
Two Weeks

Sungjong had just finished singing and was starting back to the place he usually slept around the corner. He held the five dollars he had just made in his left and the black suitcase in the right. He looked down at the suitcase and wished that the owner of it would have told him his real name. 

"Nobody." He quoted from the man. He sat down once he reached his destination and opened the suitcase gently, careful not to break it. He added the five dollars then shut it again.

He rested his eyes from the tiring morning but noon was yet to come. 



Dongwoo had just left his house to go look for Woohyun again when he spotted Sungjong, the pretty, homeless man. He saw that Sungjong's eyes were closed so he quietly tip toed by him. 

Sungjong heard something and opened his eyes to see the figure before him. 

"Yah." He said. The man started running. "Yah-Yah!" He got up with his suitcase still in hand. Wait! Come back!"

He chased after him. 



Woohyun finally awoke when his mother came and woke him up from his desk. He fell asleep late last night...again.

He sighed to himself because of this "studying addiction" but also in content because that was a really good book. So he decided to go and buy more from the thrift store with the money he made from doing people's hair because he had dropped his wallet somewhere the day before.

He was walking when someone ran into him. The two fell, Woohyun on his side and the other guy on his rear end. They looked at each other. 

"It's you again!" They both exclaimed, pointing a finger. 

"Do you want something from me?" Woohyun questioned jokingly. Dongwoo shook his head rapidly. 

"No-not really but you could help me get away-"

"Yah!! Wait up!!" They heard a voice. Woohyun peered up and over and saw someone running at them from a distance. He couldn't make out who it was but his clothes were shaggy. 

"You could help me get away from this person." Dongwoo concluded. Woohyun nodded and got up. He helped Dongwoo up and the two started running down the streets with Sungjong slowly catching up. Woohyun stopped, holding Dongwoo back. 

"What are you doing?" Dongwoo asked. 

"It's a red light!" Woohyun said, running in place. Dongwoo clicked his tongue and grabbed Woohyun by the hand.

He pulled Woohyun right behind him as they ran across the street, dodging vehicles. Sungjong groaned but continued after them without hesitation.

He doesn't want this.  



Zelo sat in a chair in his temporary room. The room was nearly empty, with only a desk, chair, bed, and Zelo's luggage. Zelo was not planning on staying for long at all.

Once he fulfilled his reason of being there, he was going to go back to the U.S. He leans back in his chair and reminisces about Jeju Island then last night.

Mrs. Lee had threatened to fire him if he didn't do what he was payed to do. He never took Sungyeol's words because they don't work against Mrs. Lee's logic. Everything that goes wrong, even if it has no link to him, is Zelo's fault.

Zelo didn't want this job but he had to find a reason to come to Korea.

He reached for the small pinkish-white rose on the table and held it gently between two fingers. He rubbed them back and forth, twirling the rose and softly smiling to himself.

His bedroom door suddenly swung open. 

"Let's go, Zelo." Sungyeol said, dressed in a hooded sweatshirt and loose beige jeans. Zelo lie the rose back down and turned to the latter, shaking his head. 

"No, sir. I will not venture nature this fine dawn."

"I'm taking Howon too. You have to go." Sungyeol finished then turned around and disappeared from Zelo's sight. Zelo sighed. He'll accomplish his goal and then go home ASAP.

Before leaving, Zelo carefully slid his small suitcase underneath the bed. He was about to exit when Mrs. Lee appeared before him at the door. 

"Don't let Sungyeol do anything reckless, understand? And make sure you're always by Howon's side or I'll fire you in a heart beat." She said in a hushed tone then looked down the hall then back at Zelo. "I already said my goodbyes so go and be back before dawn." She gave the final order then walked back to her room and shut the door.

Zelo joined the two others then they were off in the car. 




Woohyun reached down into his pocket and pulled out his vibrating phone. The caller ID was Sunggyu's. 

"Aish." Woohyun made annoying noises as he ran beside Dongwoo, keeping a nice jog. Dongwoo turned the corner and pulled the distracted Woohyun along with him.

"Shhh!" Dongwoo shushed, putting a finger to his lips. Woohyun panicked and let the phone ring. "Aish!" Dongwoo exclaimed, frustrated. He snatched the phone from Woohyun's long digits and answered the call. 


There was no answer. 

"Who is this?"

No answer. He handed the phone back to Woohyun. 

"I don't think there's anyone." Woohyun could hear yelling from the other line. 

"H-Hello?" Woohyun said quietly. 
"What's the big idea!? Answer when I call!" 

