon. Here,” Sanghyun pulled out his iTouch and quickly googled an image of her. Byunghee took a glance of her and then grabbed the iTouch to get a better look of her.

“She's hot, that kind of for her,” Changsun said, propping his elbow on the table to lean on.

“Her boyfriend went nuts and tried to stab or something,” Sanghyun added.

“Whats wrong with him?” Seungho said, pointing at Byunghee who still seemed to be in a daze, staring at the picture of her.

“Hyung,” Cheolyong shook him gently by the shoulder trying to snap him out of it.

The longer Byunghee looked at her, the prettier he thought she was. Long black hair. A high nose. Big bright eyes. Flawless skin. There was something else about her but he just couldn't put a finger on what it was. Maybe it was that strange feeling he felt in his gut from looking at her. “I think I've seen her before.”

“I'm sure you have, hyung,” Sanghyun said, removing his electronic from his hands, “She's all over the magazines.”

Byunghee shrugged, not wanting to think too much about it. The last time he thought about that mysterious girl from the hotel, he couldn't get her off his mind for weeks.

“, it's starting to rain,” Byunghee said as he peered out the window in the convenience store. He's been hanging out with the guys the entire day and checking out girls when Sanghyun said that he was hungry and wanted to grab some instant noodles. He watched as several raindrops fell from the sky and left behind wet spots on the ground outside. “I'm gonna go. I'll see you guys tomorrow or something.”

His friends sent a wave his way as he left the store. He held a hand over his eyes, shielding the rain from his face as he tried to speed walk as fast as he could to his apartment which was only supposed to be ten minutes away. It would have been a lot faster if he just sprinted home but being the lady's man he is, he had to keep his cool at all times, even if it meant getting soaked in the rain and freezing his off when he got home.

He decided to take a shortcut and cut through the park which led to his apartment.

“Stupid rain,” he muttered under his breath as he felt it rain harder. He kept his head down, away from the rain as he sped through the deserted playground. It was somewhat weird to cross by not seeing a single child laughing on the swings or on the slides. There were still pails and shovels left in the sandbox by the children who were probably hurried home by their parents.

As he passed by the flower bed, he noticed passing by something crouched on the ground through the side of his eye. He continued walking, thinking that it would be best to mind his own business. However, when he heard a stifled sob behind him, he knew he couldn't just ignore a girl crying in the rain. He stopped and turned his head to stare at the figure huddled on the floor because approaching slowly.

He held up a hesitant hand and tapped her quivering shoulders. “Are you alright?”

She slapped away his hand, looking up at him with fear-filled eyes.

It was as if time had stopped for him as she looked up at him in such a vulnerable state. He didn't see her as the famous model that his friend's talked about. She just looked like an innocent girl who needed help. Tear drops glistened from her long lashes as she stared at him with big doe eyes. Her cheeks were red whether it be from crying or from the cold and her slightly parted lips let out the visible breaths she took.

Byunghee was pulled back into reality when she stood up abruptly, wiped away her tears on the long sleeves of her sweater. He heard her mutter a thanks before quickly turning to leave. His hand caught her wrist without thinking, pulling her back. Her head snapped back to glare at him, ripping her wrist from his grip.

Byunghee took a step back, “Sorry.”

He saw the way her shoulders dropped slightly but he could tell she was still feeling weary of him as she spoke, “It's okay.”

She gave him a stiff nod and began to walk away.

“Where do you live?” he called after her, still feeling worried. He watched her as she continued to walk away, not looking back once. Her body swung side to side with her steps and her legs were all over the place as though she was drunk. That might've explained by she was crying at the park in the first place. Byunghee shook his head, Who would get drunk when the moon isn't even out yet?

Just as he was about to turn and walk away, she collapsed on the floor. He quickly rushed to her side, sliding an arm under her shoulder and shaking her slightly. “Hey!”

She remained limp, her head hanging back. He brushed away a strand of hair from her face, brushing her cheeks gently with his knuckles as he did. He allowed them to linger there longer than necessary, entranced by everything about her.Now's not the time, he told him himself.

He slipped his other arm under her legs and easily lifted her up.


Jooyeon opened her eyes slightly and regretted it immediately, the small ray of sun shining on her face blinded her eyes. She closer her eyes and waited a few moments for the stars in her eyes to pass. Just the small action of pushing herself to sit up took an immense amount of effort in her. She felt so weak.

She looked around the room and easily figured out she was at the hospital. Why was she here though?

