Part Four.

Friendship & Relationship

Part Four.


It had been two weeks since their hug. It was not like Taehyun changed his behavior towards Seungyoon after that, but he wasn’t than cold as before. Especially when Seungyoon smiled at him.

“just for today, let’s enjoy the moment without regrets”

He had said that and Taehyun’s heartbeat had accelerated in a second. Even after two weeks his heart wasn’t in complete calm.

-Are you ok? – A husky voice asked, interrupting Taehyun’s thoughts.

-I am – he answered – Hyung, What are you doing in my room? – Taehyun asked with bothered voice, noticing how Mino had his arms folded and was leaning against the door.

-I knocked – Mino defended himself – But you were too submerged in your thoughts, I almost thought that you will have a heart attack.

-What the…

-Seriously, you had your hand on your chest, your face had a strange expression, and how could I forget your sighs… - and then Mino got silent, opened his eyes and screamed – Wait a minute, you are not sick, you are in…

-Shut up! – Taehyun interrupted and stood up – if you don’t have anything intelligent to say, please get out of my room – and pushed Mino out of his room.

Taehyun could hear Mino’s objection behind the door. But Taehyun wasn’t going to open that door ever again, not after what Mino said.

“You are in…”

-! - He yelled and threw himself on his bed.

It’s impossible” Taehyun thought.

He couldn’t feel in that way towards Seungyoon, he repeated in his head several times while his heart felt squeezed without a reason according to him.




It was his first time outside the country and Seungyoon was excited about it.

Japan was a country that he always liked, as a trainer he learned the language, and the culture and all – mangas, animes, fashion and girls – had always attracted him.

But he also was excited because they would stand up in a venue as Seibu Dome. Even if the pressure about being the opening act of their senior was there, he didn’t let it push him down.  He needed to be strong for s.

The bus was arriving to the venue, all of them excited about it. He even thought that the gleam of the dome was the sky; when he realized it wasn’t, he though “Is this really the stage we’ll be standing on?”.  

Overwhelmed, he looked at all the members, without noticing his eyes stayed on Taehyun a little more. A sweet smile was painted on his face and, remembering their hug after they won, immediately a warm feeling appeared in his stomach.

-It’s time to go – one of the staff said, and Seungyoon came back to reality.

When they were ready to enter the dome, unexpectedly it started to rain. One of the staff gave Taehyun an umbrella and he started to walk, Seungyoon was beside him and clearly heard Taehyun’s hum “It’s raining in my heart, it’s raining coldly” Seungyoon smiled at him and put his arm around Taehyun’s shoulder “It’s raining in my heart, It’s raining again today”, Seungyoon sang with a big smile while their voices harmonized , his solo song.

The warm feeling he felt a few minutes ago appeared and increased in that moment, with Taehyun by his side, singing with him, and the rain all around them. Seungyoon decided not to worry about it, not yet.



Taehyun was worried, really worried about his feelings.

When they finished their first rehearsal, they went to the hotel. It was time to decide which one will sleep with, and in that moment he could accept any member except Seungyoon, because after they both sang <It’s Rain> that morning, everything moved inside him again.

But nobody in heaven was listening and Seungyoon opened that door; at first he smiled a little, and said a few phrases or maybe words, he didn’t remembered. He just felt nervous about being just the two of them together in a room – yes, they shared a room before, but he didn’t have stupid feelings at that time – and also a camera was filming all their interactions.

A ing camera that could record every single movement and every single glance. He looked away from Seungyoon, which was texting with his cellphone.

“With whom is texting?” Taehyun wondered himself, and his cellphone buzzed, it was Seungyoon.

“Are you uncomfortable with the camera? Don’t worry, just be yourself. Remember that they will edit everything later.”  Taehyun read and looked at Seungyoon, which was stretching.

-I’m so tired – Seungyoon mumble – I’ll take a shower and by the way I texted noona, she will bring some snacks, open the door when she arrives – he said in his leader voice and went to the bathroom.

Seungyoon didn’t expect any answer; it was like he knew how Taehyun will react, as he could read Taehyun’s mind, and that scared him.

