Third meeting

Connected by a Red String

Chapter 3

“Why, tell me why are we not working like crazy today?!” Jimin asked, his hands dramatically shaking in sync. “This feels so weird!”

Jin shook his head in distraught as his poor employee was being over dramatic at a time when he could be resting. It seemed more unusual for him to see someone that actually wanted to work rather than have a free day. Thus, he did nothing but shush the guy down because they still had some customers. Though, it was kind of weird to not be running around like mad on a Wednesday since, it was a day customers frequented a lot. So, it was weird their peachy coloured café was only filled with one or two customers at each tables.

“Shut up, hyung,” Jungkook snapped, “It’s a freaking Wednesday. Even I, am happy we don’t have much people in the café.”

  “Yea Jimin, relax and we can gossip about Jin hyung,” V stated with a cheeky smile. “Apparently the mysterious customer actually left him a note~”

“NO WAY!” Jimin exclaimed his whole body inching closer to V in excitement, “that guy is something else. First, he does something weird that you wouldn’t ever forget, now, he’s giving out notes. It’s like a high school cliché!” and squealed.

Jin stared at the two in disbelief, “hello, the person you are gossiping about is right here,” he exclaimed but the two just went on.


“That guy is real smooth,” Jungkook added joining in, “I bet if Jin Hyung was a girl, he’s totally fall in love with him. I mean – I would if I were him.”


“Not you too Jungkook! I had faith in you….”


“It’s not my fault hyung. The relationship that you two kind of have is interesting.”

“Yea, but kookie you can’t leave me for that guy!” Jimin cried dramatically.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, “And what, leave this non-existing relationship that we have? I wouldn’t dare dream of it!”

“Well, at least you have a non-existing relationship, relationship and Jin hyung has faint lines intertwining with that guy. However, I am all alone….” V said with a pout and started taking out cleaning tools.

“Shut up, you have a relationship with us hyung,” Jimin smiled and gave a wink, “I mean aren’t we friends that’s a kind of relationship.”

Jin felt himself kind of heat up at the fact that he might have some kind of relationship with the other guy. He smiled to himself and then looked at his co-workers that he had a special kind of relationship with. They weren’t related to him but he sure felt like they were his real brothers. Hopefully it would last.

People were starting to leave and it was almost time to close the café. At least 3o minutes before 5 and they could all leave and have a peaceful rest of the day. Jin watched as Jungkook and Jimin had started to clear out the tables that were now all empty. V was starting to pack the little leftover pastries that they still had left.

“Hyung stop spacing out and let the last customers we have left pay for their food,” V yelled softly across the kitchen.

Jin shook his head and then looked down in shame. Though, it still freaked him out just how attentive V was to his surroundings or it was like a supernatural power. He’s been scolded like this by the other from time to time. He smiled as he approached them with their receipt and greeted them a farewell as they left. Then he helped to clear out the tables and clean them.

There was 20 minutes left until they could finish work and go home. There was 20 minutes left until he had to say goodbye to his fellow friends. There was 20 minutes left until he had to give the key to his cousin and greet his co-worker. However, the door opened and left a loud thud telling Jin there was 20 minutes left and he still had to serve a customer.

Jin that was finished cleaning the table turned around and greeted, “Good evening.” His face brightened at the sight.

“Good evening to you to, Jin,” the customer replied with a deep voice and walked towards the tables near the window. “Can I have anything that you have left and White Coffee.”

Jin nodded quietly and left and saw that Jimin and V were walking towards the said guy. He got the palm-oil margarine to roast with the coffee beans and listened attentively to their conversation.

“So, it’s been well over a week since you have visited,” V said casually as he sat down, “How are you?”

“Stop it, he might feel uncomfortable if we ask such questions,” Jimin stated, “We need to first you know tell our name because the last time he was talking to Jin hyung he said something like ‘shouldn’t you introduce yourself first’.”

“Oh ok, that might work. Good job noticing!”

Jimin turned to look at the customer, “Uh-hum, My name is Jimin and this here, is the lovely V. Now tell us who you are and why you haven’t shown up in a week.”

