Ace of Spades

Joker's Death Card


"Annyeong, Minzy! How was your day?" Bom-unnie cherfully hollered at me. "A bit dreadful, a bit surprised." I sat down at the dining room. "Mhm? Dreadful and surprised?" She served me her normal pancakes. "Well, I don't even know how I can explain such feeling. Maybe a bit sad, because . . ." She handed me a fork. "Because, you know Kim Jongin, right?" She widened her eyes. "Son of the Kim Aviations which is CL's company's rival?! Girl, you the MVP!" She clapped joyfully. "Yah, let me explain first." I shushed her down. "Arasso, arasso." She chuckled. "His grandmother has 13 weeks to live and her husband . . . " I sliced a piece. "Oh, she got a Spade." She nodded.


"Well, it may hurt. But you know, people mostly die in loneliness than having those sickness. Does she have any?" She pulled out a tray of eggs and I munched the first piece. "Mhm. AD and Coronary Heart Disease." I sliced down another. "Ah, I almost forgot, Minji. Pack your bags, were transferring to a dorm." She started cooking again. I gulped down and sliced a bigger piece. "Where to?" I sliced down another. "Korea University." As I was gulping down my food, I suddenly choked and gulped down. "Wow, I slept 3 hours a day in high school." I sarcastically said. "Aigoo, that is one of the Top 3's prestigous universities here. You don't want it?" She made 2 more pancakes. "Well, I said to CL-unnie, enroll us to a university, not PRESTIGOUS university. Just an ordinary university. You want that university's image to be ruined?" Bom-unnie chuckled. "Well, what do you expect for a rich kid? None other than 'royalness'." I smirked. 


"But how do you think we can go there? It's miles away in the east." I continued munching down. "We don't even know where the main building is." I finished my plate. "Well here's the campus map." She handed me a piece of paper.




"Nice, such big campus they've got." I smirked, thinking about cutting classes. "Yah, yah, if you're thinking about all the ruckus we did last year, well, CL decides if we'll do it." I let out a laugh. "Of course! She would approve do to it. Just think about, we'll ruin another school's reputation. Very nice." I smirked and nodded. "Aigoo, ah, nevermind. She's a bad girl anyways." She sighed and putting the remaining pancakes on the plate. "Well, we had fun. The students even loved us. Like, all of them. Except me, it's only admiration, no love." I stood up.


The main door opened. Revealing a short figure with an angelic face. "Have you packed up your bags?" She slammed the door shut. "Yah!" A person shouted from the door. Dara-unnie opened the door and CL-unnie showed up. "Ah mianhe-ah, I didn't know you were there." A sweat dropped from her forehead. "CL, Dara, eat your pancakes now. Then clean up and change your clothes, arasso?" The both of them nodded. "Well then, are we gonna break some rules again?" I asked CL-unnie. "Mhm, I'll come up with a billion won." She sat down and grabbed a pancake. "Nice, we're gonna bribe the principal and the council." Dara-unnie grabbed the a pancake. "And bribe the bussiness owner." Dara-unnie swallowed it wholly. "I'm hyped up to leave this cheap apartment. Sogyeok Apartment will now be free!" I screamed in happiness. 


"But let's go to Boramae Park, first . . . " Dara-unnie pouted. "I'll miss that place where we found Minzy." She took off her beanie, revealing her whole turquoise hair. "Why were you even there?" CL-unnie laughed. "Strolling, then suddenly got lost." I lied. "Arasso, Minji, pack your bags now." Dara-unnie pushed me to my room. 


I grabbed two backpack bags and grabbed my clothes. Well, I only own a few, unlike them whose bags are gonna be in a truck due to excessive clothes. I don't even understand them. In the next bag, I put on misscellaneous things such as picture frames and personal stuff. I then made myself towards the empty lighted living room. I let out a sigh and I opened the TV. Another useless commercial in which some songs get stuck in your head. The breaking news came up, saying that a certain female had fortold that the grandmother and founder of Kim Aviations have weeks left to die. How fame-hungry they are. It's like the whole world loves them. Some confirmed that it was a fortune teller, some concluded that it was a witchcrafter who gave a voodoo doll to her enemy and is planning to kill her, yet denied that it was the witchcrafter who gave it to her enemy. And majority, belongs to me. Now, I'm in the heat of the news.