That night while Taehyun was eating the last snack – snacks that Seungyoon almost didn’t touch – a melody appeared in his head. It was not the same track he was working on, it was soft and warm, talking about love and being in love.

Biting his lips, he decided that it was time to sleep.

 He peeked for the last time to Seungyoon, before turned off the light, and with a heavy heart Taehyun felt asleep.





Seungyoon was tired the day they both – Taehyun and him – needed to accomplish their mission in Shibuya. At first the idea of singing in the street was exciting, but when he thought about asking for money and if people would give them something, it didn’t appeal him anymore.

But Taehyun’s enthusiastic voice talking about it the night before, while they were rehearsing, made Seungyoon change his mind.

The sparks in Taehyun’s eyes while they decided the songs, and when they were singing in the streets or even when they were just talking and walking, made his tiredness disappear.  Taehyun was so natural, so happy, so himself –not that brat with cold appearance, that he pretend to be – that Seungyoon’s heart felt how the warmness embraced it.  

“Honestly, I play around the most with Taehyun.  The one I know the most is Taehyun. To be honest, out of all the members, I can relate to you the most. Whether it’s our environment or things that happened around us, it’s actually pretty similar” were Seungyoon’s words that day.

Seungyoon said it with one purpose, to show Taehyun that to him he was still really important. Maybe the things weren’t good between them since WIN started – even the members noticed it, which it was the main reason they were together in that moment – but to him, Taehyun was important since first day. How couldn’t? , Taehyun’s eyes were stucked in his mind since forever.




Taehyun felt as he was in heaven.

At first he doubted a lot about his mission with Seungyoon  - basically, because he was afraid of his feels - but then the connection they had with the music changed everything.

It was like the old days, if it wasn’t for the cameras and staff around them, easily Taehyun could feel as they returned at that time when they were in Seoul walking on the streets, talking about whatever or even just enjoying the moment of silence.

Involuntarily, Taehyun touched Seungyoon more than usual. It was a natural act to him, even if he was the kind of person that didn’t demonstrate affection easily, every time Taehyun touched somebody it was because he felt comfortable and even if he couldn’t express it with words, he hoped that his touches did.

And when Seungyoon said those sweet words, Taehyun’s heart jumped. Indeed he was in heaven.




Seungyoon was really happy to share all this moments with the members, they were making memories together. Japan really helped them to know each other better, but the real reason of his happiness had a name, Nam Taehyun.

Since first day they started to share a room every time they were in Japan, they didn’t talk too much - they never needed it before – but Seungyoon felt as their relationship improved.

-Taehyun, you need to sleep a little – Seungyoon said, while he was resting in the bed, and Taehyun was in front of the laptop.

-I’m working – he responded with annoyed voice.

Seungyoon sighed and got up from bed.

-Taehyun, it’s time for sleep – Seungyoon said but this time with his leader voice. He leaned on the table and looked at Taehyun, who frowned and ignored him – Save everything, tomorrow after schedule you will continue – and he put one hand on Taehyun’s laptop.

-I’m working – Taehyun repeated and this time he turned around and looked Seungyoon with an angry face.

-I know you don’t – Seungyoon answered – if you were working you would use your headphones, or you would write, but instead you are looking at your empty screen – Taehyun stood up and faced Seungyoon.

-Are you spying me? – Taehyun mocked with aggressive eyes.

-Always – Seungyoon said, and Taehyun looked away.

Seungyoon smiled when suddenly Taehyun blushed, he looked cute even if he muttered a “ off” and turned around.

When Taehyun was already in bed and the lights were off, Seungyoon went to Taehyun’s bed.

-I know you are angry with me – he said in soft voice and sat beside Taehyun’s body – but you need to rest, I know you had nightmares in the past days – Seunyoon said while his hand started to Taehyun’s hair – you yelled a lot - he pointed out – I don’t know what is happening in your head, but you are not alone, you have the members, you have me.

After that, Seungyoon Taehyun hair for a few more minutes. His hair was soft and delicate to the touch. It was like an addiction, everything about Taehyun was like an addiction to him.