"Sorry." Woohyun winced. Dongwoo watched on and peeked around the corner often to see if Sungjong has caught up yet. 

"I wanted to go to the bakery today." Sunggyu said from the other line. 

"The bakery? Why?" Woohyun asked, poking his head out to look as well. 

"To buy cake and sweets. That's what you do at bakeries." Sunggyu said as if He was stupid. Woohyun spotted the man first and pulled Dongwoo back so he wouldn't be seen.

They stayed in complete silence.

"Hello~ Woohyun? Are you still there-" Woohyun hung up and turned his phone off. Dongwoo put his hands in his large pockets as Woohyun peeked around the corner. 

"Ah!" Woohyun exclaimed when Sungjong's face popped right in front of his. Woohyun jerked back, still surprised, and head butted him. Dongwoo pulled his hands out of his pockets and rubbed his aching head. 

"Why are you running away?" Sungjong asked, breathless. "I just want to give this back." He held out the suitcase to Dongwoo. Dongwoo looked at it then back at Sungjong, who smiled back. 

"Oh. Hey, Sungjong." Woohyun greeted as he finally realized who the man chasing them was. "Did you ever find a new job?" Sungjong froze then threw the suitcase to Dongwoo's chest and ran. "Where are you going?!" Woohyun yelled out after him but he was already gone. "Okay! See you next week!" Woohyun waved as Sungjong's figure disappeared.

Dongwoo frowned. 

"You know him?" Woohyun turned around to Dongwoo.

"Yeah. He's my number one customer." 

"At your salon?"

"Yeah-wait... How do you know I own a salon?" Woohyun asked, knitting his brows in confusion. Dongwoo cleared his throat and replied. 

"I saw you the other day in the salon, going to the back room." 

"Ah." Woohyun acknowledged. "You go there?" 


"You should request me. I'd love to do your hair." Dongwoo nodded. 

"I should get going then. Nice seeing you again." Woohyun said, before turning back to where they came from. Dongwoo reached out to Woohyun and opened his mouth but nothing came out. 

-Two Weeks- Dongwoo remembered as Woohyun faded. He decided to wait until after he got a haircut.

He had a lot of time.

He looked down at the suitcase and deeply sighed then started walking home.

His house was past the hospital.

He hated that place.

It made him shiver but he always had to walk past it. 



"Woohyun-ah!" Woohyun heard someone calling from in front of him as he walked into the thrift store. He could see something coming at him from down the isle but it was all a blur. He then noticed its clothing and it had to be his best friend. 

"Sunggyu-Ah!" Sunggyu jumped on Woohyun and choked him with his pointy shoulder in the process, making them both fall against the door. "Sunggyu, what the heck!" Sunggyu pushed Woohyun out the door, still attached. 

"Yah! Sunggyu! Stop it!" Woohyun shouted, receiving raised eyebrows and slight chuckles from everyone around them. Sunggyu held on tight and walked forward, forcing Woohyun to walk backward and trip over himself. 

"No. Come with me." 

"W-Where!?" Woohyun questioned, tripping and ignored. 

Sunggyu stopped pushing once they reached a large green field in between the thrift store and the hospital. Woohyun looked out to the green field, seeing a park in the distance. He turned back to Sunggyu, unable to catch his eyes but able to glare holes into his shoulder. His eyes held fire that kindled then flared. 

"I'm going to buy my book!" 

"No! Woohyun-ah!" Woohyun forcefully broke free of his bonds and stomped away, not looking at his friend in the face once. "Hyun-ah, don't go! Please!" Sunggyu called after him, voice cracking.

Woohyun knitted his brows and turned his head around to see a red and poofy-eyed Sunggyu.

His best friend never cried.

His caring mother side took over and he ran to his best friend's aid. Sunggyu put his forearm to his eyes and hiccuped, trying not to cry aloud. Woohyun put his hands on his best friend's biceps. 

"I'm back. What's wrong? Sunggyu?" Woohyun questioned, trying to find Sunggyu's face. 

"Hyun-ah." Sunggyu started, then hiccuped again. "I have to t-tell you something." Woohyun moved to his best friend's comfort zone; he placed his hands on his best friend's waist and rubbed soothing circles into his waist with his thumbs.

This always helped settle his nerves and it did. Sunggyu cried a little softer as he spoke, arm still in front of his red face. 

"My parents. They left. They didn't say anything. No one seemed to notice me. No one seemed to care at all, Hyun. It was like I was invisible. I've also been riding the bus for free because the bus driver doesn't notice me get on. I-It's like the whole world secretly plots against me. H-Hyun-ah. I don't know what to do anymore." Sunggyu blabbered, half of it inaudible to Woohyun because he spoke so quietly.

