Part Two.

Friendship & Relationship

Part Two.

Kang Seungyoon is the kind of person that thinks that just hard work will make your dreams come true. So, when he was accepted to act as himself in Hick Kick 3 he felt proud and nervous at the same time.

Despite he had met some famous people before, thanks to promotions after Super Star K 2, this was completely different. It wasn’t just a “Hello” and “Thank you” relationship, now he needed  to interact with them for real and he wasn’t just “Busan boy, Super Star K 2 Kang Seungyoon”, in that moment he was a “YG trainer”. And he knew he couldn’t let himself make mistakes, because everybody would be looking at him.  

At first it was just a cameo, 1 or 2 episodes with few scenes, but people seemed to like his character. So they asked him to stay more time. His first thought was of happiness, because now he could earn money for his mother, but then reality hit him.

He couldn’t rehearse his dancing and singing with coaches and others trainers, also they informed him that, even if he was acting in that sitcom, he had to be in monthly assessment so he needed to practice a lot.

His schedule changed; his nights were mornings and his mornings were afternoons. His sleeping habits started to fluctuate and his mood toward others trainers too.  He tried to control his temperament and concentrate on his duties. Because it was something he wanted to do well.

All happened after Taehyun cut his hair. So he didn’t have time to establish their friendship. Despite that he had his eyes on him every time he could. They didn’t talk too much, but watching him practice with passion, even if almost all the time Taehyun used his cold face while doing it, made him smile.

When High Kick 3 ended, Seungyoon had mixed feelings. On one hand he made good friends on the filming set and acting was something new and exciting, but on other hand he would have time to rehearse, it was a year since he signed with YG and he really wanted to debut.

He couldn’t deny that at some point during his trainer days he wanted to leave. Throw all away and search in other place. But a path without hard days would not allow him to appreciate his effort. So, he stayed and kept rehearsing as much as he could. 

Another thing that Seungyoon couldn’t deny either was how his eyes were on Taehyun every time he was singing or dancing. Taehyun improved himself in those months while Seungyoon was away because of High Kick 3, he was still fighting with his “no YG style” but he could made pirouettes.

Nevertheless, he stayed away a little. Every time trainers have some free time, he preferred to go alone than go with the others. At first Seungyoon didn’t do anything, because everybody has the right of being how they want to be, but when his cold appearance looked like a façade to hide his loneliness, Seungyoon had an idea.

-Come with me – Seungyoon insisted.

-I don’t want to go out – Taehyun said without looking at him.

-Oh! Come on, I really need to buy some things. And it would be just you and me – Seungyoon said while he was trying to find some reaction – I never went with you.

Seungyoon noticed doubt in Taehyun’s eyes, and wanted to pinch his cheek but stopped himself.

-Ok! If you really don’t want to go, I won’t insist – Seungyoon said with a hurt voice – but if you change your mind I’ll go out in one hour – and with that sentence he left, and hoped it worked.

One hour later Seungyoon bit his lips to not smile while Taehyun was walking beside him.

-What mall are we going? – Taehyun asked without looking at him – I came because I just remembered that I need to change the battery of my… watch.

- Ahhh – Seungyoon murmured, without pointing out he wasn’t wearing a watch – What do you think about COEX Mall?

-It’s okay for me, but we need to use another route if we want to go quickly – he suggested.

-I’ll follow you – Seungyoon said and without saying anything Taehyun stopped to walk.

-Wait! Do you know how to use subway tren, right? – He asked with a grin on his face.

-Of course I do – Seungyoon answered while trying not to laugh.

-You don’t know – he stated and started to laugh with a full smile.

-I’m from Busan, Seoul is a new world for me and… – Seungyoon tried to excuse.

-Oh come on! You had more than a year here - Taehyun interrupted – Now, I can understand why you always went out with somebody or in group – and kept laughing.

Seungyoon tried to ask how Taehyun knew about his habits, but after watching his broad smile for first time, he stopped himself, and treasured that smile in his memories forever. So shiny and beautiful that made his knees shivers and his heart bounces.



Since Taehyun had started his trainees day, it was the first time that he felt really happy. They just were walking beside each other and talking about random stuff, but it felt right.

When they were about to finish their shopping, they both heard some girls saying “I think is Kang Seungyoon” “Indeed he is” “He is so handsome”.

Immediately Taehyun turned to see Seungyoon and could hear “” while he was trying to cover his face.

Then people gathered around Seungyoon and, even if he was smiling and trying to be polite with everybody, Taehyun noticed that he was uncomfortable with girls trying to touch him and take photos of him.