Jin was astonished at the kids’ behavior but didn’t say anything because he also wanted to know. He listened but also noticed the outfit the other was wearing. Again, it was the same colour code for his outfit. Red T-shirt, black and white blazer then black skinny jeans.

“I don’t have to introduce myself to you do I?” he answered. “Plus, I’d rather only talk to the person I am here for.”

“oooh, hyung he’s totally into you,” Jungkook teased as he handed the chocolate filled croquette to Jin, “better go out there and charm this handsome man.”

Jin shook his head as he saw the younger laugh at him. Taking the food and drink he walked up to the only table occupied by the window and took a seat. He made a go away motion to the two guys with his hands as he settled down.

“So you finally decided to come,” Jin said as he watched the other eat.

“Not decided, had the time,” the customer said in between bites.

“Well, this time, are you going to tell me your name or are you going to disappear again?”

The other guy only smiled as an answer and continued to eat the croquette in silence. Jin sighed then slumped down. He didn’t understand why but, something was gnawing at him and it seemed like this customer had the key to figuring it out. Plus, they have only met three times and he’s started noticing things he wouldn’t notice about another person. Just weird!

 “You should really visit more often like you say,” Jin then said after the silence.

The other looked at Jin with one eye raised, as he drank his coffee. Jin noticed the guy’s facial structure and how broad they looked due to his tanned skin. He looked reliable.

Jin just smiled back, “what, I wouldn’t mind your company. It’s something I look forward to.”

“So, what are you, in love with me?” the other asked surprised.

Jin shook his head immediately, “No way man, I meant you seem like a nice person to be friends with.”

“I see,” the customer replied solemn, “Well, I wouldn’t mind either choice but, I guess being friends is the first matter.”

“So is telling me just who you are and why you ran off last time!”

“haha – did I not tell you my name? Oops!”

“It’s not funny! You’re supposed to introduce yourself on the first day but you made me wait for 3 weeks.”

“3 weeks, 3 days, 3 years, what does it matter? As long as I introduce myself to you, I know you’ll forgive me.”

“And just where does this confidence of yours come from?”

“Confidence, it’s something I have been born with. Anyways, weren’t you going to ask me to introduce myself to you?”

“Well do I have to tell you to do it yourself? I think you’re old enough to figure out what you’re supposed to do.”

With a smiled he responded, “Guess so, my name is Rapmonster nice to finally meet you.”

“That doesn’t sound like a real name, more like a stage name,” Jin implied confused.

“Yea, it’s actually a stage name. My occupation is a rapper but I stepped down a long time ago.”

“So, you aren’t going to tell me your real name?”

“Not today, maybe another time we meet.”

“And how do you know that we are going to meet again? It’s not like you frequent this shop like you say and it takse you weeks to come back!”

“But I do come back, don’t I? So, we will meet again.”

Jin bit his lips and smiled at the words being said. “I guess.”

Rapmon also smiled back then looked out the window. Jin had noticed this before too. The other would always look outside as if looking for something/someone.

“Why do you keep on looking outside? What’s so interesting that you have to look out so much?”

“It’s always interesting to look at people outside,” Rapmon repied, “They always have something different showing in their faces. It’s interesting to figure out just what they are thinking.”

“Is it?”

“Yes, there are so many different types of emotions shown in a crowd and no one notices. Happy, sad, mad and all but it’s all concealed behind a serious face. However, if you look more into it you can see the difference between all those masked faces.”

“I just see people walking and well nothing else.”

“There’s always more to a person than what they show themselves to be in society. Since people behave the way society deems and it’s difficult sometimes to really understand how a person really is.”

“I never took you for a analytic guy. Makes you seem smart.”

“Is this charming you enough that you’ll fall for me?”

Jin blushed, “You are so straight foreward.”

“Hyung, its 5 and I want to go home! I don’t want to watch the two of you flirting,” Jungkook yelled from the kitchen, “the leftovers have been shared somewhat evenly and this whole place is cleaned.”

Jimin added, “We are leaving but take your sweet time with the silky smooth mysterious customer!”

