Chapter Five

Please Remember Me

But after a while........



It was a noise that pierced the peacefulness of night. It killed her sleep.

She woke up suddenly. There was a sound that kept buzzing. High-pitched.... Like something metal...

Aragaki looked around her room. It was still dark, she couldn't find her watch. What could it be? No one had bothered to wake up and turn it off. Grudgingly, she slid off her bed and tried to walk out the door.


She swore. "Ouch!" And this time, all the lights that led to the living room.

The alarm clock was ringing... Yui covered her ears as she reached it and hissed when it refused to stop ringing.

"There. You silly stubborn thing. Now good night!" She bitterly ripped off the back of the alarm clock and pulled the battery out.

------- no more noise-----

She walked back into bed and continued sleeping.





The typical sounds of kitchen ware being washed in the sink ready for breakfast brought Yui back into reality from her sleep. Her eyes still hurt badly from not sleeping well. She was a light sleeper and one little thing would ruin her whole night. The argument from last night was still present. Aragaki ate her sushi in silence at the circle dinner table that was in the middle of the dining hall. Her parents talked to each other indirectly. One always aiming their words at thin air, while the other tried to produce a peaceful atmosphere by answering back what the other parent had said.

She didn't think she wanted to live with it any longer.

"Mum, I'm going to station today-"

She was cut off by her mother, "Why? Who said that?" The words came out in a hurried way.

Aragaki noted the look of mistrust in her mother's eyes. She tried to direct it into a more comfortable conversation.

"I said I want to go to station today."


"I need to go book a studio."

There was no luck in trying to sound convincing. And her father didn't help her either. He was clicking on the computer with a grumpy expression on his face. It seemed like that from last night, he had noted Yui's reaction to the fight... and finally decided she was a threat to the family's name. Threat or not.... Aragaki didn't care. She wanted to go outside today. And she was going to go regardless.

Pouting, she wiped her side of the dinner table and packed away her sushi into a plastic box and put it into her bag. Time to see Kanata kun. As she walked towards her drawer, she saw her mother looking at her like there was something that wasn't going right. Suspicions. But she remembered the time her mother had come after one of her birthday events and completely blew off at her. Parent problems... Her mother was just that- not trusting, too suspicious, not careful, loud and rude for a joke. She missed having her own personal space.


"You said there were two girls at your party." This was after the birthday event and her mother had come to drive her back. (Her mother insisted on driving her back.)

"But after... I said that there were going to be two boys too."

WIth that reply. Her mum had shaken her head and looked at her with so much hate.

 "You little filthy liar!"

"I'm not a liar! I told you already."

"I can't believe you lied to me. I'm your mother. I treat you so well and you lie to me?"

She didn't speak but her mother continued on,

"Girls at this age aren't meant to go out with guys. Even if it's a friend event. Do you know what they can do to you?"

Aragaki was disgusted and wrinkled her nose, "They didn't do anything."

"They haven't done anything yet." Her mother was trying to get her to feel bad.

"They're my friends! I trust them."

"You see the girls in newspapers? What happen to them ah?"

"I've been hanging out with them for so long and nothing like tht has ever happened!"

"Yeah? You're so stupid. Wait till I tell your father--"

"JESUS!" Yui practically shouted the Lord's name while in the car. Her mother shut up.

And the rest of it was filled with tears. For being grounded and not able to have any social contact at all for the rest of her university life. And then the next day, her mum told her if she had a boyfriend, she would kill her.

"If we find out you have a boyfriend. We will make you dead. We will kill you." Those weren't the exact words. They were a lot harshly said.

 .... Aragaki at that time did not have a boyfriend. She didn't have much friends because she didn't care about popularity. How could she? She had acting and the beginning of her course exams. The real popularity that mattered to her came from her fans. Those who watched her on their screens and loved her from the 'face' she put forward. Not the girls from high school who graduated to university and tried to stick to her because she had actor guy friends...




Somewhere in her jeans pocket, her phone was ringing. She woke up from the deep daze she had fell in while she was on the train.


She answered it. "Hello. Hongo?"

"You're on the same train right? Which carriage?"

She stood up from her seat and glanced at the numbers on the slide-doors.

"I'm on 5! You?~"

For once in the whole week, she smiled. Don't mind the question. She knew where he was. She could hear him from the above carriage. They were on the same one. Laughing silently, she took her handbag with her and walked up the stairs as Kanata continued talking. When she reached him, she cut off his call. For a moment, it was all so quiet. And then...

"Hongo kun!~" Aragaki rushed to him from behind and hugged him.




--------------------------------- <3 

[Hello everyone! *waves* I just finished this. *happy smile* Did I do alright? Thank you for supporting me..

Especially the awesome people who subscribed :) <3 ily xx]


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keryna #1
Chapter 6: Oh my your story is so amazing. U need to update it. I cant wait
yeay!!! you update this!!
XD LOL! I'm glad you understood it little sister ^^
ahh nice! even if it is short~~ i really understand it~~ nice unnie! keep it up^^
<3 ty ty ty ^^
Autumn_Fall #6
You are off to a good start.....keep it up. (smiles)*
:OO Ikr <3 ^^ AND LOL, I'M SORRY HONORIUS x.x I was like "meh, lets add some korean" so this is kind of a mixture of everyone ._. (awkward if i randomly add some english bands too)
honorius #8
Hahaha, pretty cool...thought that this would be a japanese fic...and all of sudden Lee hong ki, park shin hye...hahaah XDDD. (I love Yui´s song in Bleach opening/ending <3)
@Elizabeth : Thanks bub ^^
xSupaLuvx14 #10
I READ IT! it really good and can't wait for next chapter. you do will in write in.