Second Meeting

Connected by a Red String

Chapter 2

“Hyung are you still checking to see if that guy came again,” V asked as he saw that his hyung was looking all over the Café, again. “You know it’s best to forget him because he might have been lying to you.”

Jin sighed, “I know. It’s just I really have a lot of questions to ask that customer. Strangely enough he doesn’t appear even though he said that he frequented our shop. What- a- liar!”

“So you really can’t forget that rude guy?” Jimin asked as he took the freshly brewed Café latte into a tray, “I’d rather not see his face - again! And it’s been a week and a day, its Tuesday for heaven sakes!”

Jungkook that was making a veggie bagel stated, “You’re only saying that because he totally didn’t want your ugly face near his,” then put the bagal into Jimin’s tray.

“What are you talking about Kookie? This is a face even you, couldn’t ignore.”

Jin rolled his eyes at the two bickering friends. Sometimes, he really questioned their relationship and just how they were even friends? They were always fighting yet, they were always together. They had this really weird relationship.

The doors to the Café opened letting in a breeze of fresh air and shut with a quiet thud. The customer walked up to the counter instead of going to seat at a table. He then went right up to Jin. A smirk set on his face.

“But seriously, if my questions go unanswered and that um… customer was really trolling me,” Jin stated, “I am going to erase him out of my memory space immediately. But what pisses me off is that he didn’t even tell me his name before he went.”

Jungkook, Jimin and V all started laughing at which Jin gave a raised eyebrow in question. The three wouldn’t stop laughing and then he was tapped by a hand on his shoulder. He immediately turned around only to step back and widen his eyes in horror.

“I am hurt. I am an honest person and what I told you in our last conversation was nothing but the truth, I just decided to stop visiting to see if you would actually bother to remember me,” the same customer Jin was badmouthing stated but, he had an amused smile, “it seems to have worked significantly.”

The rest of the kids scattered to work but not before giving the guy and Jin a double look in doubt. Jimin gave a third look at the guy with a serious face and left.

Jin shocked asked, “How – what – where did you come from? Why are you inside the kitchen!”

“Why?” the person asked, “It’s not like you need to know where I come from in order for me to eat here.”

“You know I wasn’t asking that – uh… umm… just you should order!”

 “I will take the seat over there near the window again and I want Macchiato and Scones with Gruyere, prosciutto and green onion.”

Jin nodded and then ran pushed the stranger outside of the kitchen and shut the door. He first made the Macchiato and then put the scones in a small white plate not forgetting the spoon. Then he also got himself apple Danish and Cinnamon spiced café latte. With a smile, food/drinks in hand, Jin walked towards the mysterious guy and took a seat beside him.

“Lunch served,” Jin announce happily, “Also, can I have lunch with you?”

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t you be doing your work right now?” the guy asked though he had a smile on his face. “Will you really be happy to eat with me, again?”

“No worries, its lunch time for me as well,” Jin replied taking no notice of the tone that didn’t match the appearance of the guy or his last question.

For a couple of moment they ate in silence. Jin took the opportunity to scan the guy from head to toe. He was wearing different cloths then he did the week before. He was wearing a red t-shirt, black jeans, black t-shirt and this time he had red headphones. This time he wasn’t wearing all black.

“You know you’re not going to find out anything about me without asking a question,” the guy stated noticing the sneaky looks he was receiving. “Your staring is kind of annoying.”

Jin that was drinking his Cinnamon spiced café latte almost spit it out but stopped himself just in time. He looked directly at the other and then raised his eyebrows, “You’re very straight forward.”

“You stare, you stutter and your pink bow is kind of annoying.”

 “Don’t bring the pink bow into this conversation. Your definition of annoyance needs to be fixed. You not introducing yourself the first time- not officially- to me is the definition of annoying and you exemplified it well.”

“I try my best!”

Then there was a sudden break in talking and silence filled the two.

“I thought you were going to introduce yourself to me finally Mr. Mystery customer guy!” Jin exclaimed breaking the silence and looked expectedly at the said person.

“Well, isn’t it the other way around? You should be telling me your name and then I will return the favor and give you mine.”