“His name is Rapmon!” Jin informed red from the heat and waved to the three leaving, “V, did you get the invitation to the party, yet?”

“Yea, don’t worry so much hyung! Bye hyung, bye Rapmon dude!” V yelled and ran out to follow the other two.

Jin looked at the three until they couldn’t be seen anymore and remembered the slight headache he had before when he watched Rapmon walk away. He looked at the said guy and he frowned in confusion.

“What? Do you want me to leave?” questioned Rapmon as he motioned to leave. “I don’t want to bother you when you’re finally free to go home.”

“Rather I want you to help me clean up since you decided to come at closing time,” Jin replied with a cheeky smile.

“Really?”  Rapmon complained but started to pick up the dishes that he ate from and led the way to the kitchen.

Jin followed skipping ever so lightly and started to command Rapmon just what to do. They worked together with the silence of the place and Jin’s voice. With the sounds of the tap running and dishes clashing until Jin decided that the place was clean enough and heard the front door make a thud sound.  He got his jacket and then took out the food that was inside the huge fridge and walked to the front.

“Hyung, it’s starting to get cold,” a guy complained with a wide smile. He was tall; his face had length, his hair short and black that fit perfectly with his peachy skin colour.

 Jin ran up and ruffled the other’s hair, “I guess so, there is food waiting for you at the back J-hope. Now, where is my cousin?”

The said person that was behind J-hope moved himself to be noticed, “Excuse me hyung, I am right here! Stop making jokes about my height every time you see me. It’s getting old and annoying!”

“Suga! Heehee, I will try,” Jin replied, “Oh, this is Rapmon or at least his alias. Rapmon this here is J-hope and this here is my sweet cousin Suga both are also alias’.”

“Nice to meet you!” greeted J-hope loudly as he shook rapmon’s hand.

Suga gave a short smile, “Nice to meet you as well,” he said then pushed both Rapmon and Jin towards the door, “You two can go and have all the fun you want outside this café! It’s time this place turned into a bar and changed its identity!” then closed it shut.

“Your cousin is really nice,” sarcastically Rapmon stated. “Well, I should be heading home as well.”

Jin took out his right hand in a front of him and Rapmon followed a suit and took his left hand out and shook it.

The hands touched and Jin was pretty sure he felt some kind of jolt from it. Then, again he saw an image. This time they were wearing feathers on their heads and he was more tanned. He saw a woman, a beautiful women and a child. There was another figure beside her but, faced backwards so he couldn’t see the face. Though, he felt hatred towards that man, an undesirable hatred. He felt betrayed in a sense but he couldn’t help but hide this hatred for the man. He could feel the love he had for this woman. It was as bright as the sun itself but, the woman left him with the baby towards the man. It urked him, he wanted to yell but he didn’t. Why?

See you the next time we meet,” Rapmon said as he let go of Jin’s hand and waved goodbye walking the opposite direction of Jin.

Jin felt the headache he received before from having a similar flashback and winced in pain softly. He waved with one-third of the energy he still had and watched as Rapmon walked away from him. The image of the man flashed and then he looked at Rapmon. 


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uhhh.... it ended.... tralalalalalal


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finally finished reading it! Awesome, cute ending!!
Chapter 14: asdfghjklkjhgfcvbngfasdfghjkl fantastico!!!!!!!! really great story with an AMAZING plot!
greenmimi #3
Chapter 14: great story, I loved jikook here they were cute, wish there was more to read about them XD
Useless_kpoper #4
Chapter 10: This is such and interesting plot, please update so I can find out what happens!!
mayoq123 #5
KcuLL22 #6
Chapter 10: such a tease!!! it's getting there isn't it? this is so nice imo can't wait~
Hurry up and update already!!! I miss this story!!!
KcuLL22 #8
Chapter 7: it's so can he managed to get that vision everytime n still won't tell to anyone? my God...
I still don't get what rapmon has to do with Jin's vision.. we all get that rapmon might be inside that vision but who is he now? he seems know a secret but omg omg i really need an update kyaaah
Chapter 7: that guy was probably rap mon! but does jin have a memory loss or something??
Chapter 7: what happened eh???? :"""

update soon