
Thinking Out Loud

we keep this love in a photograph

year 2014

It was dark at the train station, so much that my dark clothes made me invisible in the blankness of people at the Stop. The smell was the same -- dirty and clean mixed together, of hundred of perfume and eau de toilette. But still, the smell was so familiar that I could imagine myself back at home. The only thing missing was ahjummas complaining about the heat, grandmothers screaming on the phone trying to figure out how to work a cellphone and kids taking turn running through the gates. It was one thing I hated when I was in Korea. Now, it's what I missed most.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I have not realized that the bus was there. There was something about missing buses that made me run. I was never the runner; I have always been the asthma kid on the bench who could not do anything. Though, at that moment, it was as if I was trying to win a marathon. The bus driver was about to close the door when he noticed me practically flying over there. There are so little people at that time in the train that he might've just as well continued his way. No one takes the train at 3AM in the morning. No one wears dark clothes. Except, well, me.

"Thank you." I said half breathing. I could feel my chest closing it, rejecting the intensive exercise. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear ringing in my ears. My lungs were complaining.

"Oh miss, are you alright?" The bus driver says. He was probably in his mid 40s. He had deep creases in his face and silver hair, but his eyes seem to be as clear as two emeralds.

"I think, yeah"

He sighs and looks at me one last time before driving through the night.

And that's how my journey in London started.

I could not believe that after 5 years in England, I haven't been to London at least once. School took its toll on me since the beginning of my first semester in Oxford. I didn't even have time to scroll past the most iconic city in the UK. But it was my first year majoring in Cardiology and I thought that I deserved a break from all that studying on Spring Break.

Or maybe it was the fact that I was also procrastinating… Which was not good taking in consideration that I had loads of tests after that small break.

I was only staying 3 days in London. I still had half a week to study.

After nearly an hour, I see my stop (which I recognized because I checked on Google maps what the surroundings looked liked). I thank the driver and take my cellphone out of my bag. I thank the driver as I jump down.

"My hotel is supposed to be..." I look around for a second, squinting my eyes. I notice a big vintage building, which looked really fancy. It kind of looked like a smaller version of a castle because of its beautiful architecture.

I sigh. My hotel was supposed to be just beside.

My building was not nearly as nice, but the price had been amazing for the short days I was spending here. It was also just a couple feet away from Oxford Street. I swing my duffel bag and started marching towards the eerie hotel. The Fielding Hotel did not looked half as bad as a thought… It wasn’t a 5 stars hotel, but the room was way bigger than my dorm, which I appreciated. I was also alone. That fact I could not forget.

I enter the hotel. It was really pretty looking. Everything looked modern with a vintage twist. There were peach chairs everywhere, chandeliers and gold-framed mirrors. A grand piano was sitting on one corner of the hall.

The piano looked really old. It was dark brown and made out of wood. You could see that it was used a lot. Some parts of the wood were fading. Just like how time was affecting everyone… Just like how it affected me. I walk slowly to it, brushing my fingers on the keys.

There’s this feeling when you touch an old musical instrument. It’s like you could feel someone else’s fingers on it. It’s like hearing someone play, hearing a long distant music. You feel the countless numbers of time someone has played.

I press a key and jump when I hear footsteps behind me.

“You play?”

It was an old woman. She was wearing glasses and a coral apron. Her hair was pulled up in a bun behind hear head like silver hay. I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to say anything. If I open my mouth, I’m scared that his name will pop up in my mind. So I just stared at her long enough for her to ask for my name and give me my room card.

When I went back in my room, I sat on the bed and opened my suitcase every so lightly. I did not even know why I brought his photograph. It was wrapped tightly between two of my shirts. I think it was the most awkward picture of us. I remember our mom taking us outside after dressing us up. For some reasons, they had decided to switch our costumes. I was dressed as The Prince and he was Snow White. My arm was on his shoulders and his left hand on mine. His right hand was poking my dimple and he was chuckling.

I could hear his laugh even now. It’s echoing in my ears.




Please please leave me comments If you like it so far:)
Next chapter will be up asap... Comments helps me update tho ;)

- Lili

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MimieyPotter #1
author nim..please update. please..
MimieyPotter #2
Chapter 2: Hye Miss writer..U need to continue this story.I really Love It.
I really like this! I definitely can't wait to see where it goes.