“Hmm… I guess but, ah – okay! My name is Jin. I co-own this shop and I love the colour pink!”

“I see. Your uniform is so cliché, like you would think there would be one café that doesn’t wear these customary kinds of uniforms. Doesn’t it kind of feel bland and over used at times? Plus, the bows – just whose idea was it?”

“MY IDEA! I like classic looks and this was the best, the bows just make it unique in its own ways. Also, who are you to judge my café without observing it for a period of time or even asking the frequent customers that come unlike you? Don’t HATE!”

“I never stated that I hated it. I asked questions to start a conversation. To see what you thought of your own café.  You are too quick to judge.”

Jin felt his face heat up in anger. This guy just questioned his choice of uniform yet, now he suddenly changes his mind. Just what did he want! “Your choices of words sounded like you were criticizing the choice of the uniform. You are being a hypocrite by saying that I am too quick to judge when you truthfully did it before me.”

“I see…. But, aren’t we all?”

Jin raised his eyebrows in question at the statement. However, before he could answer something back the clock in the café chimed. The time was struck at 12: 00 P.M exactly and all of his employees came up onto the stage that included him. He looked back at the customer with glared eyes and then hopped onto the tiny stage. He erased the whole conversation he had with the customer and then smiled. This was the main reason this Cafe was named unique. It was because at noon exact all the employees would stand on stage and sing a song chosen personally by one lucky customer. He looked at the customers and grabbed one of the four mics on stage. Then he put his hand inside of a royal blue box and took out a paper.



“Okay, um…. It seems that today, we are going to be singing the song ‘propose’,” he said and then the four started singing.

I give it to you
Although it was a bit awkward, I want to give it all to you
I give it to you
To me, who sometimes cries and laughs, it’s only you
For you

The moment I first saw you
With short hair
and a pretty school uniform
I only remember that image
You can’t go anywhere
You have to only look at me too

I don’t know why my heart is like this
I only think of you always
I’ll become a rhythm and a song
And sing it for you

(Good to you)
I only have you
(Good to you)
Even if I’m far away
Always stay by my side
(Good to you)
You’re my everything
Even if the difficult tomorrow comes
Hold my hand

I give it to you
Although it was a bit awkward, I want to give it all to you
I give it to you
To me, who sometimes cries and laughs, it’s only you
For you
(Good to you)
(Good to you)

Good to you

The customers clapped at the performance as the boys bowed and then took off from the stage going back to their duties. Jin kind of smiled at the similar words that he could find relating to the topic he had discussed with the mystery customer.  

“That was a good song,” V commented as he hummed the song again, “I’d want to propose with this kind of song if I got into a relationship.”

Jin gave the younger a smile and turned towards the table near the window to notice that it was empty. Quickly his eyes darted all around the café to find the guy but he couldn’t. He speed walked towards the table and looked outside the wide window to notice the back of the customer. The customer was walking away from his shop. Suddenly, an image popped up in his head. There was also a guy walking away from him, showing his back to him. But he was wearing something different, it wasn’t casual wear anymore it was a red, golden and red hanbook.

Jin closed his eyes tightly and pressed his hands against his head. It hurt, his head hurt. He opened his eyes again but the customer had disappeared long time ago. He bit on his lower lip and then got the dirty plates/cups. He noticed money and also a note.

“Let’s eat again!” he read and then smiled.

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uhhh.... it ended.... tralalalalalal


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finally finished reading it! Awesome, cute ending!!
greenmimi #2
Chapter 14: great story, I loved jikook here they were cute, wish there was more to read about them XD
Useless_kpoper #3
Chapter 10: This is such and interesting plot, please update so I can find out what happens!!
mayoq123 #4
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 10: such a tease!!! it's getting there isn't it? this is so nice imo can't wait~
Hurry up and update already!!! I miss this story!!!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 7: it's so can he managed to get that vision everytime n still won't tell to anyone? my God...
I still don't get what rapmon has to do with Jin's vision.. we all get that rapmon might be inside that vision but who is he now? he seems know a secret but omg omg i really need an update kyaaah
Chapter 7: that guy was probably rap mon! but does jin have a memory loss or something??
Chapter 7: what happened eh???? :"""

update soon