Without hesitating, Taehyun grabbed Seungyoon’s arm and said with cold voice “No photos please” and with his body tried to protect Seungyoon from others “He is happy to meet all of you, but agency doesn’t allow to take photos, so please no photos” he was saying while he was pulling Seungyoon out of the crowd.

Finally Taehyun started to run with bags and Seungyoon’s arm in his hands; when they reached the end of the route, both started to laugh without control despite their upheaval.

-Thank you – Seungyoon said with warm eyes.

And Taehyun felt a blow in his heart.




After that day, Seungyoon had the feeling of being in debt with Taehyun. That was the main reason of editing a video for Taehyun’s birthday, or that was Seungyoon told himself while he was doing it.

Because it couldn’t be that Seungyoon wanted to see his smile once again. Of course not.




New trainers were in and other trainers were out, it was so common that you learned not to be close with them so much. Taehyun watched how Jinwoo cried a lot every time a friend of him was out, saw how the others trainers were rude with the new ones. It was like the cycle of life as a trainer.

Even if Taehyun felt that Seungyoon was a friend he could rely on, they were not glued. They were individual persons with their own life. Also, he knew that Seungyoon was a solitary kid, just like him.

How wrong he was, though.

After their last month assessment everybody was whispering about some rumors they heard in YG building.

-They said, they will send one YG trainer to China – one of the trainers said.

-How that’s possible? Nobody here knows how to speak in Chinese – Jinhwan said with nervousness.

-Maybe, they will send somebody who can speak English? – Another one asked. Immediately everybody looked at Bobby, which opened his eyes with shock.

-It’s impossible – the first trainer said – I heard they want a vocalist, so I think it would be somebody that can learn language easily – all eyes were on Seungyoon in that moment, he just jumped on his skateboard and went away.

-, it could be Seungyoon? – He heard someone said, while he was watching how Seungyoon was leaving.

-I don’t think so – Jinhwan said - He is well known in Korea, I don’t think YG will send him abroad.

 Taehyun heard them still talking about it, but he couldn’t hear more. His thoughts were focused on Seungyoon. A bad feeling was growing inside him, like a warning. The way Seungyoon left, and how his behavior was a little different than before, something was happening and Taehyun knew that it was bad.



Later, when Taehyun found Jinwoo crying in a bathroom, he knew somebody close to Jinwoo was leaving.

-Where is Seungyoon? – Taehyun asked while Jinwoo tried to hide his tears – Where is he? – he demanded.

-I... I don’t know – Jinwoo said with nervousness.

-I know you know, so tell me – he demanded with fire eyes.

Jinwoo hesitated but in the end he whispered - In the park.

Taehyun heard that Jinwoo said something else, but he was in a hurry. He put his shoes and went straight to the park where Seungyoon practiced with his stakeboard.

Taehyun found Seungyoon sitting on a swing, he was alone with his skate on the floor. With resolute step he walked towards Seungyoon, but stopped himself when a guy with a skateboard appeared in front of Seungyoon.

That made Taehyun hesitate, he was about to leave when he recognized the guy. He was Kim Sungjoo, one of the trainers.

-Are you looking for me?   - Sungjoo said with a grin on his face.

-Idiot – Seungyoon answered with angry voice. After hearing that, Taehyun hid himself. He didn’t like to eavesdrop other people’s conversation, but that weird feeling inside his chest made him stay.

-If I’m an idiot, you are an idiot too – Sungjoo told while trying to draw a smile on his face.

-Why didn’t you tell me? – Seungyoon claimed with overwhelmed voice.

-Seungyoon-ah! This was something I need to do, it was my last opportunity – he said brokenly – you know that.

-It was not – Seungyoon exclaimed while he was standing up – nobody knows what YG really wants, all we know is that maybe a girl group will debut next year, you should have waited – he yelled –Why did you ing accept?  

-If I didn’t, I’ll be out of here – he exclaimed and touched Seungyoon cheek with his hand – don’t cry Seungyoon, we still have our dreams, but separately.

-I’m not crying – Seungyoon stated, but let Sungjoo touch him. – When are you leaving?

-Two months – he said – first I need to improve my chinese.

-I will make your life impossible in these months – Seungyoon said in a playful voice, trying to hide his sadness, and jumped to his skateboard.

-You always make my life impossible – Sungjoo said and pulled Seungyoon off of his skateboard and hugged him.

It was a tight hug that Seungyoon replied in a natural way. Then, both started to ride their skateboards.

Taehyun was just a witness, a silent witness with a heavy heart. The tears started falling and he didn’t notice it until his vision became blurred.

