
Connected by a Red String

Chapter 9

Jin woke up to the noise of his phone alarm and painfully opened his eyes. Even though he had been sleeping the whole day yesterday he felt really worn out. He looked around his room and noticed the bright sun along with all the lights that were still on from yesterday. He got up, tried freshing up to his best and left for the café. If he stayed home there would be an infinite session of sleep,dream and wake-up. So, he wanted nothing more than to just go to the café and have that normal feeling again. Though, that didn’t mean that his mind wasn’t filled with nothing but disturbed questions that had no probable answers. 
When he got there the trio were all ready and set to serve customers and this made Jin smile. 
“Morning hyung,” Jimin said happily, “welcome to Piquant Café all ready to serve you.”
“Morning Jimin, V and Kookie,” Jin greeted. “You guys are earlier than me. This is quite a surprise.”
“We decided that the three of us coming earlier than you might not be such a bad idea,” V replied, “This way we get a raise you know.”
Jungkook smiled angelically, “I did this to help you and not go after your money.”
Jin laughed when he noticed that the three had started to bicker like usual. It left his mind at ease and made him feel like nothing was wrong. 
“Stop it the three of you!” Jin yelled but with a smile.
 Jimin’s smile faltered as he looked at Jin again and had a serious face as he asked, “Hyung, are you sure you should be coming to work today?”
Jin’s smile also disappeared, “Totally, if I stay at home just because of sleep deprivation then what kind of owner am I? Even high school students can live a day or two with just 2 hours of sleep,” then gave a short smile. 
“Hyung, if you need anything just call us ok,” V said with a concerned face.
Jungkook also gave Jin a pat with a similar face yet displayed an encouraging smile. Jin pinched all three of them and laughed as he went to change into his uniform cloths. This just made Jin extra happy to see his little helpers look out for him.
The day went on like any other normal day and Jin was so happy for that. He was happy to be baking, cutting and roasting coffee for his customers. There was no time for him to even think about all the dreams even for a second. 
"Hyung, this customer wearing all red came into the café. Can you go serve her," Jungkook said as he gave the order to Jin, "I don't like her. She feels bad." 

Jimin also came towards Jin and nodded, "she is getting in the way of the other customers as well."

"You shouldn’t say such things about another person Jungkook, Jimin," Jin scolded but even he couldn't stop himself from showing what he really felt like. 
After finishing the coffee pudding required Jin set it with dark coffee at the side and looked towards the woman that was sitting near the window where, Rapmon would usually sit. He sighed and then put on his best smile before going to her table to serve her order.
"Your food miss!" Jin said as he set the food/drink on the table. He smiled at the woman who had a black veil over her face making it hard for him to see who this person was.
“Thank you,” she said and Jin froze. 
He sat down in front of her and really tried to see her face, “have we met somewhere before? You sound really familiar….”
The woman laughed a little but it sounded sinister, “we might have or we might not have? Do you really want to know?”
Jin nodded his head, “Maybe, is it too much to ask….”
“Curiosity, it’s not such a good thing,” she replied, “You never know what could happen.”
”Well, a little curiosity never hurt anyone,” Jin complied as he bit his bottom lip unsure of his own words. 

The customer smiled, "well, the term 'curiosity kills the cat' isn't just an expression is it?" 
Jin wasn’t liking were this was going and he got up before he could cause anymore problem for her and himself, “sorry, um…. For disturbing you when you should be enjoying your food and time.”
“It’s no big deal,” she replied her voice sounding calm, “I was alone anyways.”
 “Um… then I will leave you to eat your food.” Jin said and turned to leave.
“Wait,” the woman said and held onto his right hand but scratched him with her long sharp nails, “Thank you for at least talking to me.”
Jin smiled, “no problem.” Though, the little scratch hurt a little more than it should. He returned to the Kitchen and went around asking for a band-aid. 
“Hyung are you all right?” Jungkook said, “What did she do to you?”
“Nothing, just a little conversation and scratch is all.”
V then came with a band aid and handed it to Jin, “Hyung, she looks super creepy.”
“Thanks,” Jin said as he took the band-aid and retorted, “She’s not creepy, just sounds a little lonely and seems a little unique.”
“Hyung, do you like her now?” Jimin asked, “You can’t hyung what about Rap-mon? You’re supposed to get together with him!”
“What?!” Jin exclaimed.
"Well it is necessary that the both of you get together because I have a shipper’s heart and I ship the both of you. It’s meant to happen cause I can feel it!" Jimin ranted. 

Jin looked confusingly at Jimin then raised an eyebrow in question to Jungkook. 

Jungkook sighed, "He got into k-pop and idk it seems there is something called OTP and stuff and shipping/paring two people together. Even I don't get this hyung!" 