Suddenly the warming sensation invaded his body again.

-- Seungyoon muttered and went directly to his own bed; in fact he also needed to sleep.




“The lovely Nam Taehyun whom I love, as I look at you, you become more and more charming as you change, I don’t know how much more I could be thankful”  were Seungyoon’s words.

At first Taehyun thought that it could be Mino, because they were closer, but after knowing the truth, Taehyun called himself an idiot. How could he not recognize him? It was so clear, but the truth was that he didn’t want to accept the idea of Seungyoon writing a letter to him – not when Seungyoon started to get close with everybody now - biting his lips, Taehyun read the letter again.

“The lovely Nam Taehyun whom I love” ... “Whom I love”…. “Whom I love”, just reading those words made his heart feel as it was in car race and it was ahead.

Dizzy, Taehyun laid his face on the pillow and with Seungyoon’s letter in his hand on his chest, he screamed in silence while his heart was beating so hard.

And the sound of a melody started to sound in his mind again, it was the sweet melody that talked about love, about being in love, about a love confession.

“From the moment you came to me, my world only had you in it, I want you, I want you... with your soft voice, tell me you love me, then time will stop.”  Were some words that appeared in his mind at the same time.

He was so ed.




Seungyoon couldn’t take his eyes off Taehyun throughout the recording of <The Heirs>, he didn’t know if it was the long hair or the make-up, but Taehyun looked so beautiful.

Despite Seungyoon knew Taehyun was just acting as a girl, or in general he was just acting all his lovely actions towards him, Seungyoon couldn’t stop his heart for racing so fast.

It was because of the edginess, Seungyoon repeated in his mind while his eyes followed every single movement of Taehyun inside the set. Even if Taehyun was a little distanced - usually in their breaks – Seungyoon was attentive towards him.

He even didn’t recognized himself.

Perhaps he was nervous and his feelings were on a roller coaster, but every time Taehyun looked at him with his lovely eyes, as he was in love of him, Seungyoon felt adrenaline in his body.

“Nam Taehyun could be a drug” Seungyoon thought after they ended the shoot of the kiss scene. Maybe he didn’t touch Taehyun’s full lips but he touched the corner of his mouth, it was soft like dew and it bewildered Seungyoon of his acting. 

Seungyoon didn’t count how many times they shoot that scene. Because every time he was too close to Taehyun he felt as a punch in his stomach.

Unaware, their acting stopped to be a parody and transformed into a real drama.  The staff didn’t say anything, but he felt it. The script that it had to be funny, it was not funny to him anymore, the touches, the flirting, the glances that had to be acting, it was not… he didn’t even let him thought about it. Definitely, everything was driving him crazy.

For that reason, the night after they finished their shooting– and after his birthday- Seungyoon went with sure steps to Taehyun’s room. At first nobody was there, “Maybe, he is in the shower” he thought and breathed out the air contained in his lungs, he didn’t know even he was holding its breath the whole time.

All these “things” he felt towards Taehyun were due to the parody. Seungyoon was sure about it, and now that Taehyun wasn’t wearing hair extensions and was in his natural state, Seungyoon needed to demonstrate himself that it was just a mix-up in his head and now everything was fine, like always.

“As if always everything was fine” a little voice mocked him in his head.

Frustrated and tired, Seungyoon fell asleep on Taehyun’s bed, with the scent of Taehyun on his sheets embracing him in a deep and dizzy dream.




Taehyun arrived at his room with only pajamas pants; he took his time in the bathroom because he wanted to dry well his hair, so when he saw Seungyoon on his bed, with his face in his pillow, Taehyun’s heart skipped.

Immediately he put a t-shirt on, and walked to Seungyoon. At first he thought of waking him up, but he remembered how heavy Seungyoon’s sleep usually was. So, he just exanimated his face – it wasn’t like he was creepy or something like that, but not always he had Seungyoon just for himself -  his eyes were closed with dark circles around them, “He was working so hard” Taehyun thought, then he looked at his lips, red, soft and rounded “like an invitation for a kiss” he thought and stood up immediately. That was bad, pretty bad.

