afterall, I still survived

Forbidden Love


an update :D

sorry it takes me too long to update >:D



"I'm sorry again, miss.." the black hoodie guy apologized again. what's wrong with him ? the sun is shining brightly but he is wearing a black hooded jacket and his face is covered with a mask. weird..

"ahm should I take you to the clinic?" I shook my head.

"ani, after all I'm not that hurt.." I lied, I was hit by a basketball so it trully hurts >_< I just don't want any trouble thats why I lied.

"OK then I'm going..." he picked up the ball that hit me and started to walk away.

"ah. wait wait.." I called and he faced me again.

"err can I ask w-where is the 4th building??"

"just go straight there and turn left.." he guided me.. "right thanks :)" I replied then we separate ways. Didn't I said awhile back that I will solve this on my own? well, guess I'm tired of thinking. thanks and no thanks to you Mr. Black Hoodie Guy.



the secretary of the president told me to wait for the president in his office.

"aigoo when will the president arrive? I am waiting for almost 30minutes already, I think I'm late with my class>_<" right when I said that the door open revealing a tall white man, dressed so formal.. He must be the president. I quickly stand up then he looked at me form head to foot.

"a-anyeonghasseyo.." I give respect and bowed

"you must be Lee GaEul?" he asked and smiled

"ah nae and you must be....the president??" geez why did I ask that. ofcourse he is!!

I added "sorry for asking such a lame question.." I apologized..

"haha.. its okay go on you may sit now.." Mr.president said.. He sit infront of me..

"I'm sorry for making you wait.. You must be bored waiting for me.." Mr.president apologized

"aniyo, it's fine :))" I replied. LIE!! awhile back I was complaining and now I'll reply its fine.. psh! omy why am I good at lying >_< I handed him the papers that Sungmin oppa had given to me, he always smiled while looking at it.. what's the matter?

"you have good grades huh? just like what he always said.. haha" Mr.president said that made me confuse

"he? uhm I'm sorry but who's he? I ask as I furrowed my eyebrows..

"ahh it's nothing just don't mind me.. so Ms. Lee tell me about yourself.." and so, I told him a little bit about myself and family background. I focused  more on my study habits, my standing in school when I was still in busan. He keeps nodding, amazed.. He asked me some question, but the most hard one is "why do you want to study at Myeongji??" I paused for awhile and answered  "because I want to fulfill my family's dream, they really wanted me to study here.." woah! where did that come from?

"well, your parents must be proud of you now, you've already fulfiiled their dreams for you.."

"I hope so.." After that Mr. President gave me my class schedule for the whole sem and he handed me a paper where all the school's rules and guidelines are written.

"oh and by the way Ms. Lee, don't you ever tell your classmates that you've got into this school because of the scholarship we've given to you, arraso?"

"and why not?" I asked. but I was so suprised to his answer.

"because your the first student that has gotten into MyeongJi just because of scholarship. in short all the students here are elite, rich, multi millionaire or whatever you prefer to call them and your the only who is not....." he explained. what?? O.O aigoo my feelings were right! I'll regret everything.. Sungmin oppa, Sunny eonnie wae? wae? >______<



"goodness you're here already. I've been waiting for you.. come on in ppali.." Mr. Cho, my first subject teacher told me.

"class listen up!!!" he called and all the eyes of the students were on him ME! and he ordered me to introuduce myself.

"annyeonghasseyo!" I bowed. "Lee GaEul imnida, I am 20yearsold.. I am transffer student from-------"

                        *dont you ever tell them that you've gotten into this school because of scholarship.*

I continued "I'm from a rich school in Busan.. I hope you can treat me well. thank you" I lied again.. well if the President didn't tell me that, I'll just tell the truth.

"okay enough of that. let's proceed.. you may take your sit next to that guy at the back.."Mr.Cho ordered. but the girls started to overreact.

"aish she's sitting next to oppa!"


"a nerd next to our oppa? eww?!"


okay! the hell I care with your oppa. I'm here to study NOT to flirt like you. and is it my decision to sit next to your "oppa"?? tsk! tsk!!!

"hello I am GaEul, nice to sit next to you :)" I fake smile, then I placed my bag under the table and took my sit. the guy smiled to me revealing his cheekbone. aish! he reminds me of Sungmin oppa and Sunny eonnie. does he know how to aegyo?? he better not do aegyo infront of me or I'll kill him.. well he is goodlooking but whateverr like what I said I'm here to study, girls this guy is all yours!!!!

Mr.Cho, our english professor started to explain all his rules and regulations during his class. He also discussed how each and everyone of us will be graded. since its our first day, we don't have any lessons to tackle yet. after english, we have the rest our subjects... Like Mr.Cho, the rest of our teachers didn't discuss any lessons yet.. I grabbed my notebook and wrote all the notes that our professors had written on the board, but it makes me uncomfortable because my seatmate is always looking at me, I can feel it.. what is wrong with him, do I have a dirt on my face? well he can tell me if I have. I wipe my face, but I found no dirt.. he is a one WEIRD guy... and atlast the breaktime finally came.. I packed all my things and ready to get out of the room, when all the girls started to run at our area! the one girl pushed me aside so that he can sit next to his "oppa" and the other girls started to crowd him. aish what so special with him.. I immediately went out of the room. I looked at the map and find my way to the canteen.. when someone called me..

"GaEul-ssi Ga-Eul ssi!!!!" I looked back and its him again. My seatmate.. I looked at him with a weird expression.. why the hell is he calling me??

"hello GaEul ssi..."He smiled and waved infront of me.. aish! he really acts like my oppa and eonnie..

he continued.. "sorry for not introducing myself formally. and sorry about those girls awhile back.. I'm Kim Ryeowook by the way.." he said.