Jin nodded and ruffled the younger's head in understanding. At which Jimin started whining about not being included and at which Jungkook yelled at the other to go do his work. 
"Sometimes I feel there is something truly wrong with that boy," Jin commented then went to wash his scratch so that he could put the band-aid on.
He felt that headache again. 
“Hyung, when are you going to start the cake for the party tonight?” Jungkook asked as he ran into Jin with the biggest smile, “I can’t wait till we finally finish work get dressed and rest and partyyyy!”
V then also came and hugged Jin, “J-hope is also going to be there!”
Jin just rolled his eyes at the two and went to start baking the cake from scratch. It was simple strawberries short cake just the right size for the 7 of them meeting up tonight. However, he was a little reluctant to go because of his dream yesterday about Suga. 
Yesterdays dream, what did they all mean anyways? Jin really couldn’t understand it all. He couldn’t….
“Seokjin, Seokjin wake up!” someone yelled and I opened my eyes, “You can’t go sleeping while we are still learning.”
Jin woke up and he yawned a little then looked around his surrounding and got up. This place wasn’t the café and it freaked Jin out! He left the room and ran outside the building even though the old person and the other kids were yelling at him. He ran until he was lost and didn’t know where he was. Catching his breath he looked at himself properly and realized that he was wearing a hanbok. His legs were shorter and his body felt smaller than before. 
“Seokjin,” a person said, “What are you doing at this time of the day?”
Jin looked at the person and he looked like an adult which should be what he is. This person was also speaking a very different kind of Korean that he couldn’t understand. He looked around and noticed that this place wasn’t even close to Canada and looked way too historic. It was like he had been sent back to the past or something.  Jin ran from that place to nowhere and he didn’t want to stop until he was sure that he was back at Canada and his older self. He ran and ran but nothing happened so he decided to just sit and wait until he could come up with a conclusion to this.
“Hey, look the unlucky crow is back,” a little boy said and his other friends came to surround the bird. 
Then without notice the kids grabbed little pebbles form the ground and started throwing the rocks at the poor crow. They laughed at it and kept saying something about it being unlucky to their life and that it should never have come to their homes
Jin noticing this went up and pushed the kids and shielded the bird, “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be hurting such an innocent bird.” He yelled at the little kids in broken Korean. 
The kids however didn’t stop and instead starting hitting Jin with the pebbles and yelling bad luck to him. Jin scooped the bird up and started running away from the kids but they were about as fast as he was. However, he didn’t stop running until he was sure that he was safe. He found a secure place to hide from the other and put the bird down. He inspected to see if the bird was okay and found that the bird’s right wing was injured and bleeding. Jin then ripped a part of his hanbok and wrapped it around the bird. 
“They were so mean to hit you for doing nothing wrong,” Jin told the bird as it stood up and pecked at the wrapped cloth in its right wing. Jin then tried to pet the bird however the crow was wary of him, “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you. Trust me. I promise to protect and be there for you.”
Jin then tried once again to pet the bird but instead he got bit by the bird and his right hand started bleeding.

"Hyung, hyung are you okay?" V asked worried as he slapped Jin numerous times, "you suddenly stopped icing the cake and fell onto the floor."

Jin looked around to notice that he was on the floor. One minute he was icing the cake happily then he felt that sudden headache and everything went blank. He got up but started rubbing his head to get rid of the huge headache. Suga was right enough is enough if he doesn’t do something about this he might just explode and who knows what will happen. 

"Hyung, are you okay? Do you want to go rest? What just happened?" V questioned his voice sounding really worried, “Your right arm is bleeding again!”

Jin looked at V and smiled, "no worries Taehyung. Just a small headache...." Then he looked at his right hand to see that he was bleeding again and in the same place the crow bit him and the same place he was scratched by the woman. 

V with a worried expression nodded but didn’t let go of the older male, "but, if you feel like you can't work just tell me okay. Just because you’re the boss doesn't mean you have to be at work even when you’re sick." 

“Taehyung-ah, you worry too much," Jin replied, "I told you it's just a slight headache." 

V looked at Jin albeit more before nodding his head and left Jin's station to go back to his own, but from time to time checked to see if Jin was really alright. Jin after putting the band-aid again also started to finish icing the cake. It was supposed to be done before 6: 00 p.m today for the party tonight. However, there was this unsettling feeling inside his heart after the previous dream. No, these dreams weren’t any normal dreams. He could see that after having to see them for the past week after he started meeting Rapmon. They were flashbacks of various different memories. But whose? It can’t be his; he’s lived in Canada all his life. If those were his memories, they couldn’t be right? How can a person live so many different lives and still be alive now? What did Rapmon have to do with this problem anyways… no, he did have something to do with it –Rapmon. What about Suga? Are the other 4 involved in this in anyways? Just what is going on with him and who is he really? 
Jin closed his eyes and he heaved a deep sigh. Then, a voice spoke inside of his head, “I can tell you,” it suggested, “I can show you everything but the question is do you really want to know?” Jin tried opening his eyes but he couldn’t. They wouldn’t follow his commands.
The voice spoke again, “to you what’s there isn’t there, to you reality is a dream, to you the most real person is no one but me,” and laughed, “I will show you and again I will make you understand and again I will do nothing more but give you what you deserve. Are you sure you’re up for this? Are you ready to again regain what life you have? If you don’t want to know and escape your reality then go ahead close your eyes forever or if you want you can open your eyes and see what is true, what is your reality!”
He was petrified and he could feel his heart give up on him. His breath was getting heavy and he wanted nothing more than to just open his eyes but it seemed like it was a bad idea. What should he do? What could he do??? What??
“Seokjin, jinnie open your eyes,” a voice said and Jin stopped panicking and calmed down. Again the voice repeated, “It’s okay my love, it’s alright just open your eyes.”
Jin knew this voice and he knew that he could trust this voice and so he did and he opened his eyes slowly and when he did so he whispered, “Rapmon….”




evil sinister laugh



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uhhh.... it ended.... tralalalalalal


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finally finished reading it! Awesome, cute ending!!
greenmimi #2
Chapter 14: great story, I loved jikook here they were cute, wish there was more to read about them XD
Useless_kpoper #3
Chapter 10: This is such and interesting plot, please update so I can find out what happens!!
mayoq123 #4
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 10: such a tease!!! it's getting there isn't it? this is so nice imo can't wait~
Hurry up and update already!!! I miss this story!!!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 7: it's so can he managed to get that vision everytime n still won't tell to anyone? my God...
I still don't get what rapmon has to do with Jin's vision.. we all get that rapmon might be inside that vision but who is he now? he seems know a secret but omg omg i really need an update kyaaah
Chapter 7: that guy was probably rap mon! but does jin have a memory loss or something??
Chapter 7: what happened eh???? :"""

update soon