"Now it remains to be a mystery, even the future heir doesn't know what she is!" The male news caster laughed. 


"Or maybe that Card Lady has no life at all!" Said the female news caster and laughed.


"There's nothing wrong to try out fortune telling ruckus, just don't believe at those things." The male news caster laughed again.


My fists clenched. Would you be happy to know that your name is being mocked? My blood boiled, but came to my surprise that the TV suddenly closed. I looked at my back to see the pitiful eyes of Bom-unnie. "Yah, they're the ones who don't have a life." She tapped on my shoulder. "Now I'm on the heat of the killing news again." I lowered my head. "Ppang Bom! Yah, don't forget that we're still gonna stroll at Boramae!" Dara-unnie angrily shouted from her room. "Ne! I haven't!" She shouted back at response. "Minji, they said certain female had fortold, not clearly your full name." Bom-unnie nervously laughed. "Even so. What if Jongin-ssi recognized my face?" I sat down. "Well, be it." She laughed.


"Ne, palli, let's go before the sun rises." Dara-unnie let out 3 luggages. "Yah, gidaryeo! Someone's not yet done in packing her bags." CL-unnie shouted. "Aigoo, who buys six packs of clothes everyday?" I sarcastically said. "Sorry, not sorry." She went out of her room. "Gaja?" She opened the main door and we all went outside. Clearly, Boramae is very far from here, travelling 1 hour from Jongro-gu to Dongjak-gu, crossing a bridge. CL-unnie started the car and I went inside-outside of the house to get our things and put it at the trunk. Soon as we got in, we all drove away. 


"Yah, what time do we have to be there?" Dara-unnie took out a bag of chips. "Well, university schools don't start until 8:30." CL-unnie commented. "I'm so proud I'm skipping highschool, and I don't even know what kind of education there is in Korea University. All I experienced is sleeping 3 hours a day because of using my phone." I stretched out my legs. "Yah! Be more ladylike, Gong Minji." Bom-unnie slapped my leg. "Aigoo, why don't we leave the bags at the university first then go to Boramae?" Bom-unnie edged closer to CL-unnie who was driving. "Andwae, we have to make an entrance, unnie. Then just put our luggages later night." 


There was a long pause of silence between the four of us and after a few minutes, we arrived in the road of Jonggak. We turned right and after a few meters, we turned right again. Then continued in a one way road. Beeps of cars can be heard now that it's 5 in the morning. Most high school students leave their houses at this hour, due to their desire to go to the Top S.K.Y Universities, or in other words, Seoul National, Korea, Yonsei Universities. We passed Seoul Station and continued driving until we reached Namyeong for a little break. We bought what we need and we went on the road. I stared at the nautical dawn, clouds glowing with yellow, orange, and golden colors. Soon we were at the bridge, seeing 2 more bridges at the right, I layed back down and slept.


I suddenly felt a cold liquid splash on my face. "Wake up, we're here." Dara-unnie snickered. I rolled my eyes and did a few stretches, and I went out of the car. A spring breeze met our faces and Sakura trees painted the sky with pink. Petals even fell down one by one. I then saw the tree where they found me. The first letters or our names were carved with 'BCMS'. Gladly, I found some of my tiny belonging still buried at the ground, then covering it again with soil. "Minji, freshened up your mind?" Dara-unnie patted my shoulder. I hummed and nodded then stood up. "Farewell then, to this memory." I coldly smiled. "Minji, we have to go--" I cut Dara-unnie off. "I'll follow ahead." "Are you sure? Okay then." They all walked away. 


I kneeled down again and unburied my tiny belonging, a tragic memory indeed. That's why this tree was avoided when people wants to go here, because I abandoned my memories in it. I buried it again, then walked away. 