Taehyun grabbed a blanket and covered Seungyoon, took another one and he was ready to be out of his own room when a mischievous idea crossed on his mind. And without giving a second thought, Taehyun was there, under the same blanket with Seungyoon at his side.

“This is bad” he thought while his heart was bumping wildly, but he didn’t move. On the contrary he closed his eyes and let Seungyoon’s slight breathing and warm body cradled him.




When Seungyoon opened his eyes, the room was dark, just the soft moonlight – which came through the shutters – lit up the room.

At first he felt disoriented, especially when he felt a warm body next to him and an arm around his waist. He blinked his eyes a little and remember he was on Taehyun’s bed, and it was Taehyun’s arm that was embracing him. A little nervous, Seungyoon moved in slow motion in his spot, he didn’t want to wake up Taehyun.

In his first attempt to lift Taehyun’s arm, he failed. Instead, Taehyun moved his own head and put it on Seungyoon’s shoulder and now he could feel Taehyun’s heavy breath caressing his neck.

As an answer, Seungyoon’s heart bumped wildly, “this is bad” Seungyoon thought and glanced Taehyun’s side face and something melted inside him. The unknown feeling was spreading all over his body and that shocked him.

He needed to get out of that bed, was his first thought, he needed to stay away from Taehyun in that moment.

So, Seungyoon inhaled and exhaled air, he had to control himself and calm down his body and feelings that made him feel dizzy and sick.

With resolution, Seungyoon lift up Taehyun’s arm for a second time, but his resolution died when, with an intimate move, Taehyun rubbed his nose on Seungyoon’s neck. It was a sensual move - he even could feel Taehyun’s lips on his vein – that took him with his defense down, and not only goosebumps spread all over his body.

It turned him on. His body now was awakened and hard, very hard.

The sound of a moan escaped from Taehyun’s mouth and Seungyoon’s hardness pulsed.

As if it was an emergency alarm, Seungyoon jumped off of that bed, and ran away from that room and Taehyun. He didn’t care if he woke up Taehyun, not when he felt his pants so tight.

-Seungyoon? – He heard from a confused voice, it was Taehyun, but Seungyoon didn’t stop.  How could after that? 


Author's note: I want to thank you all of you, your comments and support about this story give me the strong to continue. Especially to my dear Gaia, (i'm really thankful) 

Also I'm really sorry for my delay :( , i'll try to post chap  5 as soon as posible. 


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seungyoonienam #1
Chapter 8: Dear authornim please dont abandoned this fic....T,T
Chapter 8: maybe i've said this before that your story is like brainwashing me bcs how you added kangnam pov angst story in real moments are too easy to accept. I rly want to overwrite all of them with this bcs by tht i can struggle and survive this dead ship. Hahaha and i rly like how they arent fall into delulu of "being together forever" and stay at "lets do all we can do while we can so we wont have regrets" but the bitterness is real !!! Like how could they forget each other when they live together ? their mindset ir rly messed up. Hopeless. Ok btw what i've wrote so far ? Just an incoherent blab of thought. Meh

And im so happy you've updated this, i saw your struggle and effort you rly put lot of em in this. Keep writing, i rly want to know how they end. Hwaiting ele <3
Chapter 7: wow the update is good and i love Seunghoon make Seungyoon in the hotseat as we all know hoon is one of KangNam love bridge... Everything in them is life how to breathe haha
kokky92 #4
Chapter 8: AHHHHHHHH my feels ;;
I loved how you used all thoese moments and made Seunghoon likea fangirl, studying them moment by moment, only that he doesn't approve (not like fangirls HAHA)... and Seungyoon tries to escape but Seunghoon is too smart for this game.THOSE two moments are too important, the radio and the sketchbook one... my kokoro
then their date ;; Taehyun is jealous but he tries to not show it because he thinks he has no power on Seungyoon, he thinks they're just playing, they're together for fun (Taehyun thinks Seungyoon sees them like that).. everything about Seungyoon hurts and makes him happy at the same time, he can feel him even in a crowd, he has butterflies in his belly for him and.. AH MY FEELS. when he gave him the tickets and he just was so happy he got almost "delusional" that they could be something more . STUPID TAEHYUN, SPEAK.
but STUPID SEUNGYOON you should speak too! I truly loved the small aprt when he thought that he wanted to know Taehyun, this new Taehyun more, after the time sspent apart. That's love. Wanting to know him whole, to just know him... it made my heart ache.
But even more, the last part. Taehyun thinking that he needs a place without Seungyoon where he will mend his broken heart once they're finished, that's... him... trying to saveh imself even when he's already into deep, trying to have an anchor, a shelter, something safe for himself, some place where he can be without Seungyoon (a part of his life, the art world, without him) ... yet he can't be truly saved, not when he has Seungyoon inside him.

