Weird Feelings ..

No Ordinary LoVEe

P.S , ignore that it's Tiffany from SNSD  , i just liked to post the pic , !! :DD


I didn't get my arms away from her , I was protecting her from falling . I don't know how .. But I had some odd feelings .. As many unanswered questions kept hunting my mind, the trolley was going so fast across the path ,

"Watch out" Tao said hinting to people .
All of us was yelling , I looked far , a truck was only few meters always from us , caught my attention , it was for carrying wheat , the trolley bumped into the truck, made it stop , I looked past us , I couldn't see them ..
"Guys , I think we escaped " I said and let go of Nouha .

She turned and looked at me , " T t thank you .." She said barely talking, my heart went so fast as I looked back at her in the eyes .

" you 're welcome " I responded smiling , she smiled back , showing her dimple , she was sure adorable .. She didn't change .. The same girl since High school days , Timid , humble , and very good behaved..

"let's go " Tao said , we all got up from the trolley and walked , I moved leaving them behind me .

" wait , let me help you .." I turned , saw Tao stepping right behind Nouha helping her to put her back bag . She lifted her head and saw me staring at him then looked at her . I slowing rolled my eyes , and turned .
What ? Why did I glare at him ? God ,, kris you are okey ! You are okey , there s nothing wrong .

" thank you " I heard again her soft voice. But I didn't turn.
" you are welcome cutie " I heard his response . I felt my nerves burning up from jealousy , no what jealousy ,? I'm not jealous at all , huh. Why am I even going to care anyway .. Again she giggled ,,

I decided to not look back to see them again. Kai and hye bin were having fun , he was wrapping his arm around her shoulders , and she wrapped as well hers around his waist as the walked .
Why am I so that nervous ? . We reached the camp bus again.

" we arrived in the right time " Kai said . " Kind of , we still have to wait for others " hye bin Said and Tao nodded.
"Oppa , I mean kris... D - d you have a handkerchief for more ?" Some one asked me from behind . I turned to see it was her asking with her puppy eyes i wanted to squeeze her cheeks ..
" I think so .." I responded "mm wait . " .
I took off my bag and dragged it above me and opened a pocket , I pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to her .
" thank you " she said to me . " don't thank me " I smiled.

I still didn't find an explanation at that glare .. This was so weird .

I took the handkerchief from him, he gazed in my eyes , I couldn't help but just looked down at my shoes As I blushed .

I leaned and started cleaning an injury that I had on my knee .

" does it hurt ? " he asked me , I lifted my head and saw the tall blond haired boy looking at me .

"K . Kk kind of ,." I replied softy .. I think he didn't hear me .

He giggled and leaned down right above me . He pulled my leg to him . Damn I was wearing a short pant , it was reaching my thighs only .. He could clearly see my legs .

He opened again his bag and took a bottle of alcohol . Took the handkerchief that he gave Me from my hand , opened the bottle . Then put some of he alcohol on the handkerchief .he wrapped a part of it around his index finger and softly put it on my skin .
I looked down and bit my lower lip ,logically it was something normal that he tried to help me . But for me it was a perfect feeling . Looking at him taking my leg with one hand and cleaning the wounded spot with the other one .. I was lost in my thoughts ..

" hey am I hurting you ?" I snapped out as I heard him , god like how many times he repeated it .. I looked down from embarrassment , " N nnot at all .." I Said , then I heard him giggling ..

God I felt my cheeks turned red like a tomato .

" okey I have finish , when we are back , remind me to give you a Bandage .... " he said smiling and got up .

" Than .. Thank you so much " I said looking down .

" what have I told you ? " he asked and put his hand in his pocket ..
" A ... Erm .. Not to say thanks to you ... " I answered shyly and giggled.
" good now give me your hand " he said giving me his hand .

I stared. At his beautiful hand for a while ..
"Come on ,." He smiled .
I couldn't help but just smiled back and gave him my hand .

" carefully " he said as he pulled me looking after me .
The way he was treating me recently was something I never expected from a boy to do to me .

I was between the two guys Kai and Tao
I turned , an Oh . I frowned my eye brows when i saw kris and Nouha .
" Guys , turn to look , seems lek we have a new couple here" I said and have them a. Hint to look ,
" Oooh , Kris isn't easy , well they really look awesome together " Kai said with a smirk .

" yeah , and Nouha .. she is really lovable .." I said .
" Tao , dude why are you that puzzled ? " Kai pinched Tao's arm .
" huh !? Who said I'm puzzled or something ? Mm well yeah they look nice together " he said
And barely formed a smile ,
I could see that it's wasn't a smile with all his heart , but it's fine .

after a while all guys cane and we All got in the bus , went back to our camp .