Sunggyu finally dropped his arm and threw himself on Woohyun. Woohyun had caught a glimpse of his puffy, red face in that moment. 

"How long have you been crying?" Woohyun asked, continuing rubbing circles into Sunggyu's waist. 

"I-I don't know." Sunggyu replied, smudging his face into Woohyun's nape. Woohyun caressed the back of Sunggyu's head and they held that position. 



Howon watched the streets, amazed at how much had changed since he left. 

"It's the hosptal! I remember when we fell off the...tree..." Howon and Woohyun met eyes. "Sungyeol!" 

"AAAAHH!!" Sungyeol swiveled then pressed on the brakes and moved to the shoulder. "Jesus, Howon." He mumbled to himself as he tried calming his heart rate down.

Zelo was seat belted in the back with a stiff body and wide, surprised eyes.

Howon unlocked and opened the door. He pushed it open and started toward Woohyun.

Sungyeol looked to Zelo, who just stared back, then the two immediately raced out the vehicle. 

Woohyun slightly pushed away from Sunggyu to get a look at the deaf man coming up behind him. He kept Sunggyu glued to him as he made a 180 degree turn. 

Howon was overjoyed to see Woohyun again. He thought they'd never come across each other. He held a wide and bright smile as he greeted Woohyun. 

"Hi! Remember me?" Howon asked. Woohyun nodded and returned a smile, hiding Sunggyu's face. "What are you doing?" Howon asked. Woohyun smiled. 


"Howon! What's up with you?" Sungyeol shouted then laid eyes on Woohyun. "Oh. Myungsoo's boss." Woohyun smiled in greeting to him as well. 

"He helped me get home the other day when I got lost." Howon said. 

"The other day?" Sungyeol thought. He didn't recollect-oh...he was at Jeju that night. He started to feel bad. 

"Thanks." Sungyeol said unintentionally. 

"No problem." Woohyun replied. Zelo let out a long relieved sigh, silently thanking the stranger. 

"Let's spend the day with Woohyun, Sungyeol! Please!" Sungyeol knitted his brows then shook it off and looked up at Woohyun. 

"Will that be alright?" He asked. Woohyun looked at Sunggyu, who looked back into his eyes. 

"It's alright. I'll just go home and call you later." Sunggyu said as he pushed out of his best friend's grasp and started walking home.

Woohyun watched him for a moment. 

"Yah. Earth to Woohyun. Snap out of it." Sungyeol called Woohyun back. Woohyun looked at him blankly then after another moment, he could think again. 

"Um yeah. I can hang out." 

"Okayyy." Sungyeol dragged. "Let's get going then." He said with a smile as he started back to the car with Zelo right beside him.

Once he turned around, his face immediately darkened and Zelo noticed it. 

"Come on." Howon said with bright eyes as Woohyun followed.

They all got in the car, Sungyeol in the driver's seat, Zelo in the passenger seat, and the other two in the back.

"This is gonna be fun!" Howon exclaimed. Zelo nodded and Sungyeol switched the stick to drive mode with a clenched fist.

They drove away, Woohyun forgetting about his book and everything else. He was too bothered about his best friend. 

What happened to him?

Why was he like that?



Dongwoo passed by the hospital and watched as a nice car pulled out of the shoulder.

He'd rather look at anything beside the hospital and graveyard. He despised those two places most.

They brought back too many memories.

He hurried by it, clenching the black suitcase in his fist.

He soon reached his friend's house.

Although he wanted to go home, he needed to do something first. He opened the door to the small orange colored house and saw his friend sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine. The small coffee table before him held the rest of the assorted magazines. The friend lowered the magazine and looked up at Dongwoo. 

"Jang." He said. "What is it? Are you finished already? That was quick." He started getting to his feet but Dongwoo held out a hand, signaling for the friend to sit back down.

He gave Dongwoo a dirty look. 

"Two weeks, right?" Dongwoo said. The latter nodded. "Don't expect me back anytime soon." Dongwoo finished, then slammed the door and made his way to his own home.

Although he liked to call it his "temporary home."



"Let's go do something fun, Sungyeol." Howon said. Sungyeol nodded a little too glumly, Howon not noticing but Zelo noticing.

Zelo put a hand on Sungyeol's shoulder, grabbing his attention. Sungyeol's fist seemed to tighten when he turned to look at Zelo. 

"Sir. Your aura is as dark as blood from a dehydrated patient from the times of the Black Death. Even nine-hundred meters into the deep depths of the sea could not compare with the darkness surounding-"

"I get it!!" Sungyeol said in a harsh voice, immediately straightening the latter and Woohyun, who was spacing out a second ago.

