Thank you Kim Taehyung

Because I'm Your Hope

Jimin’s POV

“Hey Jimin, wake up. It’s Saturday, it’s time for you to work off those extra pounds you’ve been putting on. You’re never going to get the guy with a body like that are you?” my sub-conscience said waking me up from my dreams. I immediately agreed with the notion, like always, got into my workout uniform and started rigorously exercising; I continued to do so working my core to the bone.

About 2 hours later my phone went off. ”Why” I thought to myself, its 6 in the morning, who in the right mind would be up right now? Deciding to investigate, I walked over to my phone. EKKKKKKKK its kookie!

JK: hey, I was wondering if you wanted to start the whole dance thing today? Is 10 a good time?

JM: yeah, that’s a perfect time, I’ll see you then.

I closed my phone and went to my work out room. Staring at myself in the mirror, I realized I look pretty y the way I am, look at my muscles, my defining jaw, line my washboard abs…

“hahaha, you wish you had washboard abs! look at you, your tummy’s a bit chubby.” My conscience said, tearing down my confidence. I took another look in the mirror to prove it wrong, but I just saw me, Plain old me. I sighed to myself realizing how much of a piece of crap I was. I decided to take a shower a really long shower.  

Siting in the bath tub I flip open my phone and decide to text my other best friend, Taehyung, he always cheers me up.

JM: I’m doing it again?

TH: dear god! Do you know what time it is? Its 7 in the morning

TH: oh sorry, you know how I am about sleep, you ok? Do you need me to come over? I can. I have to leave my 9 though I got a… thing

JM: Its okay I don’t wanna bother you if you have stuff today.

TH: Don’t give me that, I’ll be right there!!! J

About ten minutes later TaeTae pulls up into my drive way and speedily runs inside.

“Jimin, where are you?” he said with a worried tone.

“I’m here in the bathroom,” is all I said before he barges in and rushes at me.

“Jimin my baby! Did you do anything? Please tell me you at least at supper last night,” I was silent, I didn’t want to tell him I haven’t eaten for a while now, between this lack of eating and rigorous exercise, my body has become incredibly weak.

“Jimin…” he said looking at me with those big sad eyes, “I’ll make you some toast and peanut butter;   that always makes you feel better right?”

“I really would like that, thank you tae,” I got up out of the tub and taehyung gave me this look of complete worry when he saw my body.

“You’re going to need more than peanut butter toast for you to recover.” I looked down, at my body and for the first time it’s like taking a step into reality. Even though I do have abs, my ribs are showing in a way they shouldn’t.

“let them show, they make you look thin” I consciously thought to myself..

“NO, they don’t, the make me look like a freak, I don’t want to be like this. I hate being like this.” I argued back with myself conscience, then I felt a warm towel drip over me, it was Tae, he put a towel on me so he could give me a hug.

Kim taehyung has been my best friend since pre-k and he’s the only one besides my mom that understands my ‘issues’.

“you’re my best friend, you know this right?” Taehyung whispered into my ear seeming like he would refuse the thought of releasing me from his arms.

“of course I’m your best friend what else would I be?”

“that’s a good question” he said kissing me on the side of my cheek in a sign of affection. I think without him, I wouldn’t be breathing. And I’m happy for that. I like being here.

A few hours passed. We played games and laughed. He made me eat at least a 4 course meal. And it was finally time for my friend to leave. I had to get ready for my date with a mate, ha! I should be a rhyming master.


Hoseoks POV

Three days have passed since my incidents with Yoongi. I text Jimin alot, I’ve thought about hanging with my friend Jin, but he’s busy with something important. So I thought maybe I should see what Jungkook’s doing. He’s always eager to hang out with me. No one really is, so I pulled up my cellular device and found his number.

“hello” the other line asked.

“It’s your pal Hoseok, I was wondering if you wanted to chill with me today? Want to play some games, or dance…or something?”

“I’d love too!” he answered happily. “I’m glad you’ve called there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about. It’s important but can we do it your house?”  

“are you ok what do you need to talk to me about?”

“I think it’s too important to say over the phone.”

“Alright, come on over; I’ll meet you half way.” About twenty minutes later I met him at the grocery market. I don’t know why but he was pretty much silent the whole way to my house.

“Are you ok man. What’s up?

“So there’s this guy I like… I really really like” he said not wanting the words to come out. “But the thing of it is, I’ve been playing hard to get. I know he’s a player so I don’t want to get hurt by him. but I know my brother has a huge crush on him.. I’ve seen the way he’s looked at him..”

“Do you want me to be your wing man Kookie?” I offered, I wonder who Yoongi likes.

“No… I just want to know if my suspicions are right. I don’t want my heart to be broken.”

“You know what helped me when I had trouble like this?” I said and he imidiatly perked up. “I love to write: whether it be a story, a poem, a song. I need to get all of my feelings out.


“yeah?” I asked.

“that’s a really stupid Idea.” I laughed calling him a punk. I think today will be a pretty good day.




About 8 hours filled with video games, board games, eating contests, and dance tips later. Jungkook asked me a really weird question.

“Hyung. I was wondering do you have any one you’re interested in?” I blushed a little bit cause I wasn’t goin to flat out say. Your brothers hot I want to bone him. that’s just rude, but I don’t want to lie to him when he came out to me for advice with his situation.

“I do, and even though I’ve only had one encounter with him.. I..yeah..” that as far as I thought. Before my mind went south.

“I’ll tell you who I like” he said egarly.

“I don’t really want to say kookie, its kind of… well embarrassing to talk about him, or even say is name out loud,” he pouted at my response.

“ok then, lets go at the same time.”  I agreed to his terms to shut him up.


“Two.” I repeated after him.




OHHHHHHH I wonder who it is, dont you? you should comment your thoughts down bellow, i'd love too see your thoughts hahaha ok, here is the last of the short chapters. the next ones are probably going to be twice this size.  see you saterday. <3

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oh no i need more
x_raven10 #2
Chapter 10: Author please update this story! I beg of you
Vandjimin #3
Chapter 10: Update please I'm really looking forward to this please please please
Chapter 10: omfg! yay! I love u author nim!
update soon!
idk why I'm still subscribe to this after u said ur not gonna continue it, but I'm lucky I'm still the subscriber.
b-mine4ever #5
Chapter 9: Oh my God! You are such a cliffhanger!!! T^T I was really into the story to the point I have to squeal like a girl (im a boy, dont ask). And as soon as I read that you discontinuing the story made me feel like killing you out of frustration. But I undertand though. And take this comment in a good way as a sign of that this story is good. :)


Love it.
khawlamoonlight #6
Chapter 9: Why ??? Ok will :( I'm sad
DevilNextToYou #7
Chapter 9: just when it's at the but it's alright i have a story that i dun feel like writing too >.< so i understand
but seriously? At the ? T_T
Chapter 9: i am attached to this but it's alright
good luck with your new story and everything else :)