"ahh nice to meet you Ryeowook-ssi.." I replied..

"where are you going?"he asked

"uhm to the canteen.."

"good I am going there to kaja lets go together.." he smiled again and he lead me to the canteen.. okay he is nice!

"GaEul ssi you can sit here while I order foods okay.." Ryeowook said..

"okay:)" I said.. the canteen is also big, much bigger compared to the canteen on my old school in Busan.. really! the life of elite students.. I opened my bag and grabbed the lunch box that my oppa and eonnie prepared.. I was waiting for Ryeowook to arrive when I noticed that the color of the chair I was sitting at is different from the rest of the chairs in the canteen.. the chair I was sitting at was in blue while the rest was in white even the table infront of me was in blue.. okay my mistakes, there was 7 or 10 more chairs in blue.. it makes me feel uncomfortable again because most of the people in the canteen are looking at me! what did I do again?? Ryeowook just told me to sit here, but why they're looking at me? oh I hate this >____<

"the food is here ^___^" Ryeowook said and he placed all the foods on the table.

"woah!! your eating all of this?" I asked as my eyes grew bigger..

"aniyo.. I bought these for the two of us.." Ryeowook said

"but..but I never told you to buy for me too. and infact I have my own lunch with me.." I said and showed him my luchbox..

"GaEul ssi your in college already and still you brought that lunch box with you.. we have canteen here.. why not just buy here??" Ryeowook ask.. how can I buy here, my allowance for the whole week can't afford to buy even one dish..

"err its because...... I don't even know if the food here is clean or what.. Don't worry next time I'll buy my lunch here.. hehehe.." I answered... I began to eat too, and I help Ryeowook to finish all the foods that he bought =____= my stomach is full already!!

"ah! I am full already thanks for the food, Ryeowook ssi.." I said..

"your welcome.. You know GaEul you look cute :D" Ryeowook said.. what the heck is he talking about.. I am what? cute? does he have problems with his eyes or something?

"what?? o.O" I asked looking shock.

"you're cute, that's why I keep looking at you awhile back in class.."He confess and I was right! I knew he was looking at me..

"ah so thats why.. it makes me feel uncomfortable when someone looks at me for no reason.."

"haha..sorry about that.."

"Ryeowook ssi please stop talking nonsense, I aint cute.."

"yes you are cute..." he insist

"I hate cute people, so I am not :("

"jinjja? so you hate me?"he asked as he blinks his eyes.. he is doing now an aegyo >_<

"not really.. but if you do an aegyo infront of me, I'll hate you.." I said and he stopped blinking.. He asked me about myself, where did I study before, where's my parents, where my oppa and eonnie study, where do I live now, how old I am, when is my birthday, he even ask me what my height is, and more.. I answer all of his questions but most of my answers were all LIE!! I also ask the same questions to him and he answered it all, honestly, I guess.. I found out that he is a month older than me, so I guess he is my oppa.. Oh and I also ask him, why did he chose to sit on blue chairs when he can just choose the white ones?

"this is my and my best friends area.."he said

"best friends??"

"yes, don't worry you'll meet them soon.. I think they still have class until now.."

"aahh do they aegyo??"

"hmm no! I am the only one :)"

"thank goodness.." I sighed, relieved..

"well I guess we're friends now?" he asked

I nodded. "okay we're friends now :))"


We decided to proceed to our next classroom for our next subjects. I always sit next to Ryeowook, even if the girls gave me death glares I still choose to sit next to him!! We meet the rest of our professor then it is already dismissal. woohoo! time to go home.. hahaha...


"so GaEul ah which one is your car here?" Ryeowook oppa asked.. OMG!!!! eotteoke?!

"aaahhhh that one over there... yes that one.." I answered getting nervous.

"nice car you have.. so I am going now.. see you tomorrow :)"

"okay, see you :)) goodbye~" I waved at him.. then he entered his car and started the engine.. I watch as his car disappears in my sight, then I quickly ran to the front gate and walk my way back home..

"I'm home!!!" I shouted..

"our baby is home :) yah oppa GaEul is here.."Sunny eonnie was the first one to approach me.

"princess, hows school.. look I cooked kimchi for you.. you must be tired.."Sungmin oppa said..

"well, its my first time to an elite school so.. yes I'm tired.." I said and sat on our sofa.

"so it went well right?"Sungmin oppa asked, getting excited.

"hush! not really.."I replied..

"aigoo why? what happened?"Sunny eonnie asked

"well I just found out that I am the ONLY average student in that school.. but my great oppa and eonnie didn't even tell me.." I crossed my arms and looked at them.. they bit their lips.

"but now its okay.. afterall I cant take back my answers, its all here. I should just be careful, not to mention that I got an scholarship.." I said..

I continued "by the way, I got a friend already.. happy now?"

"oh! jinjja? waa our dongsaeng is jjang?" Sungmin oppa said.

"but if its okay if he is a boy? he is the first one who approach me.." I ask

"a boy? wow baby, he must like you :">" Sunny eonnie said

"EONNIE! what are you saying.. ofcourse not.." I said getting irritated.

"why will he not like you? huh? but whatever atleast you already have a friend.."

"I'll sleep  first.. just call me if you need anything.." I said and headed to my room.

"okay dongsaeng sweet dreams.." Sungmin oppa said.

I changed my clothes and I lied on my bed and took a deep breath












"hush! its really tiring. oh well atleast.. I survived.. thank God :)"

I said as I close my eyes.




comments&subscribersareloved :')

wahahaha!! Donghae is not yet here :P

must wait for the next chapterssss, don't worry I'll reveal him SOON :)

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pls change the font pls!!
thisistina28 #2
thisistina28 #3
yah.yah. be sure to complete this .hahaha. FIGHTING! 사랑해:))<3