Endless Dreams

Connected by a Red String

Chapter 8

It was sunny outside but the warmth wasn’t strong enough for Jin. He didn’t feel safe at all. Sleeping on his bed, hidden by his blanket all Jin wanted to do was to cry but the tears had stopped, hours ago after Suga had dropped him home. He didn’t want to go to sleep but his mind and body they were going against his wishes. He’d been in this pattern of sleeping and waking up loop after loop. Dreaming dreams that seem like memories.

“Sleep,” a woman said to him in whispers and again Jin closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes and now he was in another land and another place and working as another person. Jin looked around to see that he was at a shop filled with cloths that were neatly stitched to its finest.

“Jin, stop looking around and actually work would you,” a women said to him with a warm smile. He liked her. However, her resemblance to the mother from his other dream was uncanny. It scared him.

He smiled back with a small response, “okay,” but for some reason he didn’t want to smile. He felt sadder than he should.

“Are you okay?” the women asked him. “You’re crying!”

“Ah, it’s nothing,” Jin said and wiped his tears.

“It’s your boyfriend isn’t it,” the woman said, “He’s with another girl even though he’s in a relationship with you.”

Jin didn’t know why he was crying but he nodded his head.

“He doesn’t treat you right even after he was the one to confess. Going from one girl to another just to satisfy his family needs when he should be trying his hardest to be with you. You should just stop dating him. I mean in this era it’s weird to even see boys date other boys.”

Just then the door opened to the shop and in walked a tall tanned man that was wearing a black and white suit and in his hand a bouquet of hyacinth that relay the message of sincere apology. Jin knew his flowers and he looked at the person’s face especially to see their eyes.  However, he couldn’t look up.

“Jin, I am really sorry,” the guy said with a raspy voice that seemed like he had cried a lot, “I really, really love you.” The guy spoke again, “I really, really love you but I am a coward and if we keep this relationship the results are just you getting hurt. I guess I don’t love you enough to fight for our relationship so, today let’s end it all.” Then he left the shop just like that dropping the flowers onto the floor.

Jin didn’t speak but his tears were starting to surface again and before he could say anything the woman spoke again, “Jin just break it off with him permanently and start going out with me,” she whispered to him, “I will love you more than that man will ever in his whole life.”

He loved this man more than anything in his life and there was no way he could love another person the same way. Though, he didn’t want another person to feel the heartbreak he was feeling there was no way he’d hurt the other even more by leading them to a false relationship. So, he looked at the woman and with a sad smile spoke, “sorry.”

Jin woke up again and this time when he looked out it was darker and the sun seemed like it was setting. He sat up in his bed and the tears that had dried up resurfaced and he was crying again. His feeling hurt way more than it should. It was all a dream but now it seemed more real than ever. He felt cheated, betrayed and he hadn’t even had the relationship. It was all a dream… right?

Then Jin felt the headache resurface and just like that he passed out again.

“You, you will never be able to get out of her clasps,” a familiar voice said. This person was facing back so Jin couldn’t see his face. However, the fascinating fact was that this person had huge black wings attached to his back and a pointy tail attached near his rear.

Jin was wearing a pure white suit this time and he was sitting on a roof of a very tall building. The sun was also setting. However, looking at the landscape it was a mix of going modern with traditional buildings. The era must be late 18th century.

“She isn’t the type to just let you go you know,” he said, “Not after all the time and power she has taken to torture you. Plus, you were special to her before this whole thing started.”

Jin wanted to say ‘but’, he wanted to say that ‘there has to be an end to this’, however he himself doesn’t know for what and why.

“She did the same thing with me and my beloved,” the guy said, “Took her away from me just because she was human and gave me this punishment for eternity. Well, it’s lighter than your punishment but I bear just as much hurt as you do.”

Jin felt this sudden urge to just hug this person and he did. He turned the person around and hugged him tight and felt the tears that were streaming down the others face.

“I really loved her you know and I still do,” he said, “She really was my everything. Always made me feel like whatever I did wasn’t a bad thing at all and even after knowing who I was she still loved me. But that ing devil just stole her from me.”

“It’s alright,” Jin told the person and patted his back for him.

“If you’re crazy enough to do this for the one you love then I guess I can also be crazy enough to try and get my beloved back to me,” the person said, “All I need is help from Graciana and to stay alive until the right time comes.”

Jin smiled and stepped back and when he saw the person he had just hugged he froze.

