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Aera couldn’t focus with her work since then. Her phone constantly rang because of Chanyeol but never Baekhyun. She stared at her phone blankly over her wallpaper of three of them. How things turn like this? She just wanted the two people that important to her to stay by her side always. This isn’t fair.


Aera thought and thought. She thought for one whole day and finally had courage to dial Baekhyun’s number because she wanted to meet and properly solve the problem but Baekhyun didn’t answer. After the third times, she gave up, thinking that the other was having a hard time. Thinking back, Baekhyun was supposed to have his heart broken. Her face darken upon realize it. Did she made a very big mistake? What should she do now? She didn’t want to lose him.


Her phone suddenly rang, Aera was startled. She immedietly took it, thinking it was Baekhyun but dejected when it wasn’t. Chanyeol called for her again. She bit her lip. Maybe she shouldn’t ray away from this problem too. I miss him. She felt that, deep in her heart.


And thus, Aera answered the call after the second time. “Hello,” her voice crack due to the crying.


“Let’s talk.”




“I’m right in front of your door, open up, please?”


“... kay.” Aera then put down her phone and made her way to the door and met up with Chanyeol.



They were sitting in the living room, side by side but didn’t face each other. Aera hugged her knees as she waited for Chanyeol to say something. She wanted to listen first before she made her own conclusion. Its been awhile since I see him. She didn’t want to regret anything because she loved him. She knew that for sure.


She look pale. Chanyeol cleared his throat. “Aera, I been thinking these past days and I think we both in wrong in this.” he began. “We are in relationship, so there were a lot of miscommunication. I didn’t tell you my anxious and so did you. We were trying to protect this relationship but we end up destroying it.” he said. “Aera,” he then turned to his side and face her. “I love you and I wouldn’t lie that. So please, let us stop this.”


Aera cried immeditely. She was sensitive these days so the tears just easily out. “I understand.” she said, wiped her tears. She turned toward him and said, “I love you too.”


“I miss you.” Chanyeol rested his forehead on hers.


“I miss you too.”



Aera rest her head over Chanyeol’s shoulder and had stopped crying while Chanyeol’s head was on her head. They were silently sat together after made up. It was then when she thought it was best time to say it. They had solve one problem but another was still unsolved. “What about Baekhyun?”


“...” Chanyeol stayed silent. “I’m being honest here, I don’t like it.”


“Baekhyun confessed to me.”


Chanyeol jolted in surprised. “He did?!” he moved his head and so did Aera. They face each other. “What did you say?”


“Of course I reject him but,” Aera told. “He told me that he wouldn’t be friends with me anymore.” she cried again.


Chanyeol felt sudden guilty. He put his hand on her head and patted, trying to comfort her. “It’s my fault, I’m sorry.” they were once friends. He liked the other because they had so many things in common but Aera was the only thing he couldn’t share. He knew it was hard to stay friends so he chose to just break it. He lost his friend but he will make sure to protect her because in the end she chose him.


Aera leaned over his chest and rest her head. “I guess this is the end since you wouldn’t let me see him.”


“I’m sorry.”


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[THREE] updated!!! do read!


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