Can't last a day without you

All we need is a RIGHT TIMING.

After sharing a night again with Jimin made Taehyung realize how lucky he was to have him, to have him on his darkest hours, to have him when he had no one. He was always there when he had problems. He was there to make him feel that it was fine to be angry, to be different, to be mad at the world, to shows what he really feel that even others can't understand him he is still there to support him as long as it was right.


Their friendship become deeper and deeper each passing day. There was a time when Taehyung had been scolded by his father for being disrespectful to his mother on phone. He locked to his room with nothing to eat though his father was worried he don't show it everytime his Hyung tried to bring him some foods his father stop it saying that if he was hungry he should go out of his room. He threated everyone who dare to give him foods.


Taehyung knew that he was wrong that what he did was not right but he can't fake a smile and pretend that everything is fine, that he was fine, that it was fine to grown up without his mother on his side. He was not fine that his parents were too busy in their business that they even forget to ask if he was fine.


Having nothing to eat he was really weak and hungry at the same time. He drank water from the fausette in his CR and luckily he had some cookies on his closet but that was not enough given that he was just 12 at the time. 


He was lying at his bed having no strenght to stand up. His visoin was starting to get blurred when the door swung open for the first time since last two days. It's Jimin. He brought him some foods and let him eat. He asked him to leave before his father notice but he refused and said to continue eating.


He was done with the half of the food when the door opened again. It was his father. He was angry and asked Jimin on who give him permission to gave him foods but Jimin was not afraid he said that he needs to eat, He need foods and if no one is brave enough to give him then he would but his father was not happy with it he take the foods from him and threw it on the floor. He said that he was a bad child and he didn't need sympathy because he deserved it. He started to cry Jimin comforted him and bravely said to his father that he only saw what wrong with him but don't make a way to make it right that made his father realize how bad and cruel he is to his son.


Jimin told him that he should be immune and not let his emotions control him, that he should not let them see how weak he is. He take that lesson to life.


Jimin changed him into something better and he will forever treasure those things he done for him. He realized that Jimin have done too much for him and yet he done nothing for him.


The next day he decided to become friendly, to become friendly in a particular group, in a group where Jimin belongs, to become friendly to BTS. If being close with the people he spend most of the time with is the only thing he can for now then so be it. He knew it was nothing compared to what he had done to him but it's just the beginning. 


Being friend to BTS was not bad as he expected, contrary to what he thought BTS is a cool and nice person. They even helped Jungkook on tutoring him that most of the time ended up as their bonding moments. 


After being friend with BTS there are some obvious changes on him, He finally learned to smile and laugh. He was starting to reach out to his parents but not in an obvious way and Jimin was glad to it.


It had been almost 2 months since Taehyung become close to BTS. He was thankful to it but what he don't know BTS was more thankful to it. For the reason they don't know yet. 



"Taehyung have been too serious about his studies nowadays!" Jin said as he stared at Jungkook and Taehyung on th edge of the classroom.


They decided to let Taehyung spend his tutoring class at their practice room to spend more time with him.


Jimin smiled. "Better than being serious about life!"


"He became cuter and cuter everyday!" He said without taking off his gaze from Taehyung.


"He's the cutest person I knon since we're young!" 


Jin smiled as the realization hits him. "Do you liked him? 


"W-ha-hat a-are you s-saying hyung?" He stammered. 


"It's obvious!"He patted his hand on his shoulder "May the best man win." He stand up and walked to Taehyung.


He stayed there sitting, staring as Jin walked. 


Is it really obvious?


He knows he'd been a little clingy lately but he never let his affection be shown not that he's afraid it's just that he was not yet ready.


May the best man win?


It hits him. 


Jin hyung also like Taehyung.


He jumped up and run where Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung are, He can not let him win, not without a good fight.


Jungkook was staring at Taehyung while he's answering the samples he'd given to him to know if he truly understand his explanation about their math lesson earlier. He was wondering why he become cuter and cuter each passing day.


It had been almost 3 months. 3 months with Kim Taehyung. It was not easy but not hard either. They're enjoying each ohers company. Whenever thet had free time they go malling and playing Video games sometimes with BTS but most of the time just the two of them. He had already introduce him to his parents and they like him, They love him. They always want to see him and whenever Taehyung is at their house his mother is taking good care of Taehyung more than him. His mother is a fangirl of Taehyung. He always hug and peck Taehyung everytime he asked his mother to calm down she say "you're just jealous."



He was really jealous but he don't know why. If it's because Taehyung is stealing his position on his mother's life or His mother is stealing his place on Taehyung's life he don't know but he knew one thing Taehyung was special. So damn special.


He is still staring at Taehyung when he lifted his head. Their eyes locked for a second but he quickly take it off afraid of what Taehyung might find out. He scanned the room, His heart was beating fast, when he got courage he returned his gaze back to him but his courage vanished quickly when he met again with Taehyung's alive gaze.