Sungyeol glimpsed in the rearview mirror at Howon, who was unaware of what just happened and was smiling, then back at the road.

Zelo glimpsed back at Woohyun, who stared back questionably. He turned around to the side furthest from Sungyeol and bid Woohyun to go closer to him. Woohyun lent him an ear, in which Zelo told him what he suspected. 

"My senses are sending messages to my logic organ and it rings of jealousy." Zelo whispered. 

"Jealousy?" Woohyun repeated the only actual word he caught onto. 

"Yes, sir." Zelo whispered. Woohyun gave him a frown. 

"My name's Woohyun. Not 'sir'" Woohyun corrected. "What's yours?" He asked, changing the topic for a second. 

"My label for commoners, given to me by my Great Grandmother, is Zelo." Zelo replied, closed-mouth smiling. 

"Mhm. Zelo. That's a cool name." Woohyun complimented. 

"Thank you, Woohyun. And may I politely ask for the years you've aquired?" Zelo asked. Woohyun thought for a second on what he was asking then replied. 

"I have 23 years this year." Woohyun played along with Zelo's wording. 

"I shall title you Hyung from now on. I have but only nineteen years." Woohyun nodded in acknowledgement then went back to his stressed mood, forcing Zelo back to the road.

Howon watched on but didn't hear a thing they just said. He sighed heavily then the car suddenly came to a stop.

They all got out, not knowing that they had arrived at...

"The Amusement Park!!" Sungyeol announced with much enthusiasm. Zelo looked at the view with a hanging mouth, Howon with a wide smile, and Woohyun with a stressed stare.

Woohyun probably didn't even know where he was standing right now. 

"Let's go!" Sungyeol said and started walking to the entrance where it stood a huge duck. They all followed close to Sungyyeol so they wouldn't get lost with the massive crowds of people.

Once they bought the tickets, they made it to the duck and gave him their tickets. The duck invited them in and soon enough, they were on a ride.

Zelo was super excited, Sungyeol was happy, Howon was thrilled, and Woohyun was merely smiling, still having Sunggyu on his mind. 

"Lift off in THREE!" They all tighten their grips on the belts.

"TWO!" Howon looks at Woohyun, who looks back.

Sungyeol looks to Howon, who doesn't look back then at Zelo, who is looking at him already with a wide, nervous smile.

"ONE!-LIFT OFF!!" The machine anchored them up-up-up then halted once they were over the whole park.

They could see everything from up here. Woohyun felt like he could touch the clouds if he reached his hand up a little higher. Just a little.

Howon stared at Woohyun, wondering what he was doing.

Meanwhile, Sungyeol stared at Howon, wishing he'd look over.

Zelo was in his own world. He was amazed at the sight before him. All the tiny humans, animals, and game houses. Although many things had already seemed small to him when he stood on his two feet, he was still amazed.


It was quick and sudden. They all felt as light as air then the machine came to an end and gently placed them where they started. The operator helped some people get out of their seat belts as the four got off themselves.

They decided to go play some games when they were met by Myungsoo.

Myungsoo worked at a tent. 

"Hey guys." He greeted as they neared. 

"Myunggie!" Sungyeol said and hugged the latter over the counter.

Myungsoo hugged back and managed a smile at Woohyun, then Zelo, then Howon, flatlining his lips in-between each smile but overall, seemingly smooth. They all smiled back, especially Woohyun. Woohyun had never seen him smile before. 

"What are you doing here?" Sungyeol asked as he pulled away just enough so he could see Myungsoo's pretty eyes. 

"I work here." He answered bluntly. 

"Really? How many jobs do you have?" Myungsoo shrugged. Sungyeol pushed away and looked back at Howon but Howon was "talking" to Woohyun so he looked to Zelo. 

"Let's play." Sungyeol said.

They managed to line up and play a game called POP! It was a game

"Where you throw darts and try to pop as many balloons as you can." Myungsoo explained the rules, Howon just staring. He decided to go last so he could grasp the game, since he couldn't hear; he stood at the end of the line behind Woohyun. 

"Sooo you are informing that we toss darts, cutting the air and separating molecules, in order to release the petite compression of the balloons?" Zelo asked.

Myungsoo simply nodded then smiled. Then Zelo took his stance and Myungsoo handed him three darts. 

Howon put a hand on Woohyun's shoulder as he watched intently. Sungyeol had to lean to his right so he could see what the giant before him was doing. He smacked Zelo's back. 

"You can do this."