We all got up . We wore clothes that gonna protect us from the cold weather .we took our tents since we were going. To change the place .
We walked for a while , once we arrived we sat down panting so hard .
The place were on a high plateau ,
" Attention please " we turned to see a very handsome attendant pleading for the Silence.

" this is one of the highest points in our trips . Today we gonna climb that high plateau over there , who gonna win. Will be partying , and losers will make dinner , deal ? " he smiled , " by the way , I'm Suho , so let's get started "

"Okey " we said , I turned I could see that all girls were drooling ,


the Race started  ,  i was walking and climbing , i noticed that i was already the first one .. so i stopped to catch my breath  , i sat on a rock .. took an apple from my bag and started eating it .

suddenly i saw a y girl coming toward me .. , " Kris ? are you resting , get up we should win " the Girl said . that girl was one of the girls who sat beside us in the trains .

"  dear , Failure doesn't exist in Kris 's Dictionary " I said and winked , she came to me and sat beside me .  panting , " Oh look what happened to me in my thigh"  she said shouting to her thigh as she put her leg on my lap . 

" oh , this is Deep , we should go to the hospital " i said and out my hand  on her leg  , damn im a sarcastic . " Oh Really  , " she said and put her palm on her cheek .

" but we don't have an hospital here . mmm wait i'll be back " i said and got up . i went and brought a plante, i didn't even know what was it ..

" do you see this ?" i said to her as i got back , " Its name is Joku-mara  , it helps the skin to look more bright " I said .Damn this girl .

"Oh really .. gimme some  , she took it and her hand gently , i her leg .  "Oh kris . who 's that girl right there ?" she said ans shouted  , i followed her finger , i took my hand telescope . 

" Oh No " It was nouha , " bye , i'm going "  i said to her and ran away  . " but who is she " she pouted . " Not your business " I  said .

i could reach  nouha .. she was going to win . " Hey yye hey .. Nouha . wait wait " I said. " what .? "  she kept walking holding her stick . 

" Please let me win , please  just this time . you were always and you still the first in everything " i begged " please " .

" Nah ,  mm i  thought you came to this camp to climb plateaus and mountains not caressing thighs " she said as she never stoped , was she jeally ? Hummm ... 

" You mean La Rae ? , she is really hot , just turn to see how perfectly she moves her hips , Twing Twing .. "  i said teasing . she turned to see .. " well " she didn't finish and then got back to walk fast again ..

" we're here to  climb mountains and enjoy time in exploring jungle not saying good words and touching  girls " She said . " It's called * flirting Nouha " * I said to her .

" what  ever .. "  she said and continued to walk . " i flirt with her  sometimes because i can't flirt with girls like you .."  i said . 

" Girls like me?" she tuned and  looked expressionless .  " sit down " i said .. 

" what did you mean by saying girls like me ?" she asked again .. , " Nouha .. Girls like you are made for real love not for flirting " I said , My heart started beating so fast again .. 

" E..erù...I ..." She hestitated and i Got up .. , " Kris " She said and tried to get up too ..


what he just said made my heart skip a beat .. something was growning inside me  but what was it exactly ?  .. i tried to get up .. and " PAAF " i fell down ! damn what was that ? what !! he put around my foot a rope without making me realize it ! he made me go into my thought by saying ramantic words ! aish  i can't open the rope damn !!! 

" YAHH COME BACK !!" I yelled . , " NOPE  ,  NOT NOW"  he smirked as he walked away .

" THIS IS DAMN UNFAIR ! " i kept yelling , " believe me Nouha , Failure has a speacial taste !  it came to you now so don't let got of it okey ,,?? "  he said leaving me puzzled , 

" I WILL TELL THE PRINCIPAL "  .i kept yelling , " Hahaha , WE ARE NOT AT SCHOOL , ENJOY ," he responded . 



helllo , Hope you liked the CH ! =DD 

"Comments " . :** <3 

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I'll try to update today :DD


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Chapter 13: noo clihangers WAE WAE? ooh i know he probably would go and find nouha (IDK if i spelled it right sorry) and then I have no <3~~
Chapter 10: UPDATEEE lol but yeah ♥♥♥ keep it up ~
Chapter 9: Looking forward to the update. This story is perfection!
Chapter 9: awwww cuteies ♥♥.
Chapter 7: i need more lol i cant wait for whats gonna happen ♥
Watachiwahyo #6
Chapter 3: AWESOMEEEEEEEE !!!! Update soon <3
Thank you :DD I'll try .
Chapter 3: i like this story hope u update O(∩_∩)O