
Because I'm Your Hope

Jimin’s POV

Just the mere thought of being alone with our precious Jungkook gave my heart butterflies.  Not to mention I’m going to know where he lives. I looked over to the younger male about to break the silence, except for some reason I could only look at his face, along with his breathtaking eyes. I’ve never been a romantic type. But for this boy, there’s no way I couldn’t be.

“Hyung, are you ok?” he asked interrupting my train of thought. “You didn’t have to walk me home you know.”

 “I-I don’t mind. Plus I get to see where you live.” I smiled brightly at him hoping my sly moves might motivate him into doing the same. “So what do you think of Hoseok?”

Jungkook smiled in return fulfilling my wishes. ‘He has the best dancing skills I’ve ever seen. I’m going to convince him into giving me lessons!” he said it with such glee. It made me a bit envious.

“D-don’t you want lessons from me?” I stuttered out.  “I’m pretty good on the floor myself.” Then I began an awkward movement that I’m pretty sure you could call dancing. As soon as my beautiful Jungkook smiled, I was in. “How about tomorrow?” I stuttered out hoping the younger boy wouldn’t notice my embarrassment.

“Alright, I’ll ask my brother; make sure to bring Hobi alright?”


“I- it’s a nick name I thought of for him, how about you decide one for me, and Hobi has one for you?” 

 “Yeah, of course. It’s a date I mean not like a date ‘cause Hoseok will be there, but you know… c-calendar,” We turned down a driveway and found ourselves in front of Jungkook’s door, hopefully he doesn’t think me weird.

“um I guess this is good- “ I was about to say when the door was flung open by what only could be Jungkook’s brother.

“Where have you BEEN, I was worried sick what if you’ve been kidnapped or hurt, OR BOTH!!” he shouted. Not making any sign he knew I was there.

“I was out with my friends, I thought I texted you?”  The man who I assume to be Jungkook’s brother looked displeased with this statement. Maybe it would be best if I made my presents known, he’d feel a bit better.

“Hello. My name is Jimin. Sorry for keeping him out so late, I didn’t know he had a curfew.”

The man looked shocked by my introduction,

“My name is yoongi; I’m this little punks step-brother, thank you very much for making sure he got home safely.” The older male bowed politely. “Would you like me to give you a ride home?”

“no thank you I actually live pretty close. I’m right on the other side of the park.”

Yoongi nodded and sent me on my way.



Arriving home I picked up my phone to text Hoseok. He wants me to find out someone on Jungkook’s phone? Whatever that means. I hope he doesn’t get any weird ideas. Jungkook is my baby. Mine minemineminemine…. Wow I’m weird.

haha, you were already weird"  my conscious replied to me.

“What are you talking about, I’m not weird I’m cool!” I argued back with myself.

“Really? You of all people should be able to see what Jungkook thinks of you. He’s not interested. You seem to be barking up the wrong tree."

“That’s not true. He just hasn’t realized how amazing I am yet.”

“Amazing, you can’t even dance as well as ‘Hobi’ not to mention you’ve put on a few pounds.”

I looked at my stomach, it did a look a bit chubbier “I… maybe your right, I’ll work harder.”

“good now you rest, you’ve got things to do tomorrow.”


Hoseok’s POV

*BEEP, BEEP.BEEP* my alarm rang; it was 6:30 in the morning. It’s Saturday, why do I have to get up?

*BEEP,BEEP,BEEP* oh, it’s my phone. I picked it up to see who the early sender was. And Huh? I got a text from Jungkook? Why so early in the morning? This little punk! I opened it up to at least see what it said.

JK: hey Hobi! Are you awake? I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over? I’m itching to dance :)

I decided it would be best to reply.

H: well I guess I’m awake, why don’t you ask Jimin to dance?

The next message took a few seconds to reply

JK: I asked Jimin he said he’d be over by 10. See you then ok? ;)

H: wait, I don’t even know where you live. You punk!

JK: oh your right sorry, I’m the blue house off of the main road across from the market, :D

Great a riddle address. I love riddles. I’m going to shower so I can try to find my way there on time. Luckily it was the only blue house in the entire area. And it was only 8:56 so I’m a bit early, should I knock? I’m going to knock.

I walked up to the establishment and knocked loudly 4 times in a rhythm. And a few seconds later, the man of my dreams opened the door.

“i…I I ahh.. hoseok.. i..” smooth Hoseok, smooth.

He smiled back showing off his perfect teeth, and slightly squinting his perfect eyes. And replied.” My names yoongi.” He held out his hand for me to shake it. But my heart raced just by the touch, and I fainted…*sigh* smooth.  






Hey Everyone, how are you all doing? Its an early update, i got really sick and i was itching to write. hope you like it :)

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oh no i need more
x_raven10 #2
Chapter 10: Author please update this story! I beg of you
Vandjimin #3
Chapter 10: Update please I'm really looking forward to this please please please
Chapter 10: omfg! yay! I love u author nim!
update soon!
idk why I'm still subscribe to this after u said ur not gonna continue it, but I'm lucky I'm still the subscriber.
b-mine4ever #5
Chapter 9: Oh my God! You are such a cliffhanger!!! T^T I was really into the story to the point I have to squeal like a girl (im a boy, dont ask). And as soon as I read that you discontinuing the story made me feel like killing you out of frustration. But I undertand though. And take this comment in a good way as a sign of that this story is good. :)


Love it.
khawlamoonlight #6
Chapter 9: Why ??? Ok will :( I'm sad
DevilNextToYou #7
Chapter 9: just when it's at the but it's alright i have a story that i dun feel like writing too >.< so i understand
but seriously? At the ? T_T
Chapter 9: i am attached to this but it's alright
good luck with your new story and everything else :)