His eyes opened wide and he sat up rapidly from his bed and looked around to see if he was still on the roof. His breath was heavy and he felt like he had been doing some extreme sport. Jin shook his head to wake himself up and slapped his face but the fact remained the same. Jin looked around and he reached for his phone and looked up the contacts and dialed the number.

“Hello,” the voice said with concern, “Are you feeling better hyung?”

“Suga,” Jin said with a raspy voice, “ Is there something you haven’t told me?”

“Hyung?” Suga asked obviously not understanding, “What are you talking about?”

Jin looked at his phone and then hearing the questions that Suga was asking none stop, he just shut it off. He felt paranoid for even thinking that Suga would actually be the Suga that he just dreamed about. Isn’t there that fact that the people you see in your dreams are all the people you have met or seen before? Jin laughed a little at his silly thought. However, there was this unsettling feeling inside of his mind after the previous dream. He looked outside to see that it was pitch dark, but he couldn’t turn off the lights at all. He felt unsafe with the darkness.

Jin closed his eyes and again he felt himself get that headache and fell into his bed. He opened his eyes to stay awake but his vision started to blur and again his eyelids closed to darkness.

It was cold and damp and he felt like utterly . He could feel the cold that made him shiver every once in a while. It was dark as the night and he couldn't make out where he was but he had this feeling of hate towards it. Especially, towards a certain person that seemed to have the connection as to why he was here. 

"Even though you have been chained up and roughed up a lot you can still fight huh," a woman said as she approached him, "Jin, this is the reason I like a pathetic person like you!" 

Jin could only make out the silhouette of this woman but for some reason he really hated her; he wished she would die. 

"You, hurry up and get that whip!” she commanded to another person and pointed towards an iron whip being heated up. A man that looked tall, strong built and kind of familiar. 

"You know Jin, I will let you have the choice. Either you become mine or die," she said her voice taunting him but it seemed like she really wanted to know his answer. 

Jin glared at her and nodded his head no. The woman yelled ferociously and started hitting Jin with the iron whip. The whip wasn't just any ordinary whip the end of the iron rope was burning red from being lit on fire. Jin bit his lips hard and kept on glaring at the woman, trying his hardest to not scream out loud, to not give into her as his flesh was being burned and gauged by the whip. 

"Hmmp! Whatever, this torture session will go on for you Jin," she said and laughed maliciously, "I will make sure of it, make sure it will go on for eternity and in the harshest way possible." 

Jin was scarred all over his body. Blood was oozing out from all the cuts the flamed hot iron whip had made from impact. He was tired and his head was spinning, losing conscious soon enough. But he stayed awake until she would go away until she was done because this was the only way. 

"Even after all I have done, why? Just why, won't you freaking drop and scream and cry for mercy?!?!?!" She yelled and then threw the whip down in anger then after giving Jin a last kick in the gutter she left. "Clean him up and then start him up again for another course!" She yelled to the only other person in the room and left stomping loudly. 

Jin watched as she left and waited until he couldn't hear her anymore and let his tears roll down and whimpered in whispers. The other man came up to him and started  all his bruises and one by one they began to heal. Then, he took off the cuffs that were holding Jin up against the cold stoned walls. Immediately Jin leaped onto the man's embrace and cried in his comfort. This man felt familiar, felt warmer, felt closer and he didn't want to let go at all but he didn’t know who it was. 

WASSSUPPP I am back from being gone for like half a year! ahahahahaahaha i don't know how i do it. How do i just leave and come back?

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uhhh.... it ended.... tralalalalalal


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finally finished reading it! Awesome, cute ending!!
greenmimi #2
Chapter 14: great story, I loved jikook here they were cute, wish there was more to read about them XD
Useless_kpoper #3
Chapter 10: This is such and interesting plot, please update so I can find out what happens!!
mayoq123 #4
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 10: such a tease!!! it's getting there isn't it? this is so nice imo can't wait~
Hurry up and update already!!! I miss this story!!!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 7: it's so scary...how can he managed to get that vision everytime n still won't tell to anyone? my God...
I still don't get what rapmon has to do with Jin's vision.. we all get that rapmon might be inside that vision but who is he now? he seems know a secret but omg omg i really need an update kyaaah
Chapter 7: that guy was probably rap mon! but does jin have a memory loss or something??
Chapter 7: what happened eh???? :"""

update soon