"You're cute!" Taehyung said as he lean on the mirror wall. "I'm done!"


Jungkook faced him. "Already?" Amazed on how Taehyung solved the problems.


"Don't bother to grade it. I ace it!"


He checked the answers and smiled. " I think I don't need to tutor you anymore." Jungkook regretted saying it co'z he saw how fast the smile on Taehyung's face vanished.


"Don't you want to spend your day with me anymore?" He said in a serious tone.


"I think you got it wrong what I meant is you become better and better everyday!"


"I'm fine with it. Just tell me!" He gave him a small smile.


"Is that what you want?"


Taehyung closed his eyes instead of answering when sensed that Jin was walking towards them.


"You guys done?" Jin said as he sat besides Taehyung.


"Not yet." He said. "I'm just giving him time to relax. He's over thinking, I mean he's making the equations complicated." He is really pissed off on how Taehyung misintepret what he said. He was upset that he don't know that he want to spend his day with him and only him. 


"Am I?" His eyes is still close. "The equations we're really hard it was frustating. I think it made it that way for me to give up and quit." He opened his eyes and locked it with him.


"You know that I don't want you to quit!" He said without taking his gaze off.


Jin could feel the tension between them which kinda suprised him because they're cool with each other. "I'm not happy with this. Fix it." He stand up.


"What's the problem?" Jimin said who is now standing in their side. 


Jin pulled him. "I don't know! They had to talk so we better leave them!" He said while dragging jimin away from them.


Taehyung broke the contact. He picked up his notebooks, put it on his bag. "I'm tired I want to go home!" 


"But we're not done yet!" 


He stand up. "Lets continue it tommorrow!"


Tommorrow? It means I'll still tutor him. Thanks god.


He smiled. "Ok. Take a rest. Believe me that was not I mean."


Taehyung just give him a nod and leave the room without saying goodbye to anyone. 


"What's the problem Jungkook?" Jimin asked the same question that is running in everyone's mind.


He shrugged. "I don't know either."


He joined the other members in practicing but he was consumed by thoughts about Taehyung thats why he can't concentrate. After 30 minutes of trying he call a quit. He can't practice without Taehyung, without him cheering him and praising how good he is. Taehyung is his energizer. He keep inspiring him to become better and continue honing his talents and without him he feel weak and useless. He decided to skip their practice of today to relax himself with the help of Jin who knew that he is not fine the other members let him.


While climbing up the stairs that will lead him to the room that will give himpeace and assurance that everything is fine his cellphone vibrates indicator that he received a text message. He take out his cellphone from his pocket A smile appeared when he saw the sender. It was Taehyung.


"Sometimes you have to break rules to have fun and have peace of mind. I dare you. I dare you to skip you practice and come here. Lets spend this day together!" He read through his mind.


"why would I" He texted back.


After a few seconds his cellphone vibrates again. "Because I miss you!"


His smiled become wider. He damnly want to scream at the moment. "It seems like we can't go on a day without seeing each other!" He replied.


"Are you coming?"


Instead of texting back he put his cellphone back to his pocket and opened the door revealing Taehyung sitting in his bed, shocked of seeing him but recover quickly and smiled.








A/N: I give my very best for this chapter I hope you like it :) Feel free to comment and critize so that I can make myself better next time :) THANK YOU FOR READING. I will update as soon I'm able :)

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vmin please
Chapter 9: Please let it be taekook til the end
Chapter 10: sweet chapter, i really love vmin
why is jimin such a lovely guy~
really nice writing, i liked picturing htem talking while looking at the stars with glimmering eyes
it was beautiful yet painful too :)
good luck with udpates
Pantaoris #4
irmayama #5
Chapter 10: vmin is friendship~` and hope for TaeKook being couple ^^
DaeJaeVMin98 #6
Chapter 9: Please let it be vmin >_< xD
Hahahaha.. :'D
PutriLoveHae #7
Chapter 9: im expecting vmin though hahahahhaa but wtv, i'll go with the flow
EXOtics_04 #8
Chapter 9: I hope this will be forever Taekook. I am such a hardcore shipper of Taekook, ya know? XD And just like kpopgirl2494, i expect more . Hahaha what a shippers we are? XD btw, this chapter is so cute! hahaha im squealing while reading this you know. Anyway, keep it up, author-nim! :))
irmayama #9
Chapter 9: Chapter 8: awwww Taekook kiss~ so beautiful <3~~~~ even kookie's parent want them to be together
I want baby twins~ boy and girl~` hehe so fighting taekook^^ make more taekook please *demanding for a ^0^
kpopgirl2494 #10
Chapter 9: Ahh yeahhh its Taekook till the end please don't change it they are perfect!!! Love it but I expect the could be more...? I'm such a XD