All this time thinking that he was close to Seungyoon was a lie, thinking that they were like best friends, and could communicate without talking were just in his imagination.

Seungyoon had never embraced him in that way, or any way. He had never talked to him like he did with Sungjoo. They had never shared a moment like they did.

How fool Taehyun could be? Thinking that finally he had found somebody that could understand him. He felt hurt, he felt betrayed and he felt lonely for the first time since Seungyoon arrived his life.

Maybe he was wrong and they didn’t fit at all.





Seungyoon noticed a change in Taehyun but he didn’t figure out what it was. He was still talking to him, but Seungyoon could feel his apathy, even when he tried to make him smile.

Or maybe Seungyoon was imagining things in his head, because in that moment he felt a little depressed for Sungjoo departure. Sungjoo was like the brother he never had, they were like the copy of the other, if we talk about personality. Also he was a good friend and that kind of people was rare. Maybe was because of his previous experience, but Seungyoon didn’t trust easily. He could be friendly and cordial but he couldn’t trust.

And now he had another group, Taehyun and Seunghoon were their new bandmates, and as always Jinwoo was beside him.  He knew how Jinwoo worked, but Taehyun and Seunghoon were new to him. Even if Taehyun trained with them, he was in another team in which he practiced their choreography and sing. They tried to blend but things were not as good as he would like, also he started to notice that Taehyun hated receiving orders, which maybe was the reason of his change.

 His new team didn’t have a leader, so everybody made whatever they wanted. Jinwoo tried to be a leader, but Taehyun looked at him as he didn’t know anything. Seunghoon was stubborn and even Seungyoon closed himself.

But Seungyoon knew that they needed to change, so he started to lead them even if he didn’t have the title. He talked to Jinwoo and with his help their group started to work better, but something was missing.

That “something” arrived one day with a husky voice, that “something” was Song Minho.



At first Minho gained a lot of jealous of other rappers trainers, but his personality made people fall for him.

So, when Taehyun listened to him, automatically he recognized his talented. And he was happy to have such a good rapper with them.

Aside from that, Taehyun felt really weird in those days. Now Seungyoon was in his team and he was happy when he heard the news. But he could read on Seungyoon’s face the sadness of losing his best friend.  And that wounded Taehyun. It was stupid and Taehyun knew it, but something inside him made him want to be the person that Seungyoon missed.

Taehyun felt as an idiot for having stupid thoughts, for having stupid feelings and for having his stupid heart wanting more.  

Overwhelmed, all he wanted was to cry and forget all these mixed feelings that were killing him inside.

-Are you fine? – Seungyoon asked in low voice, when Taehyun was in his bed and Mino was sleeping. The three of them were sharing the same room.

-Mmmm – was the unique sound that Taehyun dropped, then he turned around.

-Sleep well - Seungyoon said and Taehyun felt how Seungyoon’s fingers touched his hair softly.

His heart skipped while his fingers touched him, and even after that the feeling was still there.

That was bad, really bad. 

“How is possible that a friendship would make you feel like that? “ Taehyun asked himself while he was hugging himself.

He needed to forget and start all over again, because “this friendship” was killing him slowly.

And in the silent of the night Taehyun let his last tears flee.


Author's note: 

Thanks for your support, I hope you like this chapter. I want to thanks to my Kokk92, without her this fic will not be here.

Also, for the one who asked me about the video gift that Seungyoon gave to Taehyun. It was true :) I read it from a Seungyoon fan, it was post on DCKSY. 

Please feel free to comment, all your comments are like cookies to me. Love it so much, kekeke 

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seungyoonienam #1
Chapter 8: Dear authornim please dont abandoned this fic....T,T
Chapter 8: maybe i've said this before that your story is like brainwashing me bcs how you added kangnam pov angst story in real moments are too easy to accept. I rly want to overwrite all of them with this bcs by tht i can struggle and survive this dead ship. Hahaha and i rly like how they arent fall into delulu of "being together forever" and stay at "lets do all we can do while we can so we wont have regrets" but the bitterness is real !!! Like how could they forget each other when they live together ? their mindset ir rly messed up. Hopeless. Ok btw what i've wrote so far ? Just an incoherent blab of thought. Meh