"Daebak! CL will handle the keys for me on this long trip! Haha, gaja!" Dara-unnie said as soon as we entered the car and drove away. The sun had risen and we kept on sleeping on the drive, but when we reached Samgakji, we took a little break and then we went on the road again. As they couldn't bear the silence, they made noises which disturbed me from my sleep and had no choice but to stay awake. As I saw the Namsan Mountain, I took pictures of it on my phone, then came pass a lot of buildings. After a straight line of driving we turned right, then after 10 minutes, we arrived the gate of Korea University.


"Founded in 1905, this school was famous for law, business, and medical programs. Nice, I knew where my parents graduated. Tch." CL-unnie smirked. "It's a 10-minute walk from here to the dorms." Dara-unnie stated. "Well where's the main building?" Bom-unnie said as we climbed the stairs. "It's says with the big number 16 in the map." I said while walking.


Students seems to notice our presence and whispers filled the air. 


"Wah, that girl with the black hair and red skin tight pants, she looks like a pretty doll." I heard one of the students say.


"Yah, but I'm jealous in the girl with the red handkerchief because of her beauty. If I had that kind of beauty, I would never put on any makeup." Exclaimed one of them.


"Bro, the girl with suspenders and short black hair, is she a ?" I heard one of the boys say. A , I should say.


I looked over at their soul and wish looks could kill. "But damn, that girl with lavender streak. Hauntingly beautiful." Tch.


We continued strolling until we reached the main building. "I'll be gone in a minute." I teleported myself to Sogyeok Apartment. I noticed that I left my red wig and put it on. I tied my hair into a messy bun and leaving strands of my hair as the bangs. I soon wore my crimson hat then teleported next to them. "Well that wasn't a minute." Bom-unnie laughed. "Girls," We looked at the back to see a petite beautiful lady. "you have to come with me." I examined the badge she has. 


Kim Sumi


"Kya!~ EXO is here!" Screamed a woman from the far hallway.


The whole population of this school suddenly turned into a red carpet style then came in 11 men. Hmmm, a Tower, a Panda, Camel, woman(?), a steamed bun. And in the left, we saw a man possessing like a higher rank than me but not higher than CL-unnie's, a puppy, and wait . . . was that eyeliner I see? But most shocking of all, he was here. Kim Jongin. It seems like he noticed my presence, who wouldn't we're in the center. I turned to face a hallway as my heart started beating like hell broke loose. 


We were soon led to the Principal's Office. Like what did we do?


"I believe you ladies are in school, not in a school whose filled with bad elements, I suppose." She sternly said. "And wait, is that you Miss Lee Chaerin? Good heavens, did Haneul and Jaeryong raise you wrongly?" She was in a state of shock. "Yes, they raised me wrongly and they just needed me at home because of my money." She rolled her eyes. "And T.B.H, it's more comfy here in the Principal's--" "Silence!" Our attentionwas at the 50-year-old man in the center of the room. It's the council, not the student council, but the council


"I believe all of you girls are transferee students." He said. "Yes, yes we are." Bom-unnie answered. "Ms. Lee," CL-unnie stood up. "I believe that your parents are good ones to provide you wealth and other things that other children don't have such as a complete family and their Right to Education." He crossed his fingers. "Well then Mr. Kang, I will provide you with 1 billion won to let us 4 school in until 3rd Year." Bom-unnie handed CL-unnie her bag. She took out the money and she pushed it on his table. "Ms. Lee, we don't need your finances--" "If you don't, we'll dirty the school's name. And I'll let out, a SY." CL-unnie dramatically said the end part. "I know that Korea University is where my parents graduated as alumni here and I don't really care. But if you don't help us, we will ruin the school's reputation and eventually, Seoul National University and University of Yonsei are only going to be the Top 2 most prestigous universities in South Korea." Blackmail is in money. "We'll let you graduate." A thin line formed in her lips. "Very well then. Buh-bye." She turned around and we stood up, we left the room.