AND BTW they're so hot and hungry for each other. The tension. The kiss. Their urges. JESUS. I need HAHADH NA
beside_ksy #5
Chapter 8: thank you for the update <3333
Sonita #6
Chapter 7: I'm still waiting for update. I'm really in love with it! Hope author-nim will update 'friendship&relationship' soon~~ I always go back here and check if there is any update on this one... /still waiting/
Thanks you for this great KN ff<3 love you author-nim:)
seungyoonienam #7
Chapter 7: One of my favourite kangnam fic ever, please please please update soon..i love you authornim
Chapter 7: knock2 are you there? writer-nim? /rolls/
hoho... I really miss this fic that I'm here re-reading it, and I need more... /whispers in a shameless way/ "update~" kkk
hoon is still mystery to me... I can see a glimpse of minwoo moment (it makes happy,lol)... yoon's cheesiness and sweetness are on the same level as the writer-nim, I'm loving it so much... namtae's bad thoughts drive me crazy bcs gdi, yoon won't let you go bby~ keep your faith in him just like I keep my faith in writer-nim (that she'll update this story soon) (~ ^3^)~ (~ ^3^)~(~ ^3^)~ saranghaeyoo Mil <3
Chapter 5: -con-
believe or not I’m stuck in part 5. YOUR FAULT. Gdi…. Idk why I’m the one who feels butterflies filling the stomach when they cuddling for the first time.. its so fluffy and sweet. Asdfghjkl. I really want to smack Taehyun on his head when he kept pressing his feeling. TT.TT. Then… I want to flip universe when things are getting hard for Yoon and made him keeping his feelings for his own and avoiding Taehyun. Ugh. But…but…but. Jealous Taehyun is quite entertaining? I can picture him in my mind, lol. And the ending… OMFG what a move Kang Seungyoon!!! Let me marry you~~ ^^ ah, but the writer would kill me… kkk,
Oh, btw, the part when Yoon and Hoon had a conversation… I honestly, keep wondering what does Hoon mean by “Its not you or Taehyun, don’t worry I’m getting over it.” Did he also fall for one of their members (mino or jinu)? Or someone else that he couldn’t ? I know the main focus here is KangNam, but I dunno why it bothers me…I want to know why Hoon said that? why he can read Yoon so well?? why Hoon?? Are you a mind reader or what?? kkk~

anyway, am I talking too much dear? LOL I’m really sorry… you asked for this right? so DON’T BLAME ME!! LOVE YOU BABE <3
ps: I’m dead in the next part, which is so ASDFGHJKL..... T >,<” kyaaaaa
Chapter 5: I missed so many parts. I’m really sorry?? (I forgot my aff acc, so I just made new one. you know who is talking here, lmao. Not important tho, don’t mind me!) /blows kisses/
Anyway, I had to read this fic from part 1 repeatedly. Idk how to speak out my feels when I’m reading it…I just want to read it over and over again. I’m just torturing myself, too much feels to handle. It makes me flutter (and sometimes lost of patience), lol. As expected, you have your own style and way in writing a story…esp this one. I know how you put so much attention in every detail material of this story (that makes me wonder somehow, lmao)… so, I don’t have anything to complain about that… you made each part of this story alive.
I thought of commenting for each part but it’d take so many words and this section wont be enough. LMAO. So, I’m just gonna make it short…