Amber/BoA group revealed!

Three Elements (APPLY Closed~)

BoA pulled the door to the dance studio open and ran a hand through her hair. The hardest part was already over. They'd picked the girls, done the paperwork and everything for the single. Now they only had to involve the girls. The five of them were all neatly seated far away from each other and all jumped up at the same time to say good morning. "Good morning! Bring your chairs closer so we can talk." BoA pulled up a chair to where they'd all grouped up.

"Okay. So Amber will be here soon, she had a group rehearsal. I know before this, you'd only had private lessons with Amber or me. We'll go around and introduce ourselves. Tell your name and age." BoA smiled at the short-haired girl next to her. She knew all of their names, but it was important that they knew each other.

"I am Miz Ikimawa. I'm sixteen. It's nice to meet you all." Then the next girl stood up.

" I'm AhRin Park. I'm the oldest, I think. I'm twenty. Your turn!" She said pointing to the next girl.

" Hi everybody. MiCha Song, 16." She said with a smile.

"Antoinette Montoya. I'm nineteen."

"I'm Minki Ryom, seventeen years old."

“I guess I should tell everyone their positions. AhRin is the lead dancer. Antoinette is the main rapper. Miz is the lead singer and Minki is sub lead. MiCha is the sublead dancer.”

The door to the studio opened and Amber walked in. Everyone jumped to say good morning again.

“Good morning. Sorry I’m late. Victoria says hi.” Amber pulled another chair over to them. “They don’t look very sad. I guess you didn’t tell them yet.”

“I was going to ease into it, but you can do it.” BoA said with a laugh.

“Alright. In order to further contribute to our concept, everyone except Miz and AhRin has to cut their hair short. Tada!”

Minki gasped. Then all of the girls stared at her blankly.

“What? How come AhRin doesn’t have to do it?” Antoinette yelled.

“Because AhRin doesn’t yell at people!” BoA said. “And there is more. Your name is long, so you’ll go by Annie and Mizuki will be Miz.”

“You’ve already learned the dance, so now we’ll start putting lyrics in the song. That’s what we’ll be doing today,” Amber said. “And you also have to practice the dance as a group. Get in your places.”

Three sad girls and two relatively pleased ones got into their positions. Amber started the music. Chaos ensued. Annie was dancing in front of Minki (who are the tallest and shortest members), AhRin did a move that tripped Miz. MiCha had stopped dancig completely to look at the chaos behind her.

“What just happned?” BoA asked Amber, stopping the lyricless music.

“No idea,” Amber said.

Annie turned around to figure out why the music had stopped.

“You did that on purpose?” Miz asked accusingly, standing up and dusting herself off.

“Huh? No! It was obviously an accident!” AhRin replied.

“Miz, she’s your unnie! You shouldn’t talk to her like that!” MiCha said.

“Don’t scold her! You’re both the same age!” Annie said.

“You guys…” Minki started.

Amber and BoA could only stare blankly.

“Unnie…this isn’t going to work out at all…. And we forgot about a name,” Amber realized.


There's a scary thunderstorm outside!

But anyways~ The girl's pictures are bove their introductions~

Congratz to:

Chewy6, mbl3st, PsychoneuroticNinja, pinkerbell,  and snuggle!

Yayyyy~ Don't lose hope! It's possible that you got your second choice~

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Congrats and I accidently unsubscribed to this story luckily i foundbit again :D
congrats to the finalists for Amber/BoA's group ^o^
Congrats to the people that got in amber and boa group can't wait till the other 2 group is revealed :)
congratulations!!!!!!! wee~~
^^ Thank you soooo much for choosing me am like jumping up and down right now, lol i have to get my hair cut?!...XD can't wait to see the next update ^^
Congratz to the others ! Thank you for choosing me :) I LOVE YA !
Congratulations to Chewy6, mbl3st, pinkerbell and Snuggle! Thanks for choosing me! ^^'<br />
:D Good luck to the others!~
congrats~<br />
cant wait for the others~ :)