Joker's Death Card


 I woke up from a nightmare. But it's okay, I never gasped. I never screamed for anyone's help. Just pure silence. I sat up, letting my feet touch the cold marble floor. It was 2:43 in the morning, 3 minutes late for work. I looked at the post-it note at my wall. 


Somerset Palace @ Susongdong 85  | 4:00# | 17-year old future heir


 Looks like I've got about 1 hour left to prepare. Then my alarm went off. I turned off the alarm and stood up. I opened the lights, grabbed my towel and walked to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and went in the shower. Twisting the knob, cold water splashed through my hair. I opened my eyes to see my lavender streak dripping with water. My body eased and I rested my head at the wall. Drip. What an easing sound, I raised my head and the cold water splashed on me. 


 5 minutes wasted on showering and brushing my teeth for a minute, I grabbed my outfit. My black slacks, white sleeveless with the collars covering my neck, my mixed-colored dress coat, and my white X-styled belt. I didn't need a magician's hat to prove I'm a Joker. By my looks, they can tell me apart. I wore my under garments then my outfit. I sat down at a stool and plugged in my blowdryer. Getting a comb, I brushed it efforlessly. I plugged it out. I know I'm ready to face another death again.


 I opened the door to see a shady living room. The moonlight reflects at the translucent curtains. I opened the main door, stepped out, then closed it. 


 I walked throughout the lighted hallways, finding the elevator with people. I enjoy taking rides alone, I let them go. And die. Boom. I heard as the elevator crashed at the basement. Haven't I warned them once they recieve a Spade card, it means death. I can hear people panicking from the reception. Their screams are normal for me. I heard a lot. I heard sirens across the way. People never really listen these days. Looking at the fire exit gleaming eerily at the unlighted hallway, I walked towards it. 


 I opened the door and found myself at the rusty staircase outside. I jumped and landed at the ground safely. A few people walking and few cars driving by. Susongdong Street  might be a far place, but a walking distance away. 


"Yah, Gong Minji, not taking a car ride?" A familiar voice rang in my ears. I looked at my peripheral vision to see a Black Lamborghini Car. It's my fellow co-Joker, Lee Chaerin, or popularly known as CL. I walked towards her car and opened the door. "I need a hitch." 


"Where to?" She bluntly replied and yawned. "Susongdong 85, Somerset Palace." Diamonds mean wealth. And expected by her filthy rich persona, she threw a smirk and pulled me in. Immediately, we drove away.


We came across a little road of few people. Seeing our eldest co-Joker, Bom, in her favorite café, it's no surprise for me for her to deal with love. "Where's Dara-unnie heading to now?" I asked along, breaking the silence. "I don't know. She drove herself there. But she mentioned something about a suite." I nodded in response. "She's gonna stay in a ship?" "Andwae, that's not it. It's a hotel and a suite." She twirled her effortlessly brushed hair.


3 minutes after, we arrived at the said hotel. She turned the keys and the car was dead off. "Your appointment is here, too?" I asked and she hummed in her response. We walked upstairs the staircase and as the glass doors slid, our faces met a cold splash of air.


The heels of my shoes echoed sounds towards the reception. CL-unnie walked with a smirk on her face. As we stopped infront of the counter, I looked at the petite woman infront of me. Neatly tied bun, light makeup, and hair strands tucked behind her ear. I caught my eyes on the golden plate pinned on the right side of her crimson coat.


Kim Soohyun


"So, Ms. Soohyun, can you tell me what floor Mr. Kim--" "and Mr. Wu is?" I heard her swallow a lump in . "T-Twentyfourth floor. Mr. K-Kim is at Room 301 while Mr. Wu i-is at Room 306." Her trembling voice implied she was scared.




As we stepped in the elevator, CL-unnie tapped on numver '24' for a couple of seconds abd the doors slid close.


"So, the 'Mr. Wu' is our classmate our his younger brother?" I looked to see that we are at the 10th floor and kept ascending. "Our classmate, Kris Wu." I gasped in disbelief. "What are you shocked for?" She asked me. "Won't he think that once his money starts running out, he might think that you're robbing him?" 


She laughed.


"Well, he should be aware that he's the one robbing himself . . . not me." She rested her back at the wall. After a few more seconds, the doors slid open. We stepped out and found seperate hallways. "I went here, Minji. The 300 slots are there." She said, pointing at the right.


 I browsed carved on each and every golden plate. No sign of 301 or 306. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you sure that you've been here?" I slid my hands in my pockets. "Will I tell you the directions if I haven' been here?" Sarcasm was noted in her tone. No plan with dealing in someone rich, either.


I rolled my eyes in complete frustration. Why would a hotel like this have hotel numbers that don't even exist? A trap? You can't kill me. Every danger won't happen to me, and it burdens me. I don't even know if I'm doing a sin or no. I slammed my fist in a door. I felt something cold. A golden plate. As I held it with my other hand, and mirrored marks were placed at my hand. 




"Annyeong, my appointment's here." I smirked. "Mhm, annyeong to you, too. I hope no one'll die." Her voice became hoarse and walked away.


I heard footsteps coming from the door so I put up my my coldest facial expression. As the door flung open, a very muscular guy showed up in front of my short, or should I say, tiny appearance.


"Who goes there?" He spoke with an angry tone. "I'm the Joker of Death and I have an appointment with Mr. Kim, any problem?" My stern voice boomed through the hallways. "Come in." He opened the door. I stepped in. Sleeping guards suddenly opened their eyes and stood up . Only one message is written: Death is present. A fancy grandfather clock was present with Roman numbers. 3:58am, hmmm? I saw a male figure. The jet black suit, shiny polished shoes, hair neatly sprayed with hairspray. A total future heir. Possessing a higher rank than me, it made me feel too insecure.