"Nice acting." I complimented. "People are vulnerable to money. But if they knew, it can't be eaten nor used to change one's personality." Well, I suppose she's right.



"Suho-hyung! I swear I saw her! I just don't know what's her name." I slammed my fist on the table. "Arasso, arasso, you saw the woman who fortold that card thingy magic that is false." Andwae, how can it be false? "Yah, she told me a few hours ago that if a person gets a Spade card, anything that happens to the love of your life is purely coincidental, but happens every time." I massaged my temple. "Jongin, bro, nothing is coincidental if it happens every time. And what do you mean if they get this Spade card in that?" Chen questioned. "She said that if someone gets a Spade card, the love of their life will die. A few hours ago, my grandfather died due to his respiratory disease." I sadly stated. "Well, what if she's teaming up with the Grim Reaper?" Baekhyun foolishly asked. I hit him in the head, "Yah, Grim Reapers can be seen if you're already dead."


After overthinking, I saw 4 girls pass by, and there she is, walking with her friends. I held her hand, but her reply embarrassed me. "Um, do I know you?" She said as if she didn't meet me. Her hair color only changed. To not make myself embarrassed more, I replied her back, "Mianheyo, I have mistooken you of somebody else." I let go. "Nice try, Jongin. Nice one." Kris-hyung sarcastically said. "I swear it was her, only her hair color changed." I couldn't even embarrass myself more because of her. "Then if she really is the one you are finding, then fate must've been kind to you." 


"Attention, students, there will be no classes for today due to the teacher's meeting. All transferees and exchange students, welcome to Korea University." A woman said through the speakers. 


"Yah, I really like that woman whose reading that book." Chanyeol turned to us. As we turned around to see the woman, a pair of eyes drawn on the book seemed to stare at us. "Now, somebody can watch our back." Luhan-hyung turned around. 


"Aigoo, complete waste of time here." I heard one of them stated. The 3 of them went down including the 'girl'. "Yah, Lee Chaerin, you not coming?" Lee Chaerin? Heiress of Lee-Lim Aviations? "That's not how you come down." She stood up as all of us watched. She suddenly jumped from each stair-like chairs and landed down safely. "Annyeong, future rival heir." She let out a grin before waving a goodbye. 


"Congrats, Jongin! You know 2 of them girls." Kris-hyung sarcastically clapped. "Aigoo, don't be serious," I shook my head. "she's a heiress of our rival company." But, the 'girl' stopped infront of me, then threw a card at me before leaving. As I read the card, I was satisfied by what's her name.


If you're curious about my name, it's Gong Minji. But don't get attached to me because the candle's light will fade and it's wax will harden. 


"The candle's light will fade and it's wax will harden. Nice riddle." Xiumin-hyung stated. "But that would mean anything." Lay-hyung grabbed the card from me. "Well, what if it was that and if you don't continue it, it will get hard." Baekhyun's erted thoughts echoed in my mind. "Baekhyun, it's not that." Chanyeol laughed. "Well, I would keep that in mind." I kept the card inside my pocket and left the school. 

Wah, I at riddles (ㅠ·ㅠ) I don't know what I'm doing right now. 

Eotteokhae? Papa Krease and Papa Lu-ge is getting more handsome now. Wahaha, special treatment (^ _ _ _ ^)

But the shx scene (I read in a chapter in I Love You XO) in his movie, wut is this?

But there, a long chappie. Hope it's good (ㅎ ㅡ ㅎ)

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Chapter 4: Bom unnie and her love for Corn will never get old~~kkk who wouldn't like Corn with Butter!? I myself like it soooo much!~~ ^^ the story is getting interesting!~ I'm looking forward to read the next chap! ~ ^^
Chapter 2: hmm at some part I was confused..but I'm getting there~~kkk I think I'll just need to re-read this chap to fully understand those parts that is bothering me~~Kk but so far so good! ^^
Chapter 2: I like it so far