The Weekly War (feat. Anna the Banana)


Finally, the day has come. Put on your armors, prepare you weapons. It is time. The war has come. It will be a bloodbath, but it is inevitable. We will face it bravely, with our heads held high.

It is Friday. The day after Thursday, before Saturday. Also, the day where EXO 90:2014 broadcasts. Which also equate to TheMongs' death anniversary.

Allow me to give you a sneak peek of me and Anna's Kakaotalk conversation.


Anna: Okay will go back to sub

Arielle: Where are you at hahaha

Arielle: Don't tell me home please

Anna: I'm home of course why

Arielle: ANNA

Anna: Why?

Arielle: I MEAN where did you sub until?


Arielle: NO

Arielle: NOOOO


Arielle: I meant where did you sub until hahaha


And so, the war begins. The battlefield was filled with the cries of the warriors. Blood stained the ground where dead bodies splayed all over.

The first cry started 25 seconds into the video. It was Anna calling for Yixing. Seems like Yixing went into squishy mode again.

"TAEYONGGGGGG" the second cry was heard. I looked around the battlefield. It was covered in blood. I wiped my nose clean before braving through the war again.

After a long fight, the war finally ended. But this was only the beginning. We exchanged words of encouragement, virtually gave a pat on each other's back. "You've worked hard." We congratulated each other.

But the end of one war invites the start of another. The next war we have to face is tougher, more brutal and with more blood. This time, instead of the opponent, we have to face our army. We brought the news of our victory back to the base camp, received a bunch of congratulations and gratitude. We rested our exhausted bodies in our tents, dreaming of our sweet victories.

But of course, happiness doesn't last long. The next morning, we woke up to muffled noises. We look out of our tents, half of the army were outside, waiting for us. We glanced around with a puzzled look before a soldier started speaking. "Sir, one of our camps is attacked! We need to send in reinforcement quickly!" I looked at the number of soldiers we have left, a mere five thousand of them. Anna and I looked at each other for a moment. "Give me some time to come up with better tactics. We can not take this lightly." I said, frowning in thought.

A few soldiers walked up, stopping us. "But sir, there are lives at stake! We can not just leave them there!"

"We can not afford to lose anymore soldiers either. I will send a messenger over to the other generals for reinforcement. For now, I want all of you to prepare yourselves for the next battle." I announced across the group of soldiers before going back into the tent for discussion.


Anna: The link is not working already

Anna: How can it be detected so quickly?

Anna: Should we not allow any comment?

Anna: So that no one will mention the name of the show

Anna: And uh.....

Anna: What to do?

Arielle: The dm link?

Arielle: Its okay we can upload it to different sites

Arielle:  They will keep asking to reupload on dm but...

Arielle: I'll try later.

Arielle: Just woke up LOL


We discussed for some time but we could not come to a final decision until the messenger came back with the news that other generals have agreed to help, and will send in reinforcement right away.

We brought the good news to our army of soldiers. Their faces brightened, although some still disagreed, most were motivated. "We can and will win this war. Let's bring glory to our homeland. Bring back the peace and joy that was once there. Let's end this war!" All the soldiers cheered, loud and determined. The generals led their group of army towards the battlefield, encouraging each other while they marched.


Anna: /insert Yixing aegyo of love emoticon/

Anna: I can use this for every conv

Anna: except angry

Anna: or sad

Anna: like

Anna: /insert Yixing aegyo of love emoticon/

Anna: I can't do this anymore i need him but he is never here

Anna: its weird

Anna: /starts talking to myself again/

Arielle: LMAO

Arielle: ANNA



Arielle: /insert bunny laughing and hitting the ground with a mini crocodile/

Anna: /insert Yixing aegyo of love emoticon/

Anna: Just............ Addicted to this sticker

Anna: /insert Yixing aegyo of love emoticon/

Anna: Sorry

Anna: /insert Yixing aegyo of love emoticon/


We have a new general in TheMongs! Welcome, Marjo! ^^ Looking forward to subbing together!

What should I write about next?

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ByunillaChoco #1
Chapter 2: zzzz why u so emo one HAHAHAHHA
Chapter 1: this is really interesting please bok bok bok princess continue ^ ^
girl2112 #4
Chapter 1: This is what actually happen in that noon kekekekeke
tarepandawind #5
Chapter 1: Cuutee dear,,,^^,, or deer,, whatever you prefer,, guess sleep deprived really does something to people,, but this is too cute,, I might ship it,, XD,, luseja,, XD,,
cikchopper #6
What should we call this?? Wangseja journal? Hahaha its cute tho ≧﹏≦
gellis #7
Awesome story that's not really a story! Lmao
exokiss88 #8
Chapter 1: Thats cute ! hehehehe <3