She could remember very clearly what had happened from the moment they got home. Dongwon began to question her, grabbing her roughly and yelling ridiculously. He knocked things over in his frustration. She had tried to remain calm and reason with him but when he went into the kitchen and came out with a knife in his hand, she knew he had gone insane.

“Dongwon? What are you doing with that knife?” she stuttered, taking a couple steps back as he took a few steps forward.

“Why are you so scared? You love me don't you?” he said, smiling dangerously. She grabbed the photo frame closest to her and threw it at him before running for the door.

“Come here, Jooyeon!” he screamed after her as she dashed out of their apartment. She ran to the elevator, pushing the button furiously as she watched for him to come. She looked up and saw the elevator was only moving up from the ground floor now. Just as he turned the corner, she began to run again, disappearing into the stairwell.

She heard him calling after her as she ran down the stairs, his footsteps following quickly behind her. She pulled out her cellphone and punched in the emergency number. “Hello? Help! My boyfriend's trying to kill me!”

Her feet slipped and she would've rolled down if she had not grabbed only the railings quick enough. Her phone had fell out of her hands and laid at the bottom of the stairs. When she looked up, she saw he was only one level away from her. Leaving her phone, she continued to move down the stairs and reached the exit to the lobby. She ran out and immediately went to the security desk, “Help!”

“What's wrong miss?” the security asked from behind the glass.

“Please! Dong-”

“Lee Jooyeon!” his angry voice rang loudly, as he reached the lobby. He immediately began to make a charge for her. She didn't think twice before beginning to run again, out into the park.

I'm going to die, she thought to herself. was burning and her legs were sore. She didn't know how long she could run for anymore. Her feet caught together and she fell, scraping her knee against the pavement. When she had turned to look behind her, Dongwon was towering over her, his expression telling her that he was far from pleased.

“You were cheating on me, you !” he roared.

“I wasn't!” she cried.

“Shut up!” he snapped, raising the knife into the air.


The knife dropped from his hand, as he clutched onto his shoulder with his other hand. In seconds, he was pulled away from her and pressed against the floor by police. Jooyeon was frozen with shock as she watched her boyfriend be handcuffed.

“You're mine!” he continuously yelled as he was dragged away.

A female officer came over to her and helped her up, “Miss, are you alright?”

Jooyeon was speechless as she was guided onto the ambulance.

When she had arrived at the hospital the night before, they had given her a body check. There were no injuries except the small scrape on her knee. The hospital had insisted for her to stay the night anyways but she had refused. So how did she get here now?

A nurse walked in, and smiled, “You're awake.”

Jooyeon smiled back before noticing the singly lily sitting at the end of her bed. She reached over and picked it up carefully as though it might break. There was a small note attached to the step of the white flower.

The next time you cry, don't do it in the rain. Get better soon.


“Byunghee...?” she whispered to herself. Who's that? She looked to the nurse who was pulling open the blinds, allowing the sunlight in. “How did I get here?”

“Jooyeon-sshi, you don't remember? You fainted and your friend brought you in yesterday. You were both dripping wet. The doctor said your body was just too tired and you have a small cold, probably from the rain yesterday.”

Thinking back, she remembered meeting a guy at the park. Even though her vision was blurred with tears most of the time, he looked like someone she had seen before. “Where is he now?”

“He dropped you off and then left. He came back early this morning just to leave you the flower. What a caring friend you have.” Jooyeon looked down at the flower in her hand, feeling the soft petal between her fingers. “Just let me know if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” Jooyeon said as the nurse left. She couldn't help but wonder if he would return to visit her later on or not. Perhaps she should stay a bit longer. She considered it for a minute and decided otherwise. She mentally scolded herself for even thinking about it. How could she think about guys when her boyfriend had a jealousy issue and tried to kill her. She couldn't see herself being involved in another relationship for a while. Maybe next time she won't be so lucky.

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Hiii, are you still around?
fira0430 #2
Update pleaseee
creatingfaith #3
Update please :) I really love this couple as well as this storyline :D
Blueberryblue #4
Chapter 4: This story's really good!
Update soon please~
<3 <3 <3
Chapter 4: She doesnt remember him from that time when he was drunk?

Anyways update soon~ ^^ >< :)
KaRain #6
Can you post pics of GO & Jooyeon together? It will really add excitement to the story... love this pair...
KaRain #7
I love this pair. please update... can't wait any longer
RachelNUT #8
8D updateee :))
Please update soon ~ I am a new shipper of this couple ^^
i actually love this pairing but i've never read them before. so i'm glad that i found yours ;]<br />
will wait for the next chapter ^^