And im so happy you've updated this, i saw your struggle and effort you rly put lot of em in this. Keep writing, i rly want to know how they end. Hwaiting ele <3
Chapter 7: wow the update is good and i love Seunghoon make Seungyoon in the hotseat as we all know hoon is one of KangNam love bridge... Everything in them is life how to breathe haha
kokky92 #4
Chapter 8: AHHHHHHHH my feels ;;
I loved how you used all thoese moments and made Seunghoon likea fangirl, studying them moment by moment, only that he doesn't approve (not like fangirls HAHA)... and Seungyoon tries to escape but Seunghoon is too smart for this game.THOSE two moments are too important, the radio and the sketchbook one... my kokoro
then their date ;; Taehyun is jealous but he tries to not show it because he thinks he has no power on Seungyoon, he thinks they're just playing, they're together for fun (Taehyun thinks Seungyoon sees them like that).. everything about Seungyoon hurts and makes him happy at the same time, he can feel him even in a crowd, he has butterflies in his belly for him and.. AH MY FEELS. when he gave him the tickets and he just was so happy he got almost "delusional" that they could be something more . STUPID TAEHYUN, SPEAK.
but STUPID SEUNGYOON you should speak too! I truly loved the small aprt when he thought that he wanted to know Taehyun, this new Taehyun more, after the time sspent apart. That's love. Wanting to know him whole, to just know him... it made my heart ache.
But even more, the last part. Taehyun thinking that he needs a place without Seungyoon where he will mend his broken heart once they're finished, that's... him... trying to saveh imself even when he's already into deep, trying to have an anchor, a shelter, something safe for himself, some place where he can be without Seungyoon (a part of his life, the art world, without him) ... yet he can't be truly saved, not when he has Seungyoon inside him.

AND BTW they're so hot and hungry for each other. The tension. The kiss. Their urges. JESUS. I need HAHADH NA
beside_ksy #5
Chapter 8: thank you for the update <3333
Sonita #6
Chapter 7: I'm still waiting for update. I'm really in love with it! Hope author-nim will update 'friendship&relationship' soon~~ I always go back here and check if there is any update on this one... /still waiting/
Thanks you for this great KN ff<3 love you author-nim:)
seungyoonienam #7
Chapter 7: One of my favourite kangnam fic ever, please please please update soon..i love you authornim
Chapter 7: knock2 are you there? writer-nim? /rolls/
hoho... I really miss this fic that I'm here re-reading it, and I need more... /whispers in a shameless way/ "update~" kkk
hoon is still mystery to me... I can see a glimpse of minwoo moment (it makes happy,lol)... yoon's cheesiness and sweetness are on the same level as the writer-nim, I'm loving it so much... namtae's bad thoughts drive me crazy bcs gdi, yoon won't let you go bby~ keep your faith in him just like I keep my faith in writer-nim (that she'll update this story soon) (~ ^3^)~ (~ ^3^)~(~ ^3^)~ saranghaeyoo Mil <3
Chapter 5: -con-
believe or not I’m stuck in part 5. YOUR FAULT. Gdi…. Idk why I’m the one who feels butterflies filling the stomach when they cuddling for the first time.. its so fluffy and sweet. Asdfghjkl. I really want to smack Taehyun on his head when he kept pressing his feeling. TT.TT. Then… I want to flip universe when things are getting hard for Yoon and made him keeping his feelings for his own and avoiding Taehyun. Ugh. But…but…but. Jealous Taehyun is quite entertaining? I can picture him in my mind, lol. And the ending… OMFG what a move Kang Seungyoon!!! Let me marry you~~ ^^ ah, but the writer would kill me… kkk,
Oh, btw, the part when Yoon and Hoon had a conversation… I honestly, keep wondering what does Hoon mean by “Its not you or Taehyun, don’t worry I’m getting over it.” Did he also fall for one of their members (mino or jinu)? Or someone else that he couldn’t ? I know the main focus here is KangNam, but I dunno why it bothers me…I want to know why Hoon said that? why he can read Yoon so well?? why Hoon?? Are you a mind reader or what?? kkk~

anyway, am I talking too much dear? LOL I’m really sorry… you asked for this right? so DON’T BLAME ME!! LOVE YOU BABE <3
ps: I’m dead in the next part, which is so ASDFGHJKL..... T >,<” kyaaaaa
Chapter 5: I missed so many parts. I’m really sorry?? (I forgot my aff acc, so I just made new one. you know who is talking here, lmao. Not important tho, don’t mind me!) /blows kisses/
Anyway, I had to read this fic from part 1 repeatedly. Idk how to speak out my feels when I’m reading it…I just want to read it over and over again. I’m just torturing myself, too much feels to handle. It makes me flutter (and sometimes lost of patience), lol. As expected, you have your own style and way in writing a story…esp this one. I know how you put so much attention in every detail material of this story (that makes me wonder somehow, lmao)… so, I don’t have anything to complain about that… you made each part of this story alive.
I thought of commenting for each part but it’d take so many words and this section wont be enough. LMAO. So, I’m just gonna make it short…