Because of that Bomb

Nana is working at Seoul Police Bureau at drugs criminal department. Sometimes she had a dangerous job, but she can handle it because she is working with a very solid and good team, Yoona and Jaeseop. They are really a good teamate and really a good friend...

Yoona      : Yah! Im Jin Ah! Let's go out tonight after work end..

Nana        : *glare at her bestfriend* Don't you dare to call my full name with that loud voice..

Yoona      : Yes Ma'am! hehehe.. So do you come with me? Please!! I"m a little bit boring nowaday..

Nana       : Ok..Where to go Ms Yoona?? Don't said a club..I"m not on the mood..

Yoona     : off course not . We just go to the coffee shop and just have a relax time there..

Nana       : Agree.. 6PM is it ok? after work we go there.

Jaeseop : Can I join this two ladies? I want to have a relax time too.. This week is the hectic one for me..

YooNa     : Off course you can.. 

Jaeseop : Can i bring my friend with me?

Yoona     : Hmmm...Ok i think it's just boring if we only hang out with the three of us..

Nana       : Yeah you're right Yoona..just bring your friend along AJ..

Jaeseop : Ok.. I'll bring him along with me tonight...

YooNa     :HIM??we thougt your's friend is HER not HIM..

Jaeseop :Hey.. I have enough ladies friend with you two...hehehe...

So Nana and Yoona is very curious who is AJ's friend is? They'll know tonight.



Sorry for LATE update..hehehe...and Sorry for the grammar mistake because English is not my first languange..hehehe..thank you for subscribing this story..and please comment..Kamsahamnida..Thank you...

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NieyaOzil #1
I realised u like fanfics about Nana =)
kiseop1 #2
A new subscriber HERE !!!!
#3 subscribers, i wanna ask you if i re write this story..only the storyline..i think i have a mind blocking right now..coomment please to answer me..thank you..
donghae and nana. <3. i really love them both.
Yoona now looks like Nana
yoona and aj..wat a lovely couple :-)
Since my pc is not in good condition i'll update my story in this week through my laptop..jjeongmal mianhae.
princess6644 #8
update soon :)
minlovemin #9
nice story :)
LeadingWisdom #10
Thnx 4 the update :) I've been waiting for so long,and again,thnx for the update :)