Jin 1

One Shot Request Collection

AN: This is for hyenatuan! I hope you like it!

"So why do you hate him again?" Your friend asked you.


"Hate who?" You answered.


"Kim Seokjin."


You groaned and shook your head at her. "I'm not explaining again because last time I did you called me an idiot and didn't talk to me for a week."


Your friend rolled her eyes. "Oh now I remember. It was something incredibly studpid."


You sighed. You got up and walked away. Ignoring her as she called out to you.


Noone understood why you hated Kim Seokjin.


He probably didn't know why.


But everyone knew you did, including him.


He was your enemy.


You made your way to the schools rooftop and laid down.


Just looked at the sky. Tears slipped from your eyes as you thought of why you hated him.


The two of you have always been in the same class. Two good students, but competetive. You felt like if he did better than you, you were looked down upon. You hated the feeling. You hated that the teachers always encouraged the competetiveness and said that he won again against you. You hated how they would tell you, you had to try harder to get into a good school. You hated it all.


What makes this worse is that a teacher had already pulled you aside and asked you what was wrong because you lost again to Kim Seokjin. You told them you tried your best and that nothing was wrong.


This was the wrong response because she showed you your score and it was worse then you imagined. You failed the assignment. You don't know how, but you did.


The teacher even suggested maybe Kim Seokjin should tutor you. You didn't want him to tutor you. You were fine on your own.


You would be better if they would stop comparing you two.


You knew that is why you failed because they wouldn't stop comparing you two.


You were tired of it.


Closing your eyes more tears slid down your cheek.


You knew it was stupid to hate him because of what everyone else created for you, but you couldn't help it. You wanted to get away from him. Away from the competitiveness that was killing you inside.


"You okay?" A voice asked.


You knew who it was and it was the last person you ever wanted to talk to.


Kim Seokjin.


"Why do you want to know?"


"Because a beautiful girl is crying and even though she hates me, I'm not heartless."


You sighed. "Sorry."  You sat up and wiped you tears.


He sat down next to you. "So why the tears? If you don't mind me asking."


"I'm just tired of this school. Its teachers. You. I just want to run."


"Its the competetiveness huh?" He asked. Your silence answered him. "Trust me I hate it too and for a while I hated you as well."


"You did?"


He nodded his head. "Yeah until I realized it was stupid to hate you because I didn't know you. I turned my hate the teachers mostly."


"I know it is stupid to hate you, but.." You started.


"But you can't help it?" He finished. He nodded his head. "I get it. I used to be the same way."


"How did you even stop hating me, especially when i've been nothing but a to you?"


Seokjin scratched the back of his head. "Well I over heard the teacher giving you a hard time and it made me realize that I wasn't the only one the teachers were bugging the crap out of. I also noticed when the teacher left you were practically in tears and I felt bad."


"So you felt sorry for me?"


He groaned. "Oh that came out wrong."


"Then what did you mean?"


"I felt bad because you shouldn't have been crying. The teachers shouldn't have been giving you a hard time feeling like you were worthless because you not. Your beautiful and smart. You shine perfectly on your own and I don't like the fact that they bring you down making whatever light inside you dimmer."


"Don't lie." You got up but he caught you.


"Oh no you don't." He said.


"Let go! I'm tired of hearing this crap!" You yelled and went to get up again, but he caught you.


Before you could say anything he kissed you. You tried pushing away, but you soon found yourself giving in.


Pulling away he wiped away the tears and pulled you into his arms. "*Your name*. I like you okay. I really do. I promis you to me you are everything I could want."


"Why?" You mumbled.


"Why what?" He pulled away and noticed more tears. He brought his hand up to your face and wiped them away.


"Why is it that I hate you, but yet I don't really hate you?"




Your eyes connected with his.


There were things you couldn't deny. He was good looking and he pretty eyes. He was never awful to you. He was nice and today proved it even more.


Truthfully you even had a small crush on him, but a teacher would take you aside and bring you down and you hated him again. The crush always came back.


"I hate you, but I don't really hate you."


Seokjin thought for a moment. "So does that mean you like me then?"


"Didn't say that." You mumbled.


Seokjin smirked. "You do."


"Now you are being cocky." You glared.


"Just say it. You like me." He poked at you.


"No. You're annoying." You huffed.


Seokjin looked around then got close to her. "Aww don't be like that."


You scooted away. "Well don't be annoying."


He scooted closer. "Awww come on." He pouted.


You snuck a glance and wish you didn't. He was pouting and it was adorable. "Alright alright I like you."  He grinned and you continued. "Now stop looking at me like that."


"What grinning? Or the pouting?"


You shook your head. "Not telling because you'll do it out of spite."


He put his hands on his heart. "Ouch. That hurt." You just stared at him. "I won't do it out of spite, but I can't guarantee that I won't do it again because one if its me grinning, I can't help that. If it is the pouting I won't be able to help it either because when it comes to you I won't be able to stop myself from acting cute."


"So what your telling me is that I'm going to have to get used to it?"


"Yes. Now are you willing to get used to it?"


"I did say I was going to have to get used to it didn't I?" You smirked.


He chuckled. "That you did m'lady that you did."


You smiled.


"*Your name* may I ask you a question." Seokjin asked.


"You already did, but go ahead."  You teased.


He laughed and continued. "Note to self will have to get used to your sassiness."


You giggled and said. "Yup. But continue sir."


"Will you be my girlfriend?" Seokjin asked looking you in the eye.


"You serious?" You answered.


"Yes i'm serious I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't." He replied.


"In that case sir. Yes. Yes I would."


He grinned. "Really?"


You smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Yes." The bell rung and you got up. "Now come on we need to get to class."


He smiled micheviously. "Lets just stay here."


"Considering I failed the last test? No." You grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up. "Now come on. Pleaseeeee." You pouted.


He sighed. "Alright since my girlfriend looks so cute when she pouts I will. But first I get to do this."


"Do what?" You asked.


Seokjin then connected his lips with yours and you smiled. "That." He then grabbed your hand. "Now lets go."

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Chapter 62: Thank you so much for writing this.... I really enjoyed it ❤ ❤
Chapter 45: I like Mr grumpy lol
Chapter 55: This one though it's a very sad one I loved reading it
Chapter 13: I'm nichkhun biased so I'm so happy his stories are friendly cute ones not romantic.... Love that
Chapter 2: Cute one
Chapter 60: omo it's so sweet and funny! thank you so much!! ♡
requesting < 3

EXO Baekhyun / Hye-ra
OC name : Hyera
Plot : hyera just recently got married to baekhyun and what baekhyun doesn't know is hyera love to use cucumber shower gel. baekhyun hates cucumber btw.
genre : rom-com
byzeloxoxo #8
Chapter 56: I just read it. Thank you, this is sweet :)
Train_girl #9
Chapter 53: Thanks for the story! I liked it!
hwootestjang #10
Chapter 55: Yeaaayyy!!! It was great!!
Suddently this kind of sickness is close to 2pm. Junho in a drama with the main character having alzheimer..
Thank you amber.. Love you <3