Something in the corner of Howon's eyes caught his attention. A group of dancers were reviewing their choreography at the side of a stage and doing hip hop. They all wore oversized HBA shirts and baggy jeans, complete with matching pairs of NIKE dance shoes.

Howon dragged his hand off Woohyun's shoulder and walked toward the group of performers. Woohyun felt his presence disappear and watched him walk away.

Woohyun tapped Sungyeol's shoulder. 

"Umm. Howon's going somewhere. Should we follow?" Sungyeol immediately whipped his head around and glanced at Woohyun then to Howon, who was making his way into the crowd.

He immediately started after Howon and left Woohyun with Zelo and Myungsoo. 

"Alright. We'll see you two around?" Woohyun said, more in a questioning tone, and waved slightly. 

Howon approached the team and stood on the sidelines. He watched them give words of encouragement and hit powerful moves in sync. The one that seemed to be teaching the others choreography noticed Howon staring at them.

He put up a hand.

"Hi!" He greeted over the noise of the park. "I saw you staring over here! What can we do for you?!" Howon couldn't make out what he was saying but it looked like he was welcomed so he closed in with them.

The boy put out a hand and bowed once Howon came into touching range. 

"Hi. My name is Jimin!" He straightened his spine and motioned to s. "This is my group, BTS!" He turned back to Howon. "May I ask your name?!" Howon nodded. He had been asked for his name so many times that he knew the lip movements that formed the word.

"Howon." Howon said in a normal tone. 

"Sorry! I didn't hear! What is your name?!" Jimin asked again, unable to hear over the screaming coming from the people watching whoever was performing at the moment.

Howon stared blankly then said his name again and again until one of the boy's members tugged him by the shirt.

"We're up next, Jimin!" J-Hope informed. "And who's this?! Is he a fan?!"

"Oh, I just met him but I can't hear what he's saying!"

"Oh well then. Nice to meet you! Let's go!" J-Hope decided. He bowed to Howon with respect, seeing that he was older then wrapped an arm around Jimin's shoulders and skipped to their group. 

Sungyeol was panicking. He had lost sight of his brother and was turning circles to find him. 

Why does he have to be deaf? Sungyeol found himself asking right as he spotted his deaf brother. He was staring someplace so Sungyeol hurried to get to him. He flipped Howon around. 

"What are you doing? You could've gotten lost." He found himself saying. Howon stared back at him with his eyes still alert from the sudden tug he received.

"Oh. It's just you." Howon said in relief and put hand over his chest. "I saw a group of performers over here. I think they sing and dance. They're onstage right now. Look." Howon pointed to the stage. Sungyeol could hear the music even before he really got there.

They were "okay," Sungyeol thought.

He suddenly felt weird.

Why was he hating on such a great KPOP boy band? Was this-

He cut himself off and decided to pull Howon back to where they came from. Howon refused though. 

"Stop! I want to watch this!" He said angrily, which got suddenly Sungyeol frustrated. 

"No!" Sungyeol replied and continued trying to pull the shorter other. Howon wouldn't budge or take his eyes off of the stage. Sungyeol growled. "Stop being so stubborn, you deaf bastard!" He really wished Howon could hear him but Howon didn't and just smiled at the stage. 

"I want to do that someday."

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Chapter 9: I've reached the end T_T What happen next?! What's going to happen!? Right when I'm at Woohyun and Dongwoo's moments too >.< Anywho great story, it's funny and sad so far xD
Chapter 8: Baby Soul~ Lol at Sungjong and Dongwoo....Always running and chasing each other >.< AND POOR MYUNGSOO AND ZELO OMIGOD!
Chapter 7: Sungyeol is jealous xD So cute~ Sungjong go go!
Chapter 6: Forgot to add....Myungsoo has so many countless jobs it's kinda funny xD
Chapter 6: My favorite chapter omigod Sungyeol is so funny at the end xD Zelo and Woohyun woohoo! The POP game remind me of a Thai drama. (You know xD)
Chapter 5: ZELO omigod xD I need a story only for Sungyeol and Zelo for reals xD Wonder why our number one high kicker is looking for Woohyun >.<
Chapter 4: Aaw love Hoya and Woohyun here xD So cuteee and funny zD Sunggyu and nature LOL that's new xD
Chapter 2: Sungyeol and Zelo xD Zelo's way of talking is hilarious. Poor Myungsoo omigod! And Dongwoo lol xD Of course he'd fall....
Chapter 1: Gotta say I love Sungyeol's character so far xD He's like himself~ And omo the ending....
Can't wait to read this soon and give you a grade! xD