"Please have a seat." Expecting a strict, stern voice to speak to me, his voice was calm and angelic. Judging from his personality, I can consider him pure-hearted and innocent. Such a shame if he dies. "What can I do for you, sir?" I returned him back a calm tone. Apparently, this was my first kind greeting. I would rather curse than treat them nice.


"Actually, it's my grandmother who wanted to see you. That is, if you're fine with a car ride." He doubtly asked me. Another first time. I'm offered a car ride. "I'm fine, no need to mind." He nodded. "Um, let's go now." He stood up and I followed.


2 pairs of guards infront of me and him and at the back, too. And as we made to the reception, people looked at me. No, not at me, the both of us. And we went to the parking lot and I saw a black limousine. There's nothing more I have imagined in a life of a rich kid. I saw it all in CL-unnie, but she kept staying on our cheap, but not that cheap, apartment. The driver opened the door, and Jongin-ssi made me enter the car first and he entered the car too. Inside was a long lavender-blue-ish carpet and in each side, long sofa-like chairs colored with blackish blueshone by the reflection of the light. I sat down, facing him. All of his guards sat down closely to each other, looking at me frightened. 


 20 minutes after the ride, we arrived at a mansion. Staeing at the dark bluegreen Victorian gate, definetely, this one's a trillionaire. We stepped in. Maids in a row, greeting their master. Scanning the living room, I see everything spic and span. Like they were never touched nor used. A 32 inch flat screen television, fancy fashioned coffee table, antique vases and collections of many things, showy. You might want your visitors to rob you.


"Um, miss?" He called out to me. I looked at him. His face was fair-complexioned with his prominent thick lips. He must've been taken care too much. "The room is upstairs." I nodded slowly and slightly then followed him. He opened a door. Inside, it revealed an elegant styled room. I caught my eye on someone laying down at the bed, maids were in a row near her bed. Her black and white hair mixed together, what a beautiful woman. A chair was put down, beside the bedside table. I saw her face. 


"Am I going to die? Am I?" Her trembling but demanding tone made my throat have a lump. Death Joker's major rule: Don't cry, don't pity, be heartless. But seems like I have to break a rule. Her soft and warm hands held my cold hands and intertwined it. "Please tell me." She begged for an answer. "Ah . . . " I was lost between my words, not certain in what to call her. "Halmeoni . . . " I looked at her eyes. "I will place 16 cards and you can only choose 3 cards, in that way, I'll know." I gave her an assuring tone, and it seemed to ease her tensioned soul.


A bed table was placed and my cards slid down my sleeves. I curved my fingertips to catch them then I took them out. I shuffled cards as if I was playing Poker itself, but it was fortune telling about death. I layed down all cards, and she began to choose. Her first card was at the very left, which was quite a bit of cliché to me because people always pick that side. Then her second was at the 4th to the right, then her last at the middle left. I took the unpicked cards and kept them at my pocket, I flipped the chosen cards. 


Ace of Spade, 4, 9. 4:02am, starting from today, she has 13 weeks to live and will die at exactly 4:02am. And a Spade, exactly when I flipped it, the very love of her life is now dead. That's the news for now. I looked at her again and took a deep breath, "Halmeoni, don't be shocked. The time today is 4:02am, you have 13 weeks to live. And one question, halmeoni . . . " She rose her head. "Who is the very love of your life?" I asked her straightforwardly. "My husband of course, he's on his way home." A slight pain in my heart occured. "Waeyo? Is he affected?" Worry rose in the atmosphere. I was about to open my mouth when Jongin-ssi spoke. "Halmeoni, he isn't. She just wants to know more about you." He laughed and I decided to go on with the script. "That's all for today." I left a warm smile and bowed. 


As soon as I left the room, Jongin-ssi called out my name softly. "Why did you ask about my grandmother about who was the love of her life?" He worriedly asked. "Before I answer that, what is her sickness?" I put my hands in my pocket. "She suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and Coronary Heart Disease, why do you ask?" Bingo. "Since you mentioned Coronary Heart Disease, I might even kill her in a sooner time. Look, everything that happens when you pick a Spade card is just a coincidence, but it happens every time." I closed my eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Your grandfather's dead." I said straight to the point. There was a long beep of silence until he came back to his senses. "He's dead?" He asked one more time. I nodded. "T-Thank you for saying the truth." His voice trembled. "My deepest condolences to you." I turned and walked downstairs.


"Take good care of yourself, Kim Jongin-ssi." I said behind him. The guards opened the main door and I walked out. And as nobody watched, I teleported home.


As normal, she would ready my uniform. Bom-unnie is home now. I took off my suit and changed to my uniform, this is my life as a Sophomore student. I properly put in my suit on it's hanger and put it inside my closet. I brushed my hair in the neatest, but not that neat, hairstyle. Now this is the start of my life cycle.

So, how was the first chapter? Bad, Good, or Best? Why did I even include Best X'D ?

Well then, did I do good? If my story is too messy, then I'm so sorry ( __ __ ) 

I can't even tell if my story's plot is messy ( -- __ -- ;;) Kibyul-nim is human too (ㅠㅠ)

Well. I think that's all. Bbyong!~

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Chapter 4: Bom unnie and her love for Corn will never get old~~kkk who wouldn't like Corn with Butter!? I myself like it soooo much!~~ ^^ the story is getting interesting!~ I'm looking forward to read the next chap! ~ ^^
Chapter 2: hmm at some part I was confused..but I'm getting there~~kkk I think I'll just need to re-read this chap to fully understand those parts that is bothering me~~Kk but so far so good! ^^
Chapter 2: I like it so far